IMPLEMENTED CURRICULUM vs ACHIEVED CURRICULUM In the SIMS model, the curriculum was viewed as having three aspects: the intended curriculum, the implemented curriculum, and the attained curriculum • The intended curriculum refers to the curricular goals of the education system and the structures established to achieve them • The implemented curriculum refers to the practices, activities, and institutional arrangements within the school and classroom that are designed to implement the goals of the system • The attained curriculum refers to the products of schooling How can we compare and contrast a Intended curriculum (written) b Implemented curriculum (taught) c Achieved curriculum (learned / attained) First, to compare the written (intended) curriculum to the taught (implemented) curriculum, we may use curriculum mapping Curriculum Mapping is a technique that is very useful Essentially, a curriculum map is created by the teacher of the subject by recording what he/she is actually doing in the classroom at various points throughout the day A second analysis is backward mapping That is, analyzing items on a culminating test to determine the actual achieved curriculum THANK YOU ALL FOR LISTENING… Discussant: JERSON R CASTILLO ...In the SIMS model, the curriculum was viewed as having three aspects: the intended curriculum, the implemented curriculum, and the attained curriculum • The intended curriculum refers to the... system • The attained curriculum refers to the products of schooling How can we compare and contrast a Intended curriculum (written) b Implemented curriculum (taught) c Achieved curriculum (learned... written (intended) curriculum to the taught (implemented) curriculum, we may use curriculum mapping Curriculum Mapping is a technique that is very useful Essentially, a curriculum map is created