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Dao Thi Thu Ha Graduation Paper MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING HANOI PEDAGOGICAL UNIVERSITY N0.2 FOREIGN LANGUAGES FACULTY ==***== DAO THI THU HA COMMON ERROS IN THE USE OF PRIMARY AUXILIARY VERBS (SUBMITTED IN PARTIAL FULFILMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF ARTS IN ENGLISH) SUPERVISOR: NGUYEN THI HONG NHAT, M.A Hanoi, May 2012 Foreign Languages Faculty Dao Thi Thu Ha Graduation Paper ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to express great gratitude to my supervisor, Nguyen Thi Hong Nhat, M.A., for her invaluable support and masterful guidance throughout the process of writing this thesis My sincere thanks are expressed to all lectures of Foreign Languages Faculty at Hanoi Pedagogical University N0.2 for their valuable knowledge, and advice during my study I would like to thank to all the first year English major students of Foreign Languages Faculty for their cooperation, which contributes to my successful thesis My deep love and special gratitude are also my beloved parents for teaching me, and giving me support, advice, and love that help me to accomplish this thesis Furthermore, I would like to thank my close friends who never stop encouraging me to finish my thesis Foreign Languages Faculty Dao Thi Thu Ha Graduation Paper ABSTRACT It cannot be denied that English is one of the most popular and important languages in the world Since it becomes an international language, English covers most aspects of social life such as education, economy, and technology However, many people agree that English has a very complicated grammatical system and it causes many difficulties for students who learn English as foreign language (EFL), especially Vietnamese students Inspired from the reality, the study is carried out on fifty first- year English major students of Foreign Languages Faculty at Hanoi Pedagogical University N0.2 to investigate the students’ knowledge of primary auxiliary verbs and find out common errors in the use of this kind of verb Based on results of survey, common errors in the uses of primary auxiliary verbs are analyzed clearly There are seven main types of errors, which the students make on doing exercises Among them, percentage of errors in the use of “have” in structure “have + subject + verb form” is highest; meanwhile the propotion of errors in the use of “do” to avoid repetition is lowest With the strong hope that the study will help the students to reduce their errors, the researcher proposed some useful techniques Then, limitations of the thesis and suggestions for further study are also mentioned Foreign Languages Faculty Dao Thi Thu Ha Graduation Paper STATEMENT OF AUTHORSHIP Title: COMMON ERRORS IN THE USE OF PRIMARY AUXILIARY VERBS (Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for Degree of Bachelor of Arts in English) I certify that no part of this report has been copied from any other person’s work without acknowledgements and that the report is originally written by me under instructions of my supervisor Date submitted: April 2012 Student Supervisor DAO THI THU HA NGUYEN THI HONG NHAT, M.A Foreign Languages Faculty Dao Thi Thu Ha Graduation Paper TABLE OF CONTENTS Acknowledgments ii Abstract iii Statement of authorship iv Table of contents .v List of tables and figure ix List of abbreviations x PART ONE INTRODUCTION Rationale Research objectives Research scope Research tasks Research methods Research significance Research design PART TWO DEVELOPMENT CHAPTER ONE: LITERATURE REVIEW I.1 Literature review in brief I.2 Auxiliary verbs I.2.1 Definition I.2.2 Characteristics Foreign Languages Faculty Dao Thi Thu Ha Graduation Paper I.2.3 Classification I.3 Primary auxiliary verb 10 I.3.1 Forms and the uses of “Be” 10 I.3.1.1 Forms 10 I.3.1.2 “Be” as an auxiliary verb 11 I. “Be” is used in formation of progressive forms 11 I. “Be” is used in the formation of passive voice 11 I. “Be” is used in the structure “Be + infinitive verb” 12 I. “Be” is used in structures “Be about + infinitive verb” 12 I.3.1.3 “Be” as an ordinary verb 13 I.3.2 Forms and the uses of “Have” 13 I.3.2.1 Forms 13 I.3.2.1 “Have” as an auxiliary verb 14 I. “Have” is used in formation of perfect tenses 14 I. “Have” is used to make questions and negatives 14 I. “Have” is used in structure “Have + V_ infinitive” 15 I.3.2.2 “Have” as an ordinary verb 15 I. “Have” is used to show possession 15 I. “Have” is used to express actions and experiences 16 I. “Have” is used in structure “Have + object + verb form” 16 I. “Have” in questions and negatives 17 I. Double form “have got” 17 I.3.3 Forms and the uses of “Do” 18 I.3.3.1 Forms 18 I.3.3.2 “Do” as an auxiliary verb 18 I. “Do” is used in the negative 18 I. “Do” is used in interrogative 18 Foreign Languages Faculty Dao Thi Thu Ha Graduation Paper I. “Do” is used in emphasis 19 I. “Do” is used in imperative 19 I. “Do” is used to avoid repetition 20 I.3.3.3 “Do” as an ordinary verb 20 I.3.4 Comparison modal auxiliary verbs with primary auxiliary verbs 20 CHAPTER TWO: METHODOLOGY, RESULTS, DISCUSSION, AND SUGGESSTED SOLUTIONS II.1 Methodology 23 II.1.1 Research questions 23 II.1.2 Participants 23 II.1.3 Data collection 24 II.1.3.1 Procedure 24 II.1.3.2 Instrument 25 II.1.4 Data analysis 26 II.2 Results 27 II.3 Discussion 28 II.3.1 Answer to research question 28 II.3.2 Answer to research question 29 II.3.2.1 Errors in the use of “have” in structure “have + object + verb” 29 II.3.2.2 Errors in the use of “do” in emphasis 30 II.3.2.3 Errors in the use of “be” in passive voice 30 II.3.2.4 Errors in the use of “be” in progressive form 31 II.3.2.5 Errors concerning subject- verb agreement 31 II.3.2.6 Errors of confusion between auxiliaries and ordinaries 32 II.3.2.7 Errors in the use of “do” to avoid repetition 33 II.4 Suggested solutions to the problems 33 Foreign Languages Faculty Dao Thi Thu Ha Graduation Paper II.4.1 Suggested solutions 33 II.4.2 Suggested exercises 35 II.4.2.1 Suggested sources for primary auxiliary verb exercises 35 II.4.2.2 Suggested types of exercises 35 II.4.2.3 Samples of exercises 36 PART THREE CONCLUSION CONCLUSION 40 REFERENCES APPENDIX APPENDIX APPENDIX Foreign Languages Faculty Dao Thi Thu Ha Graduation Paper LIST OF TABLES Table 1: Forms of primary auxiliary verb “be” 10 Table 2: Forms of primary auxiliary verb “have” 13 Table 3: Forms of primary auxiliary verb “do” 18 Table 4: Percentage of errors in the use of primary auxiliary verbs 27 Table 5: Marks and level of the students 28 LIST OF FIGURE Figure 1: The performance of the students on primary auxiliary verbs 29 Foreign Languages Faculty Dao Thi Thu Ha Graduation Paper LIST OF ABBRIVIATIONS EFL: English as foreign language ESL: English as second language Foreign Languages Faculty Dao Thi Thu Ha Graduation Paper ……………………………………… Exercise 3: Complete following sentences by underlining the best answer in bracket 21.(Did you have/ you have/ you has) a thunderstorm yesterday 22 Come in, we (is/ is having/ having) a debate 23 I (was having/ were having/ have) a very interesting conversation with the milkman when my neighbor interrupted me 24 It is difficult to learn a foreign language when you (do not have/ does not have/ are not have) an opportunity of speaking it 25 The farmers (is having/ are having/ were having) a lot of troubles with foxes at present 26 My flat was full of dust because the old house just opposite (was pulled/ was pulling/ was being pulled) down 27 She is learning Italian She (is taught/ taught/ is being taught) by a professor from Milan 28 How many sides does a pentagon (have/ has/ had)? 29 (Do/ did/ does) you have anything to eat before you left home? 30 (Did/ do/does) you have a good night? – No, I slept very badly Exercise 4: Fill in the blanks with appropriate forms of be, have and 31 .………….you know where John lives? 32 She .look rather shabby 33 I ………….not see him last week 34 I will go to Mumbai after I ………….finished my work here 35 She ………… playing the piano when I entered the room 36 The boy ………… regained consciousness before the doctor came Foreign Languages Faculty Dao Thi Thu Ha 37 That is what she ………… not seem to understand 38 ………….you take him for a fool? 39 They ………… violated the terms of the agreement 40 The attic was dark, so last year we………… skylight put in Foreign Languages Faculty Graduation Paper Dao Thi Thu Ha Graduation Paper PART THREE CONCLUSION CONCLUSION We cannot deny that learning a language especially grammar of that language is very difficult, because each language has its system which is different from that in the learner’s native language The English grammar is very complicated and causes many difficulties for learners even for advanced learners Primary auxiliary verb is one of the categories given when mentioning to mistakes students make when learning English grammar For this reason, the study has done to find out the common errors of primary auxiliary verbs and suggested some solutions to help them to limit mistakes The results of questionnaire survey shows that the most common error is the error in the use of “have” in structure “have + object + verb”, approximately 74% Percentage of error in the use of “do” in emphasis and “be” in passive voice stands at the second rank with 54% The students also confuse between primary auxiliaries and ordinaries with 46% Besides, they make mistakes with “be” in progressive forms and mistakes with subject- verb agreement with 42% and 26% respectively The least common error is error in the use of “do” to avoid repetition, approximately 20% Based on the findings, some suggested solutions are made in order to help the students to reduce their errors, as follows: Try to understand and remember the use of primary auxiliary verbs Students should synthesize their grammar of primary auxiliaries scientifically Should limit negative influence of mother tongue Should distinguish different uses of the same auxiliary Foreign Languages Faculty Dao Thi Thu Ha Graduation Paper Should practice doing primary auxiliary verb exercises Due to the shortage of time as well as this being the first thesis of the researcher on the matter, errors and shortcomings have inevitably remained Thus, the researcher warmly welcomes and highly appreciates all comments, remarks, and suggestions Limitations and suggestions for further study Although the research sheds light on the use and function of primary auxiliary verbs, it is inevitably deficient in a few aspects The first limitation in the thesis is that number of participants taking pat in the questionnaire survey is small There are fifty English major students of Foreign Language Faculty at Hanoi Pedagogical University N0.2; therefore, it is difficult to apply this thesis to other participants at other universities The second deficiency is that the number of questions in questionnaire survey is not large, only sixty questions The last limitation of the study is that the researcher have not handed – out a questionnaire to investigate the students’ perception of their errors; therefore, mentioned causes and solutions are limited For further study in this area, further suggestions are made as below: Firstly, research scope could be expanded to a greater extent Secondly, error type of primary auxiliary could be subdivided into more details In addition, many other fields concerning the acquisition of primary auxiliaries need further discussing and researching Learning English is a very complicated progress in which it is avoidable for the students to make mistakes It is hoped this study has made certain contributions to help the students to reduce their mistakes on doing exercises Although I have made efforts, mistakes and shortcomings are unavoidable I would be much grateful to welcome all possible comments from readers to accomplish the work Foreign Languages Faculty Dao Thi Thu Ha Graduation Paper REFERENCES Azar, B S (2002) Understanding and using English grammar (3rd ed.) New York: Longman Azar, B S., & Azar, D A (1999) Fundamentals of English grammar New York: Prentice hall regents Beason, L & Lester, M (2003) A commonsense guide to grammar and usage (6th ed.) Boston: Bedford Borjars, K & Burridge, K (2010) Introducing English grammar London: Hodder education Choy, P & Clark, D G (2006) Basic grammar and usage (8th ed.) Boston: Wadsworth cengage learning Collins, P & Hollo, C (2000) English grammar: An introduction New York: Palgrave publisher Conrad, S., Biber, D., & Leech, G (2002) Students grammar of spoken and written English London: Longman DeCapua, A (2008) Grammar for teachers: A guide to American English for native and non- native speakers New York: Springer Dowing, A., & Locke, P (2006) English grammar: A university course (2nd ed.) New York: Routledge Dykes, B (2007) Grammar for everyone: Practical tools for learning and teaching grammar Victoria: ACER press Eastwood, J (1994) Oxford guide to English grammar Oxford: Oxford university press Foley, M & Hall, D (2003) Advanced learner’s grammar: A self study reference and practice book with answers Longman Foreign Languages Faculty Dao Thi Thu Ha Graduation Paper Greenbaum, S (1996) The Oxford English grammar Oxford: Oxford university press Hewings, M (1999) Advanced grammar in use Cambridge: Cambridge university press Huddleston, R (1984) Introduction to the grammar of English Cambridge: Cambridge university press Kam, C A., & Kam K H., (1992) Longman dictionary of grammar in usage Longman Quirk, R., Greenbaum, S., Leech, G., & Svartirk, J (1972) A comprehensive grammar of the English language London: Longman Quirk, R., Greenbaum, S., Leech, G., & Svartirk, J (1972) A grammar of contemporary English London: Longman Swan, M (2005) Practical grammar usage Oxford: Oxford university press Thomson, A J., & Martinet, A V (1979) A practiced English grammar combined exercises Oxford: Oxford university press Thomson, A J., & Martinet, A V (1986) A practical English grammar (4thed.) Oxford: Oxford university press Yule, G (1998) Explaining English grammar Oxford: Oxford university press Yule, G (1999) Oxford practice grammar Oxford: Oxford university press Foreign Languages Faculty Dao Thi Thu Ha Graduation Paper APENDIX 1: QUESTIONNAIRE SURVEY I am Dao Thi Thu Ha from K34B of FLF, HPU2 I am doing research on the topic: “Common errors in the use of primary auxiliary verbs”, therefore, your answers would help me to finish the research The questionnaire consists of two sections in which section I asks you some demographic questions and section II is a sixtyquestion test of your knowledge on primary auxiliary verbs “be”, “do” and “have” Your answers will be used for the research purpose only Thank you very much for your cooperation! Section I: Students’ profiles Your name: Your age: Your gender: Male Female Years of learning English: Section II: Test Exercise 1: Give correct form of the verb in bracket What you (do)? I (do) my homework ………………………………………………………………………………………… This bridge (build) ten years ago ………………………………………………………………………………………… My mother (cook) some food in the chicken at present ………………………………………………………………………………………… While you (play) the piano, I wrote a letter ………………………………………………………………………………………… We (see) him a few times recently ………………………………………………………………………………………… She (have) tea or coffee for breakfast? Foreign Languages Faculty Dao Thi Thu Ha Graduation Paper ………………………………………………………………………………………… He lives in London and so (do) his sister ………………………………………………………………………………………… This town is always clean The streets (clean) everyday ………………………………………………………………………………………… You (have) your windows (clean) every month? ………………………………………………………………………………………… 10 I (not have) them (clean) …………………………… 11 There (be) two books on the table ……………………………………… 12 My mother arrived when I (clean) the kitchen ………………………………………………… 13 He didn’t know the way and anyone else (do) either ………………………………………………………… 14 They don’t take the English lesson, (do) they? ………………………………………………… 15 My mother likes travelling and so (do) my father ……………………………………………………… Exercise 2: Identify the function of the underlined verbs in these sentences Write O under the verb functioning as an ordinary verb, write A under the verb functioning as an auxiliary verb 16.This week's combination added a new dose of urgency to an industry that has been discussing consolidation for a decade ………………………………………………………………………………………… 17 This is encouraging people to think even more about deals they had already been thinking about Foreign Languages Faculty Dao Thi Thu Ha Graduation Paper ………………………………………………………………………………………… 18 One volunteer would just be fine actually …………………………………………… 19 It takes me a while to set her up, because I never know when she is going to show up ………………………………………………………………………………………… 20.She shows up when she has the time, which is great ……………………………………………………… 21.But I am not set up to deal with that very well ………………………………………………… 22.I still have not gotten hold of Michael ………………………………………… 23.I not know what's happened with him ……………………………………………… 24 I have to my homework ……………………………… 25 Did you have a good time at the pioneer camp? ……………………………………………………… 26 English, like all languages, is full of problems for the foreign learner ………………………………………………………………………… 27 I have to my homework ………………………………… 28 When we use the past tense, and when can we use the past perfect? ………………………………………………………………………… 29 Instructors what they can to make points clear ……………………………………………………… 30 Most have succeeded in explaining complex ideas in simple ways ………………………………………………………………………… Foreign Languages Faculty Dao Thi Thu Ha Graduation Paper Exercise 3: Complete following sentences by underlining the best answer in bracket 31.It is no good arguing with someone who (has/ have/ is) a bee in his bonnet 32.Did you (have/ has/ had) this toothache yesterday? 33.Don’t disturb him; he (has/ is/ is having) a rest 34.How many lessons does he (have/ has/ had) a week? 35.The house wasn’t ready; it still (was being painted/ is painted/ painted) 36.What is happening now? The injured man (was/ is/ is being) carried out of the arena 37.They (have violated/ has violate/ has violated) the terms of the agreement 38.Is he (does/ doing/ did) exercise? 39.I don’t believe it and neither (do/ does/ did) Ann 40.He writes storybooks and so (do/ does/ did) she 41.Your roof is leaking, you should (has it repaired/ have it repair/ have it repaired) 42.The battery is all right now I (have just it recharge/ has just it recharge/ have just it recharged) 43.How long (have you studied/ has you studied/ have you study) English? 44.(Have you seen/ has you seen/ you have seen) him since last Saturday? 45.Be careful of those knives I (have just it sharpened/ have just it sharpen/ has just it sharpened) Exercise 4: Reordering these sentences 46.Seat/ do/ a/ take ……………………… 47.Attention/ do/ pay/ young man/ to …………………………………… 48.Quite/ keep/ Foreign Languages Faculty Dao Thi Thu Ha ………………… 49.Do/ at/ yourself/ home/ make …………………………………… 50.Off/ do/ your/ take/ feet/ table/ the …………………………………… 51.Has/ somebody/ broken/ this window …………………………………… 52.George/ working/ this week/ isn’t …………………………………… 53.What/ you/ doing/ are/ now? …………………………………… 54.Invited/ have/ you/ been/ to/ lunch …………………………………… 55.Are/ how/ old/ you? ………………………… 56.It/ is/ to / how far/ Hanoi? …………………………… 57.Is/ how long/ the river? …………………………… 58.Or/ hurry up/ we/ will/ late/ be/ …………………………………… 59.She/ sing/ as/ doesn’t/ as/ well/ do/ I …………………………………… 60.Doing/ exercises/ he/ is …………………………… Foreign Languages Faculty Graduation Paper Dao Thi Thu Ha Graduation Paper APPENDIX 2: ANSWER KEYS OF QUESTIONNAIRE SURRVEY Exercise 1 what are you doing? – I am doing you have your windows cleaned? was built 10 not have them cleaned is cooking 11 are were playing 12 was cleaning have seen 13 did does she have…? 14 does 15 does are cleaned Exercise 16 A 24 O 17 A 25 A 18 O 26 O 19 A 27 A 20 O 28 O 21 A 29 O 22 A 30 A 23 A Exercise 31 has 32.have 33 is having 34 have 35 was being painted Foreign Languages Faculty Dao Thi Thu Ha 36 have just it sharpened 37 is being 38 have violated 39.doing 40 does 41 does 42 have it repaired 43 have just it recharged 44 have you study 45 have you seen Foreign Languages Faculty Graduation Paper Dao Thi Thu Ha Graduation Paper Exercise 46 Do take a seat 47 Do pay attention to young man 48 Do keep quite 49 Do make yourself at home 50 Do take the feet off table 51 Somebody has broken this window 52 George isn’t working this week 53 What are you doing now? 54 You have been invited to lunch 55 How old are you? 56 How far is it to Hanoi? 57.How long is river? 58 Do hurry up or we will be late 59 She doesn’t sing as well as I 60 He is doing exercise APPENDIX 3: ANSWER KEYS OF SUGGESSTED EXERCISES Exercise 1: is to make is having were Do English people always have…? were I don’t have were are Did you have…? 10 are to stay Exercise 2: 11 A 12 O 13 O 14 A, O 15 A 16 A 17 A 18 A Foreign Languages Faculty ii Dao Thi Thu Ha 19 O Graduation Paper 20 O Exercise 3: 21 Did you have 22.is having 23 were having 24 don’t have 25 are having 26 was being pulled 27 is being taught 28 have 29 Did 30 Did Exercise 4: 31 Do 32 Do 33 Did 34 Have 35 was 36 had 37 does 38 39 have 40 had Foreign Languages Faculty iii [...]... by the first- year students To find out the causes of those types of errors in the use of primary auxiliaries made by the students To propose effective ways to help the students to minimize their errors in the use of primary auxiliary verbs Research scope The research scope is on grammar of primary auxiliary verbs and the uses of grammar of the students The common errors in the use of primary auxiliary. .. reduce their errors in the use of primary auxiliary verbs in next semesters As mentioned in the last past, primary auxiliary verb is an important part which is popular in tests and examinations; therefore the thesis helps them much more other participants such as junior or senior Lastly, the thesis helps the students to pay much more their attention to the use of primary auxiliary verbs in the next... because of the scope of the study, the research focuses on primary auxiliary verbs Auxiliary verbs Foreign Languages Faculty Modal Primary auxiliary auxiliary Dao Thi Thu Ha Graduation Paper I.3 Primary auxiliary verb There are three primary auxiliary verbs, i.e “to be”, “to have” and “to do” These primary auxiliary verbs are used together with a main verb to give the grammatical information and therefore,... attention to this kind of verb As a result, they make errors when doing exercises on primary auxiliary verbs For example: She is not play in the garden Tom likes listening to pop music and so like I With the purpose of helping students to understand more about the uses of primary auxiliary verbs and proposing some suggestions to reduce errors in the use of primary auxiliary verbs, this thesis is conducted... the thesis helps teachers to anticipate and realize the commons errors that their students often make when doing exercises on primary auxiliary verbs Hence, they can find out suitable ways to reduce those errors On the part of students, the thesis provides a general picture about forms, the uses and function of primary auxiliary verbs In addition, the study helps the students to realize their errors they... auxiliary verbs not only the auxiliary “do” Therefore, it is necessary to conduct a comprehensive study on the common errors in the use of primary auxiliary verbs I.2 Auxiliary verbs I.2.1 Definition Auxiliary verbs are defined by many researchers Swan (1980, p 90) defines auxiliaries as following Auxiliary or helping verbs are the ones that are used together with others to help them express particular... mistakes of inverting the subject and verb to form questions and errors in forgetting to leave the main verb in its base form In summary, although many researchers concern the use and function of primary auxiliary verbs, only DeCapua (2008) focuses his attention on common errors, which ESL/ EFL learners have with the auxiliary “do” However, there are many errors relating to primary auxiliary verbs not... attention In the context of Foreign Languages Faculty at Hanoi Pedagogical University N0.2, the thesis is supposed to investigate common errors in the use of primary auxiliary verbs by the first-year English majors Therefore, hopefully, the thesis is beneficial to both students and teachers in using primary auxiliary verbs Foreign Languages Faculty Dao Thi Thu Ha Graduation Paper On the part of teachers, the. .. Collecting, reading and synthesizing information from grammar books and practical grammar books quoted in references Piloting and conducting a survey Analyzing the results of the survey by classifying the errors, and Calculating their percentage Research significance Primary auxiliary verbs are one of the important scales which are concerned by researchers Many of them focus their attention on common errors. .. the method used in the study including research questions, participants, instrument and procedure of the study In addition, this chapter provides information of the students’ understanding about primary auxiliary verbs through the marks of test, gives some common errors and discusses how and why the students make those errors The last part presents the conclusion for the study In this part, the researcher ... investigate the common types of errors in the use of primary auxiliaries made by the first- year students To find out the causes of those types of errors in the use of primary auxiliaries made by the students... help the students to minimize their errors in the use of primary auxiliary verbs Research scope The research scope is on grammar of primary auxiliary verbs and the uses of grammar of the students... University N0 II.3.2.4 Errors in the use of “be” in progressive form Errors involving in the use of “be” in progressive form make up 42% of the total errors Students often misuse the simple present