errors in the art of computer programming

Commom errors in the use of comparative sentences of adjtives made by Nam Tien Hai High School students

Commom errors in the use of comparative sentences of adjtives made by Nam Tien Hai High School students

... minimize the errors made by the high school students? Il RESEARCH OBJECTIVES The objectives of the study is to: 1 Find out the kinds of errors in the use of comparison of adjectives made by the ... when using intensifier in comparison The errors related to the use of intensifier in comparison make up 54% There were five students who made 100% of errors in using intensifier Many of the students ... identified in the last step 11.1.8 Results of the survey In the first part of the survey, the students were asked to give their self- assessment of their English levels and their understandings of comparison

Ngày tải lên: 06/10/2014, 16:16

55 411 0
Common errors in the use of adjectives made by the students in grade eleven at Hoang Quoc Viet high school

Common errors in the use of adjectives made by the students in grade eleven at Hoang Quoc Viet high school

... adjectives 3 Errors in the use of adverbs instead of adjectives after linking | 46.50 verbs 4 Errors in the use of ? ?The? ?? + adjective 42.00 5 Errors in the use of adjectival participles ending in “-ed” ... possible errors were classified into the following categories 1 Errors in the use of adverbs instead of adjectives after linking verbs 2 Errors in the use of adverbs instead of adjectives after the ... complement) 3 Errors in the use of adjectival participles ending in “-ed” and “-ing” 4 Errors in the distinction of predicative adjectives and attributive adjectives 5 Errors in the use of ? ?The? ?? + adjective

Ngày tải lên: 06/10/2014, 16:18

50 531 0
Common errors in the use of compound nouns made by students of course 37 biology faculty at HaNoi Pedagogical university No.2

Common errors in the use of compound nouns made by students of course 37 biology faculty at HaNoi Pedagogical university No.2

... of using stress in the compound nouns 2) Errors in the use of combining words to make the compound nouns 3) Errors in the use of using plural forms of compounds nouns 4) Errors in the use of compound ... nouns as other part of speech is smaller, only 20% of total number of errors Errors in the use of possessive is the lowest: 5% From the data, percent of errors in the use of stress is the highest ... and they don’t define which principle word is 11.2.4 Errors in using compound nouns as other parts of speech The errors of the use the compound nouns as other kinds of words account for 20.00% There

Ngày tải lên: 06/10/2014, 16:20

49 505 0
Comon errors in the use of prepositions of place made by the second year nonEnglish major students at HaNoi Pedagogical University Number 2 in the ecademic year of 2012

Comon errors in the use of prepositions of place made by the second year nonEnglish major students at HaNoi Pedagogical University Number 2 in the ecademic year of 2012

... point in space instead of at 2) Errors in the use of in with a surface instead of on 3) Errors in the use of at with areas instead of in 4) Errors in the use of in front of when the items on the ... instead of at Errors in the use of in with a surface instead of on Errors in the use of at with areas instead of in Errors in the use of in front of when the items on the line are facing each other ... use in front of and when to use opposite Trang 34 11.2.3 Errors in the use of in with a point in space instead of at The percentage of errors in the use of in with a point in space instead of

Ngày tải lên: 06/10/2014, 16:42

51 565 1
common errors in the use of the english passive made by the grade 10 non-english majors at tran phu specialised high school, hai phong = những lỗi thường gặp ở thể bị động của học sinh không chuyên khối 10

common errors in the use of the english passive made by the grade 10 non-english majors at tran phu specialised high school, hai phong = những lỗi thường gặp ở thể bị động của học sinh không chuyên khối 10

... presented in the later parts of the study From the analysis of the data, the problems will be found and the solutions will be given V Organization of the study: The study consists of three parts: Introduction, ... Abbreviations Lists of tables and charts PART I - INTRODUCTION I Rationale of the study II Objectives of the study III Scope of the study IV Methods of the study V Organization of the study PART II – DEVELOPMENT ... ? ?The passive voice serves to show that the person/thing denoted by the subject of the sentence is not the agent (the doer) of the action expressed by the predicative verb but is the object of

Ngày tải lên: 02/03/2015, 14:30

62 962 4
Common errors in the use of the indefinite articles made by the students in grade eleven at my loc high school

Common errors in the use of the indefinite articles made by the students in grade eleven at my loc high school

... 59% The error relating to the use of the indefinite articles in. .. deep insight into the indefinite articles but also find out errors in the use of the indefinite ... 17 III.2.3 Errors in the use of indefinite articles and zero article 18 III.2.4 Errors in the use of indefinite articles “a” and “an” 18 III.2.5 Errors in the use of indefinite articles and ... Results of the survey 15 III.2 Common errors and analysis 16 III.2.1 Errors in the use of the indefinite articles “a/an” and the definite ? ?the? ?? 16 III.2.2 Errors in the use of the indefinite articles

Ngày tải lên: 16/07/2015, 08:04

44 481 0
Common errors in the use of zero article made by the students in grade eleven at vu tien high school

Common errors in the use of zero article made by the students in grade eleven at vu tien high school

... ? ?the? ??, the indefinite article “a, an” and zero article This exercise is designed to help students distinguish the using of zero article with the using of the definite article ? ?the? ?? and the using ... errors in the use of zero article made by the students in grade 11 at Vu Tien High School in the academic year of 2013 2014 To find out the causes of the errors in the use of zero article made by the ... With the aim of finding the common errors as well as their possible solutions in the use of zero article in English, the following methods have been applied: Collecting, reading and analyzing

Ngày tải lên: 16/07/2015, 08:05

45 499 0
Common errors in the use of the subjunctive mood among the third   year english major students at HPU2 and suggested solutions

Common errors in the use of the subjunctive mood among the third year english major students at HPU2 and suggested solutions

... 20 10 0 Errors in the formthethe verb "to in thethe mandative subjunctive Errors in of Errors be" in Errors in the Errors in using the subjunctive in reported ... learning a language, making mistakes in grammar is unavoidable. Thus, the survey was conducted with the aim of testing the students‟ understanding of the subjunctive, finding their common errors in ... for the third verb "to be" Errors in using the past Errors in the verbs' form for the third person singular past mandative subjunctive in the person in the in the

Ngày tải lên: 24/09/2015, 16:30

54 870 1
Commom errors in the use of comparative sentences of adjtives made by nam tien hai high school students

Commom errors in the use of comparative sentences of adjtives made by nam tien hai high school students

... The objectives of the study is to: Find out the kinds of errors in the use of comparison of adjectives made by the senior students Find out the causes of the errors in the use of comparison of ... common errors) by a survey conducted with the aim of testing the student’s understandings of comparison of adjectives The survey shows that the highest percentage of errors is in the use of multiple ... types of comparison of adjectives and usually make errors in the uses of comparison with adjectives Therefore, this study focuses on common errors in the uses of comparison of adjectives The most

Ngày tải lên: 30/11/2015, 09:11

56 422 0
Common errors in the use of adjectives made by the students in grade eleven at hoang quoc viet high school

Common errors in the use of adjectives made by the students in grade eleven at hoang quoc viet high school

... Errors in the use of adverbs instead of adjectives after linking 46.50 verbs 4 Errors in the use of The + adjective 42.00 5 Errors in the use of adjectival participles ... out the main errors in the use of adjectives made by the students in grade 11 at Hoang Quoc Viet High School To find out the causes of the errors in the use of adjectives by the students in grade ... conducted with the aim of testing the students’ understanding of the adjectives, and finding the common errors in the use of adjectives The survey was well prepared with the effort from the author

Ngày tải lên: 30/11/2015, 09:12

51 353 0
Common errors in the use of past tense and aspects in active voice by the 11th  grade students thanh ba high school

Common errors in the use of past tense and aspects in active voice by the 11th grade students thanh ba high school

... he…………(cook) the dinner Key: was wearing had been having had been running were dancing had been looking 10 was cooking had been listening was swimming was sleeping was sitting, had been working B With the ... aspect B Error in the use of the past simple tense aspect with irregular verbs C Error in pronunciation of the regular verbs in the past simple tense aspect D Error in the use of the simple past ... clause underlined in the sentences I invited them to our party but they decided not to come I saw Jim in the park He was sitting on the grass and reading a book Ken had been smoking for 30 years

Ngày tải lên: 30/11/2015, 09:12

85 482 0
Common errors in the use of post determiners among eleventh grade students at doi can high school

Common errors in the use of post determiners among eleventh grade students at doi can high school

... category Then a survey was conducted with the aim of testing the student’s understanding of the post-determiner and finding their common errors related to the use of post-determiners The outcome of the ... goals: To find out kinds of errors in the use of post-determiners made by the eleventh grade students at Doi Can High School? To find out kinds of errors in the use of post-determiners most often ... misunderstanding about the uses of ordinal numerals II.2.7 Errors in the use of quantifiers with non-count nouns The least common type of error in the use of post-determiners is the errors related to the

Ngày tải lên: 30/11/2015, 09:12

42 422 0
Common errors in the use of wh  questions made by the eleventh  grade students at tran hung dao high school

Common errors in the use of wh questions made by the eleventh grade students at tran hung dao high school

... category Then a survey was conducted with the aim of testing the students’ understandings of the wh-questions and finding their common errors in the use of whquestions The outcome of the survey ... 4 Errors in the use of how much and how many 28.09% 5 Errors in the use of main verb in wh- questions 35.14% 6 Errors in the use of what and how 22% 20 7 Errors ... Errors in. .. Errors in the use of question words as subject 43.75% 4 Errors in the use of main verb in wh- questions 35.14% 5 Errors in the use of how much

Ngày tải lên: 30/11/2015, 09:12

48 550 0
Errors in the use of conditionals made by the eleventh   grade students at co loa high school, dong anh, ha noi

Errors in the use of conditionals made by the eleventh grade students at co loa high school, dong anh, ha noi

... students to gain deep insight into the five types of conditional patterns Furthermore, to assess the students’ understanding of conditionals and point out their common errors in the use of these constructions, ... 40 2.2.2 Errors in the use of conjunctions in conditionals 44 2.2.3 Errors in the use of verb tenses in conditionals 45 2.2.4 Errors in the use of positives and negatives in conditionals ... is in the past perfect tense to indicate the unreality of the situation in the past The structure “would have” plus past participle is used in the other part of the sentence,

Ngày tải lên: 30/11/2015, 09:14

83 298 0
The art of computer networking

The art of computer networking

... The Art of Computer Networking Russell Bradford The Art of Computer Networking We work with leading authors to develop the strongest educational materials in computing, bringing cutting-edge ... Introduction Layering Models 12 The Physical and Link Layers 1: Ethernet 24 The Physical and Link Layers 2: Going Further 39 The Physical and Link Layers 3: Wireless and Beyond 59 The Internet/Network ... permitting restricted copying in the United Kingdom issued by the Copyright Licensing Agency Ltd, Saffron House, 6–10 Kirby Street, London EC1N 8TS All trademarks used herein are the property of their

Ngày tải lên: 28/11/2017, 10:27

300 380 0
Journal  the art of computer game design   chris crawford

Journal the art of computer game design chris crawford

... Furthermore, the second fantasy context was shrouded in the legends of King Arthur, an intrinsically interesting subject I therefore chose the Arthurian context The player in this game would be King Arthur, ... THE ART OF COMPUTER GAME DESIGN 95 Valerie were caught up in the frenzy They worked furiously on integrating all the pieces of the program together and resolving the myriad inconsistencies thereby ... advantage lacking in most other art forms: a game is intrinsically participatory in nature The artist has here a tool that is more subtly indirect than traditional art With other art forms, the artist

Ngày tải lên: 14/12/2018, 11:49

98 51 0
Chris crawford the art of computer game design (bookfi org)

Chris crawford the art of computer game design (bookfi org)

... dominant event of the 70’s Instead, the maturation of minicomputers and the genesis of microcomputers were the major developments of the 70’s The extrapolators never foresaw the coming of microcomputers, ... deal of time trying to add the lonely sound of the wind whistling against the blade of the sword, but I was never able to obtain satisfactory results I therefore turned to the idea of accompanying ... ever-faster mainframes as the primary avenues of development in the computer industry for the 70’s Computers did indeed become larger in that decade, but the development of larger computers was not the

Ngày tải lên: 14/12/2018, 11:49

96 68 0
Tài liệu Develop computer programs for simplifying sums that involve binomial coefficients: The Art of Computer Programming, Volume 1: Fundamental Algorithms pdf

Tài liệu Develop computer programs for simplifying sums that involve binomial coefficients: The Art of Computer Programming, Volume 1: Fundamental Algorithms pdf

... Whitehead 1.1 Evolution of the province of human thought One of the major themes of the past century has been the growing replacement of hu- man thought by computer programs. Whole areas of business, scientific, ... − n − 1) . 3. For each of the four parts of Problem 2 above, write out the complete proof of the identity, using the full text of the standardized WZ proof together with the appropriate rational ... proof by generating functions, another of the popular tools used by the species Homo sapiens for the proof of identities before the computer era. Next we’ll show what a computerized proof of the...

Ngày tải lên: 20/12/2013, 19:15

222 550 0
Tài liệu The Art of Computer Virus Research and Defense pptx

Tài liệu The Art of Computer Virus Research and Defense pptx

... Introduction to the Games of Nature 1.1. Early Models of Self- Replicating Structures 1.2. Genesis of Computer Viruses 1.3. Automated Replicating Code: The Theory and Definition of Computer Viruses ... Contact Information Part I: STRATEGIES OF THE tolerant and secured financial transaction systems development. He was invited to join the Computer Antivirus Researchers Organization (CARO) in 1997. ... 70 articles and papers on the subject of computer viruses and security for magazines such as Virus Bulletin, Chip, Source, Windows NT Magazine, and Information Security IT and security professionals...

Ngày tải lên: 17/02/2014, 15:20

3K 661 3
The Art of R Programming: A Tour of Statistical Software Design ppt

The Art of R Programming: A Tour of Statistical Software Design ppt

... can automate the process. 1.1.1 Interactive Mode On a Linux or Mac system, start an R session by typing R on the command line in a terminal window. On a Windows machine, start R by clicking the R icon. The ... were doing. Finally, let’s do something with one of R’s internal data sets (these are used for demos). You can get a list of these data sets by typing the following: > data() One of the data ... absolute values, and then finds the mean of the absolute values. The [1] you see means that the first item in this line of output is item 1. In this case, our output consists of only one line (and one...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 05:24

404 2K 1