Giúp học sinh phân loại các ý tưởng và giao tiếp hiệu quả hơn. Việc sử dụng đồ họa sẽ tổ chức cấu trúc và tổ chức học sinh viết các dự án, để giúp giải quyết vấn đề, ra quyết định, nghiên cứu, lập kế hoạch nghiên cứu và động não. Bộ sưu tập này của báo cáo tổ chức biết chữ đồ họa đơn giản và sáng tạo sẽ hữu ích cho các sinh viên tìm cuốn sách viết báo cáo một nhiệm vụ khó khăn. Nhiều người trong số những người tổ chức đồ họa sẽ là lý tưởng cho sinh viên, những người cần một định dạng đơn giản để tổ chức tư duy.
Amazing Literacy Center Reports Created by: Amazing Documents (2012-2013) Please leave a comment or feedback I am offering this entire packet to you for free in return for your positive feedback Your feedback is appreciated I have noticed that many people have downloaded my free products without leaving a comment It only takes a few seconds I have worked on this activity packet for many hours I only ask for a few seconds of yours Thank you for your support! Amazing Documents I would like to offer more free products for my followers in the future Thank you for choosing Amazing Documents as your source to online teaching documents and resources Please not alter, copy and redistribute my ideas/work This purchase is for single classroom use only All ideas and activities are the property of the creator, Newly Guajardo If you have questions and concerns, Please email me at Remember to leave a comment/feedback after your download! You can follow me on and get notification of new uploaded documents Thank you for your support Please refer your co-workers This is how my business grows! Thank you for your support! Created By: Amazing Documents (2013) - Newly Guajardo Check out my other documents on: Visit my blog Acknowledgments: Graphics Provided by: KCMPdoodles, digitalbakeshop Copyright infringement is the unauthorized use of works under copyright, infringing the copyright holder's "exclusive rights", such as the right to reproduce, distribute, display or perform the copyrighted work, spread the information contained within copyrighted works, or to make derivative works It often refers to copying "intellectual property" without written permission from the copyright holder, which is typically a publisher or other business representing or assigned by the work's creator All contents copyright © 2012 Amazing Documents All rights reserved No portion of this product may be reproduced, copied, changed in any form, or by any means, without prior written permission from Amazing Document 2012 If you have any questions please contact amazing documents at Literacy Center Reports This collection of simple and creative literacy report graphic organizers will be useful to students who find writing book reports a difficult task Many of the graphic organizers will be ideal for students who need a simple format to organize their thoughts Created by: Amazing Documents (2012-2013) Animals Title: Author: (Fiction) circle one (Non-Fiction) What type of animal or animals is this book about (Main Idea) Write sentences about this book (Details) List important key Words or Vocabulary in the book BIOGRAPHY Title: Author: Main Character: Setting: _ According to the book, why is this person famous? _ _ _ _ _ _ What character traits did this person have that helped him/her achieve their accomplishment? List three character traits, and give an example of a time these trait(s) were shown in the book 1. _ _ _ _ 2. _ _ _ _ _ _ 3. _ _ List of Character Traits Reference Chart Curious Excited Hard-working Leader Inventive Timid Expert Creative Shy Happy Thrilling Bold Disagreeable Independent Daring Simple Intelligent Dainty Fancy Compassionate Pitiful Plain Gentle Cooperative Unselfish Proud Lovable Self-confident Wild Proper Respectful Messy Bossy Considerate Neat Witty Imaginative Joyful Fighter Busy Strong Tireless Fun-loving Humble Energetic Popular Friendly Cheerful Successful Conceited Smart Responsible Mischievous Impulsive Lazy Demanding Loyal Dreamer Brave Honest Helpful Thoughtful Light-hearted Short Adventurous Bright Courageous Serious Funny Humorous Sad Poor Rich Tall Dark Light Handsome Pretty Selfish Ambitious Able Quiet Curious Pleasing Fantasy Title: Author: Setting (Realistic ot Fiction): _ Why: _ According to the book, what are the elements that indicate this is a fantasy? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Imagine if one of the fantasies in the book happened in your personal life, what would it be? How would it change your life? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Title: _ Author: Setting: _ What made the setting mysterious? Describe it _ _ _ _ _ _ What character seemed mysterious? Explain _ _ _ _ _ _ Tell about the scary part of the book that might make someone have nightmares? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 2 3 4 Realistic Fiction Title: Author: Character: Setting: _ What parts of the book seemed real? What parts of the book seemed fake or unreal? [...]... 3 3 4 4 Realistic Fiction Title: Author: Character: Setting: _ What parts of the book seemed real? What parts of the book seemed fake or unreal? ... Literacy Center Reports This collection of simple and creative literacy report graphic organizers will be useful to students who find writing book reports a difficult task... (Non-Fiction) What type of animal or animals is this book about (Main Idea) Write sentences about this book (Details) List important key Words or Vocabulary in the book BIOGRAPHY Title: ... Character: Setting: _ What parts of the book seemed real? What parts of the book seemed fake or unreal?