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Vietnam signed United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) on 11 June 1992 and ratified it on 16 November 1994. Viet Nam also signed Kyoto Protocol (KP) on 03 December 1998 and ratified it on 25 September 2002. Vietnam is not required to reduce greenhouse gases (GHG) emission but to implement some common obligations, such as preparing its National Communications, carrying out GHG inventory, developing and assessing GHG mitigation and climate change adaptation options.

5/11/2012 National GHG Inventory System NATIONAL GHGI IN AGRICULTURE AND LULUCF Pham Manh Cuong - VNFOREST/MARD Hoang Manh Hoa – DHMCC/MONRE Energy Industry Agriculture LULUCF Waste Institutional arrangement for national GHG Inventory General Information ü Vietnam signed United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) on 11 June 1992 and ratified it on 16 November 1994 Viet Nam also signed Kyoto Protocol (KP) on 03 December 1998 and ratified it on 25 September 2002 ü Vietnam is not required to reduce greenhouse gases (GHG) emission but to implement some common obligations, such as preparing its National Communications, carrying out GHG inventory, developing and assessing GHG mitigation and climate change adaptation options General Information ü Vietnam completed the development of the 2nd National Communication to the UNFCCC and submitted it to the UNFCCC Secretariat at the COP 16 ü It provides information on the national GHG inventory in 2000, analyses and assesses impacts of climate change, and recommends a number of feasible options for the adaptation to climate change and the mitigation of GHG emission in some major economic sectors in the near future Applied Method ü The GHG inventories are compiled in accordance with the methodology recommended by the IPCC in its Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories 1996 Revised ü Most of emission factors used are IPCC default values while some of emission factors (used for the Agriculture, Land-Use Changes and Forestry sector) are country specific factors Applied method ü Key source analysis: The Tier method to identify key source categories is used to assess the impacts of various source categories on the level and the trend of the national emissions inventory Ø The 14 main sources and sinks of emissions in Viet Nam's National GHG inventory in 2000 were determined: Energy (manufacturing industries and construction, transportation, energy industries, oil and natural gas extraction), Industrial processes (cement production, steel production), Agriculture (wet rice cultivation, enteric fermentation, agricultural soils), LULUCF (changes in forest and other woody biomass stocks, land conversion, abandonment of managed land), Waste (solid waste) ü Uncertainties: the analysis of uncertainty is followed up the Guides from Good Practice Guidance and Uncertainty Management in National GHG Inventories (IPCC, 2006) 5/11/2012 Projections of GHG emissions from main sources for 2010, 2020 and 2030 Data sources ü The Standard Data Worksheets for sectors (Energy, Industrial Processes, Agriculture, Land Use Change & Forestry and Waste); ü The top-down method used for collecting activity data from main sectors has been applied; ü GSO, line Ministries and experts; Emissions from energy, agriculture and LULUCF sectors are projected to be 169.2, 300.4, and 515.8 Tg CO2e in 2010, 2020, and 2030, respectively Energy sector accounts for 91.3% of projected total emissions for 2030 Key results of GHGI for 2000 Sector CO2 Energy Industrial processes Agriculture LULUCF Waste Total CH4 N2O CO2e Percent (%) • Unit: thousand tons 45,900.00 308.56 1.27 52,773.46 35.0 10,005.72 0 10,005.72 6.6 2,383.75 48.49 65,090.65 43.1 11,860.19 140.33 0.96 15,104.72 10.0 331.48 3.11 7,925.18 5.3 67,765.91 3,164.12 53.83 150,899.73 100 Key results ü Total GHG emissions in 2000 amounted to 150.9 million tonnes of CO2 equivalent Limitations of existing National GHG Inventory ü Research, assessment and verification for certain country-specific emission factors remains incomplete ü A database supporting the inventory is not yet available ü There is an inadequate pool of greenhouse gas inventory technical experts in the ministries and agencies Inter-agency coordination remains limited Limitations of existing National GHG Inventory ü Inadequate information and data for GHG inventory in terms of reliability, comparability, completeness, consistency; ü Incomplete data collection system for GHG inventory Lack of institutional arrangements for data collection; analyzing, verifying and updating activity data for GHG inventories; ü A focal agency responsible for the national inventory's data collection, analysis, verification and update has not been established or designated; ü Slow data collection process Data verification and validation are not undertaken on a continuous basis; ü QA/QC procedures and plan has not setting up 5/11/2012 Next steps ü UNFCCC requirements on NGHGI and updating frequency; ü GHG inventories under the Third National Communication (TNC) Vietnam starts to carry out the national consultations and stock taking exercise for the preparation of the TNC; ü Implementation of National CC Strategies and Policies and participation in international CC Initiatives/Commitment; ü MRV for REDD+ (result-based) and future NAMA; ü Inclusion of agriculture in UNFCCC negotiations and anticipation of future MRV; Next steps ü Develop the National Program for improving GHG inventories; Establish a National GHG Inventory Office or agency; ü Strengthen institutional and technical capacities for national GHGI: Gov-funded programs, SEA Project, REDD+ Projects, SilvaCarbon Project, etc; ü Strengthen the cooperation between ministries and related agencies in the data collection; ü Development of activity data and countryspecific emission factors; Next steps ü Harmonization of land use classification systems and land use related inventories; methods of data collection, reporting, QA/QC; ü REDD+: Development of Land Monitoring System (LMS) with participation of different Gov agencies and common databases; AE of key forest types in key ecological zones; ü Forests and Agriculture database: NFI & agriculture census, FOMIS;

Ngày đăng: 14/11/2015, 18:17