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LESSON PLAN Unit 12: The Asian Games Lesson: Writing Class: 11/1 Time allotted: 45’ Aim: To help students learn how to write a descriptive paragraph Objectives: By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to: - Know the language used to write a descriptive paragraph - Make meaningful sentences basing on the cues - Write a paragraph describing the preparations for the coming Asian Games Teaching aids and materials: Textbook, blackboard, handouts, projector Procedure: Stages/ time I Warmup ( 5’) Activities Hangman game: Objective: to involve Ss and lead in the topic of the lesson - T shows this figure on the screen: - T gives the instruction to play the game: + There are blanks corresponding with letters of a word + Ss in turn guess the letter (one letter at a time) + If Ss’ answers are right, the letters will appear on the blank + If Ss’ answers are wrong, one part of the man’s body will be Work arrangements Teacher – whole class + Who can find the Key word first without hanging all part of the man’s body will be the winner - T allows Ss to play game Key: FACILITY - T declares the winner and gives gift Lead in: - T asks Ss: “Suppose Vietnam is going to host the coming Asian Games What facilities does our country need to have?” - T introduces: “To understand more detailed, we will study the lesson today: “Unit 12: THE ASIAN GAMES” Today we are going to write a paragraph describing the preparations for the coming Asian Games.” II PreWriting ( 12’) Pre-teach Vocabulary: Objective: to help Ss learn some basic words before doing tasks * Recruit (v): tuyển dụng, chiêu mộ - Eliciting technique: situation “I have organized a company, so I find new people to work for my company.” - Eliciting question: What is the word means “find new people to work”? * Disabled (a): tàn tật -Eliciting technique: picture - Eliciting question: “They are … people.” * Upgrade (v): nâng cấp - Eliciting technique: picture Teacher – whole class - Eliciting question: “This house was built 20 years ago; therefore they plan to … it to become a modern house.” * Facility (n): phương tiện, tiện nghi - Eliciting technique: example Radio, computer, dictionary - Eliciting question: “What is common noun for these things?” Checking: Rub Out and Remember Objective: to help Ss remember the words that they’ve just learned - T rubs out new words one at a time - T points to the Vietnamese translation and gets Ss to call out the word in English - T calls on some Ss to rewrite the English words on the blackboard Brainstorming: Objective: to help Ss brainstorm what facilities can be included in the Asian Games - T raises the question: “What facilities you think we need to have for the Asian Games?” - T asks Ss to work in pairs - T collects the answers from Ss - T shows the answers on the screen Teacher – whole class Pair work Expected answer: III While- Activity 1: Sentence building Writing Objective: to help Ss make meaningful sentences before (17’) writing a paragraph - T sets the scene: “Suppose Vietnam is going to host the coming Asian Games What we need to prepare for the Games?” - T shows the cues on the screen: o one more National Stadium (to build) o training areas and roads to sports buildings (to widen) o National Sports Centers and local stadiums (to upgrade) o hotels, guest houses with modern facilities (to equip) o volunteers to serve the Games (to recruit) o preparations for the Asian Games on the radio and TV (to promote and advertise) - Ss are asked to make sentences basing on the cues and the verbs provided in the brackets Anticipated problem: Ss may not understand clearly how to make sentences So T takes the first cue the model o one more National Stadium (to build)  We will build one more National Stadium Team work Game: Lucky animals - T divides the class into teams: A and B - T gives the instructions: + On the screen, there are animals (1 lucky animal: lion) + remaining animals correspond with cues above + Each team in turn chooses the animal and gives the answer + Each team will get 10 points for each correct answer + If they choose the lucky number, they will get 20 points without answering question + Which team has more points will be the winner - T allows Ss to play game - T declares the winner Expected answer: o The National Sports Centers and local stadiums need to be upgraded o We will widen the training areas and roads to sports buildings o We have to equip all the hotels and guest houses with modern facilities o It is necessary to promote and advertise all the preparations for the Asian Games on the radio and TV o We need to recruit volunteers to serve the Games Group work Activity 2: Composition Writing Objective: to help Ss practice writing a descriptive paragraph - T sets the situation: “Suppose Vietnam is going to host the coming Asian Games Write a paragraph of about 120 words to describe the preparations for the Games.” - T provides Ss with the useful languages before they start writing: ² Verbs: + have to + V-infinitive + need to be + V-pp + using the simple present and simple future tenses + Example: - We have to upgrade the national stadium - The national stadium needs to be upgraded ²Connectors: + First / firstly / first of all + Second / secondly + And + Next / then + One more thing is that … + Finally / lastly ² Conjunctions: + because, so, moreover, furthermore You can begin with: To prepare for the coming Asian Games, we have a lot of things to First of all, we will build one more National Stadium and … - T asks Ss to work in groups of - T asks Ss to take a piece of paper - Ss are asked to use the useful language and the information from Activity to write their paragraph - groups finished first will write down their paragraph on the blackboard and receive small gifts from T - The rest groups continue to complete their paragraph - T moves around to monitor Ss’ work IV PostWriting (10’) Correction and feedback: Objective: to help Ss identify and learn from their mistakes through teacher correction - T analyzes Ss’ mistakes of the letters on the blackboard (punctuation, tense, form) Teacher – whole class - T elicits the corrections from Ss - T gives corrections and feedbacks for the letters Expected paragraph: To prepare for the coming Asian Games, we have a lot of things to First of all, we will build one more National Stadium, some sports buildings and car parks The National Sports Centers and local stadiums are not in good condition, so they need to be upgraded And we will widen the training areas and roads to sports buildings Then we have to equip all the hotels and guest houses with modern facilities to welcome foreign athletes and visitors These hotels should also have special services for disable athletes It is necessary to promote and advertise all the preparations for the Asian Games on the radio and TV Finally, we need to recruit volunteers to serve the Games These people should be university teachers and students with good English One more important thing is that we have to hold a competition to choose an official song for welcoming the Asian Games - T delivers the suggested paragraph to Ss for consultation  Homework (1’) - T asks Ss to learn new words and useful languages of a descriptive paragraph - Ask Ss to complete the paragraph and write on their notebook - T reminds Ss to prepare the next lesson (Language focus, p.144) Instructor: Trainee teacher: ... work Expected answer: III While- Activity 1: Sentence building Writing Objective: to help Ss make meaningful sentences before (17’) writing a paragraph - T sets the scene: “Suppose Vietnam is going... to recruit volunteers to serve the Games Group work Activity 2: Composition Writing Objective: to help Ss practice writing a descriptive paragraph - T sets the situation: “Suppose Vietnam is... we are going to write a paragraph describing the preparations for the coming Asian Games.” II PreWriting ( 12’) Pre-teach Vocabulary: Objective: to help Ss learn some basic words before doing tasks

Ngày đăng: 13/11/2015, 04:03

Xem thêm: E11 UNIT12 WRITING



