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Relative Clause Exercises RELATIVE CLAUSE EXERCISES I DEFINING RELATIVE CLAUSES: What's the name of the lady? She was wearing the blue dress You live in a town The town is very old The sweets are delicious I bought them yesterday I saw a lot of people and horses They went to the market The football match was very exciting My friend played in it A girl was injured in the accident She is now in hospital The letter hasn't arrived yet I posted it three days ago He lives in a house The house is not very big They are playing a song on the radio Do you like it? 10 Jane wore a beautiful shirt yesterday Did you see it? 11 Sue is going out with a boy I don't like him 12 There's the boy He broke the window 13 That's the palace The Queen lives in it 14 You met a man at the party He is a famous film star 15 I gave you a book It had many pictures 16 There are the policemen They caught the thief 17 I gave her a watch It stopped after two days 18 The film star gave a party It cost $10,000 19 You're reading a book I wanted to read it 20 There's someone at the door He wants to speak to George 21 Here are the letters They arrived this morning 22 He was sitting in the emergency room It was very crowded 23 That's the house I was born in it 24 That's the dictionary Bill gave it to me for Christmas 25 The children went to New York They speak English 26 Those are the cars They only take unleaded petrol 27 Do you like the people? Sarah invited them to her party 28 The clothes come from Japan They are good quality 29 The man was sick He looked very pale 30 The doctor asked him to lie down She looked very worried 31 The final exams happened to be very easy I feared them too much 32 She gave the man an injection It made him go to sleep 33 The competition was very exciting A Canadian won it 34 Max isn’t at home yet That worries me 35 I recently went back to Paris I was born there nearly 50 years ago 36 The architect designed these flats He has moved to HCM City 37 Do you know the music? It is being played on the radio 38 One of the elephants had only one tusk We saw these elephants at the zoo 39 The man is talking to my father He spent 15 minutes measuring our kitchen 40 Is this the style of hair? Your wife wants to have it 41 The professor is excellent I am taking his course 42 The girl chatted with him yesterday She arrived here at 6:30 43 The young man lives in the corner He rides an expensive motorbike 44 I’m reading the book I bought it in 1996 45 I will introduce you the man He is sharing the flat with me 46 The young man is talking to our teacher He is Ba’s brother 47 We visited the monument It was built a hundred years ago 48 The boys are interested in football It is a popular game all over the world 49 The boy gave his parents big hugs before he left He went abroad to study 50 Children like to eat ice-cream It can cause toothache Presented by Tran Minh Hien Relative Clause Exercises 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 The woman is my mother She understands me best The park has a lake in it The park is near our house This article praises the national heroes The history books have forgotten them What was the name of the boy? You borrowed these books from him I’ll introduce you to the man His support for the project is essential The dam is nearly empty We receive our water supply from it The clerk doesn’t work here any more You asked about him I don’t like people People lose their tempers easily It is the important matter We are interested in it Many diseases are no longer dangerous today People died of those diseases years ago The lady is a famous writer You met her at the party last night The child enjoyed the chocolates Her mother bought them from France They drank a lot of Coke It is diet Coke The girls are performing the play They rehearsed it yesterday The lecturer is my uncle He gave an interesting talk on TV last night The student kept talking about the project It was done last week The movie theater is the place We can see films at that place This is the student I borrowed his book John found the cat Its leg was broken The elephants are big People keep the elephants in iron cages She works for a company It makes cars I know the girl I spoke to this girl The woman is standing over there She is my sister We spent our holiday in Scotland last year Scotland is in the north of Great Britain People live in Scotland They are called Scots We visited a lake It is in the Highlands There we met an old man He told us that he had seen Nessie We then travelled to a mountain The mountain is near the town of Fort William The mountain is the highest mountain in Great Britain It is called Ben Nevis I sent you a postcard It was written on the summit of Ben Nevis I need to meet the boy The boy is my friend’s son The house belongs to me Its roof is very old I live in a city I study in this city The bar in Barcelona is still there I met my wife in that bar I remembered the man I had seen him at the concert We visited the town We were born there She was greatly influenced by her father She adored h im I met a man He had just lost his job You need something I will give you that We got into a train I was crowded The officer has informed the police His car was stolen The man betrayed me I trusted him The boy was very happy He won a prize Give me the book The book is on the table The boys came late They were punished They caught the man He was a thief The roof of the house was damaged The house has now been repaired The book is about a lawyer He is accused of murder We heard the song It shocked many people I met a friend last week Her daughter is an astrologist Here is a postcard of the village We spent three days there This is the house It was built by my grandfather The letter reached me this morning It was sent by my father Presented by Tran Minh Hien Relative Clause Exercises 104 The woman has arrived I was speaking of her 105 The boys clapped heartily They were watching the match 106 I heard some news The news shocked me 107 She is a well-known writer Her novels always top the list of best sellers 108 This is the cat The cat killed the rat 109 I saw a man The man had lost one leg 110 She said that the men were thieves This turned out to be true 111 The boy is my nephew You met him at the party 112 They rowed across the Atlantic This had never been done before 113 The storm damaged the lorry Its driver is a friend of mine 114 The women prayed aloud all night This kept us awake II NON-DEFINING RELATIVE CLAUSES: Freddie Mercury died in 1992 He was a famous singer The Eiffel Tower is a famous French landmark The Eiffel Tower was built by Gustave Eiffel Picasso is known all over the world now His paintings were not understood at first Madrid is the capital of Spain The President lives in Madrid Tom Cruise is a famous actor Tom Cruise’s wife is also an actress My friend came to the party He's a policeman My car was very expensive It's a Mercedes The Red Lion is a pub We met in it for a drink I met Mr Da Silva He is President of Brazil 10 Our television set is always making funny noises It cost us a lot of money 11 This is Mrs Jones Her son won the championship last year 12 My friends had so much fun at the festival They wanted to go there again 13 Ann said that there were far too many notices Ann's children could swim very well 14 Dr Oley is our family’s dentist He is a popular dentist in the city 15 Their parents are anxious about their children The children come back late 16 Mr Phong hasn’t come yet He is supposed to be at the meeting 17 Lan went back home She forgot to turn off the faucet 18 My father is a doctor He is fifty years old 19 We first went to Edinburgh Edinburgh is the capital of Scotland 20 Arthur Conan Doyle was born in Edinburgh He wrote the Sherlock Holmes stories 21 Loch Ness is 37 km long People know it for its friendly monster 22 I invited Mrs Kansas to my party She lives next door 23 I met Arthur Jones His book on sports sells very well 24 Steve and Lynn are Americans They own the little restaurant on Bridge Street 25 Their story sounds incredible It is true 26 Dr Rowan has had to all his own typing His secretary resigned two weeks ago 27 Harry is an engineer His wife has just given birth to twins 28 This is my friend I was speaking of him 29 Tom had been driving all day He was tired and wanted to stop 30 We praised John His performance was remarkable 31 Harry is always late for school He was punished 32 Those grapes were sweet We bought them from the market 33 Mr Green is going to retire His students like him very much 34 Samuel Johnson was the son of a bookseller Samuel Johnson was born in 1709 35 My sister is living in India Its population is second only to China 36 My brother who lives in Sidney came to see me last month 37 Bob's mum who is a musician has lost her car keys 38 Jack is my new friend His parents come from China 39 I’ve just met Susan Her husband works in London 40 John did most of the work He is very clever III RELATIVE CLAUSES WITH PREPOSITIONS: Presented by Tran Minh Hien Relative Clause Exercises Here's the address You should write to this address Renewable energy sources are difficult topics I'm not familiar with these topics This country now has 300 wind turbines The national network relies on these turbines The radio is made in China You are listening to it Your mother is very nice I talked to her last week These are my friends I went to Da Lat with them last year I will hold a party You will be invited to it I don't like my girlfriend She always asks me to wait for her whenever we go out These are the books I have told you about them 10 That is the man I 've borrowed some money from him 11 Who was that man? I saw you with that man in the restaurant 12 The wall is dirty You are leaning against it 13 I'm going to visit Brazil I don't know anything at all about it 14 My uncle Tom will be arriving tomorrow You've heard so much about him 15 A history of the town will be published soon People know nothing about it 16 She found the bag It belonged to her 17 This is the guy I got it from him 18 You are the partner I want to work with you 19 Here is the museum I told you about it 20 This is the man We bought the ring from him 21 Where is the cassette? We listened to it 22 This is the magazine I talked about it yesterday 23 The little girl has gone I borrowed this pen from her 24 The knife is very sharp I cut bread with it 25 The authorities gathered those villagers They explained to them the importance of forests 26 The ladder began to slip I was standing on it 27 The dogs are mine Some of them are black 28 He is the person You can rely on him IV REDUCED RELATIVE CLAUSES: People who buy lottery tickets are often found at bingo The students who were waiting for their funding from the government were disappointed Those students who want to go to Big White for snowboarding need to pay soon This is the second novel which was written by this famous writer Students who don’t practice their English don’t improve very quickly The bus which leaves at 6:03 was late today I am waiting for the student who is writing his final exam early Tom is the last person who enters the room The stock market, which crashed to its lowest point of the year, worried us 10 Gas which costs over $4 a gallon can be seen in the Bay Area 11 The man who is in the house likes to watch television all day 12 The man who is swimming in the lake is my father 13 The survey which was conducted by the government did not indicate true public opinion 14 The person who will write reports is my colleague 15 This is the first man who was arrested by police yesterday 16 The man who threw the bomb was arrested 17 The woman who wrote reports is my teacher 18 The man who spoke to John is my brother 19 The book which was written by Shakespeare is interesting 20 Yuri Gagarin was the first man who flew into space 21 The only one who can understand this lesson is a good student 22 Don’t let me be the last who knows your decision 23 The man who was caught by the police last night was a notorious criminal 24 Any student who does not want to go on the trip should inform the office Presented by Tran Minh Hien Relative Clause Exercises 25 The man who saved me from the lake was very brave 26 Hamlet is a tragedy which was written by Shakespeare 27 The next train which leaves the station is to London 28 The road which connects Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh city is called Number 29 The man who sat next to me on the train looked gentle 30 The steam engine which was invented by James Watt opened a new period in human development history 31 I felt sorry for Paul, who was the only child on the block 32 The car which is running quickly is red colour 33 The boy has a ball which he kicks everyday 34 We learn english which we want to have better comminucation with other people 35 I was born in Hanoi, which is the capital of Vietnam 36 We have an apartment which overlooks the park 37 The ideas which are presented in that book are interesting 38 Are national parks good places that can house wild animals? 39 The next question that they will consider is how to clean up the garbage 40 The noise which comes from the boat engine might disturb sea animals 41 There is nothing more that we can about the fire 42 The postman which works in this village is very old 43 I saw the girl that helped us last week 44 Students who arrive late will not be permitted to enter the classroom 45 John, who was taken by surprise, hardly knew what to say 46 We drove along the road that was still flooded after the heavy rain 47 Mr.John, who taught my son, is my neighbour 48 The envelop which lies on the table has no stamp on it 49 My brother, who met you yesterday, works for a big firm 50 Do you know the boy who broke the windows last night? 51 John is the youngest person who takes part in the race 52 Here is the form that you must fill in 53 English is an important language which we have to master 54 This is the only student who can the problem 55 I have many homework that I must 56 There are six letters which have to be written today 57 The dog which has some black spots is Ba’s Presented by Tran Minh Hien ... London 40 John did most of the work He is very clever III RELATIVE CLAUSES WITH PREPOSITIONS: Presented by Tran Minh Hien Relative Clause Exercises Here's the address You should write to this address... The letter reached me this morning It was sent by my father Presented by Tran Minh Hien Relative Clause Exercises 104 The woman has arrived I was speaking of her 105 The boys clapped heartily.. .Relative Clause Exercises 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76

Ngày đăng: 11/11/2015, 22:03

