TRờng thcs sơn lộc Phòng Gd Bố trạch Trờng THCS phú Định ************** CHƯƠNG TRìNH ôn thi Vào lớp 10 MÔN TIếNG ANH *********** Tổng số tiết :52 Trong : 44 tiết ôn tập kiến thức tiết kiểm tra 45 phút tiết kiểm tra 60 phút Tiết Nội dung The present simple tense The past simple tense The present progressive tense The past progressive tense The present perfect tense The future simple tense Practice Test 1( 45') Passive voice (based on tenses ) Passive voice (based on tenses ) 10 Passive voice with Modal Verbs 11 Passive voice with Verbs of opinion 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 Practice Test 2( 45') Conditional sentences Type Conditional sentences Type Wish sentences : Present Wish sentences : Modal verbs ,Future Reported speech Reported speech Reported speech Practice Test 3( 45') Relative clauses Relative clauses Relative clauses Adverbs clauses of reason Adverbs clauses of concession Adverbs clauses of purpose Structures : too /enough Structures: so that/ such that Structures: Adj+ to -infinitive Adjective+ that clause Practice Test 4( 45') Adjectives and adverbs Ghi 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 Comparision of Adjectives and adverbs Comparision of Adjectives and adverbs Suggestions Tag question Used to ;Be/get used to Practice Test 5( 45') Preposision of time Preposition of place Phrasal verbs Forms of verbs: Bare Infinitive; To- infinitive Forms of verbs: Gerund; Participle Practice Test (45') Practice Phonetics Reading comprehension Reading comprehension Reading comprehension Exercises on Word formation Exercises on Word formation Practice Test 7( 60') Practice Test (60') Giáo viên lên chơng trình Nguyễn Thị Hơng Phòng gd bố trạch duyệt chuyên môn trờng duyệt ... Comparision of Adjectives and adverbs Comparision of Adjectives and adverbs Suggestions Tag question Used to ;Be/get used to Practice Test 5( 45') Preposision of time Preposition of place Phrasal verbs... Infinitive; To- infinitive Forms of verbs: Gerund; Participle Practice Test (45') Practice Phonetics Reading comprehension Reading comprehension Reading comprehension Exercises on Word formation... Word formation Exercises on Word formation Practice Test 7( 60') Practice Test (60') Gi¸o viªn l n ch¬ng tr×nh NguyÔn ThÞ H¬ng Phßng gd bè tr¹ch duy t chuyªn m«n trêng duy t