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ĐỀTHIHSG –TIẾNGANH10 Nămhọc:2013–2014 Thờigian:180phút(khôngkểthờigiangiaođề) SởGDĐTTP.ĐàNẵng SECTIONA:USEOFENGLISH I.Select thebest optiontocomplete each ofthefollowing sentences. Write your answers(A,B,C orD)intheboxprovided. 1. Ifindher___________.Sheneverstopstalking. A. exhaustion B.exhaust C.exhausting D.exhausted 2. LookatthesetwopiecesofmaterialIhavejustbought.Whichdoyoulike__________? A.better B.best C.morethan D.most 3. Havethisone,__________? A.doyou B.willyou C.don’tyou D.haven’tyou 4. Halfthepeopleintheofficehave__________astrangeillness. A.gone infor B.gonealongwith C.gonethroughwith D.gonedownwith 5. ThePolicearegoingto__________himverycarefully. A.checkupon B.catchupon C.holdoutfor D.runawaywith 6. Manypeopledon’tusetheircomputerstotheirfull____________. A.future B.expectation C.potential D.hope 7. Whenourfriendshavebadfortune,wetrytoshow___________. A.love B.sympathy C.affection D.pity 8. Sheshouldhavebeenhere butshe’s_____________flu. A.comeinfor B.gonethroughwith C.gone downwith D.comeupagainst 9. Theinstructoronthecoursewashopeless__________explainingthings. A.in B.of C.at D.to Page2 10. I’mafraidtherearenoseat left.Everyseatis____________. A.reserved B.full C.served D.free 11. Youhavetostudyharderto____________your classmates. A.keepintouch B.keeppacewith C.keepoutof D.keepup 12. ____________is the safeguardingand preservation of natural resources so that theycan be used andenjoyed. A.conservative B.conservatism C.conservationist D.conservation 13. It isimperativethatthisletter__________immediately. A.were sent B.sent C.besent D.send 14. Twooftheboysintheart classwere doingselfportraitsbylookingat________inthemirror. A.themselves B.oneself C.eachother D.oneanother 15. TheTorieswontheelectionin1979. A.cameintoeffect B.cameintopower C.cametopower D.cametothepower 16. Whileattemptingtoreachhishomebeforethestorm,____________. A.Tomhadanaccidentonhisbike B. thestormcaught Tom C.ithappenedthatTom’sbikebrokedown D.thebicycleofTombrokedown 17. After several hours on that road, they became __________ to the fact that they would never reachthehotelbynightfall. A.dejected B.resigned C.depressed D.disillusioned 18. Heperceivedachangeintemperature. A.wasafraidof B.wasfondof C.wasinterestedin D.wasawareof 19. Inall__________,he’salreadyleft. A.odds B.probability C.certainty D.possibilities 20. __________,IliketheRollingStones A.Noneedtosay B.Don’tneedtosay C.Needlesssaying D.Needlesstosay Page3 Answers 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. II. Use the right form of the word given in CAPITALS to complete the sentences. Write your answersintheboxprovided. 1. HehasknownTomforalongtimeandvaluedhis__________. (FRIEND) 2. Afterall hehasdonefor us,itwouldbevery________ofusifwedidn’tdothisforhim now. (HELP) 3. Thestormcausedterrible_________alongthecoast. (DESTROY) 4. __________isoneofthequalitiesrequiredofasocialworker. (FLEXIBLE) 5. Thenewleisurecentredoesn’tquitecomeuptomy__________. (EXPECT) 6. Theflooroftheatticneeds_________ifwe’regoingtomakeitintoabedroom. (STRONG) 7. Isitpossibleto__________betweenahobbyandaninterest? (DISTINCT) 8. Thisusedtobearural areabutithasbecome___________. (INDUSTRY) 9.I’msurprisedatwhatyou’vedone.Ihopemyconfidenceinyouhasnotbeen________. (PLACE) 10.Thisjewel isnotsimplyvaluable.It is__________. (VALUE) Answers 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Page4 III. Read the text and look carefully at each line. Tick (  ) the lines which are correct and pick out the unnecessary words. There are two examples at the beginning (0 and 00). Write your answersontherightlinesprovided. CAMPING 0. You’ve finally arrived at your destination place and you’re looking for somewhere ____place_ 00.toset upyourtent.Sowhat shouldyoubelookingfor?Youneedtolookfor _____  ___ 1.relativelylevel ground,and,whateveryoudo,neverpitchyourtentonaslope __________ 2.oryouwillfindyourselfrollingaroundoutofyoursleepingbagallnight. __________ 3. Don’t forget to check it that there is a water source nearby. Water is essential for __________ 4.camping:you’llneeditforthedrinkingandcooking.Youdon’twant tohaveto __________ 5.walkfarwithatwentylitrecontainer,doyou?Findasuitableareaforcooking. __________ 6.Don’tcookinyoutent.Locateaflatareaawayfrom someleaves,grassor __________ 7. twigs, which can make fire. Another thing you must do is keep the campsite clean. __________ 8.Aftermeals,washthewholedishes,andputtherubbishinanappropriateplace. __________ 9. Remember to follow the campsite rules, which they were made so that everyone __________ 10.canbeenjoythesite.Leaveitasyouwouldliketofindityourself. __________ SECTIONB: READINGCOMPREHENSION I. Read the text below and choose the best word or combination of words to fill in each blank. Writeyouranswers(A,B,CorD)intheboxprovided. AUDIOBOOKSBOOKSONCASSETTE In the modern world, there is a wealth of leisure activities to choose from Entertainment industries (1) __________ for your leisure time. You can watch TV, listen to music, go to an art gallery or concert or, of course, read a book. Sometimes it seems that reading is (2) __________ because, (3) __________ you’re a fast reader, it can take a (4) __________ amount of time to finish a novel, for example. But in the modern world, time is something that can be in short supply. Page5 Book publishers haven’t been (5) __________ to realize this and are now selling a product whichneedn’t(6) __________as much ofyour timebut stilltellsyou anexcellent story. The new products is the audiobook cassette recordings of shortened novels, often read by wellknown personalities or the authors themselves. Audiobooks are relatively new but people are becomingmoreawareofthemandsalesareincreasing(7)__________. One of the attractions of audiobooks is that they’re (8) __________ listening to the radio, only better. You can listen to what you want when you want, and you won’t ever miss anything. Much of their appeal (9) ________ in their flexibility. They allow you do to other things while you’re listening, such as driving or (10) __________ the housework. For some people, audio bookscanbeamuchmoreenjoyablewayofgainingknowledgethanreading. 1. A.chase B.compete C.oppose D.pursue 2. A.neglected B.declined C.lessened D.disposed 3. A.inspite B.nomatter Cregardlessof D.evenif 4. A.plentiful B.broad C.considerable D.lasting 5. A.behind B.slow C.delayed D.overdue 6. A.takeup B.fillout C.gothrough D.passby 7. A. ever since then B.allthetime C.upuntilnow D.fromthenon 8. A.as B.same C.like D.both 9. A.stands B.belongs C.bases D.lies 10. A.doing B.running C.making D.cleaning Answers 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. II.FillineachofthenumberedblankswithONEsuitableword.Writeyouranswers(A,B,Cor D)intheboxprovided. About two hundred years ago man lived in greater harmony with his environment because industrywas not muchdeveloped. Todaythesituationisquite(1) _________.Peopleall overthe world are worried about what is happening to the environment, because of modern industry and the need for more and more energy. Newspapers and magazines write (2) _________water pollution, air pollution and land pollution. Why is there so much (3) ________ about pollution. After all, people have been polluting the world around them for thousands and thousands of Page6 years.But in the past, there were not many people and (4) ________of room inthe world so they couldmovetoanotherplacewhentheirsettlementsbecamedirty. Now, however, many parts of the world are (5)_________, people live in big cities and much of our waste, especially waste from factories, electric (6) _______ stations, the chemical industry and heavy industry is very dangerous. Fish die in the lakes, rivers and seas; forest trees die (7)_______. Much of this dangerous waste goes into the air and is carried by the wind for great distances. The earth is(8) ________home . We must take care of it for ourselves and for thenext generations.Thismeans(9)_________ourenvironmentclean. The importance of this task is pointed out by ecologists, the scientists who study the (10)_______ between living things and the environment. However, each of us must do everythingpossibletokeeptheland,airandwaterclean. Answers 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. III.Readthepassagecarefullyandchoosethebestoptionforeachsentence. Most of us lead unhealthy lives: we spend far too much time sitting down. If, in addition, we are careless about our diets, our bodies soon become flabby and our systems sluggish. Then the guilt feelings start : “I must go on a diet”, “ I must try tolose weight” “ I must get more fresh air and exercise”, “I must stop smoking”, “I must try to keep fit” . There are some aspects of our unhealthy lives that we cannot avoid. I’m thinking of such features of modern urban life as pollution,noise,rushedmealsand stress.But keeping fitisaway tominimizetheeffectsofthese evils. The usual suggestion to a person who is looking for a way to keep fit is to take some sports. While it is true that every weekend you will find people playing football and hockey in the local park, they are outnumbered a hundred to one by the people who are simply watching them. It is an illusion to think that you will get fit by going to watch the football match every Saturday, unlessyoucounttheeffortrequiredtofightyourwaythroughthecrowdstogettothebestseats. For those who do not particularly enjoy competitive sports – and it is especially difficult to do so if you are not good at them – there are such solitary activities as cycling, walking and swimming. What often happens, though, is that you do them in such a leisurely way, so slowly, that is doubtful if you are doing yourself much good, apart from the fact that you have at least managed to get up out of your armchair. Of course you can be very thorough about exercise, even fanatical. Many sports shops now sell frightening pieces of apparatus, chestexpanders and other mysterious gadgets of shinyspring steel, which, according to the advertisements, will bring you up to an Olympic standard of fitness, provided that you follow a rigorous and regular programme of exercises. Such programmes generally involve long periods of time bending these curiousbitsofmetalintoimprobableshapes. It all strikes me as utterly boring and also timeconsuming. Somebody suggested recently that all such effort was pointless anyway because if you spend half an hour every day jogging Page7 round the local park, you will add to your life exactly the number of hours that you wasted doing the ‘jogging’ in the first place. The argument is false even if the facts are correct, but there is no doubtthatexerciseinitselfcanbeboring. Even after you have found a routine for keeping in shape, through sport or gymnastics or isometrics,youare stillonlyhalfway togood health,because,accordingtotheexperts,youmust also master the art of complete metal and physical relaxation. Now, this does not mean snoozing in the armchair or going dancing ( which is a good form of exercise in itself ) . It has to do with deepbreathing,emptyingyourmindofallthoughts,meditation,andsoon. Yoga, as practiced in the West, is the most widely known and popular of the systems for achieving the necessary state of relaxation. Contrary to popular belief, you do not have to learn a lot of strange words or become a Buddhist in order to benefit from Yoga. It seems ironical, though, that as our lives have improved in a material sense, we have found it increasingly necessary to go back to forms of activity – physical effort on the one hand, and relaxation on the other–whichwerethenatural wayoflifeofourforefathers. 1.Unfitnessistheresultof___________. A.lackoffreshairandexercise B.overeating,smokingandlivingintown C.noteatingproperlyandnotgettingenoughexercise D.nottakingpartinsports 2.Pollution,noiseandstressareexamplesof___________. A.causesofunfitness B.badfeaturesoflivingintowns C.thethingswemustavoidifwearetostayhealthy D.industriallifeandwork 3.Ourreactiontobeingoutofconditionisto___________. A.giveupsmokingandgoonadiet B.startaprogrammeofkeepfitexercises C.makeresolutionstoleadahealthierlife D.takeupasport 4.Alotofpeoplewhogototheparkat theweekendare___________. A.footballplayers B.footballspectators C.keepfitenthusiasts D.unfitorunhealthy 5.Youcannot reallyenjoycompetitivesportsunlessyouare___________. A.youngenoughtoplaythem B.verygoodatthem C.fitenoughtoplaythem D.asolitarykindofperson Page8 6. The reason we don’t get much out of solitary sports such as walking is that we do not _________. A.dothemoftenenough B.havetheencouragementofothers C.takethemseriouslyenough D.dothemvigorouslyenough 7.Thewriterdoesnotlikekeepfitprogrammesbecausehethinks___________. A.theytakeuptoomuchtime B.therearemucheasier waysofgettingfit C.theyareawasteoftime D.theapparatusisverysilly 8.Tobehealthywemust___________. A.keepfitandactive B.keepfitandlearntorelax C.beactiveandpractiseYoga D.beverycareful aboutwhatweeatanddrink 9.ManypeoplebelievethatinordertopractiseYoga___________. A.youmust learnaspecialvocabulary B.itisbettertobecomeaBuddhist C.youmustlearntorelaxcompletely D.youmustwearspecialclothing 10.Ourforefatherswerehealthybecause___________. A.theirwayoflifeinvolvedbothexerciseandrelaxation B.theywerecarefultogetplentyoffreshairandkeepfit C.theylivedinthecountryandspent timeoutofdoors D.theyhadsimpleworktodoandverylittletoworryabout Answers 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. SECTIOND:WRITING I.Finisheachsentence insuchawaythatitmeansexactlythesameastheoneprintedbeforeit. 1. Hissecondattemptontheworldrecordwassuccessful Hebroke_____________________________________________________________________. 2. Theywereallarrestedbecauseofhisincompetence. Had_________________________________________________________________________. Page9 3. Pleasedon’tsmokeinthekitchen. I’drather____________________________________________________________________. 4. “That’salovelynewdress,Jean”,saidhermother. Jean’smothercomplimented_____________________________________________________. 5. Idon’treallylikehereventhoughIadmireherachievements Much________________________________________________________________________. II. For each of the sentences, write a new sentence as similar as possible in meaning to the originalsentence,usingthewordgiveninCAPITALS.Thiswordmustnotbealteredinanyway. 1.Idon’tthinkthisrecordwilleverbepopular. (CATCH) _________________________________________________________________________. 2.Apolicecarhasjuststoppedoutside. (UP) _________________________________________________________________________. 3.Theydidn’tpunishKaren,onlygaveherawarning. (GOT) _________________________________________________________________________. 4.Whatareyoutryingtosay? (AT) _________________________________________________________________________. 5.Grahamstoppedtalkingtodeal withacustomer. (OFF) _________________________________________________________________________. III.TheInternetisnowgettingmoreandmorepopularallovertheworld.So,howimportantis ittoyourlife?Writeaparagraphofabout120wordstoanswerthisquestion. ............................................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................................. ...................................................................TheEnd

Trang 1

ĐỀ THI HSG – TIẾNG ANH 10 Năm học: 2013 – 2014

Thời gian: 180 phút (không kể thời gian giao đề)

Sở GD&ĐT TP Đà Nẵng


I Select the best option to complete each of the following sentences Write your answers (A, B, C

or D) in the box provided.

1. I find her _ She never stops talking

A exhaustion B exhaust C exhausting D exhausted

2. Look at these two pieces of material I have just bought Which do you like ?

A better B best C more than D most

3. Have this one, ?

A do you B will you C don’t you D haven’t you

4. Half the people in the office have a strange illness

A gone in for B gone along with C.gone through with D gone down with

5. The Police are going to him very carefully

A check up on B catch up on C hold out for D run away with

6. Many people don’t use their computers to their full

A future B expectation C potential D hope

7. When our friends have bad fortune, we try to show _

A love B sympathy C affection D pity

8. She should have been here but she’s _ flu

A come in for B gone through with C gone down with D come up against

9. The instructor on the course was hopeless explaining things

Trang 2

10. I’m afraid there are no seat left Every seat is .

A reserved B full C served D free

11 You have to study harder to your classmates.

A keep in touch B keep pace with C keep out of D keep up

12 is the safeguarding and preservation of natural resources so that they can be used

and enjoyed

A conservative B conservatism C conservationist D conservation

13 It is imperative that this letter immediately.

A were sent B sent C be sent D send

14 Two of the boys in the art class were doing self-portraits by looking at in the mirror.

A themselves B oneself C each other D one another

15. The Tories won the election in 1979.

A came into effect B came into power C came to power D came to the power

16 While attempting to reach his home before the storm, .

A Tom had an accident on his bike

B the storm caught Tom

C it happened that Tom’s bike broke down

D the bicycle of Tom broke down

17. After several hours on that road, they became to the fact that they would never reach the hotel by nightfall

A dejected B resigned C depressed D disillusioned

18 He perceived a change in temperature.

A was afraid of B was fond of C was interested in D was aware of

19 In all , he’s already left.

A odds B probability C certainty D possibilities

20. , I like the Rolling Stones

A No need to say B Don’t need to say C Needless saying D Needless to say

Trang 3

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20.

II Use the right form of the word given in CAPITALS to complete the sentences Write your

answers in the box provided.

1 He has known Tom for a long time and valued his (FRIEND)

2 After all he has done for us, it would be very of us if we didn’t do this for him now.


3 The storm caused terrible _ along the coast. (DESTROY)

4 is one of the qualities required of a social worker. (FLEXIBLE)

5 The new leisure centre doesn’t quite come up to my . (EXPECT)

6 The floor of the attic needs _ if we’re going to make it into a bedroom.


7 Is it possible to between a hobby and an interest? (DISTINCT)

8 This used to be a rural area but it has become _. (INDUSTRY)

9 I’m surprised at what you’ve done I hope my confidence in you has not been .


10 This jewel is not simply valuable It is . (VALUE)


Trang 4

III Read the text and look carefully at each line Tick () the lines which are correct and pick

out the unnecessary words There are two examples at the beginning (0 and 00) Write your

answers on the right lines provided.


0 You’ve finally arrived at your destination place and you’re looking for

00 to set up your tent So what should you be looking for? You need to look for _ _

1 relatively level ground, and, whatever you do, never pitch your tent on a slope

2 or you will find yourself rolling around out of your sleeping bag all night.

3 Don’t forget to check it that there is a water source nearby Water is essential


4 camping: you’ll need it for the drinking and cooking You don’t want to have to

5 walk far with a twenty-litre container, do you? Find a suitable area for cooking.

6 Don’t cook in you tent Locate a flat area away from some leaves, grass or

7 twigs, which can make fire Another thing you must do is keep the campsite

8 After meals, wash the whole dishes, and put the rubbish in an appropriate place.

9 Remember to follow the campsite rules, which they were made so that


10 can be enjoy the site Leave it as you would like to find it yourself.


I Read the text below and choose the best word or combination of words to fill in each blank.

Write your answers (A, B, C or D) in the box provided.


In the modern world, there is a wealth of leisure activities to choose from Entertainment

industries (1) for your leisure time You can watch TV, listen to music, go to an art gallery or concert or, of course, read a book Sometimes it seems that reading is (2) because, (3) you’re a fast reader, it can take a (4) amount of time to

finish a novel, for example But in the modern world, time is something that can be in short supply

Trang 5

Book publishers haven’t been (5) to realize this and are now selling a product which needn’t (6) as much of your time but still tells you an excellent story.

The new products is the audiobook - cassette recordings of shortened novels, often read by well-known personalities or the authors themselves Audiobooks are relatively new but people are

becoming more aware of them and sales are increasing (7) .

One of the attractions of audiobooks is that they’re (8) listening to the radio,

only better You can listen to what you want when you want, and you won’t ever miss anything

Much of their appeal (9) in their flexibility They allow you do to other things while you’re listening, such as driving or (10) the housework For some people, audio

books can be a much more enjoyable way of gaining knowledge than reading

1 A chase B compete C oppose D pursue

2 A neglected B declined C lessened D disposed

3 A in spite B no matter C regardless of D even if

4 A plentiful B broad C considerable D lasting

5 A behind B slow C delayed D overdue

6 A take up B fill out C go through D pass by

7 A. ever since


B all the time C up until now D from then on

9 A stands B belongs C bases D lies

10 A doing B running C making D cleaning


II Fill in each of the numbered blanks with ONE suitable word Write your answers (A, B, C or

D) in the box provided.

About two hundred years ago man lived in greater harmony with his environment because

industry was not much developed Today the situation is quite (1) _ People all over the

world are worried about what is happening to the environment, because of modern industry and

Trang 6

years But in the past, there were not many people and (4) of room in the world so they

could move to another place when their settlements became dirty

Now, however, many parts of the world are (5) _, people live in big cities and much

of our waste, especially waste from factories, electric (6) _ stations, the chemical industry

and heavy industry is very dangerous Fish die in the lakes, rivers and seas; forest trees die

(7) _ Much of this dangerous waste goes into the air and is carried by the wind for great distances The earth is (8) home We must take care of it for ourselves and for the next generations This means (9) _our environment clean.

The importance of this task is pointed out by ecologists, the scientists who study the

(10) _ between living things and the environment However, each of us must do

everything possible to keep the land, air and water clean


III Read the passage carefully and choose the best option for each sentence.

Most of us lead unhealthy lives: we spend far too much time sitting down If, in addition,

we are careless about our diets, our bodies soon become flabby and our systems sluggish Then the guilt feelings start : “I must go on a diet”, “ I must try to lose weight” “ I must get more fresh air and exercise”, “I must stop smoking”, “I must try to keep fit” There are some aspects of our unhealthy lives that we cannot avoid I’m thinking of such features of modern urban life as pollution, noise, rushed meals and stress But keeping fit is a way to minimize the effects of these evils

The usual suggestion to a person who is looking for a way to keep fit is to take some sports While it is true that every weekend you will find people playing football and hockey in the local park, they are outnumbered a hundred to one by the people who are simply watching them It is

an illusion to think that you will get fit by going to watch the football match every Saturday, unless you count the effort required to fight your way through the crowds to get to the best seats For those who do not particularly enjoy competitive sports – and it is especially difficult to

do so if you are not good at them – there are such solitary activities as cycling, walking and swimming What often happens, though, is that you do them in such a leisurely way, so slowly, that is doubtful if you are doing yourself much good, apart from the fact that you have at least managed to get up out of your armchair Of course you can be very thorough about exercise, even fanatical Many sports shops now sell frightening pieces of apparatus, chest-expanders and other mysterious gadgets of shiny spring steel, which, according to the advertisements, will bring you up to an Olympic standard of fitness, provided that you follow a rigorous and regular programme of exercises Such programmes generally involve long periods of time bending these curious bits of metal into improbable shapes

It all strikes me as utterly boring and also time-consuming Somebody suggested recently that all such effort was pointless anyway because if you spend half an hour every day jogging

Trang 7

round the local park, you will add to your life exactly the number of hours that you wasted doing the ‘jogging’ in the first place The argument is false even if the facts are correct, but there is no doubt that exercise in itself can be boring

Even after you have found a routine for keeping in shape, through sport or gymnastics or isometrics, you are still only half way to good health, because, according to the experts, you must also master the art of complete metal and physical relaxation Now, this does not mean snoozing

in the armchair or going dancing ( which is a good form of exercise in itself ) It has to do with deep breathing , emptying your mind of all thoughts, meditation, and so on

Yoga, as practiced in the West, is the most widely known and popular of the systems for achieving the necessary state of relaxation Contrary to popular belief, you do not have to learn a lot of strange words or become a Buddhist in order to benefit from Yoga It seems ironical, though, that as our lives have improved in a material sense, we have found it increasingly necessary to go back to forms of activity – physical effort on the one hand, and relaxation on the other – which were the natural way of life of our forefathers

1 Unfitness is the result of _.

A lack of fresh air and exercise

B overeating, smoking and living in town

C not eating properly and not getting enough exercise

D not taking part in sports

2 Pollution, noise and stress are examples of _.

A causes of unfitness B bad features of living in towns

C the things we must avoid if we are to stay healthy D industrial life and work

3 Our reaction to being out of condition is to _.

A give up smoking and go on a diet B start a programme of keep-fit exercises

C make resolutions to lead a healthier life D.take up a sport

4 A lot of people who go to the park at the weekend are _.

A football players B football spectators

C keep-fit enthusiasts D unfit or unhealthy

5 You cannot really enjoy competitive sports unless you are _.

Trang 8

6 The reason we don’t get much out of solitary sports such as walking is that we do not


A do them often enough B have the encouragement of others

C take them seriously enough D do them vigorously enough

7 The writer does not like keep-fit programmes because he thinks _.

A they take up too much time B there are much easier ways of getting fit

C they are a waste of time D the apparatus is very silly

8 To be healthy we must _.

A keep fit and active B keep fit and learn to relax

C be active and practise Yoga D be very careful about what we eat and drink

9 Many people believe that in order to practise Yoga _.

A you must learn a special vocabulary B it is better to become a Buddhist

C you must learn to relax completely D you must wear special clothing

10 Our forefathers were healthy because _.

A their way of life involved both exercise and relaxation

B they were careful to get plenty of fresh air and keep fit

C they lived in the country and spent time out of doors

D they had simple work to do and very little to worry about



I Finish each sentence in such a way that it means exactly the same as the one printed before it.

1 His second attempt on the world record was successful

He broke _

2 They were all arrested because of his incompetence.

Had _

Trang 9

3 Please don’t smoke in the kitchen.

I’d rather

4 “That’s a lovely new dress, Jean”, said her mother.

Jean’s mother complimented _

5 I don’t really like her even though I admire her achievements


II For each of the sentences, write a new sentence as similar as possible in meaning to the original sentence, using the word given in CAPITALS This word must not be altered in any way.

1 I don’t think this record will ever be popular (CATCH)


2 A police car has just stopped outside (UP)


3 They didn’t punish Karen, only gave her a warning (GOT)



5 Graham stopped talking to deal with a customer (OFF)


III The Internet is now getting more and more popular all over the world So, how important is

it to your life? Write a paragraph of about 120 words to answer this question.

Ngày đăng: 16/10/2015, 21:24

