[...]... $(&\O_:H'" (If no) What women have more choices than yourself? X
9AV)O#QJM2&\ A?' _: Does having more education and more money allow you more choices when you make decisions? 23 (&>HJPF8/
) (if at some point you left the workforce, or re-entered work) I8//E :G*2@45CO7 Would you say that taking on work/ leaving work was a choice you made entirely of your own volition? "... yes) What kind of discrimination? 33 1 #,$3,"! Please share some thoughts on whether you think you, or your peers, have come up against discrimination in paid employment 2' ,$ *
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/, Specifically, discrimination against women, mothers/ mothers-to-be, middleaged women, class/money, appearance, mothers/women who have not worked for a... reach the minimum sum you could only withdraw money in excess of that sum and another mandatory $29,500 in your Medisave !E
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5& &):@:** / ! What are your thoughts on this? Has this changed your work decisions or those of your family/ peers? 32 ), / What kind of obstacles do you encounter at work? %), Have you ever experienced discrimination of some kind? ((-... N (if working now) Do you think you would like to leave the workforce one day? (&>:CK) $4+=E.DC " (if yes) How and why? -S5= Age & Aspirations / 27 E
96F4!;:$H968/( How do you feel about reaching (your age)? 28 E
96F4#0# ... say that taking on work/ leaving work was a choice you made entirely of your own volition? " Why or why not? 0(M O7:(96#QC Would you describe this choice as an easy or hard choice? 24... whether you think you, or your peers, have come up against discrimination in paid employment 2' ,$ *
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/, Specifically, discrimination against women,. .. 3+=>0B 3' @7 How often you see them and are you involved in their care (now or in the near future)? Semi-Structured Interview Guide S/N Questions A@MD Expectations and Goals 13 =W &U)LZMD?IGL7PTT50%&'