Project: Structural Steel Design Instructor: Ms.c Viet Hieu Pham - Determine the Dead Load of slab: Table II.1 Dead Load of SlabNo.. Project: Structural Steel Design Instructor: Ms.c Vie
Trang 1Project: Structural Steel Design Instructor: Ms.c Viet Hieu Pham
- Design frame: Frame 4th
- Minh Hóa - Quảng Bình -> Zone of wind I A -> W0 = 65 (daN/m2)
- Wall be built by perforated, thickness 100 mm put on exterior beam of construction :
"Ƴ1 = 180 (daN/m2)
- Assume the Gypsum partition tile put on beam:
"Ƴ2 = 35 (daN/m2)
- Live load of office: pc = 2 (kN/m2)
- Live Load of corridor : pc = 3 (kN/m2)
- Live Roof : pc = 0.75 (kN/m2)
- Concrete Roof-Slab have sealing and insulation coat
- Grade of steel: CCT34 -> f = 21 (daN/mm2)
- Type of Welding stick: N42
- Grade of bolt 5.8
I.> Determine the beam gird:
- Design frame 4th -> We have the plan of construction Fig I.1 :
Fig I.1 : The Plan construction and Beam gird system
II.> Determine the thickness, self-weight of slab and loading
Trang 2Project: Structural Steel Design Instructor: Ms.c Viet Hieu Pham
- Determine the Dead Load of slab:
Table II.1 Dead Load of SlabNo
- Determine the Dead Load of roof slab:
Table II.2 Dead Load of SlabNo
III.> Determine the preminary dimensions of beam and girder:
1.> Determine the dimension of beam
- Calculating model:
Fig III.1.1: Caculating and Internal Force Model
- Determine the Loading and Internal force:
= 11.71 (daN/cm)
Factored Load(daN/m2)
Factor of Safety nTypes of loading
Layer of ceramic tile, t = 8
Factor of Safety n
Factored Load(daN/m2)Layer of the sealing, t =20
Trang 3Project: Structural Steel Design Instructor: Ms.c Viet Hieu Pham
= (daN/cm)
715609 ( (daN)340.77 (cm3) From Wx = 340 (cm3) seaching table of I.6 appendix I [2], Use I-Shape , I 27:
Fig III.1.2 Dimension of beam
2.> Determine the dimension of girder
- Choose preminary dimension of girder to calculate load act to frame;
h = 50 (cm)
Fig III.2.1 The model of transverce frame
Trang 4Project: Structural Steel Design Instructor: Ms.c Viet Hieu Pham
IV.> Determine the loading act to frame:
Fig IV.1: Model of the loading transefer
1.> Determine Dead Load
1.1> The Distribution Dead Load:
- The self-weight of gypsum partition tile with the hight of girder h = 50 (cm)
Hv = Ht- Hdc = 2.8 m
->gv = 107.8 (daN/m)
- The self-weight of girder:
Asumme the self-weight of girder is g = 1.5 Kn/m= 150 daN/m
-> gdc =157.5 (daN/m)
1.2> Consentated Dead Load
Fig IV.1.1 The model of charging Load
Table IV.1.1 : Caculate the concentrated Load
GA =Table IV.1.1a
3024The self-weight of slab with L = 6(m)
Trang 5Project: Structural Steel Design Instructor: Ms.c Viet Hieu Pham
1.3> Determine the Roof-Dead Load
Fig IV.1.2 The model of charging Roof-Load
Table IV.1.2: Calculate the concentrated Load
The self-weight of gypsum partition tile with the hight of girder :
3.3(m) -0.5(m) = 2.8 (m)-> (35(daN/m2)x2.8(m)x6./2(m))x2
2060.4GBm = GCm
GB = GCTypes of load
Types of load
GAm =GDmTypes of loadThe self-weight of beams have gc = 37.1 (daN/m)
The self-weight of slab with L = 6(m) 1840.8
The self-weight of beams have gc = 37.1 (daN/m)
The self-weight of slab with L = 6(m)-> gsm.(6/2(m))x(2/2)+gsm.(6/2)x(2.3/2) 3983.52
4203.12Table IV.1.2a
Table IV.1.2b
Student: Thanh Nguyen Ngo - 172216544 Page:
Trang 6Project: Structural Steel Design Instructor: Ms.c Viet Hieu Pham
219.6The self-weight of slab with L = 6(m)
-> gsm.(6/2(m))x(2.3/2)+gsm.(6/2)x(2.3/2) 4261.44
GBCm > GABmLoại tải trọng
The self-weight of beam have gc = 37.1 (daN/m)
-> 37.1(daN/m)x6/2(m)
P3Types of loadP3 = pc x 6x1x2,3/2x1.3x2-> 300(daN/m)x6(m)x1.15x1/2x1.3x2
P1Types of load
Types of loadP2 = pc x 6.x1x1x1.3x2
Student: Thanh Nguyen Ngo - 172216544 Page:
Trang 7Project: Structural Steel Design Instructor: Ms.c Viet Hieu Pham
P4 = 2.2> Roof-Live Load 1
Table IV.2.2 Calculate Roof-Live Load 1
P2mTypes of loadP2m = pc x 6x1xx1.3x2
P4Types of loadP3 = pc x 6x1x2.3x1.3x2
Types of loadP1m = pc x 6x1x1/2x1.3
585Factored Load
Factored Load
Types of loadP1 = pc x 6x2/2x1.3
Student: Thanh Nguyen Ngo - 172216544 Page:
Trang 8Project: Structural Steel Design Instructor: Ms.c Viet Hieu Pham
Types of loadP3 = pc x 6x1x2.3x1.3x2
Factored Load(daN)Factored Load (daN)
P2Types of loadP2 = pc x 6.x1x1x1.3x2
Types of Load
Student: Thanh Nguyen Ngo - 172216544 Page:
Trang 9Project: Structural Steel Design Instructor: Ms.c Viet Hieu Pham
3.> Determine the Wind Load act to Frame
Table IV.3.1 Calculate Wind Load
39.69 317.491243.99
Wđ (daN/m2)
Wh (daN/m2) qđ (daN/m)
Trang 10Project: Structural Steel Design Instructor: Ms.c Viet Hieu Pham
Fig IV.3.2 Wind Right
Trang 11Project: Structural Steel Design Instructor: Msc Viet Hieu Pham
Trang 12Project: Structural Steel Design Instructor: Msc Viet Hieu Pham
N Kn.
Shear Force
V K.n
Moment Kn.m
Trang 13Project: Structural Steel Design Instructor: Msc Viet Hieu Pham
Student: Thanh Nguyen Ngo- 172216544 Page:
Trang 14Project: Structural Steel Design Instructor: Msc Viet Hieu Pham
0 Min -27.57 -34.37 -79.812.3 Min -27.57 -30.75 -20.362.3 Min -27.57 20.12 -20.364.6 Min -27.57 23.74 -79.61
Trang 15Project: Structural Steel Design Instructor: Msc Viet Hieu Pham
Trang 16SAP2000 v16.0.0 - File:DATHEPNEW - Moment 3-3 Diagram (BAO) - KN, m, C Units
9/24/15 0:16:14
Trang 17SAP2000 v16.0.0 - File:DATHEPNEW - Axial Force Diagram (BAO) - KN, m, C Units
9/24/15 0:17:08
Trang 18SAP2000 v16.0.0 - File:DATHEPNEW - Shear Force 2-2 Diagram (BAO) - KN, m, C Units
9/24/15 0:16:49
Trang 19Project: Structural Steel Design Instructor: Msc Viet Hieu Pham
I.> Design No.1 column
1 The dimension of column design( Uniform Cross-Section ):
*From diagram of moment envelope we have:
M = 112.63 (kN.m)
V = 62.63 (kN)
N = 1017.6 (kN)
* The height of storey : ht= 4.2 (m) = 420 (cm)
*The effective length with Major Axis :
4.2 (m) = 420 (cm) *The effective length with Minor Axis:
2.94 (m) = 294 (cm)
* The shape of column is H-Shape( Symmetry)
Based on Required: có l = 420 (cm), Choose h = 48 (cm)
* The eccentricity and required area:
Required: 24 (cm)
*The thickness of the web be choose:
1.2 (cm) *The thickness of the flange be choose:
0.66 (cm)1.2 (cm) => Choose tf = 1.4 (cm)
*The dimension of column be choose:
The flange: (1.4x24) cm
The web : (1.2x45.2) cm
Fig I.1 Dimension of No.1 column
* The area of colum is: A = 121.4 cm2
Check: So Act< A therefore : The area of column is satisfy
2> Calculate index property and check in dimension of column:
Trang 20Project: Structural Steel Design Instructor: Msc Viet Hieu Pham
A = 121.44 cm2
11.4 (cm)
(cm4)(cm4)19.4048 (cm)
5.15896 (cm)21.644156.9882
The dimension of column is satisfy with slenderness
*The checking condition for general stability inside of the flexuaral plane :
The value of interpolation 0.607
Check left-side of expression:
13.804 (kN/cm2) Check right-side of expression
The dimension is statisfy with the general stability conditon *The checking condition for general stability outside of the flexuaral plane : According to the flexuaral plane, we have: mx = m= 0.71With: mx = 0.7055 < 1
0.66941With: 1.8021 < 2.5, we have equation:
Trang 21Project: Structural Steel Design Instructor: Msc Viet Hieu Pham
The dimension is statisfy with the general stability outside of the flexuaral plane condition
*The local stability conditon of dimension be calculated:
*With the flange of column:
17.083The flange is statisfy with the local stability condition
*With the web:
37.66670.70549 < 1
Local stability is not problem
II.> Design No.6 Column
1 The dimension of column design( Uniform Cross-Section ):
*From diagram of moment envelope we have:
M = 130.17 (kN.m)
V = 56.34 (kN)
N = 1345.3 (kN)The height of storey 4.2 (m) = 420 (cm)
*The effective length with Major Axis :
4.2 (m) = 420 (cm) *The effective length with Minor Axis:
= 0.74 < 2
Trang 22Project: Structural Steel Design Instructor: Msc Viet Hieu Pham
1.2 (cm) *The thickness of the flange be choose:
0.66 (cm)1.2 (cm) => Choose tf = 1.4 (cm)
*The dimension of column be choose:
The flange: (1.4x25) cm
The web : (1.2x47.2) cm
Fig II.1 Dimension of No.6 column
* The area of colum is: A = 126.6 cm2
Check: So Act< A therefore : The area of column is satisfy
2> Calculate index property and check in dimension of column:
A = 126.64 cm2
11.9 (cm)
(cm4)(cm4)20.2365 (cm)
5.37053 (cm)20.754654.7432
The dimension of column is satisfy with slenderness
Trang 23Project: Structural Steel Design Instructor: Msc Viet Hieu Pham
* Seaching of apependix table IV.5, with the type of No.5 dimension, We have:
Với Af/Aw = 0.61794 >=1
1.654Vậy me =η mx= 0.977 < 20 <Therefore do not check strength of section>
*The checking condition for general stability inside of the flexuaral plane :
The value of interpolation 0.72
Check left-side of expression:
14.75 (kN/cm2) Check right-side of expression:
The dimension is statisfy with the general stability conditon *The checking condition for general stability outside of the flexuaral plane : According to the flexuaral plane, we have: mx = m= 0.59With: mx = 0.5907 < 1
0.70748With: < 2.5, we have equation:1.7311
*With the web:
39.33330.59067 < 1
43.1528Local stability is not problem
III Design No.21 Girder
*From diagram of moment envelope we have:
M = 300.73 (kN.m)
V = 150.53 (kN)
Left-side of expressionRight-side of expression
Left-side of expressionRight-side of expression
Trang 24Project: Structural Steel Design Instructor: Msc Viet Hieu Pham
N = 56.76 (kN)1>.Choose dimension of the girder:
*The height of girder: (h):
About economic value:
50.77 (cm) Choose h = 46 (cm)
*Check the thickness of web according to the resistance shear condition:
0.43 (cm)The web is statisfied
*The thickness of the flange:
44.8 (cm)29.97 (cm2
20.56 (kN/cm2)
Strength condition is not problem
*Check the equivalent stress condition when M and N simultaneously support to girder:
Trang 25Project: Structural Steel Design Instructor: Msc Viet Hieu Pham
The equivalen stress condition is not problem
* Check the local stability condition of girder:
*The flange
9.17The local stability of flange is not problem
* Check the local stability condition of the web when supported by normal stress:
54.5 The local stability of web when supported by normmal stress is not problem
* Check the local stability condition of the web when supported by shear stress:
The local stability when supported by shear stress is not problem
*Check the general stability :
8.6957The general stability do not check
IV Design No.6 Girder
*From diagram of moment envelope we have:
M = 139.77 (kN.m)
V = 70.43 (kN)
N = 11.71 (kN)1>.Choose dimension of the girder:
*The height of girder: (h):
About economic value:
34.61 (cm) Choose h = 32 (cm)
*Check the thickness of web according to the resistance shear condition:
0.30 (cm)The web is statisfied
*The thickness of the flange:
30.8 (cm)21.18 (cm2)
Trang 26Project: Structural Steel Design Instructor: Msc Viet Hieu Pham
17.21 (kN/cm2)
Strength condition is not problem
*Check the equivalent stress condition when M and N simultaneously support to girder:
Left-side of expression
Right-side of expression
24.15 The equivalen stress condition is not problem
* Check the local stability condition of girder:
* The flange:
8.00The local stability of the flange is not problem
* Check the local stability condition of the web when supported by normal stress:
37 The local stability of the web when supported by normmal stress is not problem
* Check the local stability condition of the web when supported by shear stress:
SVTH: Ngô Thanh Nguyên -172216544 Page:
Trang 27Project: Structural Steel Design Instructor: Msc Viet Hieu Pham
1.17 The local stability when supported by shear stress is not problem
*Check the general stability :
The general stability do not check
V> Beam-Column Connections Design (Beam:No.21 and Column: No1 :
* From Table IV.1.3 we choose the most dangerous moment of Beam: No.21
M = 289.4 (kN.m)
V = 128.53 (kN)
N = 44.244 (kN)
1 Determine Bolts:
Use Bold have grade of bolts 5.8 , The diameter of bold is d= 36 (mm)
Arrangement bolts into 2 line, with distance of bolds accrording to table I.13
appendix I, [2]
*Tensile capacity of a bold:
163.2 (kN) With ftb is Tensile strength of a bold ( table I.9 appendix I, [2])
, fub = 0.7*fub
fub -The break tension strength ( Table I.12 , appendix I, [2])
fub = 95 (kN/cm2), grade of steel 40Cr
Ƴb1 = 1
μ,Ƴb2 - Friction ratio and safety ratio
nf -The quatity of frictional face, nf =1
* The tension force were applied the bolt in the farthest:
Trang 28Project: Structural Steel Design Instructor: Msc Viet Hieu Pham
161 (kN)
So all of bolts were satisfacted
* Check condition of the bolt be bearing shear force
2> Determine the collar
* Determine the thickness of collar according to bending codition
1.76 (cm)
2.03 (cm)Chọn t = 2.1 (cm)
3 Determine the weld be connected between the collar and girder
*The total length of welds at outside flange
The requirement height of weld be connected the web and collar:
(cm)Choose the height of weld at the web is: hf= 0.6 (cm)
V> Beam-Column Connections Design (Beam:No.21 and Column: No1 :
* From Table IV.1.3 we choose the most dangerous moment of Beam: No.21
M = 139.77 (kN.m)
V = 70.43 (kN)
N = 11.71 (kN)
1 Determine Bolts:
Use Bold have grade of bolts 5.8 , The diameter of bold is d= 24 (mm)
Arrangement bolts into 2 line, with distance of bolds accrording to table I.13
Trang 29Project: Structural Steel Design Instructor: Msc Viet Hieu Pham
*Tensile capacity of a bold:
163.2 (kN) With ftb is Tensile strength of a bold ( table I.9 appendix I, [2])
, fub = 0.7*fub
fub -The break tension strength ( Table I.12 , appendix I, [2])
fub = 95 (kN/cm2), grade of steel 40Cr
Ƴb1 = 1
μ,Ƴb2 - Friction ratio and safety ratio
nf -The quatity of frictional face, nf =1
* The tension force were applied the bolt in the farthest:
152 (kN)
So all of bolts were satisfacted
* Check condition of the bolt be bearing shear force
2> Determine the collar
* Determine the thickness of collar according to bending codition
1.70 (cm)
1.87 (cm)Chọn t = 2 (cm)
3 Determine the weld be connected between the collar and girder
*The total length of welds at outside flange
Trang 30Project: Structural Steel Design Instructor: Msc Viet Hieu Pham
12.6 (kN/cm2)
0.29 (cm)Choose the height of weld at the web is hf= 0.5 (cm)
The requirement height of weld be connected the web and collar:
(cm)Choose the height of weld at the web is hf= 0.5 (cm)
VII> Detail of The base colum: No1
1 Determine the base plate of column
From table V.1 we have
M = 112.63 (kN.m)
V = 62.63 (kN)
N = 1017.6 (kN)
According to the dimension of column No.1, Choose 8 anchor bolts for base column
Determin the dimension of base plate:
The width of base plate
thickness of base palte ts=1cm So, determine the length of base plate
Determine the stress reaction of footing concrete under the base plate:
0.725 (kN/cm2)0.04 (kN/cm2)With
Fig VII.1 Detail of base column
*According to the divide space of base plate and interpolated value, defind table:
204.30756.4 × 12.6 × 1=