Student code: 3082484 Session: 34
Can Tho, 2013
Can Tho, May …, 2013
Trang 3Abstract
In order to take advantage of available fruit and contribute to the diversification of products from mango, this research was carried out in term of added value of fruit juice fermented by lactic acid bacteria (LAB) Four isolates of lactic acid bacteria from mango were obtained The results of research showed that all 10 strains
of lactic acid bacteria were able to develop in pH from 1.5 to 3.5 after 2 hours of incubation at 37°C with a density from 6.80 to 6.91 log cells/mL After fermentation, the lactic acid content of 10 bacterial strains was in a range from 0.48 to 0.96% w/v, density after 2 hours of incubation at 37°C from 8.85 to 9.3 log cells/mL
Of which, strains isolated Lactobacillus acidophilus from Ybio yeast powder gave the best results with the following levels of lactic acid after fermentation was 0.96% w/v The appropriate ratio for fermentation mango juice was 40% for dilution and 9% for blending sugar The suitable conditions for mango juice fermentation were as follow: at 37°C for 36 hours and at 5 log cells/mL In these conditions the sensory criteria and the density
of bacteria could reach requirements for probiotic products (> 6 log cells/mL) These levels could identically maintain during the storage at temperature 4-6 o C for 2 weeks
Keyword: fermentation, L acidophilus, lactic acid bacteria,
mango, probiotic
Abstract i
Content ii
1 Introduction 1
2 Materials and methods 3
2.1 Material 3
2.2 Methods 3
2.2.1 Isolation and identification of LAB isolates at genus level 3
2.2.2 Study on the tolerance at low pH of LAB isolates 3
2.2.3 Study on the ability to produce mango juice fermented by LAB 4
2.2.4 Study on the ratio of dilution and blending sugar 4
2.2.5 Study on the effects of LAB density, fermentation temperature and time 5
2.2.6 Study on temperature and time for storage conditions 5
3 Results and discussion 6
3.1 Isolation of lactic acid bacteria 6
3.2 The ability of LAB growing in low pH condition 7
3.3 Applicability of mango juice fermented by LAB 9
3.4 The ratio of dilution and blending sugar 11
3.5 Effect of inoculum density, temperature, fermentation time 16
3.6 The effect of temperature and time for storage conditions 19
4 Conclusions and suggestions 22
4.1 Conclusions 22
Trang 54.2 Suggestions 22 References 23
Food is an indispensable necessity to humans Growing society, human life is more and more enhanced So, eating is not a main demand The demand of enjoying and exploring the effect
of food on health are top priority Since, the relationship between food and dietary which have health benefits as well as help the body fight the illness has become the trend research of the nutritionist and scientists to create high-value products in terms of biological products, is known as "probiotics" The probiotic concept has been defined by Fuller (1989) to mean “a live microbial feed supplement which beneficially affects the host animal by improving its intestinal microbial balance” Salminen
et al (1999) proposed that probiotics are microbial cell preparations or components of microbial cells that have a beneficial effect on the health and well-being of the host There are many probiotic products use for human, livestock, plants It is produced and used of liquid or powder form
Lactic acid are Gram-positive bacteria (Fooks et al., 1999), ferment carbohydrates into energy and lactic acid (Jay, 2000) Depending on the organism, metabolic pathways differ when glucose is the main carbon source: homofermentative bacteria, whereas the heterofermentative transform a glucose molecule into lactate, ethanol and carbon dioxide (Caplice and Fitzgerald, 1999; Jay, 2000; Kuipers et al., 2000) In addition, LAB produce small organic compounds that give the aroma and flavor to the fermented product (Caplice and Fitzgerald, 1999) LAB are widely distributed in the nature They could be isolated from
Trang 7soils, water, plants, silages, waste products and also from the intestinal tract of animals and humans (Axelsson, 1998) LAB are
widely used in probiotic products such as yogurt, nem chua,
pickle, These products are not only used for eating but also used
to treat intestinal , stomach, due to lactic acid bacteria have the ability to produce antibiotics to prevent and kill bacteria and pathogenic microbes
Juice is a good environment for the growth of bacteria and probiotic products Fruits and vegetables are foods with health benefits because they contain antioxidants, vitamins, fiber and minerals Moreover, they do not contain any allergens for consumers In fruits, mango is a popular fruit and has high nutritional value Ripe mango has attractive yellow color, sweet and sour, savoury aroma is more preferred Mangoes contain vitamin A, C, sugar, organic acids, so mango is widely used both unripe and ripe fruit Mangoes are eaten fresh, making juice, jam, candy
In order to take advantage of available fruit and contribute
to the diversification of products from mango, this research was carried out in term for added value of fruit juice fermented by lactic acid bacteria
Study on the conditions of mango juice fermentation by lactic acid bacteria
2.1 Materials
- Mango: Thanh Ca and Cat Chu
- Six isolates of lactic acid bacteria from Luong Phuoc
Truong (2012)
- Medium: MRS broth, MRS agar
- Chemicals, equipments in Food Biotechnology laboratory
2.2 Methods
2.2.1 Isolation and identification of LAB isolates at genus level
Mango juice was contained in a flask, incubated at 37oC for
Observe the bacteria under the microscope objective lens X100
Identification through the preliminary test: Gram stain, catalase, oxidase test and dissolution of CaCO3
2.2.2 Study on the tolerance at low pH of LAB isolates
Transferring LAB isolates from experiment 1 into tubes containing MRS broth environment with 3 different levels of pH (1.5, 2.5 and 3.5) This was the 2 experimental factors (strain and pH) with 3 replications Count the density of bacteria in individual treatments at incubation time (T0) and after 2 hours of incubation by plate counting method
Trang 9Monitor the indicators: density of the bacteria strains Analyze the data with statistics program STATGRAPHICS Centurion XV
2.2.3 Study on the ability to produce mango juice fermented
by LAB
Ripe mangoes were pressed (pasteurized with 140 mg/L of
NaHSO3 in 20 minutes) and put in the centrifuge tubes Inoculate each of LAB isolates into each tube This was the 1 experimental factor (strains) with 3 replications
Incubation at 37°C, analyzed after 48 hours
Count density of lactic acid bacteria: plate counting method Monitor the indicators: Brix, pH, level of lactic acid after fermentation and the density of lactic acid bacteria Analyze the
data with statistics program STATGRAPHICS Centurion XV
2.2.4 Study on the ratio of dilution and blending sugar
This was the 2 experimental factors with 3 replications Ratio of dilution (%): 30, 40, 50, 60
Ratio of blending surose (%): 6, 9, 12, 15
After pressing, 480 mL of mango juice was diluted with ratios 30, 40, 50, 60 % and was blended sugar with rate 6, 9, 12,
15 % After dilution and blending, these samples were pasteurized
by NaHSO3 (140 mg/L in 20 minutes) Then the best LAB isolate
in experiment 3 was inoculated in the samples and incubated at
37oC for 48 hours
Monitor the indicators: Brix, pH before and after fermentation, lactic acid content after fermentation and the
Trang 10density of LAB, the sensory evaluation Analyze the data with statistics program STATGRAPHICS Centurion XV
2.2.5 Study on the effects of LAB density, fermentation temperature and time
This was the 3 experimental factors at 3 levels with 2 replications
Density (log cells/mL): 3, 5, 7
Incubation temperature (ºC): 30, 37, 28-32 Time for fermentation (hours): 24, 36, 48
After pressing, mango juice was diluted and blended sugar
by the appropriate rate in experiment 4, pasteurized by NaHSO3 Then, LAB isolate was inoculated with density were 3, 5, 7 log cells/mL, respectively Incubated these samples at 30oC, 37oC, 28-32oC for 24, 36, 48 hours
Monitor the indicators: Brix, pH and the density of LAB, the sensory evaluation Analyze the data with statistics program STATGRAPHICS Centurion XV
2.2.6 Study on temperature and time for storage conditions
This was the 2 experimental factors with 3 replications Temperature for storage: 4-6oC, 20-25oC, 28-32oC
Time for storage: 1, 2 weeks
Monitor the indicators: Brix, pH and the density of LAB, the sensory evaluation Analyze the data with statistics program STATGRAPHICS Centurion XV
3.1 Isolation of lactic acid bacteria
After several transfers in MRS agar medium and visual observations, 4 isolates of lactic acid were isolated from 2 kinds
of mango Colonies of all isolates were round, smooth, grayish white
The cell morphology was shown in Table 2’
Table 2’ The characteristics of isolates
Cell morphology
Note: The strains are marked * which were isolated from Truong (2012)
Trang 122 isolates from Cat Chu (C213, C111) were rod in shaped, but the colony of C213 was smaller than C111 2 isolates from Thanh Ca (T223, T133) were rod in pairs-shaped and cocci
pairs-in pairs-shaped.
4 isolates were characterized in Gram positive, lack of catalase and oxydase, produced clear zone around colonies in medium containing CaCO3
From the above characteristics, it could be concluded that
4 isolates belong to lactic acid bacteria group
3.2 The ability of LAB growing in low pH condition
The results in Table 3 showed that all bacterial strains at different pH levels have increased density after 2 hours of incubation at 37°C At time T0, the density of bacteria in the MRS medium at pH 1.5 and 2.5 decreased significantly (from 5 log CFU/mL to 1.46-2.16 log CFU/mL) The reason was that the pH 1.5 and 2.5 are too low So, most bacteria should be shocked But only after 2 hours of incubation at 37°C, they worked to restore and increased the density up to 6.8-6.9 log CFU/mL
Figure 7: CaCO3 test
of T223 isolate
Figure 6: Representative
oxydase test of C213
Trang 13At pH 3.5, most of bacteria could tolerate this pH So, the density of LAB at the time T0 decreased slightly from 4.66 to 4.77 log CFU/mL After 2 hours of incubation at 37°C, the density of bacteria increased up to 6.81-6.91 log CFU/mL
Density of 10 isolates at pH 3.5 was higher than at pH 2.5 and density of 10 isolates at pH 1.5 was lowest This showed that the lower the pH affects the ability to survive and activity of LAB Through this experimental study showed that all isolate were able to adapt and develop in a low pH medium, so they could tolerate the environment in the stomach Therefore, these strains were able to apply in probiotic products
Table 3 The density of bacteria
in MRS Broth environment at low pH
(log CFU/mL)
Cv (%)
(log CFU/mL)
Cv (%)
Trang 143.3 Applicability of mango juice fermented by LAB
Nowadays, probiotic products are commonly used as fermented milk and yogurt Besides, juice is offered as a good
Trang 15environment for the fermented probiotic products (Mattila- Sandholm et al., 2002)
Table 4 Some indicators of mango juice after fermentation
ĐĐ 8.0ab 3.07bc 0.69c 4.85ab 9.25a C213 8.0ab 3.42a 0.92ab 4.83abc 9.03a C111 8.0ab 3.39a 0.91ab 4.83abc 9.08a T223 8.12ab 3.21b 0.75c 4.80abc 8.91a T133 8.83a 3.11bc 0.75c 4.77bc 8.85a
Brix of the treatments after fermentation was lower than the original in a range 8.0-8.87, because LAB used sugar in the
Trang 16environment After 48 hours of fermentation mango juice, pH of the environment of the isolates decreased from 3.83 to 3.02-3.42
As the results presented in the previous experiments, LAB isolates were able to survive and grow at this pH The cause of the decrease in pH was due to the development of lactic acid bacteria that produced lactic acid Content of lactic acid produced from 4 isolates from Ybio powder, Biosubtyl powder and cat chu have no significant differences with each other and higher than the other isolates
Density of lactic acid bacteria strains in time T0 were nearly equal to the initial concentration of bacteria strains (4.76-4.88 log CFU/mL) and after incubation all isolates had a significant enrichment activity (8.85-9.30 log CFU/mL) Results showed statistically processed, the density of lactic acid bacteria strains at time T0 had no significant differences with each other and significantly different from 3 strains P, Bio,T133 After 48 hours of fermentation the density of bacterial strains were > 6 log CFU/mL, consistent with standards of probiotic products Therefore, all strains were capable of application in the production of fermented mango However, lactic acid content of 4 isolates from Ybio powder, Biosubtyl powder and Cat Chu had no significant differences with each other and higher than those of
isolates Among those strains, the L acidophilus isolate from Ybio had the best content of lactic acid So, L acidophilus isolate
was selected for the next experiments
3.4 The ratio of dilution and blending sugar
Trang 17The results in Table 5’ showed that pH values before and after fermentation was difference After 48 hours of incubation,
pH was reduced from about 4.5-4.61 to 3.63-3.84 It caused by bacterial growth, changed glucose into lactic acid At the same time, content of solution (oBrix) also decreased but not significantly
Table 5’ Some indicators of mango juice fermentation
Dilution (%)
pH after fermentation
Brix after fermentation