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Cac mau cau va bai tap ap dung.doc

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A- Although, though, even though, in spite of, despite + tập: Although, though, even though + mệnh đề. 1- Although, though = dù, mặc dù. Ex: Although it rained a lot, we enjoyed our holiday. I didnt get the job though I had all the necessary qualifications. 2- Even though = Thậm chí dù (ý mạnh Although though ) Ex: Even though I was really tired, I couldnt sleep. 3- In spite of, despite + a noun/ a pronoun/ V- ing = dù, mặc dù. Ex: In spite of the rain, we enjoyed our holiday. Despite what I said last night, I still love you. Im not tired in spite of working hard all day. Bài tập áp dụng: 1- Hoàn thành câu sau although in spite of a- . all my carefull plans, a lot of things went wrong. b- . I had planned everything carefully, a lot of things went wrong. c- I love music I cant play a musicall instrument. d- . being very tired, we carried on walking. e- The heating was full on, but . this the house was still cold. f- Hoa decided to give up his job I adviced him not to. 2- Đọc câu sau viết lại câu có nghĩa tơng ứng. Sử dụng từ ngoặc câu bạn. a- Although hes got an English name, He is in fact German. ( despite) . b- In spite of her injured foot, She managed to walk to the village. ( although) . c- I decided to accept the job although the salary was low. ( inspite) d- We lost the match although we were the better team. ( despite) . e- In spite of not having eaten for 24 hours, I didnt feel hungry. ( even though ) . B - Các dạng USE tập áp dụng: 1- Use = Dùng, sử dụng. Ex: I use my computer to type a letter. She uses her glasses to read book. 2- Used to + V = thể hành đọng thờng xảy khứ hay thói quen khứ. Ex: When he was young, he used to go to school late. Hoa used to be fit. Now hes in terrible condition. 3- Be/ get used to + V-ing/ N = Làm quen với. Ex: He is used to living alone. She got used to driving on the left. 4- Be used for + V- ing = đợc dùng để làm gì. Ex: Money is used for buying or selling goods. Bài tập áp dụng: Cho dạng động từ ngoặc: 1- When I was a child, I used to swimming every day. (go) 2- It took me along time to get used to glasses. (wear) 3- There used to a cinema on this corner but it was knocked down. (be) 4- Im the boss. Im not used to .told what to do. (be) 5- Youll have to get used to.less if you want to lose weight. (eat) 6- I used to . Ann but now she gets on my nerves. (like) 7- Ron got tired very quickly. He wasnt used to so fast.(run) 8- Tom used to a lot of coffee when he was a student. C- Must, Have to, Have got to. 1- Must + V = Phải làm việc (theo suy nghĩ thân ngời nói) Ex: I must get up early tomorrow. There are a lot of things I want to do. 2- Have to + V / Have got to + V ( nghĩa đời thờng) = Phải làm việc ( hoàn cảnh khách quan) Ex: I have to get up early tomorrow. I am going away and my train leaves at 7. * Lu ý: Nếu dùng Must Have to dạng phủ định chúng có nghĩa nh sau: + Must not ( Mustn t) ST = Không đợc làm Ex: You mustnt tell any one. + Don t have to ST = làm Ex: You dont have to tell me. D - should, had better. 1- Should + V = Nên làm việc Ex: You should apologize him. You should get up early 2- Had better + V = ( tốt ) Nên làm việc đó. (nó đợc dùng trờng hợp cụ thể đó, không làm điều xảy hậu không hay) Ex: You dont look well. Youd better not go to work today. Your teeth are really hurt. Youd better go to the dentist. . dont have to tell me. D - should, had better. 1- Should + V = Nên làm việc gì đó Ex: You should apologize him. You should get up early 2- Had better + V = ( tốt hơn là ) Nên làm việc gì đó. (nó

Ngày đăng: 25/09/2015, 09:03

Xem thêm: Cac mau cau va bai tap ap dung.doc

