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Tiếng Anh Chuyên Ngành Thủy Lợi

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Tiếng Anh Chuyên Ngành Thủy Lợi

~2.'1b2.7 '- 306 A- TRUONG 1l.;.I HQC THiN LQI BQ M6N TItNG ANH TIENGANH A ••• ? CHUYEN NGANH THUY LOI • ENGLISH FOR WATER RESOURCES (The second edition) THUVI'EN TRUONGCAO DANG C6NG NGH~ :~,~~ ct~~.~.~.I~~.~~~~ • •• HANQI-2010 • MVCLVC Len NOI E>AU UNIT I : WHAT IS WATER RESOURCES MANAGEMENT? UNIT 2: HYDROLOGY : 13 UNIT 3: FLUID MECHANICS 20 UNIT 4: THE SCIENCE OF STRENGTH OF MATERIALS 28 UNIT 5: IRRIGA nON HISTORY 36 UNIT 6: TYPES OF DAMS 41 VOCABULARY - UNIT 47 VOCABULARY - UNIT 50 VOCABULARY - UNIT 55 VOCAB ULAR Y - UNIT 57 VOCABULARY - UNIT 59 VOCABULARY-UNIT 60 TAl LIJ;:UTHAM KHAo 63 I, LOlN6IDAu Ti€ng Anh cang dm;ycsir d\lng re)ng rai tren toan th~ gim, d~c bi~t la linh V\l'C khoa hQc k)' thu~t Thliy 19i. Vi v~y, d6i vm cac k)' su, sinh vien Thliy 19i thi ti€ng Anh chuyen nganh th\fc S\f la cful thi€t cong vi~c. Xullt pMt tir nhu cAu tren, Be) mon Ti€ng Anh thlly cful thi€t pMi xay d\fng me)t t~p hai giang nhfun ph\lc Y\I cho nhiing d6i tuc;mgnay. T~p hai giang diJi gop phfrn trang bi cho nguiJi hQc v6n til V\fng co bim linh V\fCThliy 19i noi chung, gilip hQ n~m duqc cach sir d\lng cac thu~t ngfr chuyen nganh tren co sa cling c6 cac vlln de ngfr pMp co han lien quan den mili hai dQc. Qua day, hQ co th€ co duqc nhfrng kMi ni~m ve cac thu~t ngfr lien quan den chuyen nganh, co kha nmg dQc hi~u va djch duqc cac tai li~u, sac~, t(lP c~i "\hUy Iqi, d6ng thOi hQ co th€ lam vi~c tT\fCti€p vm cac chuyen gia nuac ngoai de co the tiep c~n duqc vai nhiing l\fu mm clia tien be) khoa hQc k)' thu~t. T~p hai giang g6m bai dQc ve chuyen nganh Thliy lqi duqc bien sO(ln cho d6i tuc;mg sinh vien hQc mon TA3 t(li tmang D(li hQc Thliy 19i. Cac bai dQc duqc suu t~p til cac cu6n giao trinh kMc nhau, til cac cu6n sach ph6 bien ve chuyen nllanh Thliy 19i. Sau mili hai dQC cac thfry, co giao Be)mon Ti~ng Anh da xay d\fng h~ thOng hai ~p rllt da d(lng va phong phu d€ ki€m tra, cling c6 cac ki~n thirc ve tir V\fng, ngfr pMp va cach sir d\lng cac thu~t ngfr da hQc tling linh V\l'CC\l th€. Cac hinh iinh minh hQa di kern lam cho t~p bai giang them sinh de)ng. Cu6i cung Ia h~ th6ng cac thu~t ngfr va til V\fng duqc djch sang ti~ng Vi~t d~ gilip cac em co th€ hi€u cac hai dQc me)t cach d~ dang va nhanh chong han. Be) mon Ti~ng Anh xin tran trQng cam an Ban Giiim hi~u, Trung !fun Thu vi~n dil 1(10 dieu ki~n thu~ 19i va cac d6ng nghi~p dil ce)ng tac tich C\fCtrong qua trinh bien SO(lnd€ ~p bai giang sam dOi ph\lc Y\I kip thOi cho b(ln dQc. Hy ":Qng cu6n giao trinh "Ti€n~ Anh chuyen nganh ThUy lQi" se gi~p cac. em sinh vien hQCtot, nang cao ky nmg dQc hieu cac tai li~u chuyen ngiinh Thliy 19i bmg tieng Anh, nang cao kha nmg sir d\lng ti€ng Anh clia minh linh V\fCThliy 19i. Rllt mong nh~ duqc nhieu dong gop quy bau clia b(ln dQc gful xa. Chlic cac b(ln thiinh cong! Bi} mon Ti€ng Anh UNIT 1: WHAT IS WATER RESOURCES MANAGEMENT? People from different professional backgrounds tend to view management differently. To the ecologist, water resources management water resources is often connected with reversing the effects of the deterioration of ecosystems, land degradation, pollution and destruction of wetlands. To the water engineer, water resources management is about dams, reservoirs, flood protection, diversions, river training, water treatment and reclamation. To the lawyer, the main issues in water resources management are the ownership of water, systems of water rights, the priority of use, water markets, water legislation, and international water law. To the economist, water resources management is connected with economic efficiency, cost recovery and the attainment of national objectives. It can be truly said that the Water Resources Management, in all its components, is a multi-disciplinary field. In recent years, a number of concepts related to water resources are widely used, such as Water Resources Development, Water Recourses Planning, Water Recourses Management, and more recently, Integrated Water Resources Management. It is useful to define these terms, or at least agree on some broad definitions so that those involved in this work have a common understanding of their meaning. Water Resources Development: actions, mostly physical, that lead to the beneficial use of water resources for single or multiple purposes. Water Resources Planning: planning of the development, conservation and allocation of a scarce resource (sectoral and intersectoral), matching water availability and demand, taking into account the full set of national objectives and constraints and the interests of stakeholders. Water Resources Management: the whole set of technical, institutional, managerial and operational activities required to plan, operate and manage water resources. In other words, Water Resources Management can be considered as a process, including all activities on planning, design, construction and operation of water resources systems. In recent years, definition of the integrated water resources management has been used. Integrated Water Resources Management takes accounts of: I. all natural aspects of the water resources; 2. all sectoral interests and stakeholders; 3. the spatial variation of resources and demands; 4. relevant policy frameworks (national objectives and constraints); and 5. institutional levels. Why Integrated Water Resources Management? In order to have effective water resources management, the following principles are required: • National water resources management should be undertaken in a holistic, determined and sustained manner to meet national development goals and protect the environment. • Management of specific water resources should be decentralized to an appropriate level responding to basin boundaries. • Delivery of specific accountable public, water services should be delegated private or co-operative services in a defined geographical agencies to autonomous providing area to their customers, measured and water and/or members, for appropriate fee. • Water use in society should be sustainable - with incentives, regulatory controls and public education promoting economic efficiency, conservation of water resources and protection of the environment - with a transparent policy framework: • ~hared water resources within and between nations should be allocated efficiently for the mutual benefit of all riparian users. The integrated water resources management will be an effective tool to implement the above principles. A. GRAMMAR REVIEW BE + P/I (past participle) I. Passive voice: - In the present simple: am/ware + PIl E.g: Water resources management is defined differently. - In the present perfect: havel1las + been + PIl E.g: A lot of hydroelectric power plants have been built in Vietnam. - With modal verbs can/should: can/should + be + PIl E.g: + Shared water resources should be allocated efficiently for the mutual benefit of all riparian users. + Water resources management can be viewed differently. II. Infinitives - Infinitives are used to express purpose. They answer the question why . ? E.g: A number of hydroelectric power plants have been built to meet the energy demand. - Infinitives are used after certain adjectives. E.g: It is useful to define the terms related to water resources management. III. Words of purposes: for, to, in order to, so that for + N to + V in order to + clause so that E.g: They wentfor a walk. We come here to learn English. We must eat in order to live. They went early so that they could get good seats. B. COMPREHENSION CHECK I. Answer the following questions I. What is the view of ecologists on water resources management (WRM)? 2. What is the view of water engineers on WRM? 3. What are the concepts related to water resources? 4. What these terms mean? Match the term with its definition. Terms Definition I. Water Resources Development a. a process involving all activities of planning, designing, constructing and operating water resources systems 2. Water Resources Planning b. actions resulting in beneficial use of water resources for one or more purposes 3. Water Resources Management c. plans to develop, conserve and allocate a scarce resource; to match availability and demand; to consider all the national objectives and constraints and the interests of stakeholders What are the contents of the integrated WRM? 6. How many principles are required to have effective WRM? II. True, false. Correct the false ones. I. People from different professional backgrounds have the same view on WRM. 2. To the water engineer, WRM is about dams, reservoirs, flood protection, diversions, river training, water treatment and reclamation. 3. Water Resources Development: actions that result in the beneficial use of water resources for only one purpose. 4. It is said that WRM involves planning, design, construction, operation of water resources systems. 5. The government should decentralize management appropriate level responding to basin boundaries. of specific water resources 6. In order to meet national development goals and protect the environment, undertake water resources management determinedly and sustainably, holistically. C. PRACTICE I. Translate the text into Vietnamese II. Word formation: I. Write the other parts of speech of the words below: No Verb Noun Adjective manage efficient operate allocation conserve develop protect pollute 10 definition II 10 12 construct 13 plan 14 attain 15 reclaim to an we should reclamation n l,rekl:l'meiJn! S\Icai t?o; S\I khai hoang related to a lri'leitid! lien quan d~n relevant a /'rel:lv:lnt/ co lien quan/ thich dang reservOIr n /'reZdvwa:1 h6 chua nuac reverse v lri'V3:s1 lam thay d6i hoan toW dao nguQ'c npanan a Irai'pe:lri:ln! thuQcl s6ng (] yen song river training np Iri'v3: treinil)l vi~c nlin dong; chinh tri song scarce a /'ske:lsl khan hi~m sectoral a I'sekt:lrl/ thuQc ngilnh/ khu V\fC spatial a /'speifl/ thuQc v~ khong gian specific a Isp:l'sifik/ rieng, CIIth~ stakeholder n Isteikh:luld:ll nhiing ngm'ri/ cac ben lien quan sustained a IS:ls'teind! b~n viing, liiu dai l:lkaunt/ xem xet, tinh d~n cili gi take st into account technical a I'teknikl/ thuQc v~ k)' thu~t term n It3:rn/ thu~t ngfr Ib'nektid! lien quan d~n Itrrens'prer:ln! minh b~ch, rang to be connected with transparent a undertake v variation n Ive:lri'eifn! S\l view v Ivju:1 quan ni~m ,np I'wo:t:l 'ma:kit/ thi tru6ng nuac np I'wo:t:l ri'so:siz quan ly ngu6n tili nguyen nuac water markets water resources management dam nh~, th\lC hi~n thay d6i 'mrenid3m:lnt I water right np I'wo:t:l rait! quy~n su d\lOg nuac water treatment np I'wo:t:l 'tri:m:ln! xu ly ngu6n nuac wetlands n Iwet'lrendsl khu V\fCdb lAy; vimg d~t u6't 49 VOCABULARY - UNIT alleviate v [a'li:vieit] liun nhlYb6t, liun giiun b6t anticipate v [ren'tisipei t] tbdy truac, dom tmac, ch~ tmac aqueduct n ['rekwidAkt] c6ng dfuI nuac aquifer n ['rekwifa] (dja Iy, dja chdt) lap/ tkg ngi)m nuac artificial a [,a:ti'fiJal] nhant\lO aspect n ['respekt] khia c(l.nh assess v [a'ses] danh gia, dinh gia associate v [a'souJiit] k6t hQ'Plien k6t atmosphere n ['retmasfia] quy6n, khong availability n [a,veila'biliti] sfuJco be taken for granted bi xem tbuemg behaviour n [bi'heivja] d~c trung; d~c tinh biology n [bai'olad3i] sinh v~t hQc cause v [ko:z] gay circulate v ['sa:kjuleit] lUllthong, luan chuY6n, tuk hoan civil engineering n climate n ['klaimit] h~u, thOi ti6t climatologist n [,klaima'tolad3ist] nhi! h~u hQc concentrate v ['konsntreit] t~p !rung consequence n ['konsikwans] h~ qua, k6t qui! constantly n ['konstantli] lien l\1C construction n [kan'strAkfn] SIT control v,n [bn'troul] h\lil ch6, di~u chinh convert v [kan'va:t] d6i, bi6n d6i 50 xay d\Tl1gdan d\lIlg xay d\Tl1g counteract v [,kaunta'rrekt] ch6ng l(li, liun m~t tac d\ll1g crop n [krop] Y\l, cycle n ['saiki] chu ky, chu trinh design v,n [di'zain] thi~t k~ dilute v [dai'lju:t] liun giiun bOt distribution n [,distri'bju:fn] Sl,!phan b6, Sl,!phan ph6i domestic a [dd'mestik] a !rong mQt mrac, drought n [draut] hnt:lti] luqng,s6Iuqng,kh6iluqng rapidly adv ('rrepidli] nhanh, nhanh chong, mau l~ m~t dQ diin s6 raw material recharge viit li~u tho v [ri:'tJa:d3] release of greenhouse gases ph\lc hai l~i, khoi ph\lc l~i, n~p di~n s\l thoat nha kinh reliable a [ri'lai:lbl] chAc chAn, dang tin c~y replenish v [ri'pleniJ] dugc cung cap them, dugc b6 sung represent v repri'zent] d~i di~n, la k~t qua cua (cai gi) reservOir n ['rez:lvwa: ] chua responsibility n [ri,sp:>ns:l'bil:lti] tnl.ch nhi~m, S\l chiu trach nhi~m right n [rait] th\lC ~g, river basin n huang dUng lUll V\lCsong 53 run-off n ['rlln'o:f] run-off patterns dong chay, hru IUQ'l1gchay mo hinh, ki~u dong chay sanitation n [,sreni'teifn] cac h~ th6ng v~ sinh scheme n [ski:m] k~ hO\lch sheet n [fi:t] mang IOn, via significant a [sig'nifik:mt] co space and time y nghia khong gian va thiri gian spatial a ['speiJI] khong gian stream n [stri:m] dong su6i sustainable a [sas'teinabl] b~n Vling, C(J ban temporary a ['temprari] l\Irn thiri tend to be most aware nh~ra to be concerned with d~ c~p den, lien qUlin den transfer v,n ['trrensfa: ] S\I underground a ['I\ndagraund] dum m~t ddt, ngfun unevenly a [I\n'i:vnli] khong d~u, thdt thuOng urban a ['a:ban] (thuQc) ph6 vital a ['vaitl] s6ng con, thiet yeu. water famine n yet adv 54 S\I [jet] di chuy~n, truy~n tai hiem nuac cho d~n bay gii:r/hie do, con, chua VOCABULARY - UNIT atmosphere n ['retm::lsfi::l] quy~n, khong analytical a [,ren::l'litik] phan tich artificial a [,a:ti'fiJ::ll] nhant(lo acceleration n [::lk,sel::l'reiJn] gia t6c aeronautics n [,e::lr::l'no:tiks] himg khong hQc absorb v [::lb'so:b] hut, h1lpthu breakwater n ['breikwo:t::l] de chfuJ song (a hai cang) bearing n ['be::lriT]] cai gia, cai tl\l, cai d~m boundary n ['baund::lri] duang bien giai, ranh gi61 confine v [bn'fain] h(ln ch~, gi61 h(ln computation n [,kompju:'teiJn] Sl,ftinh toim, Sl,fuac tinh combustion n [bm'bflstJn] Sl,fd6t cMy; dam n [drem] d~p, nuac ngan l(li, b~ nuac dynamics n [dai'nremik] dQng Il,fchQc element n ['elim::lnt] y~u t6, nguyen t6, (s6 nhi~u) co sa, [ig'z::l:t] dua vao sir d\lng; ap d\lng cai gi exert Sll chay experiment n [iks'periment] cUQcthi nghi~m; cUQcthir nghi~m empirical a [em'pirik::ll] theo kinh nghi~m, kinh nghi~m energy n ['en::ld3i] nang lugng fluid n ['flu:id] ch1ltluu (gam ch1lt long va ch1lt khi) fluid dynamics n ['flu:id dai'nremiks] dQng Il,fchQc ch1lt luu fundamental a [,fflnd::l'mentl] ea bim, ea sa, chu y~u, g6c friction n . ['frikfn] sll rna formula n ['fo:mjul::l] cong thuc, phuong pMp geologic a [d3i::l'lod3ik] thuQc ve dja ch1lt hydraulics n [hai'dro:liks] thuy ll,fchQc hydrodynamics n [,haidroudai'nremiks] thuy dQng ll,fchQc, d('>ngll,fchQc ch1lt long kinematics n [,kaini'mretiks] chuyen dQng hQc liquid n ['likwid] ch1lt long, ch1ltnuac lubrication n [,lu:bri'keiJn] Sl,ftra dAu rna, Sl,fboi tron mechanics n [mi'kreniks] eahQc sat 55 meteorology n [,mi :tja'rolad 3i] tugng hQc moisture n ['moist!a] hoi fun manna n [,ma'ri:na] ben du thuyen oceanography n [,auJa'nografi] 'hai ducmg hQc phenomenon n [fa'nominan] hi~n tugng pipeline n ['paiplain] duimg ang dfuJ pump n [pflmp] may bam principle n ['prinsapl] nguyen 1)', nguyen lAc property n ['propati] thuQc tinh projectile n [pra'd3ektail] d(ll1;v~t phong ra, v~t phong di tlf dQng resistance n [ri'zistans] Slf chang CIf;suc b~n, seashore n ['si:Jo] ba bi~n sedimentation n [,sedimen'teiJn] Slf dong c~, qua trinh Ikg dQng trfun tich spillway n ['spilwei] d~p tran submarine n [,sflbma'ri:n] tau ngfun solid n ['solid] th~ rk scope n [skoup] ph(ll11vi supplementary a [,sflpli'mentri] b3sung theory n ['Siari] hQc thuyet; I)' thuyet, gia dinh treatment n [,tri:tmant] Slfxu I)' ['ta:bain] tua bin turbine , , tangible a ['ta:nd3abl] hiiu hinh unify v [ju:nifai] thang nh~t, hgp nh~t velocity n [vi'losati] v~tac verify v [,verifai] thfun tra, ki~m l(1i,xac minh windmill n ['winmil] cai xay gio 56 VOCABULARY - UNIT adjacent a [:)'d3eisnt] k~ c~, li~n k~ aerostatics n [,e:)rou'stretiks] tiOOhQc attain v [:)'tein] d;lt dugc, giimh dugc bar n [ba:] xa beam n [bi:m] dim behavior n [bi'heivj:) ] phan Ung construct v [k:)n'strAkt] xay d\ffig construction n [bn'strAk.fn] cong trioo consumption n [bn'si\mpIn] sir d\lng, tieu dung contradiction n [,k)ntr:)'dikfn] svmauthufun,trainguQ'c contradictory a [,k)ntm'dikt:)ri] mau thufun, trai nguQ'c [kr)S 'sekf:)nl 'e:)ri:)] di~n tich m~t cAt ngang cross-sectional area deal v [di:l] d6i pho, giai quy~t deck n [dek] boong tau, san tim devise v [di'vaiz] d~ devote v [di'vout] dong gop, giimh h~t cho dimension n [di'menfn] kich thu6c disintegration n [dis,inti'greiIn] sv phan huy, tan distortion n [dis't):fn] svmeo mo dynamic a [dai'nremik] thuQc dQng lvc eminent a ['emin:)nt]. ' ' xuatsac enable v [i'neibl] cho phep, lam cho co kha nang ensure v [in'Iu:)] dam bao entail v [in'teil] doi hoi, yeu du experiment n [iks'periment] thu nghi~m [eks't:):nl f):s] ngo;li lvc . external force facilitate v [f:)'siliteit] ~o di~u ki~n thu~ 19i failure n ['feilj:)] sv thAt b;li feudal a ['fju:dl] phong ki~n fulfillment n [ful'filrn:)nt] svdaPUng 57 function n ['fAT]k.in] hO(ltdQng, ch(lY(may) fundamentals n [,fMd:l'mentlz] nguyen t~c/quy cic co ban [in t:l:n] IAnluQ'!,dSn luQ'! in tum . . , initiate v [i'niJiit] bat dau, de xu6ng internal a [in't:l:nl] nQi dja, ben intimately adv ['intimitli] cMt chi!, sau s~c judge v ['d3Ad3] danh gia [ki:p peis wid] b~t kip/ theo kip tiSn dQ keep pace with load n [loud] tai tn;mg maritime n ['mreritaim] hang hai material n [m:l'ti:lri:ll] v~t li~u metallurgical a [,met:l'I:l:d3ikl] luy~n kim perpetuate v [p:l'petfueit] tri reliable a [ri'lai:lbl] ch~c ch~, dang tin c~y resist v [ri'zist] ch6ng l(li, phan Ung l(li restore v [ri'stJ:] kh6i ph\lc, sira chua l(li separate a ['sepr:lt] rieng bi~t sluice n [slu:s] cira c6ng, kenh dao span n [spren] nhjp stability n [st:l'bil:lti] s\l6n dinh strength n ['streT]S] sirc b~n withstand v [wie'strend] ch6ng l(li, chiu d\ll1g 58 VOCABULARY - UNIT be covered with concrete duc;rcbao phil bm a ['kJllkri:t] liun b~g be tong n be tong v nii be tong, db be tong crop n dam-builders n flooding n ['fll\dill] ng~p h.lt. S\l'ung h,lt include v [in'klu:d] b ao gom, ' , co. gom irrigate v ['irigeit] tum (dAt, ruQng) irrigation n [,iri'geifn] S\I'tum (dAt, ruQng) invent v [in'vent] pMt minh, sang ch~ invention n [in'venIn] S\I'pMt minh, sang ch~ [krJp] ngum xay d\fl1g d~p piece of engineering no doubt V\I,mila, thu ho~ch cong trinh ky thu~t [daut] khong nghi nga gi • 59 VOCABULARY- UNIT arch action n la:t,! 'rekJanl mc d\ll1g cua yom arch dam n la:t,! drem I d~pvom artificial lake n I,a :ti:frJallerk! availability n la, verla'brlitil S\f base n Ibersl day d~p bedrock n I'bedrok! n~n da; da g6c buttress dam n I'bAtrisl d~p lr\1ch6ng canyon n I'krenjanl hem nili; liing song clay n /klerl d:t;J I lin'v;J:sli inversely proportional levee low slope stability n Pf;)'pJ:J;Jn;JII Ii l~ nghjch ['levi] de, de bao 6n djnh mai d6c thdp np maintenance n I'melnt;Jn;Jnsl S\I tri, bao ducrng massive a I'mreslvl db sQ I'mAltip;J1/ d~p vom nhi6u nhjp I'J:fset! can bkg; bu If;li a laut's!rendIIJI nAi b~t v,n l';Juv;J'fl;Jul chay tran, trlm nuac multiple arch dam np offset outstanding overflow permanence n I'p3: m;Jn;Jns! lau dl\i permeable a I'p;J:mj;Jbl/ co tinh thfun nuac; thfun qua duqc I'p;J:vi;JS pervious foundation np faun'derJ;Jn/ n6n d~ thfun nuac reinforced concrete slab np I,ri: in'fJ:s! !fun be tong chju l\Ic IrI'Slrlkt/ gi6i hf;lfi restrict v rockfill n sandy a I'srendi/ co cat section n I'sekJ;Jn/ m~t c~t Seepage n I'si:pidy S\I thfun side walls n .slope n Isl;Jupl mai d6c; mai nghieng solid a I'solid/ d~c dadA tulmg ben, vach da I 'solid 'gra:viti solid gravity dam n solid rock n drem/ d~p lrQng l\Ic d~c da d~c 61 span v IsprenJ n6i, keo dai qua spillway n ISpII weI! tran (la m(lt du[...]... dum tac d(>ngcua ngo(ti h,rc 3 Mau thufuI giiia di~u ki~n kinh t~ va d(>tin c~y trong ho(tt d(>ngthuang xay ra khi thi~t k~ cac cong trinh ho\ic may moc 4 Nhiing di~u ki~n nh~ xay d\ffig nhanh va trQng Im;mg t6i thi~u anh hu6ng d~n kich thUGC, hinh d(lllg va v~t li~u cua cac b(>ph~ e . "Ti€n~ Anh chuyen nganh ThUy lQi" se gi~p cac. em sinh vien hQCtot, nang cao ky nmg dQc hieu cac tai li~u chuyen ngiinh Thliy 19i bmg tieng Anh, nang cao kha nmg sir dlng ti€ng Anh clia. ~2.'1b2.7 '- 7 306 A- TRUONG 1l.;.I HQC THiN LQI BQ M6N TItNG ANH TIENGANH A ••• ? CHUYEN NGANH THUY LOI • ENGLISH FOR WATER RESOURCES (The second edition) THUVI'EN TRUONG CAO DANG. k)' su, sinh vien Thliy 19i thi ti€ng Anh chuyen nganh thfc Sf la cful thi€t trong cong vi~c. Xullt pMt tir nhu cAu tren, Be)mon Ti€ng Anh thlly cful thi€t pMi xay dfng me)tt~p hai giang

Ngày đăng: 23/09/2015, 18:45

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