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Liposomal co encapsulation of quercetin with synergistic chemotherapeutic drugs for breast cancer treatment

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LIPOSOMAL CO-ENCAPSULATION OF QUERCETIN WITH SYNERGISTIC CHEMOTHERAPEUTIC DRUGS FOR BREAST CANCER TREATMENT WONG MAN YI (B.Sc (Pharmacy) (Hons), National University of Singapore) A THESIS SUBMITTED FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY DEPARTMENT OF PHARMACY NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF SINGAPORE 2010 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to thank my supervisor, Dr Gigi Chiu for her invaluable support; Dr Giorgia Pastorin, thesis committee member for her advice on the project; Associate Professor Chui Wai Keung for taking the time to be my PhD qualifying examination examiner and Associate Professor Chan Sui Yung for her encouragement to pursue graduate studies In addition, I am grateful for Ms Tan Bee Jen’s laboratory management so that it is conducive for conducting research, Ms Ng Swee Eng and Ms Ng Sek Eng for their help in handling administrative matters pertaining to chemical orders Last but not least, I would like to thank my laboratory mates, Mr Shaikh Mohammed Ishaque, Ms Anumita Chaudhury, Ms Ling Leong Uung and Mr Tan Kuan Boone for their insightful discussions and companionship i TABLE OF CONTENTS SUMMARY V LIST O F TABL ES VII LIST OF FIGURES X LIST OF LIST SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS OF PUBLICATIONS AND AWARDS CHAPTER 1.1 I N T R O D U CT I O N 1.2 CANCER OVERVIEW 1.3 T R E A T M E N T RE G I ME N S A G A I N S T B R E A S T CA N C E R 1.4 QUERCETIN OVERVIEW 1.5 M E T H O D S T O D E T E RM I N E S Y N E R G Y 1.6 S Y N E R G I S M O F Q U E RC E T I N W I T H C O N V E N T I O N A L XVII XIX 1 13 CHEMOTHERAPEUTIC DRUGS 1.7 BARRIERS TO THE ADOPTION OF QUERCETIN IN THE 17 CLINICAL SETTING 1.8 P R O S A N D C O N S O F CU R R E N T A P P R O A C H E S T O S O L U B I L I Z E 17 QUERCETIN 1.9 CLASSIFICATION OF LIPOSOMES 25 1.10 V A R I O U S G E N E R A T I O N S O F L I P O S O M E S 26 1.11 L I P I D S U S E D F O R L I P O S O M E M A K I N G 28 28 1.11.1 P H O S P H O L I P I D S 1.11.2 P O L Y ( E T H Y L E N E G L Y C O L ) C O N J U G A T E D L I P I D S 30 33 1.11.3 C H O L E S T E R O L 1.11.4 G E L - T O - L I Q U I D C R Y S T A L L I N E P H A S E T R A N S I T I O N 35 1.12 M E T H O D S O F D R U G L O A D I N G I N T O L I P O S O M E S 36 36 1.12.1 P A S S I V E L O A D I N G 1.12.2 R E M O T E L O A D I N G W IT H A CI D I C L I P O S O M E I N T E R I O R 36 1.12.3 I O N O P H O RE ME D I A T E D G E N E R A T I O N O F P H G R A D I E N T S 37 VIA TRANSMEMBRANE ION GRADIENTS 1.13 C H A P T E R S U M M A R Y 38 CHAPTER THESIS RATIONALE AND HYPOTHESIS OBJECTIVES 2.1 2.2 39 40 CHAPTER 41 MATERIALS 41 I N V I T R O CY T O T O X I C I T Y S T U D I E S M E D I A N - E F F E CT A N A L Y S I S 42 L I P O S O ME P R E P A R A T I O N 43 P H G R A D I E N T L O A D I N G O F I RI NO T E C A N A N D V I N C R I S T I N E 43 EVALUATION OF QUERCETIN STABILITY 44 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 ii 3.7 3.8 3.9 3.10 3.11 3.12 DRUG RELEASE OF STUDIES ANIMAL STUDIES PHARMACOKINETIC STUDIES IN VIVO EFFICACY STUDY UPLC M E T H O D D E V E L O P M E N T S T A T I S T I CS AND ANALYSIS CHAPTER 4.1 I N T R O D U CT I O N 4.2 RESULTS 4.2.1 4.2.2 45 45 45 46 47 48 49 49 49 Effect of cholesterol on quercetin incorporation Effect of incorporation of mol% of DSPE-PEG 0 on the incorporation of quercetin 50 4.2.3 Influence of different lipids on quercetin incorporation 51 4.2.4 Effect of pH on quercetin incorporation in liposomal membranes 53 4.2.5 Physical stability of the liposomes 54 4.2.6 In vitro release profile of quercetin 55 4.2.7 Stability studies with quercetin 57 4.2.8 In vitro cytotoxicity studies of liposomal quercetin 59 4.3 DISCUSSION 63 CHAPTER 5.1 I N T R O D U CT I O N 5.2 RESULTS 5.2.1 In vitro activities of quercetin, irinotecan, vincristine, carboplatin and 5-fluorouracil monotherapy in JIMT-1 and MDA-MB-231 breast cancer cell lines 5.2.2 Drug combination studies 5.3 DISCUSSION CHAPTER 6.1 I N T R O D U CT I O N 6.2 RESULTS 6.2.1 6.2.2 6.2.3 loading 6.2.4 69 71 71 71 77 81 83 83 85 In vitro activities of quercetin and irinotecan Effect of ionophore on irinotecan loading Effect of quercetin incorporation on irinotecan 87 Effect of temperature on the loading of irinotecan into DPPC/DSPE-PEG 0 /Quercetin (90:5:5 molar ratio) liposomes 89 6.2.5 Physical stability of the liposomes 90 6.2.6 In vitro drug release of irinotecan 91 6.2.7 In vitro cytotoxicity studies on the liposomal formulation 95 6.3 DISCUSSION 97 iii CHAPTER 7.1 I N T R O D U CT I O N 7.2 RESULTS 7.2.1 7.2.2 102 104 104 In vitro activities of quercetin and vincristine Quercetin incorporation into ESM liposomes and stability studies 105 7.2.3 Effect of cholesterol on vincristine loading 110 7.2.4 Effect of quercetin on vincristine loading 111 7.2.5 Effect of temperature on vincristine loading 114 7.2.6 Physical stability of the liposomes 116 7.2.7 In vitro drug release of vincristine and quercetin 118 7.2.8 In vitro cytotoxicity studies 122 125 7.3 DISCUSSION CHAPTER 8.1 I N T R O D U CT I O N 8.2 RESULTS 8.2.1 Optimization of analysis conditions 8.2.2 Specificity in plasma samples 8.2.3 Linearity in plasma samples 8.2.4 Accuracy and precision in plasma samples 8.2.5 Extraction efficiency in plasma samples 8.2.6 Stability in plasma samples 8.2.7 Specificity for the liver and spleen homogenates 8.2.8 Linearity in liver and spleen homogenates 8.2.9 Accuracy and precision in liver and spleen homogenates 8.2.10 Recovery in liver and spleen homogenates 8.2.11 Stability in liver and spleen homogenates 8.3 DISCUSSION CHAPTER 9.1 I N T R O D U CT I O N 9.2 RESULTS 131 132 132 136 138 138 140 140 141 145 145 149 150 152 153 154 9.2.1 Plasma elimination profile of free and liposomal combination of quercetin and vincristine 154 9.2.2 Drug accumulation in the reticuloendothelial system156 9.2.3 In vivo antitumor effects against the JIMT-1 xenograft 157 9.2.4 In vitro evaluation of CI values in the ratios of free quercetin and vincristine 161 9.3 DISCUSSION 162 C H A P T E R 10 10.1 R E F E RE N CE S 173 iv SUMMARY Quercetin is a flavonoid commonly found in fruits and vegetables which exerts selective cytotoxicity on cancer cells and synergizes with chemotherapeutic drugs However, its clinical usage has been hampered by low water solubility Therefore, the objectives of this thesis were to (i) develop a liposomal formulation to solubilize quercetin, (ii) identify chemotherapeutic drugs that synergize with quercetin in breast cancer cells, (iii) co-encapsulate quercetin/drug combinations into liposomes, and (iv) evaluate formulation in vitro and in vivo the co-encapsulated Liposomal encapsulation of quercetin was around 100%, increased its solubility by 10-fold, reduced quercetin degradation and the formulation was also physically stable Quercetin synergized with (i) irinotecan and (ii) vincristine in the JIMT-1 and MDA-MB-231 breast cancer cell lines Irinotecan could be encapsulated in DPPC/DSPEPEG 0 /Quercetin (90:5:5 mole ratio) liposomes with around 80% efficiency and vincristine could be ESM/Cholesterol/PEG 0 -ceramide/Quercetin mole ratio) liposomes with around 70% encapsulated in (72.5:17.5:5:5 efficiency Both formulations displayed controlled and co-ordinated release of the two agents In vitro evaluation of liposomal vincristine/quercetin formulation comprising of ESM/Cholesterol/PEG 0 - ceramide/Quercetin 72.5:17.5:5:5 mole ratio demonstrated the v highest anti-cancer activity; thus, this formulation was further evaluated in vivo Through liposomal co-encapsulation, plasma half lives of quercetin and vincristine were increased, and the synergistic ratio of the two drugs maintained The formulation exhibited significant anti-tumor activity at two-thirds of the maximum tolerated dose of vincristine in a human epidermal growth factor overexpressing, trastuzumab-resistant breast tumor xenograft model vi LIST OF TABLES TA B LE I NT E RPRE TAT I ON O F C O M BI NATION INDEX VA LUES GENERATED BY THE MED IAN-EFFECT EQUA TION 10 TA BLE SU MMA RY OF TH E SYNE RG ISM OF QUERCETIN W ITH C HE MO THE RA PEU TIC AG ENT S 14 TA B LE MA RKE TED L I POSO MAL P RO D U CT S FOR CAN CE R TREATMENT 22 TA BLE NOV EL LIPOSO MA L FORMULA TIONS UNDER CLIN ICA L T RI A LS FOR CAN CE R 23 TA BLE EFFECT OF CHOL ESTEROL ON THE PERCENTAGE IN CO RPO RATION OF QU ERCETIN, QUERCETIN CON CEN TRATI ON AND EXTENT OF SOLUBILIZA TION IN DPPC L IPOSO MES 50 TA B LE CO MPA RI SON O F THE P E RCENTAGE IN CO RPO RA TION O F QU ERCETIN IN DPPC LIPOSO MES W ITH OR W ITHOUT MO L% OF DSPE-PEG 0 51 TA BLE EF FE CT OF DI FFE RENT LI PIDS ON QU ERCETIN IN CO RPO RATION 52 TA BLE R VALU ES OF ZERO ORDER, FI RST O RDER AND SQUARE ROOT OF TI ME RE LEAS E MOD EL S FOR THE LI POSOME S 57 TA BLE IN VITRO CYTOTOXI CI TY OF QUERCETIN IN FREE AND L IPOSO MAL FO RM 62 TA B LE E C AND R VA LUES OF QUERCETIN, I RINOTECAN, VIN CRISTINE, CA RBOPLATIN AND -FLUO ROU RA CIL IN JI MT-1 AND MDA- MB-231 BREAST CAN CER CELLS 71 TA BLE 11 R VA LUES O F ZERO O RDER, FIRST O RDER AND SQUA RE ROO T OF TIME RELEAS E MOD ELS FO R QU ERCE TIN 94 TA BLE 12 R VA LUES O F ZERO O RDER, FIRST O RDER AND SQUA RE ROO T OF TIME RELEASE MOD ELS FO R I RINOTECAN 94 TA BLE 13 QU ERCETIN LOADING EFFI CIEN CY ( %) EXPRESSED A S A FUN CTION O F THE MO L% CHOL ES TE ROL IN THE LIPOSO MES IN THE PRESEN CE AND A BSEN CE OF MOL% P EG 0 - CERA MIDE IN ES M LIPOSO MES 108 TA B LE 14 PHY SI CAL S TA BILI TY O F THE ESM/CH OLESTEROL/QU ERCETIN LIPO SOMES I MMEDIA TELY AND DAYS AFTER EX TRUSION 109 TA BLE 15 PHY SI CAL S TA BILI TY O F THE ESM/QUE RCET IN /PEG 0 CE RA MID E/CHOL ES TE RO L LIPOSO MES IMMED IATELY AND DAY S AFTER EXTRUSION 109 TA BLE 16 VIN CRIS TINE LOAD ING EF FI CIEN CY (%) EX P RES SED AS A FUN CTION OF THE A MOUNT OF CHOL ESTERO L FO R L IPOSO MES COMP RISING OF ESM/P EG 0 -CERA MID E AND VA RYING RATI OS O F CHO LES TE RO L A T 60° C 111 vii TA BLE 17 R VA LUES O F ZERO O RDER, FIRST O RDER AND SQUA RE ROO T OF TIME RELEAS E MOD ELS FO R QU ERCE TIN F RO M LIPOSO MES 121 TA BLE 18 R VA LUES O F ZERO O RDER, FIRST O RDER AND SQUA RE ROO T OF TIME RELEASE MOD ELS FO R VINCRISTINE F RO M LIPOSO MES 121 TA B LE 19 SU MMA RY O F CI VA LUE S O F I RINO TE CAN /QU ER C ETIN AND V INCRISTINE/QUERCETIN LIPOSO MES IN MDA-MB-231 AND JI MT -1 CELLS 130 TA BLE 20 INTRA -DAY PRECISI ON O F VIN CRISTINE AND QU ERCETIN IN PLASMA (N =5) 139 TA BLE 21 INTER-DAY PRECISI ON O F VIN CRISTINE AND QU ERCETIN IN PLASMA (N =5) 139 TA BLE 22 EX TRA CTION EFFI CIEN CY OF VIN CRISTINE AND QU ERCETIN (N=5) 140 TA BLE 23 TH E STA BILITY O F QUERCETIN AND V INCRISTINE IN PREPA RED SA MPLES STO RED AT ºC AWAY FROM LIGHT AT 24 H (N=5) 141 TA BLE 24 INTRA -DAY PRECISI ON O F QU ERCETIN AND VIN CRISTINE IN LIVER HO MOGEN ATE (N =3) 146 TA BLE 25 INTER-DAY PRECISI ON O F QU ERCETIN AND VIN CRISTINE IN LIVER HO MOGEN ATE (N =3) 147 TA BLE 26 INTRA -DAY PRECISI ON O F QU ERCETIN AND VIN CRISTINE IN SPLEEN HO MOGENATE (N =3) 148 TA BLE 27 IN TER-DAY PRECISION O F QUERCETIN AND VIN CRISTINE IN SPLEEN HO MOGENATE (N =3) 148 TA BLE 28 EX TRA CTION EFFI CIEN CY OF QUERCETIN AND VIN CRISTINE IN LIVER HO MOGEN ATE (N =3) 149 TA BLE 29 EX TRA CTION EFFI CIEN CY OF QUERCETIN AND VIN CRISTINE IN SPLEEN HO MOGENATE (N =3) 150 TA BLE 30 TH E STA BILITY O F QUERCETIN AND V INCRISTINE IN LIVER SAMPLES STO RED AT ºC AW AY FRO M LIGHT AT 24 H (N =3) 151 TA BLE 31 TH E STA BILITY O F QUERCETIN AND V INCRISTINE IN S PL EEN SAMP LES S TO RED AT ºC AW AY FRO M LIGHT AT 24 H (N =3) 151 TA BLE 32 SU MMA RY O F PHA RMA COKINE TI C PARAME TE RS FO R QU ERCETIN AND VINCRISTINE 155 TA BLE 33 A CCU MULATION OF QU ERCETIN AND VINCRISTINE IN TH E LIVER AND SP LEEN AF TER IN TRAVENOUS AD MINI STRATI ON OF FREE D RUG CO MBINA TION OR THE L IPOSO ME CO- EN CAP SULA TED FO RMU LAT ION 157 viii TA B LE 34 SU MMA RY O F I N VIVO AN TI TUMO R EFFICA CY S TUDI ES IN THE JI MT -1 BREAST CANCER XENOGRAFT IN SCID MI CE (N =5) 160 ix 10.1 References Abraham, S A., McKenzie, C., et al (2004) "In Vitro and in Vivo Characterization of Doxorubicin and Vincristine 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Effect of cholesterol on quercetin incorporation Effect of incorporation of mol% of DSPE-PEG 0 on the incorporation of quercetin 50 4.2.3 Influence of different lipids on quercetin incorporation... develop a liposomal formulation to solubilize quercetin, (ii) identify chemotherapeutic drugs that synergize with quercetin in breast cancer cells, (iii) co- encapsulate quercetin/ drug combinations into... fit of the data to the equation For two drugs in which the effects of both drugs are mutually exclusive (with parallel median-effect plots for the drugs and their drug combinations) and for drugs

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