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I.Multichoice question1. The current in a wire ………a. depends only on the potential difference appliedc. depends only on the resistance of the wireb. depends on both resistance and potential differenced. does not depend on resistance and potential difference2. One of the components in DC generators is : a. primary windingb. brushesc. secondary winding d. porcelain insulator3. Electrical generating is concerned with:a. power stationsb. planesc. cables and switchgeard. roads and bridges4. One of the components in transformer is a. commutatorb. brushes c. primary windingd. drive shaft 5. Hydroelectric power plants use water flowing directly through the turbines to power the …a. motorb. damc. generatorc. reactorII.Use the words in the box to complete the paragraphFusesFault equipmentcurrentswitchMillisecondsisolatingwithstandvalueBlowIf there is a …(1)… Fault in a piece of equipment then excessive current may flow. This will cause overheating and possibly a fire; ….(2)….. equipment protect against this happening. Current from the supply to the equipment flows through the fuse. The fuse is a piece of wire which can carry a stated current; if the …(3)…rises above this value it will melt. If the fuse melts (blows) then there is an open circuit and no current can then flow – thus protecting the equipment by ……(4)….. Fuses it from the power supply. The fuse must be able to carry slightly more than the normal operating current of the …(5)… value to allow for tolerances and small current surges. With some equipment there is a very large surge of current for a short time at …..(6)…. milliseconds on. If a fuse is fitted to ….(7)….. current this large current there would be no protection against faults which cause the current to rise slightly above the normal ……(8)….. Therefore special antisurge fuses are fitted. These can stand 10 times the rated current for 10 …..(9)…... If the surge lasts longer than this the fuse will …(10)….

TRUNGLUXURY.DOC TRƯỜNG ĐẠI HỌC ĐIỆN LỰC Khoa: HỆ THỐNG ĐIỆN ĐỀ THI KẾT THÚC HỌC PHẦN MÔN: TIẾNG ANH CHUYÊN NGHÀNH Đề thi số: 1 Full name:…………………………… Class:………………………………… I Multi-choice question 1. The current in a wire ……… a. depends only on the potential difference applied c. depends only on the resistance of the wire b. depends on both resistance and potential difference d. does not depend on resistance and potential difference 2. One of the components in DC generators is : a. primary winding b. brushes c. secondary winding d. porcelain insulator 3. Electrical generating is concerned with: a. power stations b. planes c. cables and switchgear d. roads and bridges 4. One of the components in transformer is a. commutator b. brushes c. primary winding d. drive shaft 5. Hydroelectric power plants use water flowing directly through the turbines to power the … a. motor b. dam c. generator c. reactor II Use the words in the box to complete the paragraph Fuses Fault equipment current switch Milliseconds isolating withstand value Blow If there is a …(1)… Fault in a piece of equipment then excessive current may flow. This will cause overheating and possibly a fire; ….(2)… equipment protect against this happening. Current from the supply to the equipment flows through the fuse. The fuse is a piece of wire which can carry a stated current; if the …(3)…rises above this value it will melt. If the fuse melts (blows) then there is an open circuit and no current can then flow – thus protecting the equipment by ……(4)… Fuses it from the power supply. The fuse must be able to carry slightly more than the normal operating current of the …(5)… value to allow for tolerances and small current surges. With some equipment there is a very large surge of current for a short time at … (6)…. milliseconds on. If a fuse is fitted to ….(7)… current this large current there would be no protection against faults which cause the current to rise slightly above the normal ……(8)… Therefore special anti-surge fuses are fitted. These can stand 10 times the rated current for 10 … (9)… If the surge lasts longer than this the fuse will …(10)…. III Sentence building Join the following groups of sentences to make the longer sentences. Use the words printed in italics at the beginning of each group. You may omit words and make whatever changes you think are necessary in the word order and punctuation of the sentences. a Where The electricity flows to a transmission station In the transmission station, a transformer changes a large current and low voltage into a small current and high voltage. b If These gases and particulates are not captured by some pollution control equipment These gases and particulates are released into the atmosphere. IV Translate words into English and make a sentence with each word 1 Động cơ điện 2 Vành góp 3 Hiệu điện thế 4 Nhà máy nhiệt điện 5 Cầu dao V Reading and comprehension Read the following text and answer the questions. Electricity generation Electricity generation is the process of generating electric energy from other forms of energy. The basic method is still used today: electricity is generated by the movement of a loop of wire, or disc of copper between the poles of a magnet. For electric utilities, it is the first process in the delivery of electricity to consumers. The other processes, electricity transmission, distribution, and electrical power storage and recovery using pumped storage methods are normally carried out by the electric power industry. Electricity is most often generated at a power station by electromechanical generators, primarily driven by heat engines fueled by chemical combustion or nuclear fission but also by other means such as the kinetic energy of flowing water and wind. There are many other technologies that can be and are used to generate electricity such as solar photovoltaics and geothermal power. Central power stations became economically practical with the development of alternating current power transmission, using power transformers to transmit power at high voltage and with low loss. Electricity has been generated at central stations since 1881. The first power plants were run on water power or coal, and today we rely mainly on coal, nuclear, natural gas, hydroelectric, and petroleum with a small amount from solar energy, tidal harnesses, wind generators, and geothermal sources. Small electricity generators are often powered by reciprocating engines burning diesel, biogas or natural gas. Diesel engines are often used for back up generation, usually at low voltages. However most large power grids also use diesel generators, originally provided as emergency back up for a specific facility such as a hospital, to feed power into the grid during certain circumstances. Unlike the solar heat concentrators, photovoltaic panels convert sunlight directly to electricity. Although sunlight is free and abundant, solar electricity is still usually more expensive to produce than large-scale mechanically generated power due to the cost of the panels. Question: 1 Translate the first paragraph into Vietnamese? 1 What do the power plants nowadays run on? 2 What are the diesel generators used for? 3 Is the solar electricity cheap? Why? TRƯỜNG ĐẠI HỌC ĐIỆN LỰC Khoa: HỆ THỐNG ĐIỆN ĐỀ THI KẾT THÚC HỌC PHẦN MÔN: TIẾNG ANH CHUYÊN NGHÀNH Đề thi số: 02 Fullname : Class : I Multi-choice question 1. The electric charge of an proton is equal to … a. +1,602×10 -19 C b. -1,602×10 -17 C c. +1,602×10 -29 C d. -1,602×10 -27 C 2. One kilowatt hour of electrical energy is the same as…. a. 36 x 10 5 watts b. 10 5 watt c. 36 x 10 5 joules d. 36 megajoules 3. A circuit contains two un-equal resistances in parallel a. current is same in both b. large current flows in larger resistor c. potential difference across each is same d. smaller resistance has smaller conductance 4. In nature, energy cannot be created or ……, but its form can change. a. destroyed b. increased b. destroying b. increasing 5. Filaments of electric bulbs are usually made of … a. nichrome b. tungsten. c. copper d. carbon 6. An object or a piece of equipment that has been designed to do a particular job. a. device b. tablet c. cupboard d. corner 7. …… is not the component in motor. a. commutator b. field wingdings c. transformer d. drive shaft 8. A 160 V, 256 mW lamp has a working resistance of …… a. 10 5 Ω b. 960 x10 2 Ω b. 960 Ω b. 10 2 Ω 9. ………is a passive electronic component consisting of a pair of conductors separated by a dielectric a. inductance b. resistance c. capacitor d. insulator 10. Three 3 ohm resistors are connected to form a triangle. What is the resistance between any two of the corners? a. 3 / 4 Ω b. 3 Ω c. 2Ω d. 4/3 Ω VI Use the words in the box to complete the paragraph voltmeter low measuring resistance current calibrated The oscilloscope in series multimeter deflected An ammeter is an instrument used to measure … current (1)…and must be connected …. resistance (2)… with the circuit. Since all the current in the circuit passes through the ammeter, it must have a very …… (3)… resistance. A …(4)…is an instrument used to measure p.d. and must be connected in parallel with the part of the circuit whose p.d. is required. To avoid a significant current flowing through it, a voltmeter must have a very high…….(5)……. An ohmmeter is an instrument for …….(6) …… resistance A…(7)…, or universal instrument, may be used to measure voltage, current and resistance. An ‘Avometer’ and ‘Fluke’ are typical examples. …….(8)… may be used to observe waveforms and to measure voltages and currents. The display of an oscilloscope involves a spot of light moving across a screen. The amount by which the spot is …(9)… from its initial position depends on the p.d. applied to the terminals of the oscilloscope and the range selected. The displacement is ……(10)… in ‘volts per cm’. VII Sentence building Join the following groups of sentences to make the longer sentences. Use the words printed in italics at the beginning of each group. You may omit words and make whatever changes you think are necessary in the word order and punctuation of the sentences. a. That A direct-current (DC) generator is a rotating machine. A rotating machine supplies an electrical output with unidirectional voltage and current. b. Where In the transmission station, a transformer changes a large current and low voltage into a small current and high voltage. The electricity flows to a transmission station. VIII Translate words into English and make a sentence with each word 1 Pin quang điện 2 Máy cắt điện 3 Nhà máy thủy điện 4 Từ trường 5 Chổi than IX Reading and comprehension.Read the following text and answer the questions. Electric power system An electric power system is a network of electrical components used to supply, transmit and use electric power. An example of an electric power system is the network that supplies a region's homes and industry with power - for sizable regions, this power system is known as the grid and can be broadly divided into the generators that supply the power, the transmission system that carries the power from the generating centers to the load centers and the distribution system that feeds the power to nearby homes and industries. The majority of these systems rely upon three-phase AC power - the standard for large-scale power transmission and distribution across the modern world. Specialized power systems that do not always rely upon three-phase AC power are found in aircraft, electric rail systems, ocean liners and automobiles. Most refrigerators, air conditioners, pumps and industrial machinery use AC power whereas most computers and digital equipment use DC power (the digital devices you plug into the mains typically have an internal or external power adapter to convert from AC to DC power). AC power has the advantage of being easy to transform between voltages and is able to be generated and utilized by brushless machinery. DC power remains the only practical choice in digital systems and can be more economical to transmit over long distances at very high voltages). The ability to easily transform the voltage of AC power is important for two reasons: Firstly, power can be transmitted over long distances with less loss at higher voltages. So in power systems where generation is distant from the load, it is desirable to step-up (increase) the voltage of power at the generation point and then step-down (decrease) the voltage near the load. Secondly, it is often more economical to install turbines that produce higher voltages than would be used by most appliances, so the ability to easily transform voltages means this mismatch between voltages can be easily managed. Question: 1 Translate the first paragraph into Vietnamese? 2 Where is power system not – AC found? 3 How can the digital devices use DC power? 4 How can power be transmitted over long distance? Đề thi số: 02 I. Multi-choice question: 1. The current which flows when 1 coulomb is transferred in 10 ms is: a. 1 A b. 10 A c. 10 mA d. 100 A 2. One of the components in transformer is.( Một phần thuộc máy biến áp là). a. commutator b. brushes c. primary winding (cuộn sơ cấp) d. drive shaft(ổ trục) 3. The free electrons of a metal ………………… a. do not collide with each other b. are free to escape through the surface c. are free to fall into the nuclei d. are free to move anywhere in the metal 4. Hydroelectric power plants use water flowing directly through the turbines to power the … a. motor b. dam c. generator c. reactor 5. The magnetic field B is defined from the magnetic force on a ……. a. moving charge b. static charge c. length of the conductor d. voltage 6. Four cells each of e.m.f 'E' are joined in parallel to form a battery. The equivalent e.m.f of the battery will be ……. a. 4 E b. E c. E/4 d. zero 7. The unit of magnetic field (in a small unit) are …. a. Joule b. Gauss c. Bar d. Newton 8. When there is an electric current passing through a wire, the particles moving are ……… a. electrons b. protons c. atoms d. ions 9. PV cells are made of special materials called semiconductors such as …. a. silicon b. copper c. teflon silicon 10. A conductor is a ………… which contains movable electric charge. a. insulating b. insulator c. material d. materials II. Use the words in the box to complete the paragraph voltmeter low(3) measuring(6) resistance(2) current(1) calibrated The oscilloscope (8) in series multimeter (7) deflected An ammeter is an instrument used to measure …(1)…and must be connected ….(2)… with the circuit. Since all the current in thecircuit passes through the ammeter, it must have a very……(3)… resistance. A …(4)…is an instrument used to measure p.d. and must be connected in parallel with the part of the circuit whose p.d. is required. To avoid a significant current flowing through it, a voltmeter must have a very high…….(5)……. An ohmmeter is an instrument for…….(6)…… resistance A…(7)…, or universal instrument, may be used to measure voltage, current and resistance. An ‘Avometer’ and ‘Fluke’ are typical examples. …….(8)… may be used to observe waveforms and to measure voltages and currents. The display of an oscilloscope involves a spot of light moving across a screen. The amount by which the spot is …(9)… from its initial position depends on the p.d. applied to the terminals of the oscilloscope and the range selected. The displacement is ……(10)… in ‘volts per cm’. III. Sentence building Join the following groups of sentences to make the longer sentences. Use the words printed in italics at the beginning of each group. You may omit words and make whatever changes you think are necessary in the word order and punctuation of the sentences. a. That A direct-current (DC) generator is a rotating machine. A rotating machine supplies an electrical output with unidirectional voltage and current. b. Where In the transmission station, a transformer changes a large current and low voltage into a small current and high voltage. The electricity flows to a transmission station. IV. Translate words into English and make a sentence with each word 1. Năng lượng điện phân tán 2. Động năng 3. Công nghệ mới 4. Thiết bị điện 5. Nam châm điện V. Reading and comprehension Read the following text and answer the questions. National Energy Grid - In Canada Canada was the fifth-largest energy producer in the world in 2000, behind the United States, Russia, China, and Saudi Arabia. Over the past two decades, Canada has become a significant net energy exporter. In 2000, about 30% of Canadian energy production was exported, with the United States by far its main customer. OIL From January through August 2002, the United States imported more oil (including crude oil and petroleum products) from Canada than from any other country. The United States also imported about 2.2 trillion cubic feet (Tcf) of Canadian natural gas in the first seven months of 2002, with 93% of total U.S. gas imports coming from Canada. In 2000, about 36% of Canada's primary energy production was natural gas, followed by oil (23%), hydropower (20%), coal (11%), and nuclear power (4%). Over two-thirds of Canada's energy is produced in the province of Alberta. Besides being a major producer, Canada also is a significant energy consumer and a member of the International Energy Agency (IEA). Canada was the world's fifth-largest energy consumer in 2000, roughly on par with India in terms of total energy consumption. Canada has the highest energy intensity of any OECD country. ELECTRICITY Canadian electricity generation in 2000 totaled 567.1 billion kilowatt hours (bkwh), of which 60% was hydropower, 26% was conventional thermal power (oil, gas, and coal), 12% was nuclear generation, and 1% was derived from other renewable sources. Canada was the largest producer of hydropower in the world in 2000, and hydro sources are not yet believed to be fully exploited. Trends in coming years are expected to favor thermal power generation, mainly from natural gas. Canadian nuclear output has declined to 69.8 bkwh in 2000, compared to its peak of 102.4 bkwh in 1994. Ontario contains the bulk of Canadian nuclear capacity. Canada exported about 38 bkwh of electricity (gross) to the United States in 2001, mostly from Quebec, Ontario, and New Brunswick to New England and New York. Smaller volumes are exported from British Columbia and Manitoba to Washington state, Minnesota, California, and Oregon. There is considerable reciprocity between the Canadian and U.S. power markets, as the United States also exports smaller volumes of electricity to Canada (18 bkwh in 2001). Question: 1. What kind of electricity does Canada rely on the most? 2. Does Canada produce more electricity than China? 3. Canada is the unique all over the world that does not use the nuclear power, isn’t it? 4. Does America produce the electricity in cooperation with Canada? [...]... Trạm phân phối 3 Động cơ điện 4 Tấm pin quang điện 5 Năng lượng gió V Reading and comprehension Read the following text and answer the questions High-voltage direct current Electric-power transmission is the bulk transfer of electrical energy, from generating power plants to electrical substations located near demand centers This is distinct from the local wiring between high-voltage substations and... ……is defined as the rate of doing work or transferring energy a current b voltage c resistance 9 One of the components in DC generators is : a primary winding b brushes d power c secondary winding d porcelain insulator 10 Electrical generating is concerned with: a power stations c cables and switchgear II b planes d roads and bridges Use the words in the box to complete the paragraph energy density... photons vector field the direction a mixture magnitude electromagnetic fields electric field the motion volum In physics, an electric field surrounds electrically charged particles and time-varying magnetic fields This …(1)… exerts a force on other electrically charged objects Michael Faraday introduced the concept of an electric field The electric field is a …(2)… with SI units of newtons per coulomb... For this reason, one speaks of "electromagnetism" or "….(9)……" In quantum electrodynamics, disturbances in the electromagnetic fields are called … (10)…., and the energy of photons is quantized III Sentence building Join the following groups of sentences to make the longer sentences Use the words printed in italics at the beginning of each group You may omit words and make whatever changes you think.. .Đề 1 I Multi-choice question 1 … are often driven by diesel engines for emergency standby a Small mobile generators c Fossil Fuel Power Plant b Nuclear Power Plant d Transmission Substation 2 Remember that electrons... link is controlled independently of the phases of the AC networks at either end of the link, this stability limit does not apply to a DC line, and it can transfer its full thermal rating A DC link stabilizes the AC grids at either end, since power flow and phase angle can be controlled independently Question: 1 Translate the first paragraph into Vietnamese? 2 Where is HVDC used? 3 What are advantages... between high-voltage substations and customers, which is typically referred to as electric power distribution Transmission lines, when interconnected with each other, become transmission networks High-voltage direct current (HVDC) is used to transmit large amounts of power over long distances or for interconnections between asynchronous grids When electrical energy is required to be transmitted over... sentences Use the words printed in italics at the beginning of each group You may omit words and make whatever changes you think are necessary in the word order and punctuation of the sentences a That A direct-current (DC) generator is a rotating machine A rotating machine supplies an electrical output with unidirectional voltage and current b Where In the transmission station, a transformer changes a large . TRUNGLUXURY. DOC TRƯỜNG ĐẠI HỌC ĐIỆN LỰC Khoa: HỆ THỐNG ĐIỆN ĐỀ THI KẾT THÚC HỌC PHẦN MÔN: TIẾNG ANH CHUYÊN NGHÀNH Đề thi số: 1 Full name:…………………………… Class:………………………………… I. electricity cheap? Why? TRƯỜNG ĐẠI HỌC ĐIỆN LỰC Khoa: HỆ THỐNG ĐIỆN ĐỀ THI KẾT THÚC HỌC PHẦN MÔN: TIẾNG ANH CHUYÊN NGHÀNH Đề thi số: 02 Fullname : Class : I Multi-choice question 1. The electric charge

Ngày đăng: 20/08/2015, 19:30

