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Sustainable Fashion Supply Chain Management From Sourcing to Retailing

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Cấu trúc

  • Preface

  • Contents

  • Contributors

  • Part I Reviews and Discussions

    • Chapter 1 Reverse Logistics of US Carpet Recycling

      • 1.1 Introduction

      • 1.2 Reverse Logistics

        • 1.2.1 Reasons for Product Returns and Motivations for Company Involvement

        • 1.2.2 Activities Comprising the Reverse Supply Chain

        • 1.2.3 Types of Recovered Items and Product Characteristics

        • 1.2.4 Entities Involved

        • 1.2.5 Types of Reverse Networks

        • 1.2.6 Channel Structure, Coordination, and Leadership

      • 1.3 Current State of Carpet Recycling in the USA

        • 1.3.1 Organizational and Legislation Issues

        • 1.3.2 Recovery Options for Post-consumer Carpet

        • 1.3.3 Reverse Supply Chain of Carpet

      • 1.4 Reverse Logistics Network Design

        • 1.4.1 Literature Overview

        • 1.4.2 Reverse Logistics Network Design for Carpet Recycling

      • 1.5 Conclusions

      • References

    • Chapter 2 Green Brand Strategies in the Fashion Industry: Leveraging Connections of the Consumer, Brand, and Environmental Sustainability

      • 2.1 Introduction

      • 2.2 Conceptual Background

      • 2.3 Leveraging the Connection Between Environmental Sustainability and the Consumer

      • 2.4 Leveraging the Relationship Between Environmental Sustainability and the Brand

      • 2.5 Leveraging the Relationship Between the Consumer and the Brand

      • 2.6 Summary and Industry Implications for Green Branding

      • References

    • Chapter 3 Impacts of Social Media Mediated Electronic Words of Mouth on Young Consumers' Disposal of Fashion Apparel: A Review and Proposed Model

      • 3.1 Introduction

      • 3.2 Literature Review

        • 3.2.1 Consumer Disposal Behaviors of Apparel

        • 3.2.2 Social Media

      • 3.3 Consumer Behaviors and Social Media Mediated E-WOM

      • 3.4 Conceptual Empirical Research Model

      • 3.5 Concluding Remarks

      • References

  • Part II Analytical Modeling Studies

    • Chapter 4 Fashion Supply Chain Network Competition with Ecolabeling

      • 4.1 Introduction

      • 4.2 The Fashion Supply Chain Network Model with Ecolabeling

        • 4.2.1 An Illustrative Example and Variant

      • 4.3 The Algorithm and Case Study

      • 4.4 Summary and Conclusions

      • References

    • Chapter 5 Reverse Logistics as a Sustainable Supply Chain Practice for the Fashion Industry: An Analysis of Drivers and the Brazilian Case

      • 5.1 Introduction

      • 5.2 Theoretical Background

        • 5.2.1 Reverse Logistics Practices

        • 5.2.2 RL in Developing Countries and in Brazil

        • 5.2.3 RL in the Apparel Market

        • 5.2.4 Reverse Logistics Drivers

      • 5.3 Framework of the Study

        • 5.3.1 Solution Methodology

      • 5.4 Results and Discussion

        • 5.4.1 The Studied Companies

        • 5.4.2 Selected Reverse Logistics Drivers

        • 5.4.3 Ranking of Key Reverse Logistics Drivers

      • 5.5 Discussion

      • 5.6 Conclusions and Future Research Directions

      • References

  • Part III Empirical Studies

    • Chapter 6 Apparel Manufacturers' Path to World Class Corporate Social Responsibility: Perspectives of CSR Professionals

      • 6.1 Introduction

      • 6.2 Review of Literature

        • 6.2.1 Total Responsibility Management

        • 6.2.2 Path to Corporate Responsibility

        • 6.2.3 Empirical Research on Apparel Manufacturers and CSR

      • 6.3 Methods

      • 6.4 Results

        • 6.4.1 The Practices of World Class CSR

          • Inspiration

          • Integration

          • Innovation

        • 6.4.2 Relationships Between Inspiration, Integration, and Innovation

        • 6.4.3 Profile of Apparel Manufacturers Practicing World Class CSR

        • 6.4.4 Business Benefits and Competitive Advantage for World Class CSR

        • 6.4.5 Role of Buying Companies in Expanding World Class CSR

      • 6.5 Discussion

        • 6.5.1 World Class CSR

        • 6.5.2 Encouraging and Supporting Broader Engagement with CSR

        • 6.5.3 A Proposed Path to World Class CSR

      • 6.6 Future Research and Conclusion

      • References

    • Chapter 7 Sustainable Supply Chain Management in the Slow-Fashion Industry

      • 7.1 Setting the Scene: Sustainable Supply Chain Management, Sustainable Fashion, and Micro-Organisations

      • 7.2 The Rise of Sustainability in the Slow Fashion Industry

      • 7.3 SSCM ---A Brief Overview

      • 7.4 The Seven-R Framework

      • 7.5 The UK Micro-organisation Case Studies: Organisations 1, 2, 3, and 4

      • 7.6 Seven-R Framework Applied to Slow Fashion Micro-organisations

      • 7.7 So What?---Discussion of Findings

      • 7.8 Further Investigations

      • 7.9 Conclusion

      • References

    • Chapter 8 Mass Market Second-Hand Clothing Retail Operations in Hong Kong: A Case Study

      • 8.1 Introduction

      • 8.2 Literature Review

      • 8.3 Case Study

        • 8.3.1 Company Background and Operations

        • 8.3.2 Analysis

      • 8.4 Conclusion and Future Research

      • References

    • Chapter 9 Constraints and Drivers of Growth in the Ethical Fashion Sector: The Case of France

      • 9.1 Introduction

      • 9.2 Literature Review

        • 9.2.1 Responsible Consumption: Obstacles and Incentives

        • 9.2.2 Ethical Issues in the Fashion Sector

      • 9.3 Method

      • 9.4 Results

        • 9.4.1 Main Barriers to Ethical Fashion Consumption

        • 9.4.2 Impact of Sociodemographic Variables on Ethical Fashion Consumption

      • 9.5 Discussion

      • 9.6 Conclusion

      • References

    • Chapter 10 Effects of Used Garment Collection Programs in Fast-Fashion Brands

      • 10.1 Introduction

      • 10.2 Literature Review

        • 10.2.1 Fast Fashion and Environmental Sustainability

        • 10.2.2 Brand Awareness and Brand Image

        • 10.2.3 Generation Y Consumers

        • 10.2.4 Branding and Sustainability

      • 10.3 Development of Hypotheses

      • 10.4 Research Methodology

      • 10.5 Data Analysis, Hypothesis Testing, and Discussions

        • 10.5.1 Statistical Testing

        • 10.5.2 Discussions

      • 10.6 Conclusion, Implications, and Research Limitations

      • References

  • Index

Nội dung

[...]... was the supply chain leader, the collector was the leader, or the manufacturer was the leader Based on their analysis, they concluded that a retailer-led closed-loop supply chain is superior to a manufacturer-led closed-loop supply chain In addition, they found that in terms of the effectiveness of collecting used products, having a retailer-led closed-loop supply chain, rather than a collector-led... designed to recapture value from used products (e.g., auto parts) and to generate prot It is usually built as an extension of the forward supply chain to reduce investments and transportation costs and improve coordination of recovery activities with production Testing and grading play an important role in maximizing the value recovered from used products Testing is 10 I Sas et al centralized to benet from. .. used to process both Nylon 6 and Nylon 6,6 and is implemented in a commercial operation in Delaware (CARE 2014), may also prove to be promising 1.3.3 Reverse Supply Chain of Carpet Acquisition of used carpets from consumers is the rst step in the carpet reverse supply chain This stage determines the volume of carpet that goes to recycling There are several options to collect PCC, including sorting from. .. Establishing drop-off collection centers allows shifting some of the collection costs to the customers However, some kind of motivation for the customers must exist, and it should be convenient for customers to carry their recyclables to the points of collection Customers may be motivated to use drop-off collection points due to environmental consciousness, a ban on disposing the waste at local dumpsters,... industry (de Brito and Dekker 2004) 1.2.5 Types of Reverse Networks Before going into a discussion of typical reverse logistics networks, it is important to distinguish closed-loop recovery systems from opened-loop ones Many authors dene a closed-loop supply chain as a system that includes traditional forward supply chain activities and additional reverse activities (Guide et al 2003) De Brito and Dekker... University, Campus Box 7906, Raleigh, NC 27695, USA â Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2015 T.-M Choi, T C Edwin Cheng (eds.), Sustainable Fashion Supply Chain Management, Springer Series in Supply Chain Management, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-12703-3_1 3 4 I Sas et al to growing environmental issues created by disposed products Scarcity of landlls, harmful emissions and depletion of nonrenewable resources... used to reduce transportation costs The network usually consists of a small number of levels 1.2.6 Channel Structure, Coordination, and Leadership The structure of the reverse channel for collecting used products from customers, the degree of coordination between supply chain members, and the leadership within the supply chain can have a signicant effect on the protability of closed-loop supply chains... that correspond to different stages of the forward supply chain, namely manufacturing returns, distribution returns, and customer returns (de Brito and Dekker 2004; Kumar and Dao 2006) Surplus of raw materials, rework of products due to low quality, and production leftovers are typical reasons for manufacturing returns At the distribution stage, returns to a manufacturer may occur due to product recalls,... deliveries, stock adjustment, and functional returns (e.g., packaging) Customers may return products to manufacturers due to customers dissatisfaction, the mismatching of products to customers needs, warranty service, and product end of use or end of life Economics and legislation are two main reasons that motivate companies to accept product returns Recovery of valuable parts or materials from used products... and waste-toenergy, in a model may lead to new insights into network structure and protability In addition, all papers considered reverse carpet recycling networks separately from the forward supply chain However, locating collection, preprocessing, and recycling facilities close to/ at existing retail stores, distribution centers, and production plants may reduce the investment required to build such . http://www.springer.com/series/13081 Tsan-Ming Choi • T. C. Edwin Cheng Editors Sustainable Fashion Supply Chain Management From Sourcing to Retailing 2123 Editors Tsan-Ming Choi T. C. Edwin Cheng Institute of Textiles. further research on sustainable fashion supply chain management. To the best of our knowledge, this book is a pioneering book that specifically explores sustainable fashion supply chain management in. Choi, T. C. Edwin Cheng (eds.), Sustainable Fashion Supply Chain Management, Springer Series in Supply Chain Management, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-12703-3_1 4 I. Sas et al. to growing environmental issues

Ngày đăng: 15/08/2015, 01:53



