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Tiếng Anh cho thư ký giám đốc

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Nội dung

Cucn “T ien g Anh Tint Ky Gidm D o c ” dc cap den cdc chd dc lien quan den nghiep vu thil ky: * Tieng Anh tuycn dung thit ky * Tieng Anh cho tinh huong tint ky ticp kh.deh * Tieng Anh co

Trang 1







Trang 2


c h o t h i f k y g i a m d o c

Trang 3



C h o T h i f K y G ia m D o c

English for Secretaries


Trang 4

L o ri n o i d a u

T rong cuoc song lidi nhap ngay nay, ciing voi chink sack mo ci'ta, co hoi ticp xiic, trao doi cua ban doc voi ngitdi nitdc ngoai ngay cang nhicn; hinh tlntc giao ticp co the la vi cong vicc xa giao hoac du lich.

Bo sach “Tie tig Anh N ghiep V u ” sc Ian luot gioi thicu den ban doc cdc tit vtfng, can noi thudng gap duoc plian loai thco chii dc nhd.ni dap ifng nhu can hoc, doc cua tidig doc gid.

Cucn “T ien g Anh Tint Ky Gidm D o c ” dc cap den cdc chd dc lien quan den nghiep vu thil ky:

* Tieng Anh tuycn dung thit ky

* Tieng Anh cho tinh huong tint ky ticp kh.deh

* Tieng Anh cong van hang ngay cua thit ky

* Tieng Anh nghiep vu thitong niai danlx cho thit ky

* Trao doi tint tin va nghiep vu ngoai thitong

* Tieng Anh trong van ban nghiep vu thitong niai

du lich cho tint ky

* Giao ticp doi thoai cho tint ky trong tinh huong

di an nhd hang

* Khdu ngi? xa giao danh cho thit ky

Noi dung ditoc trinh bay ditoi dang cdc can tit xdc tlntc, can thict cho titng chu dc.

Day Id mot bo sdeh hitu ich, thict tlntc gnip ban tit tin, vitng vang khi tham nhap tlntc te ciing nlnt khi giao dich voi doi tdc.

Clnic cdc ban thdnh cong!

Tdc gio

Trang 5


T l l N G A N H TR O N G

Trang 7

r Toi thieu 2 nam kinh nghiem a cong ty dau tit nitoc ngoai.

r- Gidi giao tiep va cdc ky nang giila cdc ca nlian voi nhau.

r Co kha nang gioi vc noi va vict tieng Anh, tieng Quan Tliocii va tieng Quang Dong.

r- Thanh thao cdc thao tdc M S Office (vi du: Excel, Word, PowerPoint, ).

r Tinh tinh via vc than tliien.

fo re ig n invested company: cong ty dau tit nitoc ngoai

p r o fic ie n t : thanli thao, tai gioi

c o m m u n ic a tio n : giao ticp

f a m i li a r w i t h : thong thao, quen tliuoc voi

p e r s o n a lity : tinh each, tinh tinh

V a n d u n g tif vvfng

1 d e g r e e n.\ t r i n h do, bfing cap

Study for a degree

Trinh do hoc van


Trang 8

The deg re e of M aster of Science

Bang Thac si khoa hoc

2 secreta ria l adj.: (thuoc) t h i i k y

secretarial duties: trach nhiem thu ky.

3 discipline n.\ n g a n h k ie n thufc, m o n hoc

4 e x p erien ce n.: k in h n gh iem

5 foreign adj.: (thuoc ve) nudfc ngoai

Foreign languages

Ngon ngi? nitoc ngoai

Foreign com pany

Cong ty nitoc ngoai.

6 com p a n y n.: cong ty

Limited liability company

Cong ty trach nhiem hitu han

7 in v est u : dau tit

in vest in: dau tit vao

He has invested half of his own a sse ts in this new

co m pan y

Anh ta da dau tit mot nita tdi sdn cua minh vao cong ty moi nay.

8 p roficien t adj.: t h a n h thao, t a i g io i

proficient in: co hlia nang trong

proficiency: sit thanh thao

9 fam iliar adj.: quen thuoc

familiar with: quen thuoc voi

familiar to: quen thuoc


Trang 9

I am quite familiar with typing.

Toi kha quen thuoc voi viec danh may.

The voice is familiar to everybody

Giong noi quen thuoc voi moi ngUdi.

1 0 p e r s o n a l i t y n.: t i n h cach

A woman with little personality

M ot ngildi phu nH it tinh cach.

He has a strong personality

Anh ta co tinh cach rat manh me.

Ca refulless is a personality required on secretary

Cdn than la tinh cach ditoc ycu cau a thit ky.

♦ G ood c o m m a n d in wrtiten Chinese and English

♦ Fluent Cantonese, English and Mandarin with e x c e l­lent co m m u n ica tio n skill


Trang 10

♦ Hard working, self-motivated & able to work independently

Thi* ky d ieu hanh

Dieu kien ngudi du tuyen p h a i co:

s- Ditoc dao too tot.

s Tot nghiep dot hoc voi toi thieu 2-3 ndm kinh nghiem

s- Co kien thitc vc may tinh va chuyen vc sii dung chitong trinh plian mem.

■s- Hieu bict vc cdc thii tuc thanh lap cong ty a Trung Quoc sc la mot loi the.

s- Sit dung tlidnh tliqo tieng Hoa va tieng Anh.

s' Thong thao tieng Quang Dong, tieng Anh, tieng Quail Thoai voi nhitng ky nang giao ticp xudt sac.

s- Lam viec chain chi, co oc can ticn va khd nang lam lam viec tqi nidi tntdng cong ty quoc te.

viec doc lap.

• w e ll groomed

• com pany fo rm a tio n

: ditoc ddo too tot : thu tuc thanh lap cong ty


Trang 11

V an dung tti vtfng

1 g r o o m vt.: dao tao

well / badly groomed

dtfoc clao tqo tot hay xau.

2. p r o c e d u r e th ii tuc

procedural: (thuoc) thii tuc

3 m o t i v a t e vt.: thuc day

motivation: su thuc clay

4. i n d e p e n d e n t adj.: doc lap

in d e p e n d e n t of: si/ doc lap vc, khong phu thuoc vao.

If you have your own income, you can be in d epe nden t

♦ E xp e rie n ce in sizable multinational com pany is a must

♦ Previous e xpe rience to work with senior m anag em e nt

is required

♦ S h ould be mature, detailed-minded, efficient, and able

to wor,\ u nd er pressure


Trang 12

♦ Excellent com m a nd of spoken and written E nglish.

♦ C o m p u te r literate with hands on e x p e rie n c e with MS Word, Excel, and Power Point

Thii ky dieu hanh cho gidm doc tdi chinh.

P Tot nghiep dai hoe voi tdi thieu 3 nam rcinh nghiem lien quan.

P Cdn co kinh nghiem trong cdng ty da quoc gia Ion.

P Cdn co kinh nghiem lam viec voi ban quan ly cap cao trudc day.

P Phai thanh thuc, co tinh chi ly , co nang luc va co the lam viec dudi ap luc.

P N oi va vie't tieng Anh thanh thao.

P X jj C ly may tinh thanh thao, co kinh nghiem lam viec voi M S Word, Excel, and Power Point.

: lam viec dudi dp luc : co nang luc

: cao hon ve chiCc bac, chdc quyen


Trang 13

Van dung tu’ viing

1 finance n.: ta i c h in h

The Minister of Finance

Bo trudng tdi chinh

2 directo r n.: g ia m doc

The Board of Directors

Ban giam doc

3 m u ltin ation al adj : da quoc gia

4 m ature adj.: c h in h chan

Pe rson s of mature years:

NgiCbi lam lau nam

5 p ressu re n.\ ap luc

be / com e under pressure: lam dudi ap luc

put p ressure on sb: dat ap luc len nguai nao do.

W e a p p re ciate the ability to work under pressure

Cbiing toi dank gia cao kha nang lam viec dildi

dp luc.


Trang 14

I major in Secretary and has acquired a keen interest

in subjects such Bu sin e ss English and S e c re ta ria l E n ­glish

I would very much appreciate the opportunity to w ork

in yo u r co m p a n y and con ve rt my k n o w le d g e an d keen interest to practical use

I am e n c lo s in g a full p e rs o n a l h is to ry F o r a d d i­tional inform ation regarding my p erson al q u a lific a tio n s ,

p le a s e re fe r to Mr Li T ian, P r o fe s s o r of E n g lis h at

D e p a r tm e n t of S e c re ta ry , Ho C hi M inh U n iv e r s it y of

F o re ig n S tu d ie s , lo ca te d at No 65, Le D u a n Rd Ho Chi M inh, VN I s h o u ld be g ra te fu l if you c o u ld g ra n t

me an in te rv ie w


Trang 15

An ad d re sse d and stamped enveloped is e n clo se d for your reply

Sincerely yours

M a L i

Giii nhQng nguai co th$ lien quan,

Kinh gdi ,

B e phuc dap cho mdu quang cao cua quy vi trong

to bao Vietnam Time ngay liom qua Toi lam dan vao

vi tri cua thu ky cho Gidm Doc Quan L y Khoa Toi hai mUai mot tuoi, tot nghiep dai hoc Ngoai ngtf vao thang 7 ndm 2 0 _

T6i hoc chuyen ve nganh thu ky va da hoc chuyen sdu cdc mdn nhu: Tieng Anh thuang mai va tieng Anh thu ky.

Toi rat mong nidi co duac ca hoi lam viec trong cong ty cua cdc vi, dieu nay se bien kien thiic va nicrn dam me cua toi thanh ilng dung thuc ticn.

Toi giii phong bi chita ddy du sa yeu ly lich Neu cdn biet them ve thdng tin kha nang chuyen mdn cua tdi vui long lien he dng L y Bien, giao su Anh ngil a Khoa Thu K y, Dai Hoc Ngoai Ngi2, dia chi so 65, duatig

Le Dudn, Ho Chi Minh, Viet Nam Tdi se rat biet an neu quy vi sdp xep cho tdi mot cuoc phong van.

M ot phong thu voi dia chi cd dan tem duac bo kem cho cau tra lai cua quy vi.


Tran trong

Ma Lai

Trang 16

1 t o w h o m i t m a y c o n c e r n : g iii n h u n g n g ifd i co the

Dear sir: thua ong

Dear miss: thua ba

De ar madam: thua co

2 a d v e r t i s e m e n t n.\ mau quang cao

W ise a dve rtise m en t can be g reat help to sales

Mdu quang cao khon ngoan co the giup da rat Ion trong viec ban hang.

3 i n r e p l y t o : tro n g viec t r a la i cho

4 a p p l y v : x in (viec)

apply for: xin lam gi

You may apply by letter

Ban co the xin viec bdng thu

5 g r a d u a t e v.\ to t n g h ie p

lie n quan


Trang 17

graduate from: tot nghiep til

She graduated from Havard University

Co dy da tot nghiep Dai hoc Havard.

6 keen adj.: h an g ha i

He is very keen to meet his old friend

Anh dy da hang hai gap ngitai ban cu.

7 acquire vt.: thu diiqc, g ia n h dupe, d a t duqc

He acquired a good knowledge of English after four- year’s hard study

Anh dy dat duac trinh do tieng Anh gioi sau 4 nam hoc hanh chain chi.

Cac m au cau can nhdf

" I major in English

Toi chuyen ve tieng Anh.

,J> For the past four year, I have been studying J apa nese

Trong bon nam qua, toi van dang hoc tieng Nhat.

I’m very interested in secretarial English

Toi rat tliich tieng Anh dank cho thu ky.

^ I g ra d u a te d from Zhongshan University in July, 2000

Toi da tot nghiep Dai hoc Trung San vao tliang 7

nam 2000.

I shou ld be grateful if you would grant me an interview

Toi sc rat biet an neu qui vi sap xep cho toi mot cuoc phong van.


Trang 18

G u a n g sh o u PRCDate of birth: July 7, 1978

Trang 19

Special Skills

A thorough training in Business Japanese

A thorough training in the operation of MS office software Reference: Professor Li Tian, Departm ent of S ecretary,

G uangdong University of Foreign Studies

I hereby certify that the above statement is true and corre ct

to the best of my know ledge and belief

Dia chi hien tai: So 195, Dai lo Trung San (khu 5)

Quang Chau, Trung Quoc.

Dia chi co dinh: So 222, duang Dong Hoang Thi, Quang

Chau, Trung Quoc.

Ngay sinh: N gay 7, thang 7, nam 1978

Chieu cao: 165cm

Cdn nang: 50kg

Qua trinh hoc tap

19 -2 0— : Dai hoc Ngoai ngit Quang Dong

Kinh nghiem lam viec toan thdi gian: Khong.

Kinh nghiem ban thdi gian.

19 -2 0— : Thong dich vien ban thdi gian a Cong Ty

Trach Nhiem Hilu Han Thuong Mai Chat Deo Quang Chau.


Trang 20

Kha ndng ddc biet

Thong thao tieng Nhdt thuong mai

Thong thao cdc phdn m em M S office

Cdc moi quan he: Giao sU L y Tdn, Khoa Thu ky.

Dai hoc Ngoai ngit Quang Dong Toi cam doan rdng nhUng thdng tin tren ddy la sU that

va xin chiu trach nhiem trUdc chinh quyen neu co sai sot.

S e cre ta ry to the M a n a g e r of C u sto m e r S e n/ice D e p a rtm e n t

G u a n g z h o u Potex Plastics Co Ltd

Responsible for responding custom er inquiries

A d m inistra tive Assista nt G ua n g zh o u Atlantic Info rm ation

T e c h n o lo g y Co Ltd

H a ndled telephone


Trang 21

Education Ba ckgro und (1 9 - 1 9 ):

M ajored in Japanese, Zhongshan University

R eferences available on request

I hereby certify that the above statement is true and c o r ­rect to the best of my know ledge and belief

July 11, 2 0 Liu Yang

Set yeu ly Ijch

LiCu D u o n g

S 6 3 32 Dai 16 Quang Vien,

Quang Chdu, Trung Quoc

Dien thoai: 0 2 0 -3 3 1 5 2 7 4 5

Fax: 0 2 0 -3 3 1 5 2 7 4 6

Email: liuyans@21cn.com

Kinh nghiem lam viec ( 2 0 - 2 0 ):

Thu ky gidm ddc Phong Dich Vu Khach Hang

Cong ty trach nhiem hitu han chdit d io Potex Quang Chdu Chiu trach nhiem tra Idi cdc cdu hoi cua khach hang Tro ly Hanh Chinh Cong Ty Trach N hiem HHu Han Cong Nghe Thong Tin Dai Tay Duong Quang Chdu.

Dien thoai di dong.

Qua trinh hoc tap (19 - 1 9 .):

Chuyen ve tieng Nhdt, Dai hoc Trung Son.

Cdc xac nhdn co sdn theo yeu cdu.


Trang 22

Toi cam doan rdng noi dung trinh hay tren day la sit that va dung voi niem tin va trinh do hieu biet cao nhdt cua tdi.

c u rricu lu m vitae: so yeu ly lich

2 p r e s e n t adj : hicn tai.

3 p e r m a n e n t adj.: vlnh vicn, thitong xuyen

p e rm a n e n t wave: cach uon lan song gift duac Idu.

4 e d u c a t i o n : sit giao due

Prim ary edu cation is co m p u lso ry in our c o u n try

Giao due ticu hoc la bat buoc 6 dat nude cluing ta

5 s p e c i a l adj.: dac biet


: so yeu ly lich : dia chi hicn co

: dia chi thitong trite

: qua trinh hoc tap : kinh nghiem lam viec : kha nang dac biet

: sit huan luycn hoan toan

Trang 23

I have a special favor for beef.

Toi co sit thick thu dac biet voi mdn thit bo.

There are special trains on holidays

Co nhftng chuyen xe lita dank rieng trong cdc ky nglii.

6 skill n.: k y nang, si/ kheo leo

S k ille d adj.\ klieo leo, lank nghc

S k ille d workers: cong nkan lank ngkc

S k ille d in doing sth: kkco tay lam vicc gi.

7 th orough adj.: hoan toan, can th a n , k y liio n g receive thorough training in Japanese

nkan sit kuan Inyen ky litdng ve tieng Nkat

Give the room a thorough cleaning

Don dep can pkong hoan toan sack sc.

8 b ackg ro u n d n.\ nen

b a c kg ro u n d music: nkac nen

9 certify v : c lu in g nha n, dam bao

This is to certify that

Day la sit clam bdo rdng

* I was admitted to Department of Japanese of Zhongshan University in 1998


Trang 24

Tdi da duac nhdn vao khoa tieng Nhat cua Dai hoc Trung Son ndm 1998.

^ The m ajor co u rse s I took include B u s in e s s J a p a n e s e , Secretarial Japanese and Secretary Practice

Cdc khoa chuyen mdn tdi da hoc bao gom tieng Nhat thuang mai, tieng Nhdt danh cho thu ky va phan thuc hanh thu ky.

T he m in o r co u rse s I particip ated in in c lu d e F o re ig n

T rade and Behavioral Science

Cdc khoa hoc phu tdi da tham gia bao gom ngoai thuang va mdn khoa hoc ling xii.

I was respon sible for general office work

Tdi chiu trach nhiem ve cdng viec vdn phong noi chung rjr M y p rim a ry d u tie s in c lu d e ty p in g an d p r o o f r e a d in g contracts

Nhtfng nhiem vu ca ban cua tdi bao gom danh may, doc va siia cdc ban hap dong in thii.

I h an dle d a m ajor part of cu s to m e r inquiries

Tdi xii ly phdn lan cdc yeu cdu cua khach hang.


Trang 25

(& di 4 :



L: Liuyang

L : Luu Duong

W: Mr W ang Hai

WV Ong Vuong Hai

LiM/'-lay I s p e a k to Mr Wang, please?

L : Vui long cho tdi noi chuyen voi ong Vuong?

W: W h o may I say is calling?

W: Toi dang noi chuyen vdi ai day a?

L:T his is Liuyang

L : Toi la Luu Duong.

W: This is W ang

W: Vuong day.

L:l am calling to see if you have received my resume

L : Tdi goi de xem ong da nhan duoc ban ly lich cua toi chua.

W: Yes, we got it

W: Co, chung toi da nhan duoc.


Trang 26

L:Th at’s great.

L: That qua tot.

W: We have reviewed your resume but we h a v e n 't m ade decisions yet

W: Chung toi da xcm lai bcin ly lich ciia anh nhilng cluing toi van chiCa quyet dinh.

L: Could you kindly tell me when you will m ake d e c is io n ?

L : Ong co the vui long noi cho toi biet khi ndo cdc ong

sc co quyet dinh khong?

: noi chuyen voi

: nhan


Trang 27

4 decide v : quyet d in h

decision: su quyet dinh

make decision: ra quyet dinh.

He decided to be sailor in the future

Anh ta quyet dinh tra tlianh thity thu trong tuong lai.

5 receive v.: nh a n , lin h

Have you received the fax I sent you yesterday?

Ban da nhan duac ban fax toi goi ngay horn qua chua?

Toi la Litu Duong.

W: Yes, Liuyang How May I help you?

Vang, anh Luu Duong Toi co the giiip gi cho anh?

L: I sent my resume to you tour days ago I am calling to confirm that you received my resume

Toi da goi ban ly lich cua toi cho ong bon ngay truoc Toi goi dc muon biet ong da nhan duoc ban ly lich ciia toi chua.

W: Yes, we received it already, but I have no time to review

it yet I’ll give you a c alllate r

Vang, cluing tdi da nhan duoc no roi, nhung cluing tdi van chua co thdi gian de xcm lai Tdi sc goi cho anh sau.


Trang 28

L:T hanks.

Cam an.

W: You should be hearing from me in the two days

Anh sc duac nghc thong bao tit toi trong hai ngay nUa.

L: I’m looking forward to it

Toi rat mong dieu do.

W: T h a n k s for your calling

Cam an anh da goi.

T he report of the flood has been confirm ed

Ba o c a o ve lu lut da dUdc xac nhan

Please confirm your te le p h o n e m e s s a g e by letter

Vui long xac nhan tin nlidn dien thoai cua ban bdng thu.

2 look forw ard to: mong doi

W e are looking forw ard to m eeting you again

Chung toi mong duoc gap lai anh.

3 call n.\ goi

te le p h o n e call: cuoc goi bdng dien thoai


: xac nhan : mong doi

: cho mot cuoc goi

: nghc tU (ai)

Trang 29

I’ll give you a call tomorrow night.

Toi se goi cho anh vao toi mai.

4 h ear from : nghe tif ( tin tufc)

I h a v e n ’t heard from my sister for a long time

Toi khong nghe gi chi toi trong mot thdi gian dai.

Cac m au cau can nhd

May I spea k with Mr Smith?

Toi co the noi chuyen voi ong Smith khong?

^ W ho may I say is calling?

Toi dang noi chuyen voi ai?

vr This is Linda Li

Linda day.

^ I'm calling to see if you have received my resume

Toi goi dc xcm ong co nhan ditoc ban so yeu ly lich cua tdi chita.

vr |'m c a llin g to c o n f ir m th a t y o u h a v e r e c e iv e d m y

re s u m e

Toi goi dc xac nhan ong da nhan ditoc ban so yeu ly lich ciia toi chita.

* I want to make sure you have received my resume

Toi muon chdc chdn rdng ong da nhan ditoc ban so yeu ly lich ciia toi.

* That s o u n d s very interesting

Dieu do nghe rat thu vi.


Trang 30

W: Come in, please My name is Wang Hai How do you d o 9

M oi vao Ten toi la Vuong Hai Chao anh.

L:M y name is Li Fang How do you do?

Ten tdi la Ly Phuong Chao ong.

W: Take a seat, please

L:l g ra d u a te d fro m G uan g zh o u University in 2 00 0

Toi da tot nghiep Dai hoc Quang Chdu vao nam 2000


Trang 31

W: W h a t's yo u r m ajor at school?

Chuyen nganh cua co la gi?

L:l’m majoring in French

Toi hoc chuyen ve tieng Phap.

W: W hat kind of courses did you take?

KhSa hoc nao co da thain gia?

L:I took m any French courses, such as reading, listening and translation

Toi da hoc nhieu khoa tieng Phap, nhu doc, nghe va dich thuat.

W: How about other courses not in French?

Con nhiing khoa hoc khong phai tieng Phap thi sao?

L: I also participated in minor courses such as Foreign Trade Practice and Secretary Practice

Toi cung tham gia nhiing khoa hoc phu nhit tlntc hanh ngoai thuang va thuc hanh thit ky

W: W h y did you select those minor courses?

Tqi sao co lai chon nhitng khoa hoc phu do?

L: I has acq u ire d an interest in those co u rse s and also I think they might be a great help to my work

Toi da co duoc sit tiuch thii trong khoa hoc do va toi cung nghl cluing co the giiip ich rat nhieu cho cong viec ciia toi.

W: Fine Have you had any work expe rience?

Tot lam Co co kinh nghiem cong viec chita?

L:I was once a part-time translator in G u a n g zh o u Atlantic

T e c h n o lo g y Information Co Ltd


Trang 32

Toi da la mot nhan vien dich thuat ban that gian a Cong ty track nhiem hilu liqn thong tin ky thuat Dai Tay Duong Quang Chdu.

W: W hat were yoi>duties?

Trach nliiem ciia co la gi?

L: I handled the translation of contracts and business c o rre ­spondence

Toi da dich cdc ban hop dong va thu tit trong kinh doanh.

W: Good Now, do you have any q ue stion y o u 'd like to ask

me abo ut this com pan y?

Tot Bay gid co co cdu hoi nao vc cong ty k h o n g '

L: No, thank you

Khong, cam on.

W: T h a n k s for your com ing too G o o d -b ye

Cam on co da den Tam biet.

L: G ood-bye

Tam biet.

Tif vtfng:

• ta k e a seat : ngoi

• graduate fro m : tot nghiep tit

• m in o r courses : khoa hoc phu

• p a rtic ip a te in : tham gia vao

• fo re ig n tra d e : ngoai thitong

• acquire an in te re s t in : co sit thick thii

• business correspondence : tint tit kink doanh


Trang 33

Van du n g tti vtfng

1 t a k e a s e a t: ngoi

W o n ’t I take a seat?

Toi ngoi duoc khong?

2 p a r t i c i p a t e vi.: tliam gia

participate in: tham gia vao

C a n ’t you handle the situation?

Co khong the xi't ly tinh huong nay ditoc it?

5 c o r r e s p o n d e n c e n.: th u tir

Could you tell me how to write business correspondence?

Co co the cho toi biet cach viet thit kinh doanh khong?

6 t r a n s l a t e v.: dich

translation: sit dich thuat

C o u ld you help me to tra n s la te this a rticle into

Trang 34

Everyone has the duty to take care of his parents.

M oi ngUai co trach nhiem cham soc cha me ciia minh.

He has a strong sense of duty

Anh ta co mot y thUc manh me ve trach nhiem.

W: W h a t kind of s e c re ta ria le x p e rie n c e d o you have?

Kinh nghiem thu ky nao co da co?

L: I have w o rke d as an execu tive se c re ta ry to fin a n c e d i­rector for 2 years

Toi da lam viec nhu mot thu ky dieu hanh cho giam doc tai chinh trong 2 nam.

W: W h a t’s kind of c o m p a n y have yo u r w o rk e d in?

Cong ty nao co da lam viec?

L: I have w o rke d for c o n su lta n cy c o m p a n y and also in­surance com pany

Toi da lam viec cho cong ty tu van va ca cong ty bao hiem nil a.

W: W hy did you choo se our co m pan y?

Tai sao co lai chon cong ty chung toi?


Trang 35

L:l know that you are a large multi-national com pan y, so I think it w ould be a good place for me to seek o p p o rtu n i­ties and also the welfares are attractive.

Tdi biet qui vi la mot cong ty da quoc gia vi the toi nghi no se la mot nai tot de toi tim kiem co hoi va cung la nai co thu lao hap dan.

W: Good Do you w a nt to ask any q u e s tio n s abo ut our com pany?

Tuyet Co co muon hoi bdt cit cdu hoi nao ve cong ty chung toi khong?

L: Yes W hat type of job will be expected to do at first?

Co Dau tien tdi se duac lam loai cong viec gi ?W: You w ill a s s is t me to deal with som e g e n e ra l office administration at first

Trudc tien, co se giup toi xii ly mot vai cong viec quan ly d phong hanh chinh tong hop.

L:What are the normal working hours?

Gid lam viec thdng tluldng la may gid?

W: Eight hours, from 9 : 00 am to 6 : 00 pm with one hour break at noon for lunch Any more questions?

8 tieng, tit 9 gid sang den 6 gid toi vdi mot gid nghi triia Cdn cdu hoi nao nita khong?

L: No I’m sorry to have taken up so much of your time

Khong, tdi xin loi da lam mat nhieu thdi gian ciia ong.

W: Not at all You shall be hearing from us about the result

of the interview within a couple of days

Khong co chi Co se nghe tin tit chung toi ve kct qua phong van trong vong 2 ngay.

L: Thank you very much

Cam on rat nhieu.

Trang 36

W: You are w e lcom e G ood-bye.

Khong co chi Tam biet.

L:Go od-bye

Tam biet.

T t i v t f n g : _

se c re ta ria l experience : kinh nghiem thu ky

executive secretary : thu ky dieu hanh

consultancy com pany : cong ty tu van

in sura nce com pany : cong ty hdo hicm

m u lt i- n a t io n a l com pany : cong ty da quoc gia

deal w i t h : giao ticp, lam quen, xU ly

a d m i n i s t r a t i o n : su quan ly

ta k e up : ton mat, lay.

V a n d u n g t t i v t f n g

1 e x e c u tiv e adj.: chap hanh, quan tri, (quyfen) hanh phap

T he execu tive branch of the gove rn m e n t

Nganh hanh phap cua Chinh phii

How m any in sura nces have your bought?

Ban da mua bao nhieu cdi bao !iiem ?


Trang 37

4 d e a l w i t h : giao tiep, ti£p xuc, xuf ly

How would you deal with this problem?

Ban se xii ly van de nay ra sao?

That girl is very difficult to deal with

C6 gai do rdt kho tiep xuc.

5 c o u p le n m o t doi, m o t cai

He came back with couple of rabbits

Anh ta quay lai voi mot c$p tho.

Cac mau cau can nhd

^ W h a t’s yo u r major at school?

Chuyen nganh cua ban d triiang la gi?

* I major in En terprise Management

T6i chuyen ve quan ly t6 chile kinh doanh.

W hat kind of secretarial experience do you have?

Kinh nghiem thu ky nao co da co?

^ I am working as secretary to general manager in a trading company

Toi dang lam viec nhu mot thu ky tong gidm doc trong mot cdng ty thuang mai.

,jf' W hat kind of environm ents have you w o rke d in?

M oi truang nao co da lam viec?

^ I have w o rk e d for information technology com pany

Toi da lam viec cho cong ty cong nghe thong tin.

* W h y did you ch oo se our com pany?

Tai sao co chon cdng ty cua chung toi?


Trang 38

Do you want to work here because the salary we offer is high?

Co muon lam viec a day vi htang chung toi tra cao phdi khong?

To some extent

0 mot mile do nao do.

What are your plans for the future?

Dil dinh ciia co trong titong lai la gi?

I’d like to go abroad fo rfu rth e r studie s four y e a rs later

Toi muon ra nitoc ngoai de hoc cao hern trong 4 nam sau.

W ould you mind working later often?

Co co phien neu thilang xuyen lam viec qua gia khong ?

1 d o n ’t mind if it is urgent issue

Toi khong phien neu do la van de cap thict.

Could you tell me what benefits you offer for employees?

Co co the noi cho toi biet nhiing quyen lai ma co mang lai cho cdc nhan vien ciia minh la gi kh on g?

W e buy se curity welfare in sura nce for each em plo yee

Chung toi mua bao hiem phuc lai sice khoc cho moi ngilai lao dong.

W o u ld you mind saying that again?

Co co phien noi lai dieu do khon g?

Trang 40

V: May I see Mr Smith for just a m om e nt, ple a se ?

Toi co the gdp ong Smith mot lat duoc k h on g?

S: Do you have an appointm ent?

O ng co hen truac khong a?

V: No, I d o n ’t, but I am an old friend of his

Khong, nhung toi la ban cu cua ong dy.

S: Mr Sm ith has been in a m eeting since 9 o ’clock May I have yo u r name?

Ong Smith vdn dang hop til luc 9 gid Toi co the biet ten ong khon g?

V: My nam e is H e n ry W ood W h e n will he be f r e e 7

Ten toi la H enry Wood Khi nao ong dy rank?

S: He should be free within half an hour Please take a seat over there Could I ask what you wish to see him abo u t9


Ngày đăng: 13/08/2015, 10:49

