Sewing Machine Prepared By : Mazadul Hasan sheshir ID: 2010000400008 13 th Batch (session 2009-2013) Department : Wet Processing Technology Email: Blog : www. (visit) Southeast University Department Of Textile Engineering I/A 251,252 Tejgaon Dhaka Bangladesh !" # $$% " $#&$ $"$ '() * !!" +(,-. /0-. 120-. 34. 5--4,. 67,. 8709 :9&. ;<9&-. ;;9. ;+9-. ;/=-. ;1>-.?0 "#$%&'()(&%#(() *+-0/<; ,-! ,- *+ #-*#!+-03</3<1 /!3;3 1!3;5 3! ,@ #-*#!+ *+-01<; ,A@B *+ .-01<;*+?/ ,@ . .!&-0*1<5 /!1<6 1!5<+ 1!5<3 3! ,9&@-C@ !& [...]... Stitch Class-101 Use: Temporary stitching for garments assembly Zigzag Machine Zigzag Machine : Stitch Class-304 Use : For zigzag stitching Button Sewing Machine Smocking Machine Smocking Machine : One kind of Kansain machine Pique Stitch Machine :Stitch Class- 209 Use:Collar of Shirt & Blazer lapel Brand Name of Some Popular Sewing Machine ... Hole Machine Eyelet hole Machine Use: In jeans bottom hole Bartack Machine Bartack Machine: Lock stitch Use: Beltloop, pocketcorner, under the fly piece Snap Attaching Machine Snap Attaching Machine: 1 2 3 4 Snap Attaching m/c Shrank button Rivet Eyelet Blind Stitch Machine Blind Stitch Machine : Stitch Class-103 Use: Bottom hemming of dress pant Basting Machine Basting Machine: Stitch Class-101 Use:...Kansani Machine Kansani Machine: For multithread needle usage, up to 33 needle can be use Use: Waist band of Jeans & top stitching of all garments Button Hole Machine Button hole Machine: Lock stitching & chain stitching with Special thread Use: Sewing of light & heavy fabric’s garments button holding Button attaching Machine Button attaching Machine: Chain Stitch300/100,(1L+1L) Use: Sewing of light . !!" +(, - . /0 - . 120 - . 34. 5 - - 4,. 67,. 8709 :9&. ;<9& - . ;;9. ;+9 - . ;/= - . ;1> - .?0 "#$%&'()(&%#(() *+ - 0/<;. !!" +(, - . /0 - . 120 - . 34. 5 - - 4,. 67,. 8709 :9&. ;<9& - . ;;9. ;+9 - . ;/= - . ;1> - .?0 "#$%&'()(&%#(() *+ - 0/<; , - ! , - *+ #- *#!+ - 03</3<1 /!3;3 1!3;5. !!" +(, - . /0 - . 120 - . 34. 5 - - 4,. 67,. 8709 :9&. ;<9& - . ;;9. ;+9 - . ;/= - . ;1> - .?0 "#$%&'()(&%#(() *+ - 0/<;