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Chủ đề tự chọn nâng cao môn Tiếng Anh 8 MỤC LỤC CHỦ ĐỀ SỐ TIẾT TRANG 1. Grammar Grammar 1. TENSES Grammar 2. REPORTED SPEECH Grammar 3. PASSIVE FORMS Grammar 4. MAKING REQUEST 2.Reading. Unit 1. PERSONAL INFORMATION Unit 2. EDUCATION Unit 3. COMMUNITY Unit 4. HEALTH Unit 5. RECREATION Unit 6. THE WORLD AROUND US. 3.Writing. Unit 1. DESCRIBING PEOPLE. Unit 2. WRITING A LETTER TO A FRIEND. Unit 3. WRITING A THANK – YOU NOTE. Unit 4. WRITING A SET OF INTSTRUCTIONS. 10 18 12 1 Chủ đề tự chọn nâng cao môn Tiếng Anh 8 PART A. GRAMMAR I. TENSES Unit 1. THE PRESENT SIMPLE AND THE PRESENT PROGRESSIVE. A. THE PRESENT SIMPLE B. THE PRESENT PROGRESSIVE. a/ Form: [ S + V-( s, es ) + Obj.] * To be: am/ is/ are * To have: have/ has b/ Use: - The present simple says that something was true in the past, is true in the present, and will be true in the future. It is used for general statements of fact. - Examples: + The world is round + The sun rises in the east. - The present simple is used to express habitual or everyday activity. - Examples: + He always eats a sandwich for lunch. + I study for two hours every night. + My classes begin at 7.15a.m. a/ Form: [ S + be + V-ing + Obj ] ( be : am/ is/ are ) b/ Use: - The present progressive expresses an activity that is in progress at the moment of speaking. It began in the recent past, is continuing at present , and will probably end at some point in the future. -Examples: + Mary is sleeping right now + I need an umbrella because it is raining. + John and Mary are talking on the phone - Often the activity is of a general nature: something generally in progress this week, this month, this year. - Examples: + I am taking five courses this semester. + John is writing another book this year. - In addition to always, the words forever and constantly are used with the present progressive to express annoyance. - Examples: + Bao is always forgetting his homework. + He’s always messing up the kitchen. Exercise 1: Use either the Present simple or the Present Progressive of the verbs in parentheses. a/ Diane can’t come to the phone because she ( wash) is washing her hair. b/ Diane ( wash) ………her hair every day or so. c/ ( Look, you , always) ………….the door to your apartment when you leave. 2 Chủ đề tự chọn nâng cao môn Tiếng Anh 8 d/ After three days of rain, I’m glad that the sun ( shine) ……….again today. e/ Every morning, the sun ( shine) ………in my bedroom window and ( wake) … me up. f/ A: Look ! It ( snow) ……… B: It’s beautiful! This is the first time I’ve ever seen snow. It ( snow, not)…… in my country. g/ Ba is a student, but he ( go, not)………… to school right now because it’s summer. He ( attend)………… school from September to May every year. h/ A: Who is that woman who ( stand) …………next to the window? B: Which woman? ( Talk, you) …………about the woman who (wear )………the blue and gold dress? A: No, I ( talk, not) ………about her. I (mean) …… the woman who ( wear) …….the blue suit. i / We ………….( have) a party next Saturday. Would you like to come? j/I ( not/ go)………………away for my holidays next month because I haven’t got enough money………………… ( you/ go ) away? k/ The concert this evening………………( star ) at 7.30. l/ George , is true that you …………….( get ) married next week? m/ The art exhibition………………( open ) on May 3 rd and finish on July 15 th . n/ What time ……………… ( the next train/ leave)? o/ Ann, we ……………….( go ) to town ………….( you/ come) with us? UNIT 2: THE PAST SIMPLE AND THE PAST PROGRESSIVE TENSE A. THE PAST SIMPLE B. THE PAST PROGRESSIVE. a/ Form: [ S + V( past simple) + Obj.] b/ Use: - The past simple indicates that an activity or situation began and ended at a particular time in the past. Examples: + I walked to school yesterday. + He lived in Dien Bien for ten years, but now he is living in Ha Noi. + I bought a new car three days ago. - If the sentence contains when and has the a/ Form: [ S + be + V-ing + Obj ] ( be : was/were) b/ Use: Ex: + I was walking down the street when it began to rain. + While I was walking the street, It began to rain. + I was standing under a tree when It began to rain. - In other words, both actions occurred at 3 Chủ đề tự chọn nâng cao môn Tiếng Anh 8 past simple in both clauses, the action in the “when clause” happens first Examples: + I stood under a tree when it began to rain. + When she heard a strange noise, she got up to investigate. + When I dropped my cup, the coffee spilled on my lap. the same time, but one action began earlier and was in progress when the other action occurred. Examples: + At 8 o’clock last night , I was studying. + Last year at this time, I was attending school. - Sometimes the past progressive is used in both parts of a sentence when two action are in progress simultaneously. Ex: While I was studying in one of our department, my roommate was having a party in other room. - In some case, the past simple and the past progressive give almost the same meaning . Ex:+ It rained this morning + It was raining this morning . Exercise 1. Use the Past simple or the Past progressive in the following. 1/ I am sitting in the class right now. I ( sit) was sitting in the class at this exact same time yesterday. 2/ I (call) ………… Mr. Son at nine last night , but he ( be, not) ……….at home. He ( study)………… at the library . 3/ It was beautiful yesterday when we went for a walk in the park. The sun ( shine)… . A cool breeze ( blow)……….The birds ( sing) ………………. 4/ My mother and my sister ( argue) …………….about something when I ( walk)… ……….into the room. 5/ While Mrs. Hang .(read) ……….the little boy a story, he( fall)……asleep, so she ( close)……… the book and ( tiptoe) ………out of the room. 6/ While Tom( cook)…… the dinner, the phone( ring)……… 7/ Mr. Hung ( fall)……………off the leader while he ( paint) …….the ceiling . 8/ Last night I ( read) ……… in bed when suddenly I ( hear) …….a cream. 9/ ……… ( you, watch)……T.V when I phoned you? 4 Chủ đề tự chọn nâng cao môn Tiếng Anh 8 10/ Ann.( wait)………… for me when I ( arrive) ……………… 11/ I( not, drive)…………very fast when the accident .( happen)……………. 12/ I ( break) …………….the plate last night . I ( do)……… the washing up when it ( slip)……………out of my hand. 13/ Tom( take)……………a photograph of me while I ( not, look)………………. 14/ We( not, go)………….out because it ( rain)…………… 15/ What ( you, do)……………… at this time yesterday? 16/ I ( see) ……… Carol at the party . She ( wear) …….a really beautiful dress. UNIT 3: THE PAST SIMPLE AND THE PRESENT PERFECT TENSE. A. THE PAST SIMPLE B. THE PRESENT PERFECT . a/ Form: [ S + V( past simple) + Obj.] Ex: I smoked 20 cigarettes yesterday b/ Use: - The past simple indicates that an activity or situation began and ended at a particular time in the past. Examples: + I walked to school yesterday. + He lived in Dien Bien for ten years, but now he is living in Hanoi. + I bought a new car three days ago. - If the sentence contains when and has the past simple in both clauses, the action in the “when clause” happens first Examples: + I stood under a tree when it began to rain. + When she heard a strange noise, she got up to investigate. + When I dropped my cup, the coffee spilled on my lap. a/ Form: [ S + have/ has + V- PII + Obj ] I/You/We/They + have She/ He/ It + has Ex: I’ve smoked 20 cigarettes today. b/ Use: - The present perfect express the idea that something happened ( or never happened ) before now, at an unspecified time in the past. The exact time it happened is not important . Examples: + They have moved into a new apartment. + Have you ever visited Dien Bien Phu City? + I have already seen that film. - If there is a specific mention of time , the past simple is used. Ex: I saw that movie last night . - The present perfect also expresses the repetition of an activity before now. The exact time of each repetition is not important. Examples: + We had had four tests so far this 5 Chủ đề tự chọn nâng cao môn Tiếng Anh 8 semester . + I have met many people since I came here in June. + I have flown on an airplane many times. - The Present Perfect also, when used with for or since express a situation that began in the past and continues to the present. + since : a point time + for: a duration of time Examples: + I have been here since 7 o’clock. + We have been here for two weeks. + I have known him for many years. + I have liked cowboy movies ever since I was a child. Exercise 1. Use the Past simple or the Present Perfect in the following. Examples: I have lost ( lose) my key. I can’t find it any where. Did you see ( you / see) the film on TV last night? 1/ Mr. Son ( buy )………………a new car two weeks ago. 2/ His hair is very short. He( have)……………… a haircut. 3/ Last night I ( arrive) ……… home at 12.30. I ( have ) …… a bath and then I ( go) ….to bed. 4/ ……( you/ visit) ……many museums when you were in England? 5/ My bike isn’t here any more. Somebody ( take) ………… it. 6/ When ……(you/give)……up smoking? 7/ I ( not/eat) …… anything yesterday because I ( not/ feel)………hungry. 8/ Why………( Jim/not/ want)… to play tennis last Friday? 9/ The car looks very clean………………( you/ wash) … it? 10/ Mr. Clark ( work) …….in a bank for 15 years. Then he gave it up. 11/ Mr. Son lives in Dien Bien Phu City. He ( live)……… there all his life. 12/ Bob and Alice are married. They (be)…… married for 20 years. 13/ When we were on holiday, the weather ( be) …….awful. 14/ The weather (be)……very nice recently, don’t you think? 15/ My grandfather died 30 years ago. I ( never/meet)……….him. 6 Chủ đề tự chọn nâng cao môn Tiếng Anh 8 16/ I don’t know Carol’s husband. I ( never/ meet ) ………… him. II. REPORTED SPEECH Reported speech refers to using a noun clause to report what someone has said. No quotation marks are used. Notice the verb forms from Directed speech to Reported speech in the following examples: a/ Tense changes: ( BACK ONE TENSE) SPEAKER’S WORDS REPORTED STATEMENT Will/ shall Am/ is/ are going to Present simple Present progressive Past progressive Present perfect Past simple Must Can Would/ should Was/ were going to Past simple Past progressive Past perfect progressive Past perfect Past simple/ past perfect Had to Could DIRECT SPEECH REPORTED SPEECH 1/ She said “ I watch TV everyday”. => She said ( that) she watched TV every day. 2/ She said “ I am watching TV”. => She said she was watching TV. 3/ She said “ I have watched TV.” => She said she had watched TV. 4/ She said “ I watched TV” => She said she had watched/ watched TV. 5/ She said “ I will watch TV.” => She said she would watch TV 6/ She said “ I’m going to watch TV” => She said she was going to watch TV. 7/ She said “ I can watch TV” => She said she could watch TV. 8/ She said “ I may watch TV” => She said she might watch TV. 9/ She said “ I might watch TV” => She said she might watch TV. 10/ She said “ I must watch TV” => She said she had to watch TV. 11/ She said “ I have to watch TV” => She said she had to watch TV. 12/ She said “ I should watch TV” => She said she should watch TV. 13/ She said “ I ought to watch TV” => She said she ought to watch TV. 14/ She said “ Watch TV” => She told me to watch TV. 15/ She said “ Do you watch TV” => She asked (me) if I watched TV. 7 Chủ đề tự chọn nâng cao môn Tiếng Anh 8 * If the reporting verb( the main verb of the sentence, e.g. said) is in the past , the verb in the noun clause will usually also be in a past form.( BACK ONE TENSE ) * Also, sometimes the present tense is retained even in formal English when the reported sentence deals with a general truth: She said that the world is round. * When the reporting verb is simple present, present perfect, or future, the noun clause verb is not changed. Examples: + She says, “ I watch TV everyday” => She says she watches TV everyday. + She has said, “ I watch TV everyday” => She has said that she watches TV everyday. + She will say, “ I watch TV everyday” => She will say that she watches TV everyday. * In reported speech , an imperative sentence is changed to an infinitive . Tell is used instead of say as the reporting verb. → says/ say to + O => tells/ tell + O Said to + O => told + O Eg: He told ( said to ) Trang ( that ) he didn’t like coffee. b/Some other changes: SPEAKER’S WORDS REPORTED STATEMENT Today that day Tonight that night Tomorrow the next day/ the following day. Yesterday the day before / the previous day. Ago before Now then Next/ on Monday the next/ following Monday. Last Monday the previous Monday/ the Monday before The day after tomorrow in two day’s time/ two days later. This that These those Here there Examples: “ I’m leaving here tomorrow” said Mary.  Mary said ( that ) she was leaving there the next day. 8 Chủ đề tự chọn nâng cao môn Tiếng Anh 8 Exrcise1: Put said or told in each space. 1/ I ………….that you had to be on time. 2/ I ………….I would help you ; so here I am. 3/ There, you see! I ………… you the bus would be on time. 4/ He……….he was leaving for Hanoi the next week. 5/ Mary…… Tom that she had seen that film. 6/ They …… they had lost the game. 7/ The mother ……her only son that he should study harder. 8/ The man……… he didn’t tell the truth. Exercise 2: Write these sentences in Reported speech. 1/ “ I’ll see you tomorrow” she said ………………………………………….………………………………………………. 2/ “ I saw her today” he said ………………………………….………………………………………………………. 3/ “ I don’t like this film”, she said ……………………………………….………………………………………………… 4/ “ I’m very happy” she said …………………………………. ……………………………………………………… 5/ “ I’m going to the cinema “ she said …………………………………………… …………………………………………… 6/ “ I’ll see them soon.” He said …………………………………… …………………………………………………… 7/ “ I see the children quite often”, he said ………………………………………………….……………………………………… 8/ “ I can drive ,” she said ………………………………. ………………………………………………………… 2.1. REPORTED QUESTIONS: IF/ WHETHER. FORM: [ S + asked ( O) + If/ whether + S + V( back one tense) … ] Wanted to know Wondered Examples: Direct speech:“ Are you a student?” He asked. Reported speech: He asked (me) if/ whether I was a student. Direct speech: “ Did you see the film?” Mr. Son asked Reported speech: Mr. Son asked (me) If / whether I saw/ had seen the film. Exercise 3: Write these sentences as reported questions. 1/ “ Do you like Michel Jackson?” she asked 9 Chủ đề tự chọn nâng cao môn Tiếng Anh 8 …………………………………………………………………………………………… 2/ “ Are you enjoying yourself?” he asked …………………………………………………………………………………………… 3/ “ Does your father work here?” she asked …………………………………………………………………………………………… 4/ “ Do you live in Dien Bien Phu City?” he asked …………………………………………………………………………………………… 5/ “ Have you met Mr. Son before?” she asked …………………………………………………………………………………………… 6/ “ Are you a teacher ?” she asked …………………………………………………………………………………………… Exercise 4: Rewrite each sentence, beginning as shown, so that the meaning stays the same. 1/ “ Do you know who broke the window, the boy?” the man asked The man asked if…………………………………………………………………… 2/ “ Have you hurt yourself ?” he asked He asked Mary……………………………………………………………………… 3/ “ Did I say that?” Mr. Son asked Mr. Son wondered whether ………………………………………………………… 4/ “ Did you lend them your camera?” he asked He asked if …………………………………………………………………………. 5/ “ Does your brother live in Dien Bien Phu City, Ba?” Nhung asked Nhung wanted to know if ………………………………………………………… 6/ “ Have you finished your exam?” Mom asked Mom asked if …………………………………………………………………… 2.2. REPORTED COMMANDS FORM: [ S + told + O + to – infinitive. ] not to – infinitive Examples: a/ “Please wait for me here, Hoa” Hung said  Hung told Hoa to wait for him there. b/ “ Don’t talk in the class!” the teacher said.  The teacher told the students not to talk in the class. * Some verbs are used in Reported Commands: Tell, ask, order, advise, warn, beg, command, remind, instruct,… 10 [...]... stone and sand, and (8) …………….flowers along the edges 18 Chủ đề tự chọn nâng cao môn Tiếng Anh 8 (9)…… , they finished a fine new village school It didn’t (10)….any money to build this fine school, but it took a lot of hard work No wonder, everyone was proud of it And all were proving that everyone was interested in education 1 A on 2 A over 3 A is 4 A areas 5 A build 6 A days 7 A like 8 A plant 9 A Early... operate this machine? 7/ Would you mind if I ………….you some questions? 8/ Do you mind if I …………a photo of your house? 9/ Would you mind …………me around the town? 10/ Would you mind if I……………here waiting for the manager? 15 move use Chủ đề tự chọn nâng cao môn Tiếng Anh 8 PART B READING Unit 1: PERSONAL INFORMATION Exercise1: Read the passage and answer the questions Do you have any close friends? I think... believe it is cruel ( 8) ……….animals This may be because their religion forbids it or because they do not like to think that an animal had to suffer and die just so they could have a meal Many people who are vegetarians for this reason also avoid (9)… clothes and shoes that are made (10)… animal fur and leather 1 A which 2 A sell 3 A differently 4 A eating 5 A unkind 6 A make 7 A at 8 A to kill 9 A wear... shy jealous talkative a/ I think English people are so ……… They’ll always talk to you an dtry to help you even if you’ve never met them before b/ His wife is always……in the morning She gets angry at the slightest thing c/ The thing I like about Son is that he is so ……… If he tells you he’ll do something, he always does it d/ Her husband is so ………… He’s always buying her things e/ Phuong’s new friend... chọn nâng cao môn Tiếng Anh 8 Active: Ba can open the door Passive: The door can be opened by Ba * Notice: The position of adverb of place, adverb of time and adverb of manner a/ [ S + BE + V(past participle) + ( adv of place) by Agent + ( adv of time).] b/ [ S + BE ( adv of manner) + V(past participle) + by Agent ] Examples: a/ Hoa bought this hat in Dien Bien Phu City last month  This hat was bought... interested in all things to do with the environment and the need to protect it Two years ago, he got his bike out of the garbage and repaired it, and now he uses it as much as possible He uses his car less He tries to do ten percent fewer miles every year, so last year he drove eleven thousand miles, and this year he’s going to try to do only ten thousand This doesn’t mean he travel less, this means he... keeps the air cleaner About in the home, he saves as much as he can He 21 Chủ đề tự chọn nâng cao môn Tiếng Anh 8 doesn’t throw rubbish away He has different bags for different things One bag has all the cans going into it, from the cat food to the beer The second bag has all the papers going into it, and the third bag has bottles such as oil bottles such as oil bottles, wine bottles But the milk bottles... It is a two – storey house on Farringdon Road not far from the office of the communist newspaper, the Morning Star On this occasion, Jack and his classmates learned about Marx’s and Lenin’s lives and work in London 16 Chủ đề tự chọn nâng cao môn Tiếng Anh 8 Karl Marx left Germany in 184 9, and spent the rest of his life in London It was in London that Marx wrote most of his Capital He also took part... called the 20th century “ The age of Aspirin” 1/ Felix Holfman is a( an)……………… A astronaut B doctor C psychiatric D chemist 2/ The drug Aspirin was invented by him in……………… A April 1 989 B March 189 9 C May 189 9 D on March 189 9 3/ He gave the first aspirin to his father because his father had………… A arthritis B headache C backache D sore throat 4/ In 1950 Aspirin was ………….pain killer in the world A the... cao môn Tiếng Anh 8 Simpsons He has sold over one billion records that’s more than any other artists Presley died in 1977 because of his abuse of drug 1/ Presley was born in ……… A 1935 B.1945 C 1925 D 1955 2/ He could play guitar…………… A in his teens B after his teen C before his teens D within his teens 3/ His first record was made in…………… A 1935 B 1953 C 1945 D 1954 4/ He died in ………… A 1967 B 187 7 . general nature: something generally in progress this week, this month, this year. - Examples: + I am taking five courses this semester. + John is writing another book this year. - In addition. and sand, and (8) …………….flowers along the edges. 18 Chủ đề tự chọn nâng cao môn Tiếng Anh 8 (9)…… , they finished a fine new village school. It didn’t (10)….any money to build this fine school,. Morning Star. On this occasion, Jack and his classmates learned about Marx’s and Lenin’s lives and work in London. 16 Chủ đề tự chọn nâng cao môn Tiếng Anh 8 Karl Marx left Germany in 184 9, and spent

Ngày đăng: 25/07/2015, 19:17

