Trưng THPT Đon Kt T Ting Anh Đ THI HC K I Môn: Ting Anh – Lp 11 – Năm h$c 2012-2013 !"# $%&%'((((((((((((((()*+,-./((((((((()) 01.23(((()) I. Multiple choices Pick out the word with the underlined part pronounced differently from that of the rest in each set. 4) 5)6 7)6 *)36 8) ) 5)96 7)92 *)96: 8)9' ;) 5),29636 7)2 *)266 8)2<2 ) 5)'63 7)26 *)6626 8)63 Choose the option that best completes each of the following sentences or that best substitutes or explains the underlined part in each sentence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ã đ: AV 101 Identify the word or phrase that is grammatically incorrect. 4) G<:292,3J:29236'6''<::232) 57*8 ) L)3L')0622,<293266636'22) 57*8 ;) @6266'::<'J662'6'322,32<223') 57*8 ) I6'63:69'63926<6222:26':6) 57*8 Read the passage and choose the best answer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làm phần viết sau phiếu trả lời trắc nghiệm) Rewrite the sentence without changing its original meaning, beginning with the word(s) given. 4) G'26'6G'926) UG6H=========================) ) $6'266:26966<26') UG<===============================) ;) GH2626:6'6G6:':) UG<===============================) ) CGH'2:G33H26:266JFL6'326 UL622X63================) ) $633H''66?6'663H663<296) UP2=============================) !) CI233H:6229G'3JF666'3262:) U666'63================) The end - 101 Trưng THPT Đon Kt T Ting Anh Đ THI HC K I Môn: Ting Anh – Lp 11 – Năm h$c 2012-2013 !"# $%&%'((((((((((((((()*+,-./((((((((()) 01.23(((()) I. Multiple choices Choose the option that best completes each of the following sentences or that best substitutes or explains the underlined part in each sentence. 1. 06===6636266''36) 5)266 7)2: *)2: 8)26663 2. G6'632===6962<6<262)GH'N27) 5)26 7)66 *)6? 8)2 3. 5==='6'292'2'6226326<2<266'222) 5)B36 7)262 *)66'66 8)'2'2 4. 6222<6923:366'6<6266962<626'2<2622) 5)626'66 7)62666 *)6'6 8)666 5. 02626'6226'66:66:<69===) 5)<6' 7)6'6' *)'26' 8)6'26' 6. 069:'6'===6<2663:) 5)6?63 7)6? *)66?63 8)6?6 7. 62'696'B'2'26:32'6) 5)6?6'636 7)6''636 *)2<263 8)6?36 8. 5CD23:2,6263696EF2C===)F 5)GH6:: 7)I6'J'232G *)I6'J' 8)I6'JGH3262 9. @6'632H,6'22'6)G===) 5)9''3: 7)'3: *)'363 8)'3: 10. ===::966EGH<3) 5)82:2'66 7)83:2'66 *)$3:2'66 8)$6:2'66 11. 06'3'6===<'66:6'6<26) 5)3'66 7)6'66 *)'9 8)923'66 12. D:KL:'H6629)G<'6===6629J'6===9232) 5)'M,29' 7)966M9,29 *)966M923,29 8)9236M,69 13. ===O232<226J62632P69I2,:6'63:) 5)76 7)$66 *)76 8)26 14. G62===:223:) 5)26 7)6 *)6 8)23 15. @66'6:<:)$62<6,6'6===2) 5) 7) *)2 8)63 16. 6369666?63===2666'6') 5)2 7)2 *)<2 8) Pick out the word with the underlined part pronounced differently from that of the rest in each set. 17.5)96 7)92 *)96: 8)9' 18.5),29636 7)2 *)2<2 8)266 19.5)'63 7)26 *)63 8)6626 20.5)6 7)6 *)36 8) Mã đ: AV 102 Identify the word or phrase that is grammatically incorrect. 21. L)3L')0622,<293266636'22) 57*8 22. @6266'::<'J662'6'322,32<223') 57*8 23. I6'63:69'63926<6222:26':6) 57*8 24. G<:292,3J:29236'6''<::232) 57*8 Read the passage and choose the best answer. Q'6J6D3*:2R2662'63'22<56'2266 O232<2'66966,'3236'2'3''632636<:62'2<)5<6 '66966,'2<266J'692966,'2636636:6<2662O232 26662366<,26S6306') 6236'<69'26'':'J'66'2<T6'2'26:62<6626923 6<6J3<26699<26266'6''62<32262 62) 86326,6''62<<)62'62<26666'32'22' 6<2:62:63266'H22'666636)726:2H6 663J:2':<66:2H6B2632'6U,2)62662232'<6T6 22'36U'26:266<26J366'3:2262P69 I2,'6266'2666<26366<2O232E 25. $2923222<56'266O232E 5)92966,' 7)Q'6 *)066966,' 8)66966,' 26. D326'6D3*:2R2662':69E 5) V223'326' 7)5<69'26'':' *)'22 8)$2'3''63 27. D2<6<229'PW36362E 5)62'62<26666' 7)5<26699<26266' *)5<69'26'':' 8)5'66'2<T6'2'26:62<66269236<6 28. $29326'62662232,6629:2E 5)266'2369'6 7)2662636U' *)2'36U' 8)2323626 II. WRITING : (HS làm phần viết sau phiếu trả lời trắc nghiệm) Rewrite the sentence without changing its original meaning, beginning with the word(s) given. 4) $633H''66?6'663H663<296) UP2=============================) ) CI233H:6229G'3JF666'3262:) U666'63================) ;) G'26'6G'926) UG6H=========================) ) $6'266:26966<26') UG<===============================) ) GH2626:6'6G6:':) UG<===============================) !) CGH'2:G33H26:266JFL6'326 UL622X63================) The end - 102 Trưng THPT Đon Kt T Ting Anh Đ THI HC K I Môn: Ting Anh – Lp 11 – Năm h$c 2012-2013 !"# $%&%'((((((((((((((()*+,-./((((((((()) 01.23(((()) I. Multiple choices Identify the word or phrase that is grammatically incorrect. 4) @6266'::<'J662'6'322,32<223') 57*8 ) I6'63:69'63926<6222:26':6) 57*8 ;) G<:292,3J:29236'6''<::232) 57*8 ) L)3L')0622,<293266636'22) 57*8 Pick out the word with the underlined part pronounced differently from that of the rest in each set. ) 5),29636 7)2 *)266 8)2<2 !) 5)'63 7)26 *)6626 8)63 >) 5)6 7)6 *)36 8) ) 5)96 7)92 *)96: 8)9' Choose the option that best completes each of the following sentences or that best substitutes or explains the underlined part in each sentence. A) 06===6636266''36) 5)266 7)2: *)2: 8)26663 4 ) G6'632===6962<6<262)GH'N27) 5) 2 7)66 *)6? 8)26 44) 5==='6'292'2'6226326<2<266'222) 5)B36 7)262 *)66'66 8)'2'2 4) 6222<6923:366'6<6266962<626'2<2622) 5)626'66 7)62666 *)6'6 8)666 4;) 02626'6226'66:66:<69===) 5)6'26' 7)6'6' *)'26' 8)<6' 4) 069:'6'===6<2663:) 5)6?63 7)6? *)66?63 8)6?6 4) 62'696'B'2'26:32'6) 5)6?6'636 7)2<263 *)6''636 8)6?36 4!) 5CD23:2,6263696EF2C===)F 5)GH6:: 7)I6'J'232G *)I6'J' 8)I6'JGH3262 4>) @6'632H,6'22'6)G===) 5)9''3: 7)'3: *)'3: 8)'363 4) ===::966EGH<3) 5)82:2'66 7)83:2'66 *)$3:2'66 8)$6:2'66 4A) 06'3'6===<'66:6'6<26) 5)3'66 7)6'66 *)'9 8)923'66 ) D:KL:'H6629)G<'6===6629J'6===9232) 5)'M,29' 7)966M9,29 *)966M923,29 8)9236M,69 4) ===O232<226J62632P69I2,:6'63:) 5)76 7)26 *)76 8)$66 Mã đ: AV 103 ) G62===:223:) 5)6 7)26 *)6 8)23 ;) @66'6:<:)$62<6,6'6===2) 5) 7) *)2 8)63 ) 6369666?63===2666'6') 5)2 7)<2 *)2 8) Read the passage and choose the best answer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làm phần viết sau phiếu trả lời trắc nghiệm) Rewrite the sentence without changing its original meaning, beginning with the word(s) given. 4) GH2626:6'6G6:':) UG<===============================) ) CGH'2:G33H26:266JFL6'326 UL622X63================) ;) $633H''66?6'663H663<296) UP2=============================) ) CI233H:6229G'3JF666'3262:) U666'63================) ) G'26'6G'926) UG6H=========================) !) $6'266:26966<26') UG<===============================) The end - 103 Trưng THPT Đon Kt T Ting Anh Đ THI HC K I Môn: Ting Anh – Lp 11 – Năm h$c 2012-2013 !"# $%&%'((((((((((((((()*+,-./((((((((()) 01.23(((()) I. Multiple choices Identify the word or phrase that is grammatically incorrect. 4) I6'63:69'63926<6222:26':6) 57*8 ) G<:292,3J:29236'6''<::232) 57*8 ;) L)3L')0622,<293266636'22) 57*8 ) @6266'::<'J662'6'322,32<223') 57*8 Pick out the word with the underlined part pronounced differently from that of the rest in each set. ) 5)'63 7)26 *)6626 8)63 !) 5)6 7)6 *)36 8) >) 5)96 7)92 *)96: 8)9' ) 5),29636 7)2 *)266 8)2<2 Choose the option that best completes each of the following sentences or that best substitutes or explains the underlined part in each sentence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ã đ: AV 104 4) 06===6636266''36) 5)266 7)2: *)2: 8)26663 ) G6'632===6962<6<262)GH'N27) 5)26 7)66 *)6? 8)2 ;) 5==='6'292'2'6226326<2<266'222) 5)B36 7)262 *)66'66 8)'2'2 ) 6222<6923:366'6<6266962<626'2<2622) 5)626'66 7)62666 *)6'6 8)666 Read the passage and choose the best answer. Q'6J6D3*:2R2662'63'22<56'2266 O232<2'66966,'3236'2'3''632636<:62'2<)5<6 '66966,'2<266J'692966,'2636636:6<2662O232 26662366<,26S6306') 6236'<69'26'':'J'66'2<T6'2'26:62<6626923 6<6J3<26699<26266'6''62<32262 62) 86326,6''62<<)62'62<26666'32'22' 6<2:62:63266'H22'666636)726:2H6 663J:2':<66:2H6B2632'6U,2)62662232'<6T6 22'36U'26:266<26J366'3:2262P69 I2,'6266'2666<26366<2O232E )$2923222<56'266O232E 5)92966,' 7)Q'6 *)066966,' 8)66966,' !)D326'6D3*:2R2662':69E 5) '22 7)5<69'26'':' *)$2'3''63 8)V223'326' >)D2<6<229'PW36362E 5)5'66'2<T6'2'26:62<66269236<6 7)5<26699<26266' *)62'62<26666' 8)5<69'26'':' )$29326'62662232,6629:2E 5)2'36U' 7)2662636U' *) 266'2369'6 8)2323626 II. WRITING : (HS làm phần viết sau phiếu trả lời trắc nghiệm) Rewrite the sentence without changing its original meaning, beginning with the word(s) given. 4) CGH'2:G33H26:266JFL6'326 UL622X63================) ) $633H''66?6'663H663<296) UP2=============================) ;) CI233H:6229G'3JF666'3262:) U666'63================) ) G'26'6G'926) UG6H=========================) ) $6'266:26966<26') UG<===============================) !) GH2626:6'6G6:':) UG<===============================) The end - 104 . 8)2323626 II. WRITING : (HS làm phần viết sau phiếu trả l i trắc nghiệm) Rewrite the sentence without changing its original meaning, beginning with the word(s) given. 4) G'26'6G'926) UG6H=========================) ). 8)2323626 II. WRITING : (HS làm phần viết sau phiếu trả l i trắc nghiệm) Rewrite the sentence without changing its original meaning, beginning with the word(s) given. 4) $633H''66?6'663H663<296) UP2=============================) ). 8)2323626 II. WRITING : (HS làm phần viết sau phiếu trả l i trắc nghiệm) Rewrite the sentence without changing its original meaning, beginning with the word(s) given. 4) GH2626:6'6G6:':) UG<===============================) )