Grammar Friends 4 Student''''''''s Book tài liệu, giáo án, bài giảng , luận văn, luận án, đồ án, bài tập lớn về tất cả các lĩn...
Eiteen FLonnigon Frlends OXTORD \/NIVERSITY PRESS OX.FORD UNIVBRSITY PRESS Great Clarendon Street, Odord ox2 5DP Ordord University Pressis a department ofthe University ofOrdord It fiIthers the UniversitSrsobjective ofexcellence in researcIl scholarship, and education by publishing worldwide in Oxford NewYork Auckland CapeTown Dares Salaarn HongKong Karachi Kualalumpur Madrid Melboume MexicoOty Nafuobi New Delhi Shanghai Taipei Toronto Withofrces in Argentina Austria Brazil Chile CzechRepublic Frere Greece Guatemala Hungary ltaly Japan Poland Forqgrl Sngrfut SouthKorea Switzerland Thailand Turkey LJkrein Vam are oxroro and oxroRD ENGLTSH registg€d tr& E r< d' mb Oxford University Pressin the IJK and in ccnein & O Odord University Presszoro The mord rights ofthe author harebetosd Database right O)dord University Press@efrrl First published 2o1o 2073 2072 2011 2O1O 109 Nounauthorizedphm.rynp*'atAll rights reserved- No pen dilri< Iff.-ir ryh c !r et E€ans, i r; h stored in a retrieral sylttm c m-rL rri*d(HtHrriy Press, without the prior pernis*nf drih ft appmpriate or as expresslypetmirdbyfer,rrftrrll: r.1* reprographics r{fu alrirrnr b & Ef,f figlls DeParhent, &r b i d outside the scope drt & Odord University Prcrc r ft &s You must oc circula dtland you must inpc ts 4r& G-r - tindng a cow a q.quirer ia the public domain and Anywebsites n*rtdoitts ;&iaat tf ffi Lhiansiry Pressfor information only their addressesar fror.*f r l-< for the content Otrrd tiniuityPrrs rsBx: gzEo r9{Fqlr rs s x : ? o r a t ; ffi &S -rcrymsibility t l@tl hintedinGiD nuoutr lrfotytd'||ri Studft{Eeehit lrcir ttfgbAti!ils At3ncy (ctraracters) and JHS Contents Storter Afier schoot Like+ -ing; ccn ond con't; o, on ond some;be going to I We're hoving i c ecr e o m ! Thepresent simpt e n d c o n t in u o u s o Adverbs offrequencg pLog A school The postsimple(1):be,hoveond regulorverbs Posttime expressions L2 (2): ThepostsimpLe irregu[or verbs L6 We sow o shork! 20 ReviewI O urcom p in g trip We hoveto hurrg! Th ebe sth o lidog! pronouns Possessive Adverbs 22 Hoveto Theimperotive Whg ond becouse 26 po odjectives Com rotiveo nd superlotive 30 34 Review2 WiL tw ebe fomous? Wil.l won't ond Future time expressions Lotsoffun! AfootboLL motch 36 Much,mong,lotsof ond o lot of Someond ong t8 Theinfinitive purpose of ond odverbs time of How often ? 44 $ Review3 1O I've donemg homework perfect(1) The present 11 A speciot odventure The presentperfect(2):ever ond never 54 L2 We shouLd plog outside ond shou[dn't Shou[d Couldond couldn't 58 50 62 Review4 13 Hel"ping others 14 Hoppgmemories We w er eh o ving funl pronouns Object pronouns: who ond which Relotive 64 Thepostcontinuous Dotesond wos born On ond in 68 Thepostsimple d c o n t in u o u s on There, theg'reond their 72 Reviewl 76 Grommorreference 78 Irregulor verbs 80 After school Like + -irg; can and can't; a, an and some: be going to what you like d o i n g f t e r c h o o l? a s I fike skateboarding t like ploying basketball We usetike+ -ingto totk oboutthings thot we olwogstiketo I Whatdo you likedoingat the weekend? likegoingswimming \tt- tr "( Remember don'trepeot + -ingin short we onswers tike Does Charlie skateboarding? hedoes |ike Yes, Writesentences questions [ike+ -ing ond Use Beth Like pLoV tennis / / a B et h [ ik e sp t o u L n t e n n L s I / Like pLog tennis / IJJ mgfriends Like wotchfiLms / / theg/ like/ cook / piono Som / /not Like pLoVthe she Like pLoy guitor the / / gou/ t ik e / s u r f / ? red rheo nofii,,rn ond / Starter Can t go to the caf€withToby? you Yes, can rL t We useconondcon't+ bose oboutpermission ondcon't Con form to tol.k don'tchonge We useconin questions conor con'twhenwe giveor refuse ond permission Canweplay on the computer?Yes, can./ No, you you can't Writeguestions shortonswers conondcon'tondo verbfrom the box ond Use As' stog go pLou bug use wotch moke visit C an I qo to th,i :: : r ' i ' ' ' ' I /th e p o rk I we / footboLl, / theg / the TV ,/ he / sko te b o ordi ng X I/o n e wco o t / she/w i th SoLLg X th e g /th e computerX I/ o co ke / she/Gr o n dm o / we / o u r h o mew ork LoterX Starter Whatwouldvoulike? we'd likesome cream, ice olease We useo or on before nouns countoble ondsomebefore nouns uncountoble ondpluro L s a cat an orange somewater someoronges (U tolk or oskoboutwhot we wont.It is E, * usewouldLike Like)to ''-,i- o politeexpression we oftenusein shops, thot ond coJ6s restouronts t I'd likea cupof coffee,please the Write'dLike ondo, on or some Complete sentences you Whatwould likez | ' ] i tke sui,ri We please lemon, please aubergines, I glass milk,please of we we please rice, I please orange, please bananas, I we please fruit, please apple, Starter l'm goingto go now skateboarding you goingto Are comewith me? We usebegoing + bose to to form to sogwhot we oreplonning I'm going to listento mg MP3player Mollg isn't going to plag with herfriendstoday Aregougoingto gourhomework evening? this - I Look the tob[e.Writequestions shortonswers of ond M u m o n d D od v i s i Jr ie n d s t Ho r rie t Dq d pLog with footboLl Jriends c Leonh e c o r t we wotcho DVD G r o n d m oo n d Gro n d p o hov eo p ic n ic Morion w ri tet o h e rc o u s in L i L g n d Am g o go to t h e c in e m o X X x Starter We're hovingice creom! Thepresent simple andcontinuous Adverbs frequency of I u su a lly a ve keb u t h ca , ice t o da y m h a vin g cr e a m l' : ;'' t Weuse present the simple to[k obouthobits things to ond thot oreotwogs true Leogoesto the cafdafier school Giraffes very toIL are Weuse present the continuous to[k oboutwhot we oredoingnow to HoIIy'supstairs She's doingherhomework I'm makingdinnerat the moment poge78 forformotionof the -ingform See the Use continuous Complete sentences the present simple the present or Look thot bog! He tunnrng reoltg ot - (run) fost! ( sto gwith u sto d o g ) T ongo h e rs i s t e r ond (use) You on Dod it con'tpLog the computer (notgive) muchhomework o Us uo[ [ ,u rt e o c h e r s us ( b e ) g b ir th d o g d o g sIt m to ( L i s t e n ) to e r o d io Leo th ( w o L k ) t sch o oe ve r g o g o 7I l d (Like) (noteot)it in winter Corlo soLod she but (toLk) the phone Mum on rightnow Unit1 Wealwayssit by the window A I W useodverbs frequencg of with the present simple toLkobouthowofien to * dothings never rore[g sometimes usuo[[g o% olwogs LO0% Adverbs frequencu before go of most verbs, ofiertheverbbe but Weusuallg sithere Thegarealwagslate Wedon'tuse with odverbs Jrequencu the present of continuous I Writethe wordsin the correct order shortformswhenpossib[e Use never go/ on Soturdogs / to school / /I I ne ti er ajc tti scirlrlr ')i, i*irirLt i' ir, l: i the teochers lotef ore/ never / o Lwogs Do d/ f o r o L o n gi m e/ L o o ksf th e m e n u t o / l oc k/ hisme o tI J i n i s h e s L w o gs /o i s n't/ t he m e o L u s u o l l g v e r ge x p e n sive / f ro relg got o/ w e l o u r L o c oc o f e L / I / hungrg ofter proctice usuollg om / f / footbo[L Uni t pronouns Writesentences relotive Use Th ere's dog t he i sd o n g e r o u s S h e ' sh e g ir L t s w o h u r r i co n e =?-q Th ot 'she phot o t D odtook He r e 'th e sto tu e s broke }L Th ot 'she s moo t h i e t mo C orri e d e Th os e et he os t r o n o u t s or goi n g o t he m o o n t / I ! ore He r e 'th e in fo r m o tio n s s L o o kT h e r e ' t h e t h e t r o p h ie s fl A ,.,- ^^^,] 6& wo n o L L 1\ Where's Jood the to bug? I c s k edgou Co m e Lo r e o n im o L s s m u c hwo t e r d o n ' td r i n k Unit I 67 Happy memories Thepastcontinuous Datesand uzas born On andir wereyougoingabroad , in t hat p h o t oC r a n d p a ? Yes,wos.I wason a train I was I travelling abroad theflrsttime for 'f*l W usethe postcontinuous toLk to obouton oction thot wosin progress t I of o c er t oi ni m e i n t h e p o s t '/ We + with For form the postcontinuous wos/were postporticipte negotive + sentences, wosn't/weren't questions, usewos/were subject use + For we p os tpor t ici p L e I waswalkingslowly HoIIywasn'tlistening herMP3player to you makingdinner? Yes,Iwas No,I wasn't Were / poge f orformotion the -ingform 78 See of Comptete sentences the verb in brockets the Use ond the present continuous Iudg \.i\i, Am g o n d Z oe 3It Youond Iock 5I You Thetroffic Wi L [i o m Osco r n d I o 58 Unit14 ( m o ked in n e r ) ( n o two tch ) fiL mo t th e cin e m o o ( ro inve r gh e o viL g ) (notwoit)ot the busstop (feel.) vergcold ( tid g ) u r o o m Uo r (move) vergslowlg ( n o tse n n e m o iL Io m ie ) to (toLk) oboutthefootboLL motch Lookof the pictures Writeo negotive sentence on offirmotive ond sentence Use postcontinuous the Lewis Gorg woit/ of the busstop ond / Lewis and Gorg weren't waiting at the bus s_tgp Theu -.'''- ''''''' were woltlnq at the clnemo Dod/ cleon the house / Mum ondSophg mokecoffee / Iess/ write o letter the bogs ptoVtennis / look of exercise Writequestions shortonswers ond Lewis Gorg woit/ of the bus ond stop / Glrruw_ettjnq the*bus ot stop?No, theq weren't _WqreLqwlsqn-d _7-tJ Dod/cleon / the cor Mu m ondSo p h g m o k e d i n n e r / / Tes s / writ e/ o L e t t e r s the bogs/ pLoV bosketbol.L / Unit 14 6q yourmumwhenshe wasa baby That's 1978 was born on 5th May She the is whenspeoking differentfrom wog we oboutdotes Thewog we toLk write dotes We sogthe sirth of Mag.Wewrite 6th May 79 numbers, poge see of Foro List ordinol werebornwith gou/we/gou/theg Usewos bornwith I/he/she/it.Use 1.952 wasborn on L2thFebruary Grondpa April199L Thetwinswerebornon 2Lst use onddogsof the week, on Withdotes 201.0, Saturdoy, 29th September on on on 20th March,on 7th December use ondmonths, in With geors in in L969, Mag onswer the correct Circle goi o o We're n g n h o l i d o g n / @ f u L g 70 in Leove school / onL995? Didgoursister in on Wefirst hodelectricitg ourvitloge / in 20thMog L935 Tower / in 1889 on EilfelbuiLt EiffeL the Gustove t M g neph e w 'g o i n g o l i v ei n A me r ico in n M o gth isUe o r s /o w b i Dogout h i n k t h e r e i L L ec o r s n /o n O5 O? o g W egot m o r r i e d n / i n S o t u r do6 th M o g2 0 November in orrived Americo /onL62Oin/on 2Lst in People fromEuropefirst Unit14 Lookof the toble Complete sentences wos bornon ond o dote the Use When- -\MqS- Mr Dixon*- bo-rn- I 1q73 Mr Dixon wos boln -o_n-]-rtjeb*r_uqru_ When Mrs Dixon -.-? Mrs Dixon -3 W hen F i no n dl o s p e r - ? Fi nondI os p e r When Angelo - ? Ange[o When Grondpo ? G r ondpo W hen Grondmo ? Gr ondm o Mr Dixon LstIonuoryL9TL MrsDixon L4thFebruorgL9T3 F in 30thMog2000 Iosper 30thMog2000 Ange[o 2Lst 2003 September Grondpo 7th MorchL953 Gr o n d m o 5th Mog L954 Lookof Potlg'scolendor.Completethe sentences Scptember 1stTack 2nd starts new iob 7th Friday Wednerdey thcrdey Tuesday Monday 9th 8th Saturdey 3rd 11th 6th 4th 10.30 5th Dentist (Max) 1orh Sunday 13th 1zth Vtft 14th 21st 15th 22nd I t 17th I Katestaging 24th t"boppg', 20rh 18th 25th 16th 23rd Tina partg 26th 27th fffr}H'' zEth 29th 30th and Dad's tno anntversarg g anntversa job -on I sLSeptem-ber Iockisstorting new his Mox is goingto the dentist I'm goingto visitTino Koteis goingto stogwith me Poppg's portgis Poppg's birthdog is Mu m ond Do d ' s e d d i n g n n i v e r so r g w o is Un it1 7l There,they're and their party They werewalkingtoToby's We use postcontinuous the postsimple the with whenwe wontto totk obout something thot hoppened the midd[eof onother, in oction Look longer, ot these sentences: Post continuous Post simple I wos walking to the shops It stortedto rain Weconmokethese two octions into onesentence connecting bg them with when I was walking to the shopswhen it startedto rain Weconusewhenin the middle of the beginning the sentence.If put or of we it of the beginning, mustput o commo(,) ofterthe first port of the sentence we Thephonerang whenMr Taglorwastalking to hisboss WhenMr TayLor tatkingto hisboss, phonerang wos the I Circle the shorteroctionthot hoppened the middl,e onother,longerone in of Thec hiLd r e ne r ep l o g i n g u t s id e e t storted w o wh roinin W henI wo sm o k i n g i n n e rM r sCo o p ep h o n e d d , r WhenTimwosrunning the bott,hefe[[over for Tommg wostellingo scorg storg whenthe Lights wentout Evergone woitingwhenI wolkedintothe room wos WhenI wokeup,mUbrother wosdoinghishomework G eor ge dW i L L i o w e r eb u y i n g on m CDs e nth e gh e o r d e o L o r m wh th You weretolkingto thefishermon whenthe bigbootorrived 72 Un it1 or of Complete sentences the postsimple post the Use Look the pictures in continuous the verbs brockets of ( r in g ) (repoi rt)h e c o rwh e n t h e p h o n e T he me ch o n i c Ps TheG reen omi L g J He (w oL k ) o t h e b e o c h e n t h e s t o r m t wh (sto rt) We ( to keh isb o g ) (reod) magoz i ne e n s o m e o n e wh a B E dw o r d ALice ( p l o U ) f o o t b o tL e nh e wh ( hu r t ) h is L e g (do)her homew o r k e n t h e J ir e wo r k s wh (stort) Unit 77 Write , or - Do we write commosin thesesentences? WhenIfirst sowUou E go, werestonding over there mg I wosweoring bestshoes ! to It wos storting snow! *h"n IfelL over *n"n we lefi school posttheirhouse Whenthey weredriving ! wost o L k i n t o o j o u r n o t i st g S he ! tf'.g sowo monoutside *h e n th e cr im e o p p e n e d h wereLoughing wfrengouonswered phone the You ! jumpedup of her of WhenshewosLooking the zebrosD o monkeg Use Lookof the toble.Writesentences whenondthe correct form of the verb Firstoction Second oction 'l I / get/ reodg schoo[ for Dod/ eot/ breokfost something stronge hoppen / Dod/ Look worried / h e/ sm i [e he/ put/ the phone down his boss ring / I/wo L k/tos c hool he / teLl/ usthe goodnews it I / reoLized wos the weekend th e b u i Lder dri nkteo / the wo[L feLLdown / Kote/ smile I / lookot her present we / lookfor/ Kim's we / sow Kim os str I._ W oe t t l n or e o d uf o r s c h o o lwh e n so m e th ln o o n o eh o p p e n e d = Dod When He When When Kote We Un it1 J "JJ-' the there, to lL, It isvergeosg confuse words 1l t , th eg'r e t h e i r T h e g o u n dh e so m eb u t ond s theirmeoning useorevergdifferent ond t Molly Where Charlie, are and Harry? Theirshoes There the opposite here is of Lookat thefishermanin hisboot out there Weotsousetherein the expressions thereis ondthereore Is therea restauront nearhere? Theg're the shortform of theg ore is Theg're worriedaboutthe exams Their o possessive Use is odjective theirto s to t k obouts o m e t h i ntg o t b e l o n gto m o r e h th ononeper s o n and Westayedwith Sallgand Tom, played tennisin theirgarden They're there! the Use of Complete sentences theg're, theiror there Look the pictures hos Se b got boLL S oL[g n d L i L g r e eoti ng o o o b o n k n e o rh e r e ? di n n e r h o v in gc p ic n ic Use the theiror there Comp[ete conversotion they're, ? AmU W hotor et h o s e v e r ' o g o o d ie n d s Jm ine p r e s e nf o r K i mo n dT in o ' ts o Clore' fr o b r o th e r AmU Ar et hegs i s t e r sI? h i n kt U b ro th ekn o ws t r e h o u seDog o ur e m e m b e r thp o r tgth e gh o du C l o r e You'v be e n o ' e t Unit 15 7t Review5 Circlethe correctonswer s Congouheort /@ I wont to see thotfi[m.ShoLL go ondseeit / her? we wotchhe / him Thotbog's funng.Let's Hove goufinished / them get? Do gouhovemuchhomework? it ConI ptogwith theg/ them? Do gou knowher/ she? to with us/ oursof the weekend? Congoucome the beoch I con'theorgou/ gour.Pleose speok louder Use Completethe sentences who or which the There's bog Wha- won the trophg to IU Like meetthe mon invented this the gouneed the smoothie Here's milk for Look There's monument the I told gouobout A mon - wosborndeofond blindconnow seeond heor gou[ike? Arethose glosses the the Where's mon heLped corrg bogs? the Uou 8T heg, ret h e p e o p [ e - m o v e d h e r e fr o m Am e r ico r e ce n t[g ond guestions with the post continuous Rewritethe sentences I looked otthe photos I was looklng at the Themondidn'tListen me to Shepointed picture o Didit roin ? W hodid g o ut o L k t o ? our homework Wefinished Thechil.dren modeo mess the kitchen in I d A n hourog o , m o d e i n n e r Review5 13-15 Units in Look the notes Writesentences wosborn, or onondo dote Use of MogL97sT-rn-q-wqs ul4-qg I q7-5,, b-o-rtr Tino: Fr onk : 7t]h e1 un F re d :1 8 C orr ie: tI on u o r g Ls s LiLg: October 8th Tino:MorchL995 S i d n e g :2 0 ond the Writesentences the postsimple, postcontinuous when Use PhiL run/ he/fo[Lover / phil wo-s whenheJettover.[unnrng thegf orrive it /snow / When dinner gou/ coLL we / hove / We BiLLgteLL joke/Tim / comeintothe room o / ilm s theg/ cook dinner /thefiLm / stort When I/ hov eobo d d r e o mI w o k e u p / I to evergone orrive Vou/ Listen gourMP3ploger f / W hen Use Completethe conversotion theg're,their or there girls I Smith think' they're Lovelg Cothg I Like ondToro Zoe hove too theg Lived in ThegLive o verunicehouse, HowLong Penng Yes, thegore ,7 threemonths isn't' It About Cothg In OxtonStreet? Whose it? is Penng ReoLLg? grondporents to Cothg It belongs o Penng It'so big house 'so biggorden the bock of ond Cothg Yes, s v e r gL u c k g ! Pe nng house, though Review n .-| urommorreTerence The-ingform Verb m o s tv e r b s + v e r b s n d i n g o n so n o n t -e e c + v v e r b s n d i n g ow e L e w ri te - ingfor m ploging E xcmp Le Chonge + - ing pl.o g )(+ -ing + doubLe finol consonont - ing tro ve L writing tr oveLting t c o n s o n o ne,x c e p -w o r -g t I T hepresent simpte AlJirmotive Ne g o ti ve I d o n 't p [o g I pl,og gou p l o g go ud o n 'tp l o g it d o e sn 't l o g p it pL o g s we ptog we d o n 't p l o g t h e gp L o g th e gd o n 'tp to g Qu e stions Do I pl.og? Do gou pl.og? Doesit pl.og? Do we pl.og? D oth eg pl.og? Shor t onswer s Yes, I No,I don' t Yes, gou No,goudon' t Yes, does No,it doesn't it Yes, we No,we don't Yes, theg No,they don' t T h epresent ntinuous co Alfirmotive I 'm p t o g i n g p gou're l,oging it 'sp l o g i n g we'repl.oging p t he g ' r e l o g i n g N e g o ti ve Shor t onswer s Questions I'm not pl.oging Am I ptoging? Yes, om I g o uo re n 'tp L o g i n g Ar egou ptoging? Yes, gou ore i t i sn 'tp l o g i n g pl.oging? Is it Yes, is it we oren'tpl.oging Arewe pl.oging? Yes, ore we th e g o re n 'tp l o g i n gAr etheg pl.oging?Yes, theg oren't No,I'm not No,gouor en't No,it isn't No,we oren't No,theg or en't T hepostsimp | e AlJirmotive I pl.oged g o up l o g e d it pLoged we ptoged t h e gp L o g e d 78 N e g o ti ve I d i d n 'tp l o g g o ud i d n 'tp l o g it didn't pl.og w e d i d n 'tp l o g th e g d i d n 'tp L o g G r o m m o r e Je re n ce Questions Did I pl.og? Did gou pl,og? Didit ptog? Didwe pl.og? Didtheg ptog? Shor t onswer s Yes, did I Yes, did gou Yes, did it Yes, did we Yes, theg did No,I didn' t No,goudidn 't No,it didn't No,we didn't No,theg did n't perfect Thepresent Affirmotive I've ploged gou'vepLoged it's ploged we've pl,oged theg'veptoged Negotive I hoven'tpLoged gou hoven'tploged it hosn'tploged we hoven'tptoged theg hoven'tploged Questions HoveI pl.oged? Hovegou pl.oged? Hosit ptoged? Hovewe ploged? Hovetheg ploged? Shortonswers Yes, hove I Yes, gou hove Yes, hos it Yes, hove we Yes, theg hove No,I hoven't No,gou hoven't No,it hosn't No,we hoven't No,theg hoven't Thepost continuous Affirmotive I wos ptoging gou were pl.oging it wos pl.oging we were pl.oging theg were ploging Negotive I wosn't ploging Uouweren'tploging it wosn't ptoging we weren't ploging theg weren'tploging Questions WosI pl,oging? Weregou ploging? Wosit pl.oging? Werewe ploging? Weretheg ptoging? Shortonswers Yes, wos I gou were Yes, Yes, wos it Yes, were we Yes, theg were No,I wosn't No,gou weren't No,it wosn't No,we weren't No,theg weren't numbers O r dinoL Lst first 2nd second third 3rd 4th fourth sth fifth sixth 6th 7th seventh 8th eighth 9th ninth 10th tenth llth 12th 13th 20th 30th 3Lst eleventh tweLfih thirteenth twentieth twentg-first thirtieth thirtg-first reference Grommor verbs IrreguLor Boseform be b re o k b ri n g buiLd b rg cotch d rin k drive eot foLL feeL find fLs get go hove heor hurt know leorn Light moke meet Po9 put reod ride ring run so9 see send sing sit sleep speok spend swim toke tel,l t hink throw weor win write Post simple wos/were broke brought buiLt bought cought di d dronk drove ote fel.l ful.t found fIew got went hod heord hurt knew leornt l_it mode met poid put reod rode rong ron soid porticip[e Postn -b e e broken brought buitt bought cought done drunk driven eoten fol.Len fel.t found fl.own got been hod heord hurt known [eornt Iit mode met poid put reod ridden run9 run soid 50w Seen sent s on9 sot s[ept spoke spent sent sun9 sot sLept spoken spent SWOm SWUm took totd thought threw wore won wrote token tol.d thought thrown worn won written Irregulorverbs prepa ngfor the ri Forstudents Young ESOL Leorner\ exomsz Combridge Grommor Friendsond2 l Storters: Friends ond4 Movers: Grommor Friendsond6 Ftgers:Grommor OXFORD ENGLISH tsBN 978-0-1 9-4780't5-5 ,tuilltilt|[ ... of ond odverbs time of How often ? 44 $ Review3 1O I''ve donemg homework perfect(1) The present 11 A speciot odventure The presentperfect(2):ever ond never 54 L2 We shouLd plog outside ond shou[dn''t... Shou[d Couldond couldn''t 58 50 62 Review4 13 Hel"ping others 14 Hoppgmemories We w er eh o ving funl pronouns Object pronouns: who ond which Relotive 64 Thepostcontinuous Dotesond wos born On... Aolly played fhe g,ictr,c, t''rerfriends Suzy crnC i:.n,? ftco(Jeft fl '' ve \ flo o d ,b u t Ac\\y, Su z u Cr[\d to_ crll ve(y fired al the :nl ou/ friends Complete sentences questions