cambridge flyers 7
Trang 1Cambridge Young Learners English Tests
Trang 2Cambrldae Youna Learners
Trang 3C A M B R I D G F U N I V K R S I T Y P R E S S
Cambridge, New York, Melbourne, M a d r i d , Cape Town,
Singapore, Sao Paulo, Delhi, Tokyo, Mexico City
Cambridge University Press
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ISBN 978-0-521-17375-9 Student's Book
ISBN 978-0-521-17376-6 Answer Booklet
ISBN 978-0-521-17377-3 Audio CD
Cover design by David Lawton
Produced by Peter & Jan Simmonett
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Trang 4C o a t e a t s
Test 1
Listening 4 Reading and W r i t i n g 11
Test 2
Listealrig 2 4 Reodlag aad W r l t l a g 3 1
Test 3
Listening 4 4 Reading and W r i t i n g 5 1
Speaking Tests
Test 1 6 4 Test 2 7 0 Test 3 7 6
Trang 8Listening
Trang 9Part 4
5 c|^uestion.5
-L i s t e n a n d t i c k ( • ) the box There is one example
W K l c K bird is the teacher thinklrig of?
Trang 10Listening
Trang 12T e s t
R e a d i n g a a d W r i t i n g
Part 1
1 0 q^uestlons
-L o o k a n d read CKoose the correct w o r d s a n d w r i t e t h e m o n t h e
lines There is one example
1 There are hundreds oj dljf erent kinds o '
these A j l y Is one example that everyone knows
2 You make It f r o m vegetables that y o u don't have to cook
3 I | you have to go outside when it's very cold your hands will stay warm In these
4 This animal, which lives in the sea, has eight legs
5 When there's snow o n the ground, y o u can pull this up to the top of a hill, then sit on it and go down the hill again!
6 You use this t o draw straight lines
7 This is the time of year when the weather
is usually cold
8 Some people put this in hot drinks like tea
or coffee I t is white or brown and y o u can make sweets w i t h It too
9 When y o u write a postcard to someone, you should put this on it before y o u send it
10 This is made f r o m many different kinds o ' fruit People often have It on bread f o r breakfast
Trang 13Part 2
7 q^uestlons
-L o o k a n d read W r i t e I j e s or H O
E x a m p l e s
There is sand and grass on the island
You can see a silver star in the sky
Trang 14Reading and Writing
Q u e s t i o n s
1 TKe person wKo Is sitting o n the treasure box is
drinking sometKing f r o m a bottle
2 Only t w o oj tKe tKree men Kave beards a n d moustaches
3 There are stripes o n the flag, wKlcK is o n tKe boat
4 TKe dinosaur is taller t h a n the tree, which is o n the island
5 TKe man who is sitting under the shorts is wearing sKoes
6 TKe smaller dolpKln is jumping KlgKer tKan tKe bigger
7 TKe bird that is on a rock i n the sea is eating a fish
Trang 15Test 1
Part 3
5 questions Betty is a t tKe doctor's w i t K Ker m u m
-R e a d tKe conversation a n d cKoose tKe best a n s w e r
Doctor P l a n t : Betty:
Oh dear Does It Kurt very much?
Can I look at it, Betty?
5 ^
Doctor P l a n t : It's jlne, Betty
Doctor P l a n t : Betty:
No, but look ajter your f o o t for a few days Don't run and j u m p o n it a lot OK?
Trang 16Reading and Writing
A Yes, oJ course, but be careful, please
B A l l rigkt, so I won't do any sports this week, then
C I'm not very well, Doctor Plant I've hurt my foot ( E x a m p l e )
D They look like footballs, don't they?
E I fell when I was running to catch the school bus
F Did the nurse work at the hospital?
G No, not now, but it was very b a d yesterday
H Is it? Oh, good Do I need to come back next week?
Trang 17Part 4
6 questions
-R e a d the story CKoose a w o r d from tKe box W r i t e tKe correct
w o r d next to numbers 1-5 TKere is one example
My dad often has to work, away f r o m home Lost year, he had to catch
a plane to another country and stay in a hotel |or a|ew days I felt
about that When Dad arrived, he phoned us j r o m
the hotel "It's been difficult," he said "There was a bad
(1) and the plane had to wait so we arrived very
late I'm tired and now I can't f i n d my small black bag."
"It's here, at home," said M u m "You left It in the
C2) that took you to the airport The driver
brougKt it back to me this afternoon."
"OK no! There are some important (3) in it that
I must have for a meeting Can you bring the bag to me
tomorrow?" he asked
Trang 18Reading and Writing
M u m (4) quickly "OK!" sKe said
Very early the next day, we caugkt a plane, too I t was great!
We (53 Dad, stayed w i t h h i m i n the hotel _for t w o
days, and then we all flew home together
E x a m p l e
(6) N o w choose t h e best n a m e for t h e s t o r y
T i c k one box
The hotel's best room
Dad's missing bag
Mum's mistake at the airport
Trang 19The best singer
A month ago, Katy's music teacher, Mrs Bean, t o l d her class about a competition " I n this competition, you have to choose a song and then sing it in f r o n t of everyone," she said Katy decided to try to w i n the
competition Every evening ajter school, she sang her song in f r o n t o ' the mirror in her bedroom Katy's m u m heard her " I t sounds very good, Katy," she said "But a lot of people will watch me sing M u m , " said Katy
"If I sing badly, it will be horrible."
On the day of the competition, Katy's m u m took her and her brother to school When they arrived, many other children and parents were already there When Mrs Bean sat down to play the piano, everyone stopped talking The children started to sing their songs, Mrs Bean played, and everyone listened
Then it was Katy Mrs Bean said, "Katy Gold will sing 'Whisper a W o r d ' next." Katy stood up Her legs felt very weak when she looked at all the lights and all the people's faces, but her song was lovely
A t the end of the competition, Mrs Bean said loudly, "Well, thank you everyone Katy Gold has w o n ! " She gave Katy a new guitar Katy's mother began to cry and her brother j u m p e d up and d o w n because they were very, very happy
Trang 20Reading and Writing
E x a m p l e s
Mrs Beaa teaches Katy
-The children had to choose a song and sing it to a lot
oj people f o r the competition
Q u e s t i o n s
1 A t home every evening, Katy went to
and sang her song in f r o n t of the mirror
2 listened to Katy when she sang her
song at home
3 Mrs Bean played the daring the
4 The song that Katy sang was called
5 The and the people's faces made
Katy's legs feel weak
6 Katy's m u m and her were very
happy when Katy won
7 Katy got a because she w o n the
Trang 21very old pictures of bats in caves and under the ground
Men these pictures 4,000 years ago Today the world has more than 2,000 different kinds of bats Some are very , like flies Others are tike very big birds
Most bats eat Insects but some bats live in hot countries eat fruit, fish or other bats They fly very fast In forests and other dark places and they don't often hit But bats don't use their eyes f i n d their way TKey use their mouths and their ears They 'shout' and they listen and then 'understand' if something is near them
Some people are afraid bats but they are very interesting animals It's easy to w a t c h them and learn about them
they often live at the top of our houses and fly in our gardens in the evening
Trang 22Reading and Writing
ound draw smallest
ind drawn small
• 'inding drew smaller
Trang 23Today wasn't ^ good day at school
Everything went wrong the morning,
I forgot to put my history homework in my rucksack
so my teacher wasn't happy about that Then I lost
my favourite pen I cut my leg when I playing in the playground and I had an egg sandwich
'or tunch, which tasted horrible Then, after lunch, I asked one my friends something in class and my teacher "Stop talking, Bill!" and
my face went very red
Perhaps tomorrow will better!
Trang 24Blank Page
Trang 252
L i s t e n i n g
Part 1
5 questions
-L i s t e n a n d d r a w lines There Is one example
Trang 26Where she works:
How she gets there:
Time she starts work;
Trang 27T e s t 2
Part 3
5 questions
-W h e r e did B e t t y ' s grandfather ^ n d e a c h thing?
L i s t e n a n d write a letter In e a c h box There Is one example
Trang 28Listening
Trang 29T e s t 2
Part 4
5 q^uestions
-L i s t e n a n d t i c k ( • ) the box There is one e x a m p l e
W h a t game did RicKard play today?
Trang 32R e a d i i i g a n d W r i t i n g
Part 1
1 0 c^uestloas
-L o o k a n d read C K o o s e tKe correct w o r d s a n d w r i t e t K e m o n tKe
lines TKere is one e x a m p l e
1 You cook f r u i t w i t h sugar to make this
You can eat it w i t h bread and butter
2 This is white or brown a n d you use it when you make cakes or pasta, for example
3 Books and newspapers are made f r o m this
7 Mirrors and windows are made f r o m this
You can usually see t h r o u g h it and it is easy to break it
8 You can make this w i t h tomatoes, f o r example You don't usually cook it
9 These small animals have got six legs and some of them can fly
10 Some people have these f o r a snack w i t h
a drink They are called cookies in some places
Trang 33Part 2
- 7 q^uestions
L o o k a a d read W r i t e yes or H O
E x a m p l e s
Some sheep are eating grass on the hill
A man is carrying a flag that has yellow stripes
and biue spots
Trang 34Q u e s t i o n s
1 A naaa w i t h a beard is riding a white horse over
the bridge
2 The only boy in the pirture is reading next to a f i r e
3 There are a lot of big, black bats in the cave
4 A f a t cat is sleeping under the tallest tree behind the boy
5 A w o m a n who is wearing a long, purple dress has 'alien f r o m her horse
6 I t has just rained and there is a rainbow in the sky
7 A w o m a n w i t h a t a l l hat is walking into the castle
w i t h a child
Trang 35T e s t 2
Part 3
5 q^uestioas
-M a y Has w o n a competition S h e ' s t a l k i n g to her m u m a b o u t it
R e a d the c o n v e r s a t i o n a n d choose the best a n s w e r
Trang 36Reading and Writing
A That's because you've never done any, M u m !
B We went Lost month
C Yes, it was, M u m ( E x a m p l e )
D We can choose a date i n August or September
E Weil done! That's great!
F It was a w o m a n f r o m 'Good Ideas' magazine
G A weekend for t w o people in London You can come w i t h me, M u m !
H Someone has w o n a competition before
Trang 37Part 4
6 <|uestioiis
-R e a d the story C h o o s e a w o r d J r o m the box W r i t e the correct
w o r d next to n u m b e r s 1-5 T h e r e is one e x a m p l e
Pm Richard One day, nay friend T o m and I were playing w i t h a ball at the
top of the '^^^l'^.^ i-'^ nny house, w h e n T o m felt d o w n t h e m
His a r m hurt a lot, so we took h i m to the hospital
"It's broken," the nurse there said "You'll have to stay here f o r a few days
It's your CD arm Do you write w i t h that hand?"
T o m said, "Yes, I do." He was very (2)
The next day I visited him "Look, Tom, I've brought y o u my computer,"
I said "You can use it to send (3) to your friends."
T o m smiled a n d said, "Thanks, Richard." That afternoon, T o m used his
right hand to write to his friends on the computer He felt better already
Trang 38Reading and Writing
TKe aext day, the C4) ' t o i d him, " Y o u can go Kome!"
Whea Ke weat home, all Kls jrleads were (5) f o r
Kim We Kad a great party, a a d we aever played ball games ia tKe Kouse
E x a m p l e
Trang 39My name is Bea Oa Suaday, Dad drove me, my Littie sister Heiea aad my
dog Pat to the mouataias We stopped ia a village, aad put oa gloves aad scarves because tKe mouataia air was very cold Helea put her favourite doll ia her coat pocket, aad we started to walk
A t midday, w e f o u a d a lovely, suaay place f o r luach We had saadwiches aad lemoaade aad we looked at the beautiful mouataias After that, we walked iato a dark forest Whea we came out, we were at the top of the mouataia There were some high rocks there, which we tried to climb, but Dad told us to stop because it was dangerous
Thea some black clouds came over the mountains, and the weather got colder We started to walk down, and suddenly it started to snow We went back through the forest, a n d then Helen said, "I've lost my doll! We must go and f i n d i t ! " "No," Dad t o l d her "We must get back to the car quickly." Helen cried, but we had to go
After another hour, we arrived in the village But where was Pat? We called his name but he didn't come Then Helen shouted, "He's f o u n d my doll!" Pat ran to us w i t h the doll in his mouth Helen was very Kappy
"Good dog!" we all said
Trang 40Reading and Writing
E x a m p l e s
Ben's dog Is called
TKe mountain air was cold, so tKey all wore gloves o n d scarves
Jor tKelr walk
3 Ajter luncK, tKey went tKrougK a
and tKen got to tKe top oj tKe mountain
4 TKey Kad to stop climbing up some
because it was too dangerous
5 WKen tKey were walking d o w n tKe mountain, it began to
6 Helen wKen sKe couldn't Jind Ker
7 Helen was Kappy at tKe end oj the story because Pat
Ker doll
Trang 411^-You can j l y to places all over t h ^ w o r l d |rom airports
Planes and helicopters leave and arrive day You ojten
take a plane f r o m an airport w h e n you go to country
on holiday or Jor work
Some people go to airports because they watching planes there
You can get to airports bus, taxi or car Sometimes you
go there to meet friends are arriving f r o m other places
I n most airports there are shops, cafes and toilets People buy things before they get on the plane These things are usually cheaper in airports in other shops You have to wait i n
a place called the 'departure lounge' before you f l y
A lot of people in airports People have to clean them all the time because are very big and a lot of people use them You can see pilots there, too There are
policemen and policewomen, and mechanics who w o r k on the planes before they fiy