Fun For Starters 1
Trang 1Whot con gou see?
The dog is ptoging with o bolL
There qre six opples on rhe rree.
I The girl hos got bLocl< hoir
2 You cqn see two bool<s
3 The children qre in the house
4 The bog is weqr¡ng o blueT-shirt
5 Therel o.frog in the gorden
D Plog the gome! On gour bock
Trang 3r t l
.,iliüi-a 1 \ e ,.,nq F"¡r ¿
t¡ ttris.
{&c¡ o word from the box
H;r6 6't" correct word next to numbers t-5, is one exsrnp\e
Plog the two gcmes!
Moke the qnimols.
Hove gou got the tizord's toit?
Trang 4'sloe ñul ql¡,u , " | €
'sañe ñu.r ql¡,ra ,,,, " I a 'qrnotu 6u,r W!,\^ ""¡',i;;ié"" | 1e l l q
's-l saf,ualuas ur PJo¡ DaJJoJ e[]¡ e¡u^
'xoq aql u.ro4 PJo¡ D ssooqJ
¿ñpoq ,rnoñ ¡o ¡.rod qr¡q¡¡
Trang 5Som's robot.
-ool< ot the picture
: cx ond write them
is the robot's fqce
is the robot's bodg
qre the robotl orms
ore the robotl legs
Help Som! Drow the robot's eges, mouth ond nose
Plog the gome! Drow the monkeg
tr-ol t6"-.1
Í \
ú A
Trang 7Look qt the picture ond reod the quest¡ons.
Write one-word onswers
Whqt colour is the bog's T-shirtl
How mong sofos qre therei
I Where's the jocketi
2 How mong people ore there in the p¡cture?
3 Whqt cotour is the womon! skirtf
4 Whot's the bobg weoring on one of her feetl
5 Whqt colour is the girtl hoirl
Trang 8O U
¿lo6 uaJPl!qlaaJq¡ puD uDuro^ suo a^Dq s6al ñuou,nro¡1
¿¡06 slr!6 a UpuD sñoq o/',u'sarqDq xls a^Dq sqtnotx ñuou rao¡1 ¿
¿¡oE eldoad uat a^Dq sañe ñuou ,rao¡1 1
'sJaquinu ellJ^t .,r,Llj )-r
uDaJl afr uD to6 sDq lJt6 aqf ?
auoqd D to6 sDq uDuro¡^ aqf €asJoq D ¡oE sDq uDuJ aql ¿'a¡!) D ¡06 soq ñoq aq1 1'ña¡uolu o to6 ar.oq uatri aqt
?lnp D ¡06 a^Dq uarplrqf aql
soldLuDxf'ou ro sa6 o1r/v\
Trang 9Ask ond onswer questions obout people,
How mong ch¡ldren ore there
in gour ctossl
I Whot do Kim ond Tong wqnt to findl
o ¡ti.?'.i
2 Whot colour is Tong's hotl
Whot is on the sofof
How mongrooml
book ore there in the
trees ore theretn
Who's got the phone?
Plag thé gome! Nine lives.
Trang 10¿loor.l)s or sJasnoJ¡ JDe¡ non oc
¿ñr:rp .ro uoa¡: ñaqr ary
¿ñopol spos 6u1roaa,r noñ ery
¿¡ ro 6uo¡ ñaq: a.ry
¿asaqr aJD lDr]AA
¿ratnduor o ro6 noñ a,ro¡ 6
¿llDurs ro 6¡q rr s¡ ¿
D ¿srrll s,lDqM 1 'suo¡¡senb eql Jer suDpro 1oo1 lüi'
l )
1 d
o o n u ¡
¿ilDDr!¡s ¿@ 6[6
Trang 11- ook qnd reod.\ y'r¡te
2 One bog is weqring red shoes
I One of the girls is eoting on ice creqm
4 The bog with dirtg honds is smiling
5 T h e s e c h i t d r e n q r e in o house
Reqd these sentences Drow lines
I Pot's got bLond hoir.Todog he's weoring jeons ond q blue ond white T-shirt
2 Anno's got long brown hoir She's weoring o blue dress but she's sod todog
P t o g t h e g o m e ! O p p o s i t e s b i n g o
Trang 12.i! write the rrronsters' n{¡nres,
a r r l r i r r e ¡ > i tlle red nra¡5¡l! I i 1 , s s l ' 1 r : , 'nonstÉ-'r hqlt.
j e t l ¡ e c l o s s r o o m q u i " '
Trang 13leod ond onswer questions obout Alex's bog.
itrr¡ I Whot fruit does Atex hove in hisbogl on cpple ond
2 3 4 5 6
How mong pencils con gou seelWhqt colour is the rulerl
Whqt cqn gou see behind the opptelWhere is the bogl
Whqt drink con gou seel
Drow with gour eges closed.
l€qd this Choose o word from
Write the correct word next to
There is one exomple.
Trang 14¿ep¡.r .ro ñ¡'al¡;q
' ' ' - ' : - " , ' , " u ] D s E
, , , r ñ:n1 ¿ : : , ,
: : ua€ I
¿looqrs ol 06 ruDSpuo ñrn1 ,uog op x\oH F,1or@
Trang 15T n e school bus.
Reod this Choose c word from the box
write the correct word next to the numbers
I'm big ond long.You con see me in the ( 1 ) '
A womqn or o (?), , , drives me Children s¡t in
m e T h e g p u t t h e i r ( 3 1 o n m g f l o o r I s t o P n e x t
to the children's (4) ond next to the school
p t o g g r o u n d M g ( s ) o p e n s o n d c l o s e s I h q v elots of windows
Whqt om l? I'm o school bus!
Trang 16.or{^\ JO eJaq¡A allJ^f\
¿aJaql ro araH¿sllPof,orl rn06 s,3J3qM
'se.rn¡r¡d PJo/v\ uollsenO
¿lleqs aqr s.araqM €
¡puDrl Jeq u¡ ro6 eqs s,lDq6 ¿
¿slqr s,otlM l
¿DrauDf, aql s, """di4^I' €
Trang 17I i s q n g r g ?
I ' ' o r e t h e g i r L s f
I ' ' o r e t h e c l o t h e s ?
4 ' " 's ploging with dolts?
Write one-word onswers
ore tneqre the
clothes nowfbooks nowl
Questions obout gou
Whot do gou wotch on TVI
Who do gou wotch telev¡s¡on w¡th?
Where is the telev¡s¡on in gour housel
Whot's gour fovourite food?
Where do gou hqve d¡nnerl
Who do gou hqve dinner withl
Whot gomes do gou ptogl
Who do gou plog r¡/¡th qt schooli
Where do gou plog in gour housel
Listen snd drow
Trang 18I f 'PIqr auo qarerlf ¿
f;""""' dooqs auo Ea.¡3tll 9
f " "" r ls!j -rno] erD araqf €
'asnoul auo s.aJeql z
'ou ro sañ a¡¡.t¡¡
.se.rn1:¡d aql lD loo'l l f ?
Trang 19asnour DeuDlo o'6lq Lu,l ?PAq DrePros D
Je¡ ol, D
qlDaq D
au aes UDJ no t 'uroo.l 6u¡,t¡ o u¡
""'óü""' alrl D'urooJssDlf, D ul au aes
ñqoq o ñ¡ o
slqD¡ DJ!Dr.lJ DelDus D
's6e¡ to6 a,r,¡ ¿ oddtq o
llDqfurJD uDlsaP Deuoqo Duns oqlaur Pulj uDf no J.'"';':A"" e6od puDJ no^ olduiDxf
'ou ro safi a¡¡,r¡¡
Trang 20Whot om l? Reod the sentences ond wr¡te
Whot o funng shop!
shells o rour" trees footbqlls
Plog the gome! Ask me questions.
q fish o bird q tiger
Trang 21'auoqd D u.rD | ¿l tuD lDq^^
aul uo """.'.'.'""'js) PuD sralal 3^D[l l llDtxs ñJa^ ur,l
poag s.r¡ ""'(r) u¡ oJg Jaq ul au slnd uDag srr,l ¡n9 ' '.'""""".''iz)
D uo aul tnd a¡doad aLlo5 asnoq s¡uDag srr\¡ Pu¡qaq .'.'""""".'.'(r)
o ur doqs D u! arrr Pulj uDr no atu qll/r^ ""éiiü5üI"'r¡aqr or ¡¡or a¡doa¿
'e¡duroxa ouo s! aJOqI's-t sJoqrunu ol lxou PJorv\ l)oJJo) eql allJ¡ú\
'V Luo4 PJo/Y\ D asooq) 'sltll PDaU
sloor.lJs lootlls sslqDr alqDl
Trang 22qJnu ñJa^ lDads l,uDl uDu aql
'sJasnoJ¡ luld 6ulJDa^^
laqs rDrl u^ orq 6uol 106 s,aqs
'aldoad eq¡ purqeq arD ñ3qf'uDr,lro^ D o1 6ul)lD1 s! uDtll slql
'PUnOJ6 erl¡ uo sJD saploqo/v\¡ PUD sátltolr aulos PUD ueoos,¡l '6Dq pal D ¡06 sDq uDur srl]f
'"l3l.llotu P uDJ 6 sltl
ot 3ñqpoo6 6ut,ro,r,r s¡ uD[! sltll
foq ¡otus o:a6.rnq o 6urar6 sr uDtlo/v\ stql ¿
'luasaJoñopqr.r¡q o 6utp¡oq st uDtu slr.lf l
aqr jo luoJJ
puo ta¡rol ñarE o
'urDJ¡ aql o¡ ¡xou
'elots ra6rnq burpuots s,a¡1 r
'SaOqS U/v\o-lq
6ur:oar* s,a¡1 q 6urpuols s,a¡1 o
:la¡notuof Draq)Da¡ D'loqoJ D
'e-D e)ualues ¡q6¡.r aq¡ ol oull D /$DJP ueql q u¡ a.rn¡r¡d oql u! uosJsd oqr Pull'9-|, sefuoluss PDau :5,
""""'aJnlfld PuD """" 3Jn¡fld' " " " " a J n D l d PUD " " " " alnrfld'"""" aJnlf,ld PUD """" aJnlf,ld
:noñ >¡uoqr 6urño5 :o¡aq 6urño5 :añqpoo6 6u¡ño5 's.r¡od elotu rro¡
'3uDld o s! srtll €'6op o sr stql ¿'¡Doq D sl sltll J
'arnDld eql ro rsqrunu aql e¡lJ^Nsa)uatues aql PDsu ¿eJnpld t{)ltl^ !.']\