English Adventure 4 Teacher’s Edition
Trang 1José Luis Morales Contributing Writers Donna Schaffer Teresa Lintner
Teacher’s Edition
Trang 2English Adventure 4
TeacherÕs Edition
© 2006 Pearson Education, Inc.
Disney material © 2006 Disney Enterprises, Inc.
Material from A Bug’s Life (pp T109, T110, T113, T114, T118, T121):
© 2006 Disney Enterprises, Inc and Pixar Animation Studios.
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Pearson Education, 10 Bank Street, White Plains, NY 10606
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Reviewers and Consultants
Adriana González (English Coordinator and Teacher piloting English Adventure), IDEO Comunidad
Educativa, Guadalajara, Jalisco; Sandra Lozano (English Coordinator and Reviewer), Colegio Matel,
Guadalajara, Jalisco; Rosa Vázquez (Principal), Patricia Hernández (English Coordinator and Teacher
piloting English Adventure), Colegio Medrano, Guadalajara, Jalisco; Susana Antiga Trujillo (Principal
and Reviewer), Janet Quezada Martínez (Teacher piloting English Adventure), Instituto Guillermo
Marconi, Mexico City; Guadalupe Blanco Mata (English Coordinator and Reviewer), María Aurelia
García Hernández (English Teacher piloting English Adventure), Escuela Metropolitana La Luz,
Mexico City; Virginia Cerón (English Coordinator and Teacher piloting English Adventure), Colegio
Hernán Cortés, Mexico City; Rosario Escalada, Colegio Motolinia, Mexico City; Ana Claudia
Quintana Lazcano (Reviewer), Escuela Mexicana Americana, Mexico City; Guadalupe Torres
(Reviewer), Colegio Cristóbal Colón, Mexico City; Yolanda Torres (English Coordinator and Reviewer),
Salime Piera Castañedo (Teacher piloting English Adventure), Agustín García Conde, Mexico City;
Patricia Cantú de Mendoza (Reviewer), Colegio Guadalupe, Nuevo León, Monterrey; Agustina
Jaime Díaz (Principal), San Juana Jaime Luna (English Coordinator and Teacher piloting English
Adventure), Escuela Industria del Vidrio, Nuevo León, Monterrey; Adelina Ordóñez (Principal), Edna
Ramón (Teacher piloting English Adventure), Escuela Antonio L Rodríguez, Nuevo León, Monterrey;
Liliana Borbolla Romero, Colegio Americano de Cuernavaca, Cuernavaca, Morelos; Sofía D Camino
Fernández, Colegio Mirafl ores de Cuernavaca, Cuernavaca, Morelos
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Trang 3iii
Resource Bank of Games
Trang 4Do you like skateboarding? Many kids around the world do It’s exciting and fun Skateboarding
is a little like surfi ng You stand
on a board, and you go very fast But surfi ng is on water, and skateboarding is on land.
Some kids are very good at skateboarding They can do special tricks, like the trick you see in this picture This trick is called the "ollie." The skateboarder is jumping into the air with his board! Can you do this?
boring and slow surfi ng swimming trick board
Listen and say.
No, she Does she
like playing tennis?
Does she like playing baseball?
52 Vocabulary / Struc ture
1 play basketball
2 play tennis
3 play volleyball
4 play chess
5 play video games
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English Adventure is a six-level EFL
primary course offering a wide range
of motivating materials and using
proven classroom techniques Familiar,
well-loved Disney characters inspire
students to learn English (My First English
Adventure, a three-level preprimary
EFL course, can be used before English
Student Book
Exciting Disney characters and
stories tap into children’s prior
New language is presented in
a motivating, child-friendly
Includes Music & Stories CD
for children to take home to
share with their families
Trang 5I Like Swimming
Look and write.
1 dancing diving reading singing surfi ng swimming
p 78
beetle p 74behind
p 75
p 66
between p 75boring p 56 brave p 36bravely p 22bridge
dancer p 26dirty p 40diving
p 48
do homework p 96
farm p 14fast p 22
have dinner p 89have lunch p 89high
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No, he doesn’t like reading.
Does she like swimming?
Check (✓) Yes or No.
© Disne
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An alphabetical listing of all key
vocabulary with page references
Excellent student tool
Trang 6Hello My nameÕs Lisa.
IÕm from New York.
Yes, I was a hero, just like Hercules.
No, you weren’t.
Aaah! Help!
What were you like when you were young, Phil?
Wow, Phil! I didn’t know that.
I wasn’t scared of monsters or anything.
Step-by-step teaching notes
Games and Poster activities
Teacher’s Resource Book
Synopses and cartoon storylines
Assessment Program
Complete Assessment Program, including unit-by-unit tests
Lesson Objectives
• To learn more free-time activities
Target Vocabulary play basketball/chess/tennis/
video games/volleyball Recycled Structures Does he/she like (playing tennis)?
Yes, he/she does
No, he/she doesn’t.
Cross-Curricular Connection
Lesson 5
Page 52
Before the Page
out the trash, read, dance, wash the plates, watch TV, make the bed, swim, play soccer, feed the cat, water the plants.
Have students draw the following chart in their notebooks.
in their free time and write it in the free time column and something that
is work and write it in the chores column Pairs can classify the other activities.
On the Page (page 52)
10 A70 Listen and say.
• Focus students’ attention on the five cartoon pictures Ask, Do you like (basketball)? Have students raise their hands to say yes.
Ask about each of the activities
• Play the audio Have students listen and then repeat.
1 play basketball, play basketball She likes playing basketball.
2 play tennis, play tennis
He doesn’t like playing tennis.
3 play volleyball, play volleyball She doesn’t like playing volleyball.
4 play chess, play chess
He likes playing chess.
5 play video games, play video games She likes playing video games.
11 A71 Look at 10 Listen Point and say.
• Have students listen to the audio, point to the correct picture in Activity 10, and repeat the dialogues
Does she like playing volleyball? Does she like playing basketball?
Does she like playing video games? Does he like playing chess?
Does he like playing tennis?
No, she Does she like playing tennis?
Does she like playing baseball?
52 Vocabulary / Structure
1 play basketball 2 play tennis 3 play volleyball
4 play chess 5 play video games
T74 • Unit 4 I Like Swimming
free time chores
Trang 7English Adventure4 U i
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Watch Part 5 Invite students to stand and sing the song with T
and Lucy Encourage them to do the gestures and have fun.
Discuss with students what they have seen Invite students to sharewhat they remember and what they liked about the video Hand out Video Worksheet 1 from Teacher’s Resource Book 4 Studentschoose the correct word from the box to complete each
Part 1
LUCY: Hello.I’m Lucy And this is Ted He’s a robot!
Hmmm He isn’t moving He’s standing still.
What’s this? He ’s moving!
LUCY: Can he mo ve?
LUCY: Yes! He ’s moving!
LUCY: Can he walk?
LUCY: Yes! He ’s walking!
LUCY: Can he talk?
TED: Yes! I’m talking Look at me!
LUCY: Move ! Walk! Talk!
LUCY: Move ! Walk! Talk!
LUCY: Move ! Walk! Talk!
LUCY: Can you jump?
TED: Yes! I’m j umping!
LUCY: Can you dance?
TED: Yes! I’m danc ing!
LUCY: Can you sing?TED: Yes! I’m singing! Sing with me!
LUCY: Jump! Dance! Sing!
LUCY: Jump ! Dance! Sing!
LUCY: Jump! Dance! Sing!
LUCY: Robot ! You can talk!
TED: Yes! I can talk I’m talk ing!
LUCY: Good robot! What’s your name?
TED: My name ’s Ted!
LUCY: Very good! What’s my name?
Script After Watching
• To consolidat e the language of Student Book Units 1 and 2
• To enjoy watch ing a video
Target Language: dance, jump, move, play, sing, talk, wa
lk; Can he move? Yes No He’ s moving Ther e are a lot of trees Is she fallin
Receptive Language: Does he have lon g, blond hair? He has long,
blond hair They live in the city.
Extra Materia l: Picture Cards 1, 3, 5, 9, 14, 15 (trees, wat
erfall, river, bridge, ci ty, country); 16 , 17, 18 (run fast , jump high, swim
well); Video Worksheet 1
Show students the fo
llowing sets of Picture Cards: 1, 3, 5, 9, 14, 1 5
(trees, waterfall , river, bridge, city, country); 1 6, 17, 18 (run fast, jump
high, swim well) Have them sa y the words Invite them to name any
other city and country word s or action words they remember.
Explain to students that they will meet two new
friends, Ted a nd Lucy.
Ask students if they know the story Pocahontas Ask if they know
characters from the sto
ry and what the story is about
Watch Part 1 You can stop se veral times to m ake sure that stud ents
understand A sk them to point to and name Ted and Lucy.
Have students identify the movements Use the conte
xt of the video to present any wo rds students don’t know You may replay the s
ong and invite students to sing and move with Ted and
Watch Parts 2, 3, and 4 You can stop several times to make sure
that students u nderstand Presen t or practice key wo rds by stoppin g
the video and pointing to the im age on the screen You may also
watch the video without sound and invite studen
ts to talk about what they see Ask questions, such as What’s this? W
hat are they doing? Is she swimm ing? Can she ju mp high?
Videos recycle and
extend new language
The Video Guide
helps you creatively
use the Video for
Four beautifully illustrated Posters provide more practice of target vocabulary and structures and look great in your classroom
Audio CDs /Cassettes
The Audio Program contains
listening activities, songs,
chants, and stories
Another fun component for language practice in class and at home
Trang 8viii
Support for Primary Learners
The primary years are crucial in determining children’s attitudes toward themselves as learners and toward the school experience in general In English, as in other subjects, students need to feel confi dent and successful Thus,
English Adventure focuses on these important characteristics of
primary learners of English:
1 These students need the teacher They are not independent learners Instruction should be simple and clear Activities should
be modeled before students do them
2 They are inquisitive, receptive, and easily motivated, and they readily participate in class activities
3 They focus on the here and now, on the concrete, not the abstract
4 Their periods of concentration are short, and they need frequent changes in activity type, length, and content
5 Their learning is intuitive rather than analytical Repetition, frequent recycling, and building on earlier acquisitions play a key role
6 They need activities involving physical movement and coordination
7 They respond to teachers who show patience, a sense of fairness, and fi rm affection
Effective classroom management is very important
8 Students need praise and recognition, but feedback must be genuine They should be measured against their own previous performance, and never publicly compared to others
Support for Diverse Types of Learners
Much has been written in recent years about the differences that can exist among students in a single class: different language levels, different ability levels, different ways of learning, different attitudes, and different types of motivation
Trang 9ix
English Adventure addresses this diversity by using a variety of ways to present new
material and a multitude of activity types to practice and reinforce A glance at the array of components shows that learners of virtually all learning styles and talents have been carefully considered, using Howard Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences as a guide
Multiple Intelligences
Verbal/Linguistic Intelligence
Musical/Rhythmic Intelligence
Logical/Mathematical Intelligence
created posters, collages
Visual/Spatial Intelligence
Bodily/Kinesthetic Intelligence
Naturalist Intelligence
study of wild animals study of sea creatures describing the city
Interpersonal Intelligence
Trang 10x
The Student Book
The Student Book is the central component of English Adventure Each page of the Student
Book represents one lesson The Student Book presents each new vocabulary item and structure in a child-friendly context With the other components, the Student Book provides
a visual foundation for chants, songs, games, stories, and varied learning activities
The Student Book has the following features:
• A beautifully illustrated Guide to the Disney characters
• An introductory unit
• Eight core units centered around popular Disney fi lms
• Four review units
• A Picture Dictionary
• An alphabetical Word List
• The texts of the songs and chants
• A bound-in Music & Stories CD
The Student Book Unit
The Hello Unit is a two-page fun introduction to English Adventure.
Each of the Student Book’s eight core units consists of 12 one-page lessons, which have a
recurring pattern of presentation, practice, and expansion
Lessons 1 and 2 These lessons present new vocabulary and structure embedded in a
well-known and loved Disney fi lm such as Hercules or Lilo & Stitch Lesson 1 presents new
vocabulary items, and Lesson 2 presents a target structure and recycles the vocabulary from Lesson 1 A colorful two-page illustration from a Disney fi lm provides a motivating and meaningful context for presentation and practice
Lessons 3 and 4 These “Take a Closer Look” lessons review and practice the target
language in Lessons 1 and 2 Lesson 3 focuses on vocabulary, and Lesson 4 focuses on structure Activities on these pages include an age-appropriate balance of listening, speaking, reading, and writing
Lesson 5 This lesson presents additional target
language in a context linked to students’ own
lives Activities are communicative, encouraging students to ask and answer questions and gather information about each other
Lesson 6 This lesson presents a Disney story
in a child-friendly cartoon/comic book format
The story includes some of the characters from the featured fi lm and motivates students to read for enjoyment It also helps consolidate target language
in another context Students use the story in a variety of ways, including creating mini-books, story expansion, and role play
Trang 11xi
Lessons 7 and 8 These “Take a Closer Look” lessons provide meaningful practice for
the target language from Lessons 5 and 6 In Lesson 7 students focus on the grammar in the unit In Lesson 8 students revisit the Disney story in a narrative format and answer comprehension questions
Lesson 9 This lesson presents additional target vocabulary or structures in a context
linked to students’ own lives Developmentally appropriate activities include a balance of listening, speaking, reading, and writing activities
Lesson 10 This lesson focuses on features of American English pronunciation Practice
in stress, rhythm, and intonation is provided in songs, chants, and dialogues
Lessons 11 and 12 These “Take a Closer Look” lessons again provide practice of target
language from Lessons 9 and 10 In Lesson 12 students extend their reading practice with a fun theme-related Reading Adventure that ties into their lives
In addition to the eight core units, there are four review units, one after every two
core units The review units are a student-friendly way to recycle and review material presented earlier in the course
The Activity Book
The Activity Book can be used both in class and at home It provides systematic recycling and consolidation of newly introduced and other language Exercises, grammar charts, games, puzzles, and additional listening practice utilize the four skills—listening, speaking, reading, and writing—and address new structures and vocabulary development
Students will be delighted to fi nd a set of 108 Student Cards, which are reductions of the Picture Cards, at the back of the Activity Book The Student Cards are black and white, and can be colored (See Resource Bank of Games and Activities on pages T180–T184.) There are also several pages of storyline cut-outs, which teachers can use for various activities
The Teacher’s Edition
The Teacher’s Edition is a core component of English Adventure In addition to the teaching
suggestions that help guide teachers through each Student Book unit, the Teacher’s Edition contains a wealth of material for busy teachers Teachers who aim to create active and involved students will fi nd a treasure trove of ideas to help children respond, communicate, and work together
The Teacher’s Edition includes the following features:
• Suggestions on implementing the English Adventure Approach
• Teaching Tips and Techniques
• The Activity Book Answer Key and Audioscript
• A helpful Resource Bank of Games and Activities
The Class Audio, in CD and cassette formats, contains all of the Student Book songs, chants, stories, readings, and dialogues
...students to learn English (My First English
Adventure, a three-level preprimary
EFL course, can be used before English
Adventure. )
Student... pages T180–T1 84. ) There are also several pages of storyline cut-outs, which teachers can use for various activities
The Teacher’s Edition< /h3>
The Teacher’s Edition is a core... class="text_page_counter">Trang 7
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