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MINISTRY OF EDUCATION & TRAINING MINISTRY OF CONSTRUCTION HANOI ARCHITECTURAL UNIVERSITY Nguyễn Thanh Quang DEVELOPMENT CONTROL FOR CENTRAL AREA OF HO CHI MINH CITY IN THE INTEGRATION CONTEXT Major in Urban and Building Management Code PH.D THESIS IN BRIEF HANOI, 2013 This thesis has been completed in HANOI ARCHITECTURAL UNIVERSITY Supervisor: Professor Đỗ Hậu Examiner 1: Prof Dr Nguyễn Trọng Hòa Examiner 2: Dr Đào Ngọc Nghiêm Examiner 3: Prof Dr Lưu Đức Hải The thesis is presented and defended at the Thesis Panel of: Hanoi Architectural University at………h……., on …….……2013 The thesis is kept at the National library and the library of Hanoi architectural University LIST OF AUTHOR’S PUBLISHED RESEARCHES  Research Project: Research at City (Hanoi) level: “Xây dựng quản lý không gian xanh khu đô thị Hà Nội đến năm 2020 với tham gia cộng đồng”, 2008-2010, research member Research at Ministry level (Ministry of Construction): “Điều tra, khảo sát, nghiên cứu đề xuất chế sách cải tạo, chỉnh trang, phát triển khu vực trung tâm Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh”, năm 2010-2012, research member Research at City (Ho Chi Minh city) level: “Nghiên cứu khung lồng ghép yếu tố biến đổi khí hậu vào cơng tác quy hoạch thị Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh”, năm 2009 – 2013, research member  Articles: Tồn cầu hóa phát triển khơng gian Trung tâm thành phố Hồ Chí Minh – The “Quy hoạch Xây dựng” Journal - The institute for Architecture and Urban and Rural Planning, No.33 (7) 2008 Bức tranh phát triển quản lý đô thị tác động hội nhập quốc tế - The “Quy hoạch Xây dựng” Journal - The institute for Architecture and Urban and Rural Planning, No 60, 2012 Giải pháp tăng cường kiểm soát phát triển khu trung tâm thành phố Hồ Chí Minh – The Journal of Construction, no.2, 2013 A INTRODUCTION Necessity of the research The market economy and international integration, together with promotion of industrialization and modernization has created many powerful forces for social and economic development in general and our country’s urban centers in particular Thank to the outstanding competitiveness compared with other regions, the urban center is the most attractive to lure the interest of investors and developers in commercial and service sectors For these reasons, the development of building are strongly surged and diversified in terms of number and shape that made the urban management become more complicated The management is sometimes exceeded the control of local government and its agencies, negatively impacted on the urban land use, structure and space creation, and thus the negativities and weaknesses revealed In centre of Ho Chi Minh City, the rate of space development and construction activities are quickly and strongly A large number of office buildings, commercial centers, high-rise condominiums and houses have appeared densely, but lacking of control The balanced and consistent development in city centre is a goal set in the city development towards the international standard of life and urban environment In order to achieve the goal, the enhancement of the space development control is an indispensable solution and plays a key role in the urban management From such the necessity, the topic of “Development Control for Central Area of Ho Chi Minh City in The Integration Context” is selected for this PhD’s thesis with the major in urban and building management Research Objectives Establishing the model of control, the apparatus structure and criteria of development control for urban centres, as well as enhancing the essential measures to improve the efficiency of control activities for urban centers development in Vietnam and Ho Chi Minh City in particular towards the international standards of life and urban environment in international integration Object and Scope of the Research 3.1 Object of research The research object is the development control of the existing central area of Ho Chi Minh City within the process of implementing the approved urban plans in terms of physical space or urban space The urban space is viewed as the space, architectural buildings, green areas etc that directly impact the appearance of the city and its space (Law on Urban Planning) 3.2 Scope of Research - Location: The existing central business district of Ho Chi Minh City (regulated as document No.2940/SQHKT – QHKTT issued by Department of Planning and Architecture, sent to Project Management’s Committee relevant to the construction planning of Ho Chi Minh City’s central business district about 930ha, comprising a part of District 1, District and Binh Thanh District) Timing: until 2020 and vision to 2030 The Significance of the Research - Scientific significance: Concretizing, supplementing, perfecting and enriching the ratiocination issues of urban management science in general and controlling the urban development in particular, this has controlled the development of the regions of urban center - Practical significance: Contributing to the perfection and enhancement of urban management performance in general and controlling the urban development in particular, including urban centers to aim at promoting the role, position and function of the urban centers in the process of industrialization, modernization and international integration of Vietnam's urban, as well as researching and training The contribution value/contents of the thesis: The clarification on theoretical basis for urban space development control A proposal for Development control system for Ho Chi Minh City’s space development with the Functional Top-down Model The system is independent and under the City Government (Ho Chi Minh City’s people committee) A proposal for an apparatus for urban space development control system, which is structured at three administrative levels: city, district and ward A set of criteria for spatial development control for Ho Chi Minh City which consists of eight components focusing on the management for basic activities of spatial use and development The solutions to improve the efficiency of Ho Chi Minh City’s urban space development control Structure of the thesis Beside the introduction and conclusion, the thesis consists of main chapters: Chapter 1: Overview of the development and development control of Ho Chi Minh City’s existing central business district in integration Chapter 2: Scientific bases for the control and the development control of the central business district in large cities Chapter 3: Some control solutions to develop Ho Chi Minh City’s central business district in integration Basic definitions related to the research - “Development” - “Control” - “Integration” - “Urban centre” - “Centre Area Space Development Control” B CONTENT OF THE THESIS Chapter 1: OVERVIEW OF THE DEVELOPMENT AND DEVELOPMENT CONTROL OF HO CHI MINH CITY’S EXISTING CENTRAL AREA IN THE INTEGRATION CONTEXT 1.1 Overview of the spatial development of central area in Vietnam’s large Cities In the process of development of constructed land in urban towns (urban land), the central business district will be developed and, especially the central business district of city grade under government (the national centers) Under the influence of the market economy and the integration trend, in urban center, the functional groups of banking and finance, commerce and service have been trending towards the strong and rapid development, overwhelming the other ones As a result, site coverage, plot ratio, floor area density and average high limit are higher than those of others in the city Many hotels, restaurants, banks, supermarkets, newspaper publishing, telecommunications, discotheques, office buildings etc have occupied the prime locations, replaced the housing, health and education projects, etc broken the planning and traditional landscape of the central business district Green area occupied only 1-2 % of the construction land, causing the negativities and the cramped in the construction planning and the central business district’s environment Development status of the central business districts in large cities, especially cities under the government, has achieved the basic results below: Many areas of central business district in cities have been more beautiful, civilized and modern, but still keep the image of planned space, value architectural works and specific characteristic of planning, architecture and construction of central business district in cities, such as the ancient towns, French towns In order to re-develop, land use purpose in areas with the building works that were inconsistent with central functions, low economic efficiency etc will be conversed in the central business district It not only increased the land value but also created the new architectural and the urban space The preservation, restoration and promotion of the values of heritage, architecture, history, culture, religion etc should be focused on utilizing The upgrading, improvement and modernization of the technical infrastructure in central business district (sidewalks, street lights, power supply, water supply and drainage); the embellishment of streets and squares (railway stations, bus stations, public areas, etc.); the construction of bridges, overpasses; the solidification of embankments of streets, lakes and rivers; and the construction of the public utilities etc did enliven and diversify the spaces and activities in the central business district and facilitate the business operations and meet daily demand of residents Besides above results, there are some shortcomings: There has been a lack of legal bases for the consistent and effective development, such as the detail plan and urban design, regulations of planning management etc The architecture status and construction in the central business district of cities have been inconsistent, disorder and un-discipline The uncontrollability of high-rise buildings in some narrow areas of the central business district, lakeside and surroundings of public areas etc has led to the overload of technical infrastructure, traffic jam, polluted environment, decrease of green area and parking lots etc broken the landscape and the harmony of environment and ecology in cities The public areas, green areas, water surface, sidewalks, and parks have been decreased due to the encroachment caused the congestions, the disturbance and the cramped in urban centres and lack of the harmony between the architectural works (man-made) and natural environment (nature made) The unharmonious architecture, disorder signboards, interlaced power lines, unsafe and encroachment of sidewalks and streets etc have causes disarrangement, uncivilized effects in many areas belong to old and crowded towns The status of projects, delayed and stagnant construction of infrastructure component has not only been waste of investment capital but also caused the disorder in cities 1.2 Current development situation of Ho Chi Minh City’s existing central area The total land area of the existing city center is approximately 930 ha, comprising 678.69ha of civil zone, occupied 74.2% and 238.74ha of non-civil zone, occupied 25.8% (the zone served for religion, industry, military and water surface, etc.) In civil zone, residential area occupies 15.9%, public area 16.7%, commercial area 12.0%, transportation area 25.8%, green area 3.8% If compared with the public area (administration, culture – sport, infrastructure, education and health), commercial and service area occupies the high ratio in the functional correlation of the urban centre and in economic structure of city centre After the Vietnam government mandated the Doi Moi Reform in 1986 and from 90s of last century, Ho Chi Minh City’s central business district has been developed and expanded towards the West and the Northwest The central business district was proposed to adjust the scale by 2006, increased total area of 930ha Under impacts of the market economy and the Doi Moi Reform of Vietnam’s Communist Party and State relevant to economic – social development, mobilization of resources of all economic sectors etc the functions of banking, finance, commerce and service were rapidly grown in Ho Chi Minh City’s central business district They 16 - The fluency, sensitiveness, diversification and flexibility 3.2.2 Objects and process of control - Sort by type of works, developers and utilities - Sort by specialized sections 3.3 The solutions recommended for spatial development control in Ho Chi Minh City’s existing central area 3.3.1 The structural model for spatial control in the city The recommended model to apply the system organization for control in city (physical and material space or city space) is the model of online controlled organizational system – functions The model is structured as management levels - City (province) - District - Ward (commune) There are levels in the organizational model of Ho Chi Minh City - Municipal agencies (department) - Divisions (districts) - Group/ Team (wards, townships, communes) 3.3.2 Apparatus structural model to control the spatial development of Ho Chi Minh City and its central area For Ho Chi Minh City: at the city level, the agency to control the urban development will be a contact point belonging to the People's Committee, out of control of Construction Department The Inspection Division belongs to Construction Department, in charge of the administrative activities of the department and specialized internal activities, co-ordination and control of city’s development in concerned sections The inspectors of Construction Department and 17 other functional departments are responsible for co-ordination with the agency/department of urban development control in activities of city’s spatial development control in necessary cases Main functions of agency/ department of urban spatial development control: Consult the relevant authorities about the control of city spatial development, including field of city spatial development control Implement the function of administrative control relevant to construction investment, improvement, utilization of architecture objects and public areas in the city; control the activities of organizations and individuals in construction investment and utilization of urban spaces (including central area) Main duties of agency of urban development control: Supervise and control the activities of spatial urban construction and utilization of individuals and organizations to prevent the violations relevant to planning, projection and regulations Inspect and handle the violations of the organizations and individuals in the spatial urban construction, investment and utilization as regulations of planning, architecture planning management, projection and Law Coordinate with the hierarchical authorities and the inspector force under other departments/ agencies in the control of activities assigned duties For the organizational apparatus of agency of urban development control in Ho Chi Minh City and its central business district, the author recommends below: The apparatus of urban development control shall be structured as levels 18 Control the cities directly under municipal People's Committee, there will be a specialized division to control the central business districts (similar to division of planning and architecture management – central agency – of Ho Chi Minh City’s Department of Planning and Architecture) Control the district’s cities directly under district People’s Committee For districts have a part of area in the central business district, it shall have a separated division to control the development in the central business district The division must be under control of district’s agency and division of urban development control in the central business district, belonging to city’s agency of urban development control Control the ward, commune or township’s city Teams/groups to control wards in the central business district are under control of district management agency and division of local urban development control in the central business district (due to some district have a part of area belong to the central business district) All hierarchical agencies of urban development control have to be under administrative control of the peer authorities They have to co-ordinate and co-operate with the specialized inspection division and relevant departments The apparatus to control the city’s development control includes the State’s administrative apparatus relevant to urban development of the city and the control activities of political – social organizations, enterprises, communities and residents The State’s administrative agencies are leaders 19 Figure 1.2 Organizational apparatus to control the development of Ho Chi Minh City and its central area (recommended by the author) Peoples’ Committee in city Municipal level Central control division District level People’s Committee in district District’s urban control Interdisciplinary control Central control team Ward/ commune level Interdisciplinary control Ward’s urban control People’s Committee in commune, ward and township Objects City’s administrative control apparatus City’s urban control apparatus Participation of political – social organizations, enterprises, communities and residents City’s urban control Interdisciplinary control 20 3.3.3 Recommendation for criteria of urban spatial development control of Ho Chi Minh City and its central business district Table 1.2 Criteria of urban development control of Ho Chi Minh City N o Criteria in details Requirement Urban Planning and Sectoral Planning 1.1 Implementing the urban and sectoral planning; establishing the regulations for architectural, urban planning management and other fields, regulations for building uses and urban space in central area 1.2 Identifying weaknesses of the urban planning schemes and urban management regulations for review, modification and improvement - Comply with the urban planning, regulations and the law - Comply with the law 2.1 Carry out programs, plans, projects to renovate, upgrade the technical infrastructure system Criteria in group - Comply with the approved programs and projects - Comply with the law Urban Infrastructure 2.2 Exploit and use the infrastructure facilities developed by public and private sectors Land, houses and public property Feasibility Studies and technical 3.1 Exploit and use land, water surfaces, rivers belonged to the public and private sectors 3.2 Carry out housing programs, projects 3.3 Use and management for houses and public property 3.4 Issuing land-use and property owning right certificates - Comply with the law and the planning - Comply with the programs and plans - Comply with the law - Comply with the law 4.1 Steps for investment projects establishment, appraisal and approval 4.2 Steps for establishment, appraisal - Comply with the law - Comply with 21 N o Criteria in group designs Criteria in details and approval on technical designs, cost estimation and construction survey Standard, building codes 4.3 application by law Requirement the law - Comply with regulations Pre-construction 5.1.Site clearance 5.2.Ground-breaking Conditions 5.3.Contractors selection 5.4.Carry out ground-breaking procedures required by law Project Management Units and Contractors 6.1.Condition and capacity of PMU, consultants, contractors, others participants by law 6.2.Building quality control on contractors and sub-contractors 6.3.Check for acceptance, hand-over and operation - Comply with the law Construction site Order 7.1 Investors to apply for construction permits, traffic permits, operation certificates… 7.2 Compliance with construction permits, urban planning and design regulations; land use and infrastructure connection regulations and other regulations … 7.3.Technical methods for landslide prevention and damages to neighbors, maintain the traffic fluid - Comply with the law Safety and sanitation applied for urban and construction sites 8.1.Working safety 8.2.Fire, explosion and collapse prevention on site 8.3.Carry out environment sanitation on site as required by law - Comply with the law - Comply with the law 22 3.4 Strengthening the current solutions to improve the performance of urban spatial development control in Ho Chi Minh City 3.4.1 Strengthening the legal system Build and promulgate the new law and legal documents, especially legal documents relevant to the construction investment and the urban management, such as law of urban management, law of urban development control and law of urbanization, etc Regularly amend and reform passed old legal documents, such as law of planning, law of investment, law of construction, law of land, law of inspection, etc especially guidelines to apply, such as issue of planning certificate, construction license, construction inspection, etc in accordance with requirements and real status in economic integration Invest into research, reform and amend the system of progress, procedures, rules, regulations, standards and criteria, regulation in management and utilization of public works etc in accordance with requirements of reality and international economics integration, socialization of urban investment, construction and development; Create a legal foundation to control the urban construction and development Encourage residents’ communities to build the collective conventions, regulations in the implementation of law, cultural and civilization life in the residential areas 3.4.2 Promote the work and approval for urban planning and urban designs Need to apply the following measures to promote the approval and improve the quality of plans and architecture design, focus on the detail plan Improve the qualifications of consultants, planning architects as well as managers of the design consultancy agency, 23 state agencies and others; approve the local authorities to make decisions in appointing the local and foreign consultants and design valuers Issue the practicing certificates and control the business activities of the organizations and individuals of design consultancy and design evaluation Use the appropriate and effective methods in the process of design choice (tender, domestic and international competition examinations, limitation of appointment or subsidization, etc.) Promulgate the regulations of planning and architectural management; announce detail plans and urban designs for all organizations, enterprises and residents to control the implementation of planning and architecture Promote the adjustment of the plans, especially the approved obsolete and outdates detailed plans, to facilitate activities of management and control 3.4.3 Reform and intensify the supervision, control and inspection in construction investment and urban development Reform and intensify the supervision, control and inspection as detail directions below Supervision, control and inspection (named the control activities) have to be implemented regularly and continuously in whole regions Establish the information systems to supervise control and detect violations (cameras, hotlines, etc., denouncing mailbox ) in all areas, resident areas (residential groups, wards, communes, townships, etc.) or the agencies of management of urban construction and development There should be the interdisciplinary coordination in the control of land, construction planning, environment, etc Division of 24 construction inspection should be a contact point to co-ordinate and control the interdisciplinary activities Announce on the media about violations to educate, warn and deter as Decree 180/2007/ND-CP dated 07/12/2007, relevant to handling violations of urban construction order: if developers and contractors of construction, design consultancy, supervision broke the regulations of the decree, their name will be announced on the media Strictly handle the violations as law, including the State’s agencies, officers, inspectors, organizations, enterprises and individuals Set up the construction inspection force as level of wards, communes and townships and pilot in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City because the local authorities are the State’s “ears and eyes” They have daily opportunities to meet residents Therefore, they can detect and prevent the violations in construction activities Research and study the organizational structures of construction control apparatus in development of cities, especially Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City, including participation of specific agencies, such as construction, land, environment, culture, justice, police, political – social organizations and communities In the organizational structure of control apparatus, main and subordinated subjects, their functions and their duties, operation mechanism and co-ordinated control, etc 3.4.4 Reform and intensify the training for officers in the urban management and control The reformation and intension of the training should be focus on main points: The recruited officers for the inspection force should be professional specialists Allocate the human resources as their professional anilities, especially inspectors 25 The knowledge of specialty, management and legislation should be trained regularly to meet the force of inspectors ad regulated The training should be short-term courses The officers should be selected regularly The unable and unethical officers should be rejected to enhance the reputation of organization and sector and strictness of the law 3.4.5 Attract the participation of political – social organizations, social organizations and communities Create opportunities for people to participate in the management and control of the urban development as motto "people know, people discuss, people and people check" through the implementation of democratic spirits in local agencies, people’s inspection organizations in wards, communes and townships Agencies, political-social organizations and people’s communities should involve in process of management and control Encourage residents to participate in supervision and denouncement of violations Build a conformable mechanism to facilitate people’s communities in construction control of urban development though information system, such as mailbox, hotlines to collect the feedbacks, denouncements of violations in the urban construction and development, such as land, construction, environment, etc Set up the inspection teams with participation of people’s community 3.5 Discussion of the research results The thesis showed discussion on recommendations of the organizational structure of urban development control system, the organizational model of control apparatus in cities and their central area’s urban spatial development, the criteria of Ho Chi Minh City and its area’s urban spatial development control, the accomplishment 26 and solutions to improve performance of urban spatial development control Conclusions: The economic integration has increased the activities of urban investment, construction and development, especially central business district For the reason, authorities and functional agencies have to intensify the supervision and control in cities and their central business district to ensure the development of cities as rules, order, modernization, civilization, cleanliness, national tradition and cultural character, especially large cities Like other large cities, the activities of active and diversified construction in Ho Chi Minh City in general and central business district in particular have changed the appearance of the cities as modernization, civilization and cleanliness The status of inconsistent and illegal urban development, construction and architecture is popular, urban architecture is monotonous, unharmonious and uncharacteristic There are lack of system of plans and urban design and their quality is not high, especially detail plans 1/500 and regulations of planning management The involvement of communities in control of urban development is limited The governmental levels and authorities’ abilities, power and responsibilities are restricted and weak, etc These are key obstacles for establishment of disciplines on control of urban development in cities and their central business districts Control of urban spatial development is to control activities of organizations and individuals in investment, construction, development and utilization of architectural objects and public areas Urban spatial development control has to obey orientations, goals, planning, urban design and regulations of law as well It ensures that cities will be developed harmoniously, consistently, 27 modernly and stably It maintains the disciplines and order in construction, development and utilization of urban space Activities to control the urban construction and development depend on many factors below - Policies and system of legal documents - Urban planning and other specialized plannings with attached management regulations - Plan and schedule of programs, projects and construction works - Organizational structure of control apparatus - Association and co-ordination between levels and functional departments - Involvement of communities Orientation of urban spatial development control and Ho Chi Minh City’s central business district - Improve the performance of control apparatus, reform policies and mechanisms in construction development and management of construction control in cities and their central areas - Prevent the uncontrollable development of cities and their central business district, the wasteful and purposeless use of land; unapproved and illegal construction; appropriation of public areas, sidewalks, roads; and encroachment of green areas and surface of rivers and lakes, etc - Intensify the control of urban construction and development, the duties and the responsibilities of relevant authorities; reform the process of planning; accomplish the legal system; improve the qualifications of governmental level; attract the participation of communities in activities of control - Establish and strictly realize the process of urban development control 28 Based on the research and evaluation of orientation of development and spatial development control in Ho Chi Minh City’s central business district to enhance performance of urban development control, the author recommended some solutions: a Organize the development control system of cities and their central area from ward level to municipal level to associate the current construction inspectors and the specialized inspectors Agency of city development control is subordinated Municipal People’s Committee, out of Department of Construction as online model – functions from ward level to municipal level; facilitate the development control system of cities to operate independently as a functional agency of the city; restrict the dependence of the city’s control system on Department of Construction; intensify the objective independence in supervision, control and inspection of violations b The control apparatus of city development should be structured as levels: city, districts, wards/ communes In levels of city and districts, the government should organize divisions and teams/ groups to control the development of city’s central business district, under control of the city’s urban development (department) and districts’ urban development (divisions) for some districts have a part area belong to the central business district It will create a separate system to control the central area’s construction development from ward level (all wards in a district) to levels of district and city, subordinated city’s inspection department and districts’ inspection divisions c Establish the system of criteria, a foundation to realize activities in the cities’ control of construction and development in general and their central business district in particular, comprising criteria: - Realization of the urban planning and other specialized planning - Utilization of the technical infrastructure and urban space 29 - Use of land, housing and office works - Creation of the investment projects and technical design - Construction preparation - Organization of the construction management and supervision, construction and consultancy contractors - Construction (construction order) - Safety, construction and environment sanitation in the city Besides, the author recommends some key solutions to impact on performance of control activities However these solutions are applying, they are still shortcomings, non-accomplishment, unrealized strictly They didn’t create the convenience, consistency and full bases for the supervision, control and inspection in the urban development control Recommendations: Based on the research and suggested outcomes, the author have some recommendations: The government is building a project of administrative organizational structure of the municipal authority Recommend the government and relevant authorities to consider and reform the city’s governmental apparatus, which has an independent and separated agency, belongs to the municipal people’s committee, subordinated the governmental centre for urban development control The operation of the agency is similar to a functional department The national assembly, government and relevant ministries should early accomplish the law of organization of People's Councils and People's Committees as different levels, the legislation system for the urban control activities (building an appropriate and specialized organizational apparatus of cities) The government should apply the organizational model of urban development control system as levels as the author’s 30 recommendation in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City, and then apply the model for other cities under the governmental centre Ultimately, synthesize, evaluate and accomplish the system of the urban development control, meet the reality demand Ho Chi Minh City assigns the Department of Planning and Architecture to direct the creation of detail plans 1/500 as investment projects (issued by developer) The areas/regions have not the investment projects 1/500, the Department promulgate the regulation relevant to management of planning – architecture and construction as basis of zone planning or detail planning 1/2000, to license and manage the construction and construction order Simultaneously, the other authorities need to promote their creation of construction and development planning The city should make the synthesized survey, the list to classify and recognize the historical monuments, urban heritages; announce, attach the door plate and issue regulations to conserve and preserve Besides, the city should make the list of confirmed polluted factories/ workshops to remove away and use the land fund to re-develop the central functions, especially the woks of public services There should be measures to restrict the immigrants into the central area and the overload on the urban infrastructure system - As soon as the regulations of the urban construction and development were passed, the regulations to manage planning – architecture, other specialty, areas of the central area and inspection agencies have to be published and announced Therefore, developers and residents will have opportunities to approach and clearly understand them to reduce the rate of violations in urban spatial construction and development in the central area ... of the development and development control of Ho Chi Minh City? ??s existing central business district in integration Chapter 2: Scientific bases for the control and the development control of the. .. from the integration 2.6 Orientation of the planning and the spatial development control in Ho Chi Minh City? ??s central area The thesis has researched the orientation of development planning of the. .. to control the spatial development of Ho Chi Minh City and its central area For Ho Chi Minh City: at the city level, the agency to control the urban development will be a contact point belonging

Ngày đăng: 20/06/2015, 09:02



Mục lục


    Overview of the spatial development of central area in Vietnam’s large Cities

    1.3. The current control of spatial development in Ho Chi Minh City’s existing central area

    1.4. Review of relevant published researches

    1.5. Issues to be researched in the thesis

    2.5. The integration impacts on urban development and management

    2.6. Orientation of the planning and the spatial development control in Ho Chi Minh City’s central area

    3.1. Purposes and requirements for the solutions

    3.2. Principles and process to control the development of Ho Chi Minh City’s central area

    3.2.2. Objects and process of control