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  • Like + to infinitive :

  • Like + Ving :

  • She likes swimming very much (Coá aáy raát thích bôi loäi)

  • Prefer + to infinitive :

  • It’s a nice day. I prefer to go for a picnic

  • Prefer + Ving :

  • I prefer going for a picnic .

  • Prefer . . . to = like . . . better than = thich . . . hơn . . .

  • 1. A. healthful, B. useful, C. dangerous, D. expensive

  • 2. A. read B. learn C. study D. A&B

  • 3. A. robs B. robbery C. robber D. robbers

  • 4. A.. as B. like C. such as D. for

  • 5. A. in B. at C. on D. 

  • 1.A. rich B. richly C. richer D. richest

  • 2. A. so B. as C. like D. All are correct

  • 3.A. careless B. carelessly C. careful D. carefully

  • 4. A. In B. at C. on D. with

  • 5.A. Play B. to play C. playing D. B & C

  • 6. A. with B. at C. of D. for

  • 7.A. join B. take part C. participate D. All are correct

  • 8.A. social B. socialize C. society D. socially

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Nguyen Thi Thanh Minh English 7 REVISION –TERM 2 REVISION II ENGLISH 7-( 2010-2011) A/Grammar & structures: I/ TENSES: ( thì ) 1.Simple Present tense: ( thì hiện tại đơn ) - To be: am, is, are I am ( not ) _ Am I ? He/ She/ It/ 1 is ( not ) _ Is he /she / it / 1 ? We/ You/ They/ 2 are ( not ) _Are we / you / they / 2 ? - Ordinary verbs: I/ We/ You/ They/ 2 V _ don’t + V _ Do I/ we/ you/ they/ 2 + V ? He/ She/ It/ 1 Vs/es _ doesn’t + V _ Does he/ she / it/ 1 + V ?  Từ nhận diện: always, usually, often, sometimes, seldom, never, every,… 2.Present continuous tense: (thì hiện tại tiếp diễn ) am/ is / are + V.ing  Từ nhận diện: now, at present, at the moment,… hoặc Look! ; Listen!; Be careful!;… 3.Simple past tense: (thì qua khứ đơn ) - To be : was , were I / He / She / It / 1 was ( not ) _ Was I / he / she / it / 1 ? We / You / They / 2 were ( not ) _ Were we/ you / they / 2 ? - Ordinary verbs: đĐộng từ co qui tắc : them “ed” ( Ved ) _ didn’t + V đĐộng từ bất qui tắc : sử dụng cột 2 (Vcột 2 )  Từ nhận diện: yesterday, last, ago, mốc thời gian ở qua khứ ví dụ 2002, 1998,…  CÁCH PHÁT ÂM ĐUÔI –ED Có 3 cách phát âm đuôi –ed sau 1 động từ có quy tắc chia ở quá khứ. . /id/: sau các động từ tận cùng bằng t và d. Ex: wanted, ended, needed, visited… . /t/: sau các động từ tận cùng bằng: f, k, p, ss, ce, ch, sh, gh, ph Ex: stopped, passed, watched, looked… . /d/: sau các đọâng từ tận cùng bằng các nguyên âm a, e, o, u, i và các phụ âm còn lại (b, g, l, m, n, v, z, th,…) Ex: used, tired, joined, failed… 4.Simple future tense: ( thì tương lai đơn ) Will / (shall) + V _ Won’t + V _ Will + S + V …?  Từ nhận diện: tomorrow, next, in the future,… 5. The near future tense: ( thì tương lai gần hay tương lai với dự định ) Diễn tả sự việc sẽ xảy ra trong tương lai nhưng được sắp xếp sẳn hay dự tính trước. S + am / is / are + going to + V S + am not / is not / are not + going to + V Am / Is / Are + S + going to + V ? Ex: What are you going to do tonight? ( tối nay bạn dự định lam gì?) _ I’m going to do my math homework. ( toi dự định lam bai tập toan ) II/ SO, TOO, EITHER, NEITHER: 1. SO, TOO: ( cũng vậy) :đđược sử dụng trong câu khẳng định. “So” đứng ở đầu câu; “too” đứng ở cuối câu. Ex: Hoa is hungry. I am, too 1 Nguyen Thi Thanh Minh English 7 REVISION –TERM 2 So am I. 2. EITHER, NEITHER: (cũng khơng): đđược sử dụng trong câu phủ định. “Neither” đứng ở đầu câu; “either” đứng ở cuối câu. Ex: Hoa isn’t hungry. I am not, either. Neither am I. III/ Adjectives, Adverbs: 1. Adjectives: tính từ  Vị trí: tính từ thường đứng sau động từ to be hoặc đứng trước danh từ và bổ nghĩa cho danh từ đó. Ex: 1. She is beautiful. 2. She is a beautiful girl. Tính từ danh từ 2. Adverbs: trạng từ  Vị trí: trạng từ thường đứng sau động từ thường và bổ nghĩa cho động từ đó hoặc đứng đầu câu và bổ nghĩa cho cả câu. Ex: 1. He drives carefully. động từ thường trạng từ 1. Suddenly, the light went out. * Trạng từ chỉ thể cách thường được thành lập theo công thức tính từ +ly bad -> badly happy -> happily quick -> quickly dangerous -> dangerously beautiful -> beautifully skillful -> skillfully  Một số trường hợp đặc biệt: good -> well fast -> fast late -> late early -> early hard -> hard Ex:1. He is a careful driver. He drives carefully. 2. She is a good badminton player. She plays well. IV/Suggession: -Let’s + V-inf Ex: Let’s play games. -What about + V-ing ? Ex: What about going to the zoo? -Why don’t we/you + V-inf ? Ex: Why don’t we play chess? V/ Modal verbs : (động từ khiếm khuyết) can, must, should, ought to 1. can : có thể _ can’t : khơng thể  Sử dụng ‘can’ hoặc ‘can’t’ để diễn tả khả năng. Ex: She can speak English. ( cơ ấy có thể nói tiếng Anh)  Sử dụng ‘can’ hoặc ‘can’t’ để diễn tả sự xin phép hay cho phép. Ex: Can I watch TV now, Mum? No, you can’t. You must finish your dinner first. 2. should = ought to : nên . Dùng để diễn tả lời khun. Ex: 1.You should study hard. ( Em nên học hành chăm chỉ) 2. Children shouldn’t eat too much candy. It’s not good for their health. ( Trẻ con khơng nên ăn q nhiều kẹo. Nó khơng tốt cho sức khoẻ của chúng). Subject +ought to + verb (inf. Withou toev You ought to phone your mother regularly 2 Nguyen Thi Thanh Minh English 7 REVISION –TERM 2 Subject + ought not to +verb (inf. Without to) You ought not to drink coffee (Bạn không nên uống cà phê) Ought +Subject + to + verb (inf. Without to) ? 3. must ; mustn’t: • Must: phải, ắt hẳn là . Được dùng để diễn tả sự bắt buộc hay suy đốn. Ex: 1. The traffic lights are red . You must stop. ( Đèn giao thơng đã đỏ rồi . Bạn phải dừng lại) 2. Minh was absent today. He must be ill. ( Hơm nay Minh nghỉ học. Ắt hẳn là cậu ấy bị ốm) • Mustn’t : khơng được . Dùng để diễn tả sự cấm đốn. Ex: You mustn’t forget to finish your homework before watching TV. ( Con khơng được qn làm xong bài tập về nhà trước khi xem ti vi.) VI/.Ordinary verbs : LIKE –PREFER (Động từ thường : like –prefer) LIKE :thích Trong tiếng Anh của Người Anh:  Like + to infinitive : 1. I like to sleep late on Sundays (Tôi thích ngủ muộn vào những ngày Chủ Nhật) 2. He likes to hear the latest pop music (Anh ta thích nghe nhạc pop mới nhất)  Like + Ving : She likes swimming very much (Cố ấy rất thích bơi lội) 3. I like climbing mountains (Tôi thích leo núi) Trong tiếng Anh của người Mỹ, like + to infinitive thường được dùng trong cả hai trười hợp: PREFER :thích hơn (hàm ý một sự chọn lựa)  Prefer + to infinitive : It’s a nice day. I prefer to go for a picnic (Hôm nay là một ngày đẹp trời, tôi thích đi picnic hơn)  Prefer + Ving : I prefer going for a picnic .  Prefer . . . to = like . . . better than = thich . . . hơn . . . 4. I prefer orange juice to apple juice (Tơi thích nước cam hơn nước táo) 5. My mother prefers walking to cycling (Mẹ tôi thích đi bộ hơn đi xe đạp) = My mother likes walking better than cycling VII/ USED TO (Đã từng, đã thường) được dùng để diễnt ả một hành động đã xãy ra thường xuyên hoặc liên tục trong một khỏang thời gian trong quá khứ Subject + Used to + verb (inf. Without to) 6. We used to play that game when we were young (Khi còn trẻ,chúng tôi thường chơi trò chơi đó) 2. BE/GET USED TO (quen với) a. Be used to (quen với) Subject + be used to + Ving/noun 7. My mother is used to getting up early every morning (Mẹ tôi quen dậy sớm mỗi buổi sáng) b.Get used to (Trở nên quen với, thích nghi với) Subject +get used to +Ving/noun 3 Nguyen Thi Thanh Minh English 7 REVISION –TERM 2 8. He’ll soon get used to walking to school (Chẳng bao lâu anh ấy sẽ quen với việc di bộ đến trường) 9. Little by little, she got used to her new family (Dần dần, cô ấy đã thích nghi với gia đình mới của mình) B/EXERCISES: I / Choose the right word or phrase that best completes the sentence. 1. They don’t know the students have to work ____ at school and at home ( hard, hardly, boring, interesting) 2. I ____ to go shopping with her (prefer, like, hate, all are correct) 3. He ____ doing housework ( hates, prefers, likes, all are correct) 4. ____ tell my parents ? (Do I ought to, ought to I, Ought I to, ought I) 5. What ____ on Saturday afternoons? (do you, you do, do you do, are you) 6. He ____ interested in your new drawing. (may be, may is, mays be, mays is) 7. She watched him ____ her bicycle (fixed, fixes, fix, fixing) 8. I’m glad ____ hear you’re better now (hear, to hear, hearing, for hearing) 9. Doing morning exercise regularly keeps me ____ (fit, healthy, healthful, fit & healthy) 10. I like durian. ____ (so do I, me – too, I do too, all are correct) 11. I ____ taking a walk every Sunday morning. (plan, want, enjoy, decide) 12. You ____ spend much time playing video games (should, shouldn’t, need, needn’t) 13. The inventors of the games ____ very rich. (become, begin, start, is) 14. Many tennis players are ____ twenty or twenty two (so young so, so young as, as young as, as young so) 15. I hate ____ housework. (do, to do, doing, to do or doing) 16. The noise ____ me awake at night ( takes, keeps, gives, does) 17. Could you help me ____ the cooking (with, by, for, to) 18. He teaches me ____ tennis (play, to play, playing, to play or playing) 19. ____ Do you do on Sunday morning? ( How, What, Why, Who) 20. Tim spends much time ____ video games ( in, at, on, for) 21. I had to ____ from the bank to pay for my car (send, borrow, take, give) 22. Children should ____ in outdoor activities with their friends ( take part, join, come, a & b) 23. The police caught those ___ yesterday evening (robs, robbery, robber, robbers) 24. ____ is a person who makes or thinks of something new (Cyclist, Dentist, Inventor, Police) 25. Children _____ spend a long time on playing video games (should, shouldn’t, mustn’t ) 26. She sings ____ (beautiful, nice, beautifully, lovely) 27. He volunteered ____ us all in his car (take, to take, taking, to taking) 28. We can learn more about the undersea world ____ this invention (because, for, thanks to, thanks for) 29. The number of participants ____ every week (increase, increases, is increase, are increase) 30. He’s a good swimmer . _____ (He swims well, He like swimming, He can swim very fast, He usually swims) 31. He said he would wait ___ me (of, for, to, in) 32. Do you like to take part in our club? (play, go, join, get) 33. They take a walk instead ____ bicycle trips (take, to take, of take, of taking) 34. He is learning ____ in the lake (swim, to swim, swimming, to swimming) 35. I like to listen to rock music (love, want, enjoy, hate) 36. His mother wanted him ____ some bread (buy, to buy, buying, to buying) 37. ____ is a person who rides a bicycle (Scientist, Cyclist, Member, Participant) 38. Yesterday, they ____ to the movie theatre (go, foes, went, are going) 39. I don’t like spinach, _______ (so do I , so am I, I am not either, Neither do I ) 40. She told me not ____ late (be, to be, being, to being) 41. The dentist asks him not to forget ____ his teeth (brush, to brush, brushing, to brushing) 42. I like spinach, ____ (Neither do I, Neither am I, So do I, So am I) 4 Nguyen Thi Thanh Minh English 7 REVISION –TERM 2 43. There was a good selection ____ meat on the stall (of, for, with, on) 44. Could you ____ the table for lunch? (put, set, take, use) 45. Fresh fruits and vegetables are good ____ you. (for, at, of, on) 46. It’s a ____ baby (health, healthy, healthful, healthily) 47. We can eat a large amount ____ fresh fruit and vegetables (of, for, to, on) 48. He is a student ______ (we are so, so we are , so are we, so do we) 49. These medicines can make you ____ better. (feel, to feel, feeling, to feeling ) 50. I always try to have a healthy, balanced ____ (food, diet, exercise, product) 51. This food tastes ____ (careful, carefully, delicious, deliciously) 52. After you take some medicines, you will feel ____ (well, good, better, good or better) 53. She left without ____ goodbye (say, to say, saying, to saying) 54. I hates carrots. I don’t like peas, ____ (also, either, too, all are correct) 55. What was wrong ____ you? (to, with, about, x) 56. Yesterday they had a ____ check – up (medical, medicine, medicines, medicinal) 57. ____ is a shop where you can buy medicines and a lot of other things (Bakery, Toy store, Shoes store, Drugstore ) 58. She needs ____ those medicines (has, to have, having, to having) 59. Our teacher told us ____ this book (read, to read, reading, to reading) 60. The ____ of flu include a headache, a high temperature and aches in the body (symptom, symptoms, cure, cures) 61. Last year, my aunt ____ me a new dress (buys, is buying, buyed, ought) 62. He wants to learn ____ to use the computer (what, how, why, who) 63. What do you think ____ Nha Trang? (to, for, of, at) 64. It’s not difficult ____ a new dress (make, making, to make, to making) 65. I always _____ up early ( get, gets, got, getted) 66. He _____ a letter from my pen pal 2 days ago (receive, received, receives, is receiving) 67. What ____ she do yesterday? (do, does, was, did) 68. The family returned ____ Ha Noi by train (for, in, to, back) 69. My pen pal ____ to visit me next month (is coming, will come, come, is coming and will come) 70. Hoa is a keen student and she ____ hard (study, studys, studies, is studying) 71. I had a good time ____ my parents in the city (with, for, at) 72. Where ____ you visit when you were in Hoi An? (do, will, did) 73. I ____ to see some temples on the first day (go, am going, went) 74. Did you ____ anything there? (bought, buy, brought) 75. I never learn how ____ a sewing machine (sew, to sew, sewing) 76. Do you help your parents ____ housework? (for, about, with) 77. Don’t forget to wash ____ before meals (feet, hands, teeth) 78. I know how too take care ____ myself (of, about, off) 79. My father is a ____ football player (skill, skillful, skillfully) 80. He also cycles ____ (safe, safety, safely) 81. ____ is a fun, easy and inexpensive activity (walking, walk, walked ) 82. He is a fast driver. He drives very _____ (fastly, fast, faster) 83. I can’t go out for a walk now, I ____ my homework (must do, must to do, must doing) 84. Would you like to go to the movies tomorrow? (Yes I do, Yes I like, I’d love to) 85. Are you free ____ Sunday ? 9on, for, to) 86. What would you like ____? (to see, seeing, see) 87. They prefer ____ computer (to playing, to play, play) 88. Which sentences is correct? (I’m going to see a dentist, I’m going seeing a dentist tomorrow, I’m going see a dentist tomorrow) 89. _____ do you like? (what of programs, what kinds of programs, what of kinds programs) 5 Nguyen Thi Thanh Minh English 7 REVISION –TERM 2 90. My friend prefers watching video ____ (to listening to music, than listening to music, to listen to music) 91. Do you ____ video games, Nam? – Yes I do (do, play, go) 92. They can become ____ (dizzily, dizzy, dizzilily) 93. Hoa enjoys _____ books very much (read, reads, reading) 94. Some play them at home, ____ play them in arcades (others, other, another) 95. Children shouldn’t spend much time on these games ____ along time (in, on, for) 96. Do you think he is ____ in the library at the moment? (reads, reading, readed, to read) 97. How about _____ camping? (went, going, go, to go) 98. Let’s ____ to see the teacher. (to go, going, go) 99. Are you afraid ____ snakes. (about, at, of) 100. Are you scared … seeing the dentist? (at / in / to / of) Read 1. A. In the summer holidays, Mr. Nam, Mrs. Nga and their children, Mai and Hung often go to the beach for two or three days. They always go to Vung Tau in the South of Viet Nam. They rarely go to the North. They usually stay in a small house or a flat by the sea, but sometimes they stay in a hotel. Last summer, they went to Nha Trang. They stayed at the Sunshine Hotel for four days. In the morning, Hung played soccer with his father on the beach. Mai and her mother walked along the beach and built sand castles. They visited Tri Nguyen Aquarium and saw different kinds of fish there. They felt very comfortable when they came home. It was a great holiday. They also bought a lot of souvenirs for friends. 1. Where does Lan`s family often go to on their summer vacation? A. to the beach B. to the South C. to Nha Trang D. to the North 2. How long do they often stay there? A. One day B. Two days C. There days D. Two or three days 3. Where did they go to last summer? A. to the beach B. to Vung Tau C. to Nha Trang D. to the North 4. What did Mai and her mother do in the morning? Thay ______. A. played soccer B. walked along the beach C. built sand castles D. Both B and C are correct 5. Did they enjoy their last year holiday? A. No, they didn`t. B. Yes, they did. C. It was terrible. D. It was great Read 2. The students …(1) Quang Trung school are having a …(2) check-up. Hoa, Lan and Nga …(3) in their medical … (4) and gave them to the nurse. The nurse called Hoa. First she took her temperature. That’s normal.Then she measures Hoa’s …(5)…. After that, She need …(6) Hoa. Finally, the doctor will see Hoa in a few minutes. 1. at in of with 2. medicine medicines medical medicals 3. write wrote filled fill 4.book notebook record records 5. tall height high weight 6. weight weighs to weight weighed Read 3. . It is very important to have teeth. Good teeth help us to chew our food. They also help us to look nice. How can you keep our teeth healthy? Firstly, we ought to visit our dentist every six months. Secondly, we should brush our at least twice a day- once after breakfast and once before we go to bed. Thrdly, we should eat food that is good for our teeth and our body: milk, cheese, fish, potatos, red rice, vegetables and fresh fruit. 1. To have healthy teeth is very important. 2. We ought to visit our dentist twice a year. 3. We should not brush our teeth after breakfast. 4. Milk, cheese, fish, potatoes, vegetables are bad for our body. Read 4. Hoa watched Mrs Mai make her dress. She thought sewing was a usefull hobby. She decided to learn how to use a sew. Hoa bought some material.She learned how to use a sewing machine and she made a cushion for her armchair. It was blue and white. Next, Hoa made a skirt. It was green and white flowers on it. It looked very pretty. Hoa tried it on but it didn’t fit. It was too big. Hoa’s neighbor helped her and then it fitted very well. Now, Hoa has a useful new hobby-she wears the things she makes. Choose True or False: 6 Nguyen Thi Thanh Minh English 7 REVISION –TERM 2 1. Hoa thought sewing was a useful hobby. 2. Hoa made a cushion with green and white flowers on it. 3. Then she made a blue and white skirt. 4. First, the skirt doesn’t fit . Read 5 Thirty years ago in Viet Nam , very few people had TV set. These TV owners were very popular . After dinner, their neighbors gathered both inside and outside their houses. Some watched through the windows. They watched the white and black programs. Times have changed. Today, many families have TV sets . People sit in their own living rooms and watch TV. Life is more comfortable now, but many people don’t spend much time together any more . 1. True or False ? Check ( X ) the boxes . True False 1. A lot of people had TV sets thirty years ago . 2. People watch TV in their own livingrooms now . 3. Today neighbors spend much time together . 4. Now , very few people have TV sets 2. Answer the questions : 1. Were TV owners popular thirty years ago ? A. Yes, they were not B. No, they were not C. Yes, they were D. No, they were 2. Where do people watch TV now ? A. inside and outside their houses B. through the windows C. in their own living rooms D. in the movies 3. Do they spend much time together as they did in the past ? A. Yes, they did not B. No, they did not C. Yes, they did D. No, they did 4. What programs did they watch ? A. white and black programs B. cartoon programs C. colorful programs D. beautiful programs Read 6 Today, there is a TV set in nearly every home. People watch TV every day, and some people watch it from morning until night. Americans watch TV about 35 hours a week. But is TV good or bad for you? People have different answers. Some say that there is a lot of violence on TV today, the programs are terrible and people don’t get any exercise because they only sit and watch TV. Others think that TV programs bring news from around the world, help you learn many useful things, especial children. Thanks to TV, people learn about life in other countries, and it helps people relax after a long day of hard work. 1. Is TV very popular nowadays? Why? …………………………………………. 2. How many hours do Americans watch TV a day? …………………………………………. 3. Why don’t some people like watch tv? …………………………………………. 4. What does TV bring to you? …………………………………………. 5. What do you learn from TV? …………………………………………. Read 7. A French oceanographer, Jacques Cousteau (1910 - 1997), invented a deep-sea diving vessel in the early 1940s. In the vessel, he could explore the oceans of the world and study underwater life. Now we can explore the oceans using special TV cameras as well. We can learn more about the undersea world thanks to this invention. * True :( Đúng ) và False : (Sai ). 1/ A French oceanographer, Jacques Cousteau (1910 - 1997), invented a deep-sea diving vessel in the early 1990s. ( True ) or ( False). 2/ . In the vessel, he could explore the oceans of the world and study underwater life. ( True ) or ( False). 3/ Now people can explore the oceans using special TV cameras as well. ( True ) or ( False). 4/ Now we can watch the undersea by TV.( True ) or ( False). Read 7 Video can be (1) ____ . Most banks and stores have video cameras. They protect the premises. When there is a robbery, the police can (2) _____ the video. They can often identify the (3) ____ in this way. Videos are very useful in education. Many schools use them (4) ____ a teaching aid. You can take university courses (5) _____ home with help of a VCR( video cassette, recorder). In the future, they will be even more important in education 7 Nguyen Thi Thanh Minh English 7 REVISION –TERM 2 1. A. healthful, B. useful, C. dangerous, D. expensive 2. A. read B. learn C. study D. A&B 3. A. robs B. robbery C. robber D. robbers 4. A as B. like C. such as D. for 5. A. in B. at C. on D. ∅ Read 8 Million of young people play video games. Some play them at home, Other play them in arcades. The inventors of the games become very (1) ____ . Some of the inventors are (2) ____ young as 14 – 15. These games are good fun, but players must be (3) ____ . They should not spend much time (4) ____ these games because they become tired or dizzy. Sometimes, players spend too much time on their own because they like (5) ____ video games so much. One doctor says, “ this is very bad (6) ____ children. They must (7) ____ in activities with others. All children should play outdoors and develop their (8) ____ skills. They should be with people of their own age. Children should spend only a small part of their free time playing video games. They mustn’t forget to do other things, too” 1.A. rich B. richly C. richer D. richest 2. A. so B. as C. like D. All are correct 3.A. careless B. carelessly C. careful D. carefully 4. A. In B. at C. on D. with 5.A. Play B. to play C. playing D. B & C 6. A. with B. at C. of D. for 7.A. join B. take part C. participate D. All are correct 8.A. social B. socialize C. society D. socially Rewrite the following sentences: 1.How tall is your brother?-> How_______________________________________________ _______________ 2.How heavy is Peter? -> What ________________________________________________________________ 4.Hoa hates the noise and the busy road in the city. Hoa doesn’t _______________________________________ 5.MichaelJordan is a skillful basketball player >M.Jordan plays ______________________________________ 6.I’m not a doctor. They aren’t doctor. (neither or either)->___________________________________________ 7. Why don’t we go to the movies?->What ______________________________________________________________ 8.Milk is good for your health . Orange juice is good for health. (So /too) >______________________________ 9.Mai is taller than Hoa -> Hoa is ___________________________________ 10.You should wash your hands before meals > You ought to ________________________________________ 11.My farm has a lot of vegetables and cattle There are ____________________________________________ 12.children like picture books very much > children are interested_____________________________________ 13.The sailors like the sea better than the land >The sailors prefer _____________________________________ 14.My father likes watching TV better than listening to music. -> My father prefers_________________________ 15.My teacher rides a bike to the school every day My teacher goes __________________________________ 17.Long is 15 years old, Nga is 13 and Loan is 10.  Long is the _____________________________________ 18.You must wash the spinach carefully. -> You ought______________________________________________ 19.I like watching TV better than playing games -> I prefer___________________________________________ 20.She is a safe cyclist. -> She ________________________________________________________________ 21.Let’s see a detective movie. -> What about___________________________________________________? 22.Do you want to have a drink?->Would you __________________________________________________? 23.Why don’t we do exercises every morning?->Let’s ______________________________________________ 24.How old is he?->What’s ____________________________________________________________________ 25 She is a skillful soccer player >She ___________________________________________________________ 26. Let’s go to the dentist?->What about __________________________________________________________? 27.I prefer books to films >I like ________________________________________________________________ 28.She is a slow swimmer > She ______________________________________________________ Supply the correct verb tenses: 1. Our summer vacation ( start)……………in June and (last) ………… for 3 month. 2. It’s ten to seven .Hurry up or you (be) late for school………………………………… 8 Nguyen Thi Thanh Minh English 7 REVISION –TERM 2 3. Look the teacher (come)…………………here. 4. You (be)…………… a famous author one day. 5. Ba can (fix)…………………the lights. 6. Ba is good at (repair)…………….things. 7. They (talk)…………………. about Hoa’s work at the moment . 8. She (go)…………………… swimming next Sunday. 9. Lan always (help)…………………………. her parents in her free time. 10. What do you like (do)……………………. during your vacation? 11. She never (stay) ……………… up late at night. 12. Minh (go) …………… to the dentist tomorrow. 13. …… she (buy) ……………. a new shoes last week? 14. She (buy) ………………… last month. 15. She should (brush) ………………… her teeth regularly. 16. What ………… your mother (do) …………. at the moment? 17. Why …………… you (leave) ………. the party early last night? 18. Yesterday I (leave) ………………the party early because I must go to my grandmother’s house. 19. Last night She (give) ………… me a gift on my birthday. 20. She (not write) ……………… a letter for me last week. 21. (Brush) ………………… your teeth carefully. 22. (Do) ……………… your homework every day. 23. (Wash) ………………. Your hands before the meals. 24. They (visit) …………. Nha Trang in 2005. 25. We (come) ………………. to the library tomorrow. 26. We shouldn’t (play) ………………. games so much. 27. He (not be) ……………… here yesterday. 28. ……… They (make) ………… that car last year? 29. Would you like (go) …………… to the movie? 30. She told me (take) ………………. her some photos. Pronunciation: 1. A. library B. right C.science D.dictionary 2. A. wanted B.needed C.played D. waited 3. A. fun B.music C.sun D. number 4. A.who B.what C.where D. when 5.A think B.this C. mother D. the 6.A. pretty B. get C. send D. well 7.A.watched B.mixed C. earned D. washed 8. A.thin B.than C. they D.there 9.A. chair B. ache C. chicken D.child 10.A. date B.ate C.day D.stamp 11.A.police B.twice C.advice D.nice 12. A. page B.game C.gift D.go 13.A.dinner B.time C.finish D.thing 14.A.night B.might C.like D.little 15.A.comfortable B.popular C.know D.short 9 . sewing) 76 . Do you help your parents ____ housework? (for, about, with) 77 . Don’t forget to wash ____ before meals (feet, hands, teeth) 78 . I know how too take care ____ myself (of, about, off) 79 False). Read 7 Video can be (1) ____ . Most banks and stores have video cameras. They protect the premises. When there is a robbery, the police can (2) _____ the video. They can often identify the. seeing, see) 87. They prefer ____ computer (to playing, to play, play) 88. Which sentences is correct? (I’m going to see a dentist, I’m going seeing a dentist tomorrow, I’m going see a dentist tomorrow) 89.

Ngày đăng: 12/06/2015, 23:00

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