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Unit 16. Lesson 4 (B2-3)

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Lesson Plan English 7 Teaching date: / /20 UNIT 16: SECTION B: LESSON 4 B2-3 (PERIOD 99 th ) I. Aims : By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: - Talk about the famous figures in different fields: sport, science, literature, music - Know something about Dien Bien Phu. II. Language focus: - Vocabulary: tourist destination, battle veteran, beautiful scenery, neighboring village, Muong Thanh Valley, hospitality, trading center, border, ethnic minority. - Struture: my favorite ; I prefer Why - because III. Teaching aids : + Picture, textbook, workbook, cards, poster IV. Procedure : A. Warm up: Check old lesson. B. Pre reading: 1. Pre-teach: + Tourist destination (n) : điểm thu hút khách du lịch. + Battle veteran (n) : cựu chiến binh + Battle site (n) : trận địa + Beautiful scenery (n) : cảnh đẹp + Neighboring village (n) : ngôi làng kề bên + Valley (n) : thung lũng + Hospitality (n) : lòng hiếu khách + Trading center (n) : trung tâm thơng mại + Local people (n) : ngời dân địa phơng + Ethnic minority (n) : dân tọc thiểu số + Border (n) : biên giới * Check vocabulary: Slap the board C. While reading (B3 P159): - Ask students to read the text and answer the questions. * Answerkey: a. People can visit the bnattle site in Dien Bien Phu. b. Tourists can also enjoy the beautiful scenery of the Muong Thanh village, visit the neighboring villages and share the hospitality of the local people c. Dien Bien Phu is only 30 kms from Lao s border, so it is an important trading center. D. Post - reading: Practice (B2 P158) 1. Complete the dialogue with the words in the box. Then practice with a partner: Hoa: Do you like Romario? Dinh Thi Nhan Hoa Hieu II Secondary School Guess Prefer Like Favorite Lesson Plan English 7– Lan: No, not very much. I prefer Pele. Hoa: Why? Lan: Because Pele is a better player than Romario. Hoa: I guess so. Lan: What about you? Hoa: My favorite player is Michael Jordan. Lan: Really? Hoa: Yes. I think he s very fast.’ 2. Now make your own dialogue about famous people you know. The adjectives in the box will help you. • Example exchange: A: Do you like My Tam? B: No, not very much. I prefer My Linh. A: Why do you prefer My Linh? B: Because she sings better than My Tam. A: I guess so. B: What about you? A: My favorite singer is Cam Ly. B: Really? A: Yes. I think she sings well. E. Home work: - Learn by heart the vocabulary. - Do exercises in Workbook. - Prepare Lesson 5 – B4,5  Dinh Thi Nhan Hoa Hieu II Secondary School clever powerful strong gentle kind pretty handsome funny fast . Lesson Plan English 7 Teaching date: / /20 UNIT 16: SECTION B: LESSON 4 B2-3 (PERIOD 99 th ) I. Aims : By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: -. well. E. Home work: - Learn by heart the vocabulary. - Do exercises in Workbook. - Prepare Lesson 5 – B4,5  Dinh Thi Nhan Hoa Hieu II Secondary School clever powerful strong gentle kind . partner: Hoa: Do you like Romario? Dinh Thi Nhan Hoa Hieu II Secondary School Guess Prefer Like Favorite Lesson Plan English 7– Lan: No, not very much. I prefer Pele. Hoa: Why? Lan: Because Pele is a better

Ngày đăng: 10/06/2015, 10:00



