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Bài tập từ vựng, ngữ pháp (lớp 10)

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VOCABULARY, STRUCTURE, GRAMMAR 1) The alarm goes off at 4:30. A. goes wrong B. goes away C. rings D. plays 2) We chat about our work. A. talk in a friendly way B. learn C. discuss D. worry 3) What is Mr. Vy’s …….……? - He is a peasant. A. job B. occupation C. career D. All are correct 4) We study past and present events in Viet Nam and around the world in …… classes. A. Geography B. History C. English D. Maths 5) Mr. Lam is a . He rides a lot of passengers every day. A. teacher B. doctor C. farmer D. cyclo driver 6) Miss Phuong enjoys working with children in a school. She is a . A. teacher B. student C. peasant D. passenger 7) I can speak two - Vietnamese and English. A. addresses B. names C. languages D. occupations 8) It is a …………… day, so we decided to go for a walk. A. nice B. good C. beautiful D. All are correct 9) Marie Curie is a brilliant and mature student. A. young B. very good C. having a fully developed mind D. difficult 10) She received a general ….….…. in local school. A. educate B. education C. educational D. educated 11) My favourite ……….… is Literature. A. subject B. teacher C. job D. student 12) The students in Thuy’s class are deaf, dumb and mentally retarded. They are students. A. poor B. rich C. different D. disabled 13) I have decided not to become a professional …….…… . A. photograph B. photography C. photographer D. photographic 14) In England, it is said that Robin Hood robbed ……………. and gave money to the poor. A. the sick B. the rich C. the young D. the unemployed 15) Microsoft Office Word, Excel, PowerPoint are . A. software B. hardware C. floppy disks D. keyboard 16) We can see a lot of information on the visual display unit (VDU). A. CD ROMs B. mouse C. computer screen D. printer 17) A(n)……………. is used to cook rice, meat, fish and vegetables or keep the food warm. A. TV B. fax machine C. air conditioner D. electric cooker 18) With the development of information technology we can send……… ……. from one computer to another. A. houses B. messages C. buildings D. computers 19) You should ……… ……. the volume if you want to hear the sound louder. A. select B. watch C. adjust D. insert 20) A blind person is a one who cannot anything. A. hear B. see C. eat D. talk 21) Lan is anxious about her parents’ permission. A. interested B. worried C. cheap D. expensive 22) We are going to the theatre to see a play. A. cartoon B. drama C. comedy D. documentary 23) Which of the following is NOT the type of the mass media? A. TV B. books C. radio D. the Internet 24) They helped the villagers grow cash crops for export. A. crops to be sold B. crops to be used C. crops to be eaten D. crops to be seen 25) They build a to look after people’s health. A. bridge B. medical centre C. school D. football ground 26) Braille is a reading system for …………. A. the blind B. the mute C. the deaf D. the poor 27) John isn't content with his present salary. A. excited about B. satisfied with C. disappointed about D. interested in 28) It was a difficult tune, but we never gave up hope. A. stopped B. continued C. had D. offered 29) In spite of her deafness, she played the violin very well. A. inability to speak B. inability to see C. inability to hear D. mentally impairment 30) The President expressed his deep sorrow over the bombing deaths. A. regret B. anger C. sadness D. passion 31) is a system connecting millions of computers worldwide. A. The television B. The Internet C. The media D. The phone 32) We receive information from radio through ears A. visually B. orally C. aurally D. usually 33) There is a good film on TV tonight A. movie B. play C. comedy D. drama 34) We're going to make a two - day to visit Huong pagoda. A. travel B. excursion C. gone D. voyage 35) She's the woman sister baby sits for us. A. who B. which C. that's D. whose 36) …….…… do you live? - In the centre of the city. A. Which B. Who C. When D. Where 37) Claude didn't in Canada. A. lived B. use to live C. used to live D. used to living 38) There were a lot of accidents the icy roads A. in spite of B. because of C. because D. although 39) He came in and didn't say anything, worried all of us. A. whose B. who C. whom D. which 40) . your computer if I'm careful? A. Will I use B. Do I use C. Use I D. Could I use 41) After it dry for two months, it rained heavily last night A. would be B. had been C. has been D. was 42) Jane had gone to the supermarket she got home A. as soon as B. before C. after D. when 43) first stepped on the moon? ~Neil Amstrong. A. Whose B. Who C. Where D. When 44) . did the . Second World War end? ~ in 1945. A. Where B. When C. What time D. How often 45) Are you looking forward to on your cassation? A. go . B. going C. to go D.went 46) Who your bike? – Mike did. A did give you B. did you give C. you gave D. gave you 47) Miss Lan Phuong enjoys with children. A. works B. to work C. working D. worked 48) I’m still looking for a job, but I hope …….…… something soon. A. find B. to find C. finding D. to finding 49) I am good at ……….…… books and letters in Chinese. A. read B. to read C. reading D. reads 50) Liz used to ……. a motorbike. A. rides B. rode C. ridding D. ride 51) Please think of a word comes from a foreign language into Vietnamese. A. which B. who C. it D. this 52) We haven’t had a good meal .…………… three weeks. A. in B. since C. ago D. for 53) It’s two years I last saw Quoc Anh. A. ago B. from C. since D. about 54) They arrived home ten minutes …………… . A. ago B. since C. for D. in 55) his illness, he managed to come to school. A. Because B. Because of C. although D. In spite of 56) Jack ……………. me that he was enjoying his new class. A. told B. talked C. said D. spoke 57) If I ……………. to medical college, I will study medicine. A. go B. went C. goes D. will go 58) I’ll lend you my book …………… I finish reading it. A. if B. when C. because of D. in spite of 59) If we raise the roads, they …………… muddy and flooded when it rains. A. weren’t B. will not be C. would not be D. aren’t 60) A nurse is a person …………… looks after patients. A. which B. who C. she D. where . brilliant and mature student. A. young B. very good C. having a fully developed mind D. difficult 10) She received a general ….….…. in local school. A. educate B. education C. educational D. educated 11)

Ngày đăng: 08/06/2015, 17:56

