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On tap Anh 9

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Tense A/ A ims : By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to review the tenses that they’ve learnt in the first term and do exercises. B/ Content: I) Present simple or Present progressive: 1) Mary is very good at languages. She (speak) ___________ four languages very well. 2) Mr. Green always (go) ___________ to work by car. 3) James is in London at the moment. He (stay) ___________ at the Park Hotel. He always (stay) ___________ there when he’s in London. 4) In Britain the banks usually (open) ___________ at 9:30 in the morning. 5) My father (buy) ___________ a newspaper everyday. 6) They (build) ___________ a new theatre in the city centre at the moment. 7) Jane (not drink) ___________ tea very often. 8) I used to drink a lot of coffee but these days I (prefer) ___________ tea. 9) Look at the river. It (flow) ___________ very fast today - much faster than usual. 10) Hurry up! Everybody (wait) ___________ for you. II) Past simple or Past progressive: 1) Jane (wait) ___________ for me when I (arrive) ___________ 2) I (see) ___________ Sue in town yesterday but she (not see) ___________ me. She (look) ___________ the other way. 3) I (see) ___________ you in the park yesterday. You (sit) ___________ on the grass and reading a book. 4) When I (come) ___________ to her house, she (work) ___________ in the garden yesterday afternoon. She (tell) ___________ me that she usually (do) ___________ the gardening when she (have) ___________ free time. 5) We often drink coffee in the morning. But yesterday morning we (drink) ___________ tea. III) Past simple or Present perfect: 1) “Gone with the Wind” is the most interesting film we (see) ___________ recently. 2) You (see) ___________ Nam last Sunday? − Oh, no. I (not see) ___________ him for many days now. 3) My bother (join) ___________ the army when he (be) ___________ 18. He (serve) ___________ in the army for 3 years and then (go) ___________ to university. 4) My sister (finish) ___________ school in 2004 and (be) ___________ a student at the National University since then. 5) I (see) ___________ John yesterday but I (not see) ___________ him today. 6) When I (get) ___________ home last night, I (be) ___________ very tired and I (go) ___________ straight to bed. 7) Mr. Clark (work) ___________ in the bank for 15 years and then he gave it up. 8) You (go) ___________ to the cinema last night? − Yes, but it (be) ___________ a mistake. The film (be) ___________ awful. 9) How long you (know) ___________ her? − I (know) ___________ her for six years. 10) You (see) ___________ her recently? − No, I (not seen) ___________ her since 2003. She (move) ___________ to Ho Chi Minh City with her family then. IV) Past simple or Past perfect: 1) What you (do) ___________ there before you (return) ___________ home yesterday? 2) When I (come) ___________ to his house yesterday, his mother (tell) ___________ me that he (go) ___________ to the cinema with his friends two hours before. 1 3) He (go) ___________ to England after he (study) English for 2 years. 4) The boy (say) ___________ that he (do) ___________ all his homework before he (go) ___________ to bed. 5) Before they (go) ___________ very far, they (find) ___________ that they (lose) ___________ the way. V) Present simple or Future simple: 1) Where you (be) ___________ at this time tomorrow? − I (be) ___________ at the meeting. 2) Nobody (know) ___________ what he (do) ___________ to earn his living after he (finish) ___________ school. 3) When we (meet) ___________ again? − We (meet) ___________ again when I (return) ___________ home from Australia. 4) He (be) ___________ busy at the moment. But he (come) ___________ to give you a helping hand as soon as he (finish) ___________ his work. 5) I (meet) ___________ you outside the hotel in half an hour, ok? − Yes, that’s fine. Infinitive or gerund 1) When I’m tired, I enjoy (watch) ___________ television. It’s relaxing. 2) Would you like (have) ___________ something to eat? 3) It starts (rain) ___________ an hour ago. Has it stopped (rain) ___________ yet? 4) I’ve enjoyed (meet) ___________ you. I hope (see) ___________ you again. 5) I hate (see) ___________ a child (cry) ___________ 6) I used (smoke) ___________ 20 cigarettes a day, but now I give up (smoke) ___________ 7) We decided (rent) ___________ a house with a swimming pool. 8) We began (talk) ___________ about next year’s holiday two months ago. 9) I finished (read) ___________ the book and went to bed. Exercise 2: Used to do & get / be used to doing 1) When I was a child. I (dream) _________________ of being an astronaut. 2) Lots of trains (stop) _________________ here, but not many do now. 3) There (be) _________________ a cinema here but it was knocked down a few years ago. 4) Didn’t Nick (work) _________________ on a building site? 5) I’ll have an orange juice, please. I (not drink) _________________ alcohol. Exercise 3: “Wish” sentences 1) I can’t go to the seashore this weekend. − I wish _____________________________________________________________________ 2) It rains today. 2 − We wish __________________________________________________________________ 3) Hoa and Ba won’t go fishing this weekend. − They wish _________________________________________________________________ 4) My team doesn’t win the games. − I wish _____________________________________________________________________ 5) Her little brother can’t swim. − He wishes _________________________________________________________________ 6) It’s so cold and I hate cold weather. − I wish _____________________________________________________________________ 7) I have to work tomorrow but I’d like to stay in bed. − I wish _____________________________________________________________________ 8) I don’t know anything about cars. − I wish _____________________________________________________________________ 9) I’m not lying on a beautiful sunny beach. − I wish _____________________________________________________________________ 10) I live very far from school. − I wish _____________________________________________________________________ Exercise 4: Reported speech & Reported questions 1) Phong said, “My parents are very proud of my good marks.” _________________________________________________________________________________ 2) She said, “She doesn’t buy this book.” _________________________________________________________________________________ 3) My teacher told me, “You should read these books.” _________________________________________________________________________________ 4) He said, “I won’t go to school by bus tomorrow.” _________________________________________________________________________________ 5) Lan’s brother told her, “You can use my computer today.” _________________________________________________________________________________ 6) The girls said, “We have to finish our homework tonight.” _________________________________________________________________________________ 7) Thu said, “All the students will have a meeting next week.” _________________________________________________________________________________ 8) Hoa’s parents said, “We’ll visit you this summer.” _________________________________________________________________________________ 9) “Are you Mrs. Lien’s student?” Lan asked me. _________________________________________________________________________________ 10) “Do you enjoy reading books?” Phong asked Peter. _________________________________________________________________________________ 11) “Does Hoa play badminton?” Lan asked Thu. _________________________________________________________________________________ 12) “Why is she crying?” Thu asked Hoa. _________________________________________________________________________________ 13) “When will you visit Ha Noi?” Hoa asked her parents. Exercise 5: Passive 1) People speak English in many countries. 3 _________________________________________________________________________________ 2) Someone stole her helmet. _________________________________________________________________________________ 3) The students are discussing about their new plan. _________________________________________________________________________________ 4) The police have just caught the thief. _________________________________________________________________________________ 5) She teaches us grammar and writing. _________________________________________________________________________________ 6) Thomas Edison invented the electric light bulb. _________________________________________________________________________________ 7) Lan is going to invite her friends to her birthday party. _________________________________________________________________________________ 8) Everybody should keep food in the refrigerator to keep it fresh. _________________________________________________________________________________ 9) Lien couldn’t open the door of the classroom. _________________________________________________________________________________ 10) People must repair that old building. _________________________________________________________________________________ 11) They cancelled all the flights because of the storm. _________________________________________________________________________________ 12) Someone will give you your tickets at the airport. 13) Someone is cleaning the classroom at the moment. 14) The working people has considered May Day a great holiday. 15) Since the 9 th century, people have used wood for making the pulp. Exercise 6: Infinitive or gerund 10) When I’m tired, I enjoy (watch) ___________ television. It’s relaxing. 11) Would you like (have) ___________ something to eat? 12) It starts (rain) ___________ an hour ago. Has it stopped (rain) ___________ yet? 13) I’ve enjoyed (meet) ___________ you. I hope (see) ___________ you again. 14) I hate (see) ___________ a child (cry) ___________ 15) They (prefer) ___________ in a swimming pool all day. 16) I used (smoke) ___________ 20 cigarettes a day, but now I give up (smoke) ___________ 17) We decided (rent) ___________ a house with a swimming pool. 18) We began (talk) ___________ about next year’s holiday two months ago. 19) I finished (read) ___________ the book and went to bed. Exercise 7: Tag questions 1) Lan enjoys watching TV after dinner, ________________? 2) Tam didn’t go to school yesterday, ________________? 3) They will buy a new computer, ________________? 4) She can drink a lot of tomato juice everyday, ________________? 5) Your children don’t watch TV three hours a day, ________________? 6) Her father works for TUOI TRE newspaper, ________________? 7) Britney Spears is the most famous singer in this year, ________________? 8) My classmates have seen that cartoon twice, ________________? 9) That house has been built since January, ________________? 10) Thu was practising her music lesson at 4 o’clock yesterday, ________________? 4 11) Tam and Ba are playing sports now, ________________? 12) She may not come to class today, ________________? 13) You’re not going out today, ________________? 14) You haven’t got a car, ________________? 15) It’s a nice day, ________________? 16) He drove his car so fast, ________________? 17) Let’s go somewhere for a drink, ________________? 18) Open the door, ________________? 19) Don’t be late, ________________? 20) I’m late, ________________? ∗ L u ý: − Sau Let's , c©u hái ®u«i lµ shall we? − Sau c©u mÖnh lÖnh c¸ch (Do /Don’t do ) c©u hái ®u«i thêng lµ will you? − Lu ý r»ng ta nãi aren't I? (= am I not?) Exercise 8: Conditional sentences I) Complete the sentences. Give the correct form of the verbs. 1) If you lose your credit card, we (send) _____________ a new one within 24 hours. 2) If I see Henry, I (give) _____________ him your massage. 3) If the weather (be) _____________ nice tomorrow, we’ll go to the beach. 4) If the earth (get) _____________ warmer, the sea (get) _____________ warmer. 5) Unless they (pass) _____________ their exams, they would join the army. 6) If John (go) _____________ to bed earlier, he wouldn’t be so tired. 7) If he attended class regularly, he (make) _____________ a good progress. 8) If we had money, we (take) _____________ a trip to the South America. 9) If Helen (know) _____________ more grammar, she would make fewer mistakes. 10) If today (be) _____________ Sunday, we (go) _____________to the beach. II) Make conditional sentences type 2: 1) You don’t save electricity. You pay a lot of money. _________________________________________________________________________________ 2) We don’t have enough money, so we don’t buy those news comics. _________________________________________________________________________________ 3) She is not free today, so she can’t go to the movie with her friends. _________________________________________________________________________________ 4) He is so lazy. He fails in the final exam. _________________________________________________________________________________ 5) The weather is not fine. The children don’t play outdoors. _________________________________________________________________________________ 6) Thu cannot swim, so she doesn’t go to the swimming pool with her friend. _________________________________________________________________________________ 7) People don’t see the UFO, so they don’t call the National UFO Reporting Centre. _________________________________________________________________________________ 8) She doesn’t keep the refrigerator door closed, so she cannot save the energy. _________________________________________________________________________________ 9) There is much traffic, so the air is polluted by the waste smoke. _________________________________________________________________________________ 10) Ba isn’t fast enough to catch the school bus. 5 _________________________________________________________________________________ Exercise 9: Relative clause I) Fill in each blank with one suitable relative pronoun (who, whom, whose, which) or relative adverb (where, when). 1) The man ____________ your mother is talking to is my English teacher. 2) Ha Long Bay is a beautiful spot ____________ thousands of tourists visit every year. 3) The students ____________are standing in front of the library is my classmates. 4) Hoa’s parents ____________ are farmers work very hard to earn their living. 5) The children like to play football ____________ is very popular in our country. 6) These are the latest news ____________ you might want to know. 7) Ba and his friends are fond of the performing animals ____________ have just come to town. 8) The beach ____________ the students are cleaning up the trash is a beautiful one. 9) The parrot ____________ can speak some words belongs to my close friend. 10) This is the best movie ____________ I have seen. 11) He is enjoys reading books ____________ are on computer science. 12) Mother’s Day is the day ____________. the children show their love to their mother. 13) Tet is a Vietnamese festival ____________ takes place in late January or early February. 14) The little girl ____________ is wearing the red dress sings beautifully. 15) Thu enjoyed her trip to Da Lat ____________ her grandparents lived long ago. 16) Lan’s parents came back to Ha Noi ____________ they visited last year. 17) They like Asian food ____________ is sold in that market. 18) Mary, ____________ sits next to me, is good at maths. 19) My office, ____________ is on the second floor of the building, is not very big. 20) That’s Jack, ____________ lives next door. II) Combine each pair of sentences with a relative pronoun or a relative adverb: 1) The doctor has moved to a new house. He looked after my family. _________________________________________________________________________________ 2) The man is my English teacher. You spoke to him in the street last night. _________________________________________________________________________________ 3) The books are for reference. They are on the stacks near the librarian. _________________________________________________________________________________ 4) Is that the car? You want to buy it. _________________________________________________________________________________ 5) Students will be punished. Their homework is late. _________________________________________________________________________________ 6) Henry was in a very bad mood. His car had been broken down. _________________________________________________________________________________ 7) Teacher’s Day is the day. Pupils show their gratitude to their teacher on that day. _________________________________________________________________________________ 8) The last summer holidays were the time. We had a lot of fun at that time. _________________________________________________________________________________ 9) New Year’s Day is the day. All family members gather and enjoy a family dinner on that day. _________________________________________________________________________________ 10) One day last week I visited that village. The people there grew many beautiful flowers. _________________________________________________________________________________ Exercise 10: 6 Adjective + that clause ∗ Combine each pair of sentences into one. 1) No one stopped those people cutting down the trees. I was surprise. _________________________________________________________________________________ 2) The oil will pollute the sea. People are worried. _________________________________________________________________________________ 3) My team has won the first award of the competition. I am proud. _________________________________________________________________________________ 4) They can help us to clean the beach. They are certain. _________________________________________________________________________________ 5) People can recover very quickly. I am very happy. _________________________________________________________________________________ 6) They didn’t tell us how to do it. I am disappointed. _________________________________________________________________________________ 7) I am working hard. My father is pleased. _________________________________________________________________________________ 8) I broke your bicycle this morning. I’m very sorry. _________________________________________________________________________________ 9) You did not phone me. I’m very disappointed. _________________________________________________________________________________ 10) I could win the first prize. I’m amazed. _________________________________________________________________________________ Exercise 10: Adverb clauses I) Adverb clauses of result: so 1) It was cold. I turned the heating on. _________________________________________________________________________________ 2) The stereo didn’t work. Vicky took it back to the shop. _________________________________________________________________________________ 3) There weren’t enough chairs. We had to sit on the floor. _________________________________________________________________________________ 4) The shops were closed. I didn’t get any milk. _________________________________________________________________________________ 5) This picture is very expensive. Please be careful with it. _________________________________________________________________________________ II) Adverb clauses of reason: because, since, as 1) The door was open. I walked in. (as) _________________________________________________________________________________ 2) They live near us. We see them quite often. (since) _________________________________________________________________________________ 3) Peter was very fat. He ate too much. (because) _________________________________________________________________________________ 4) She was late the work. She missed the bus. (because) _________________________________________________________________________________ 5) We watched TV all evening. We had nothing better to do. (as) _________________________________________________________________________________ III) Adverb clauses of concession: 1) It started raining. The little boy ran out of the house. (although) 7 _________________________________________________________________________________ 2) Our teacher didn’t feel well. He helped us to finish our project. (even though) _________________________________________________________________________________ 3) The joke was funny. No one laughed. (although) _________________________________________________________________________________ 4) We thought we’d better invite them to the party. We didn’t like them very much. (even though) _________________________________________________________________________________ 5) My father has to go to work. It is raining hard. (though) _________________________________________________________________________________ 8 . James is in London at the moment. He (stay) ___________ at the Park Hotel. He always (stay) ___________ there when he’s in London. 4) In Britain the banks usually (open) ___________ at 9: 30 in the. beach. II) Make conditional sentences type 2: 1) You don’t save electricity. You pay a lot of money. _________________________________________________________________________________ 2) We don’t have. storm. _________________________________________________________________________________ 12) Someone will give you your tickets at the airport. 13) Someone is cleaning the classroom at the moment. 14) The working people has considered May Day a great holiday. 15) Since the 9 th century,

Ngày đăng: 05/06/2015, 22:00

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