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Lớp 7 cả năm - in ngay

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Trường PTCS Bãi Thơm Week 01 Period 01 The date of preparing: 15-08-10 The date of teaching: 17-08-10 Introducing how to learn I. Objectives:: Sau khi học xong bài học, học sinh sẽ có thể: - Nắm đựợc sơ qua nội dung chương trình tiếng Anh 7 - Biết được đặc trưng của môn học để có biện pháp học nhằm đạt kết quả cao nhất. II. Teaching aids: T’s book, Ss’ books. III. Procedures: A. Warm up:greetings Good afternoon. How are you today? B. New lesson: I. Giới thiệu ch ư ơng trình Tiếng Anh 7 ( 15 ’ ) - Hình thành và phát triển ở học sinh những kiến thức, kỹ năng cơ bản về Tiếng Anh và những phẩm chất trí tuệ cần thiết để tiếp tục học hoặc đi vào cuộc sống lao động. * Mục tiêu cụ thể. - Học sinh có thể nắm được kiến thức cơ bản tối thiểu và tương đối hệ thống về Tiếng Anh thực hành hiện đại. - Có kỹ năng cơ bản sử dụng tiếng Anh như một công cụ giao tiếp đơn giản duới các dạng nghe, nói, đọc, viết. - Có sự hiểu biết khái quát về văn hóa các nước sử dụng Tiếng Anh - Hình thành kỹ năng học tiếng anh và phát triển tư duy, phát triển kỹ năng sử dụng tiếng mẹ đẻ và góp phần hình thành ngôn ngữ toàn diện hơn cho học sinh - Quan điểm, chủ điểm đề cao các phương pháp học tập tích cực, chủ động và sáng tạo của học sinh II) Giới thiêu sách TiếngAnh 7 ( 10 ’ ) I.Cấu trúc sách - Có 16 đơn vị bài học(Units) - Mỗi đơn vị bài học gồm 2 phần A,B - Sau 3 bài học có 1 phần Language Focus và 1 bài kiểm tra 45’ - Cuối sách là phần tổng kết ngữ pháp và từ vững cả năm học 2.Phân phối ch ơng trình Cả năm: 3 tiết x 37 tuần =111 Học kỳ I : 3 tiết x 19 tuần = 57 tiết Học kỳ II: 3 tiết x 18 tuần = 54 tiết III. Giới thiệu cách học Tiếng Anh ( 15 ’ ) 1.Trên lớp: - Trật tự lắng nghe giáo viên giảng bài, hăng hái phát biểu ý kiến - Rèn luyện và giao tiếp bằng Tiếng Anh trong giờ học T-A, hạn chế sử dụng Tiếng Việt GV: NGUYỄN TRÍ TÀI LESSON PLAN 7 1 Trường PTCS Bãi Thơm - Mạnh dạn phát âm chuẩn, thực hành nói nhiều 2.Học ở nhà - Học bài cũ: học từ vựng, ngữ pháp của bài học trớc - Đọc lài bài khóa nhiều lần để nhớ từ vựng - Tự lấy ví dụ sử dụng cấu trúc ngữ pháp đã học - Làm nhiều bài tập nâng cao - Chuẩn bị bài học tiếp theo (Tra từ vựng của bài học, đọc trớc bài học phát triển 4 kỹ năng: nghe, nói, đọc, viết.) - Giao tiếp với khách nớc ngoài nếu có cơ hội III. Homework (5 ’ ) 1. Học thuộc bài học 2.Chuẩn bị kiểm tra chất lưọng đầu năm học * Experience from the lesson: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ****************************************************************** Week 01 Period 02 The date of preparing: 15-08-10 The date of teaching: 19-08-10 The English test Name: ______________ grade : 7 Class : _______ School year : 2010-2011 Mark The remarks of the teacher I, Choose the right words to complete the sentences by circling them (2pts): 1. My mother gets up (on, at, in) 5 o’clock everyday. 2. Tom (not/ don’t/ doesn’t) have English today. 3. We go to school (of/ to/ by) bike. 4. You can (play/ plays/ playing) video games after you finish your homework 5. What are you (do/ doing/ does) ? - I’m (listen/ listening/ listens) to music. 6. There are beautiful flowers (at/ in/ to) the left of the house. 7. Is your brother waiting (of/ for/ on) you ? - Yes, he is. 8. There aren’t (any/ a/ an) stores near my house. GV: NGUYỄN TRÍ TÀI LESSON PLAN 7 2 Trường PTCS Bãi Thơm II, Match each question in column A with the answer in column B (1,5pts): A B 9. Where is your house? 10. What does your father do? 11. When do they have math ? 12. Who is that ? 13. How many sisters do you have ? 14. What time does she have breakfast? a. Two. b. On Monday and Thursday. c. It’s next to a bookstore. d. It’s Mr Binh. e. At half past six. f. He is a doctor. 9. ____ 12. ____ 10. ____ 13. ____ 11. ____ 14. ____ III, Write meaningful sentences with the words below (2pts): 15. Ba/ live/ house/ country. ____________________________________________________________ 16. My teacher/ go/ school/ motorbike. ____________________________________________________________ 17. There/ be/ trees/ behind/ her house. ____________________________________________________________ 18. We/ playing/ soccer/ now. ____________________________________________________________ IV, Read the passage and write (T) next to the True statements, (F) next to the False ones (2,5pts): Thu is a student. She goes to Nguyen Trai school. Everyday she gets up at six and leaves home for school at half past six. She lives near her school, so she walks there. Her classes start at seven and end at eleven thirty. She arrives home at eleven forty and has lunch at twelve. It’s 2p.m now. Thu is watching TV in her room. She often does her homework in the evening before she goes to bed. 19. ____ Thu gets up at 6.30 everyday. 20. ____ Thu goes to school by bike. 21. ____ Thu has lunch after she arrives home. 22. ____ She is watching television in her room now. 23. ____ She doesn’t do her homework in the evening. th e end * Experience from the lesson: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . GV: NGUYỄN TRÍ TÀI LESSON PLAN 7 3 Trường PTCS Bãi Thơm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ****************************************************************** Week 01 Period 03 The date of preparing: 15-08-10 The date of teaching: 19-08-10 UNIT 1 : BACK TO SCHOOL A. Friends (A1) I/ Objectives : After the lesson, students will review the greetings and introduce themselves II/ Language contents: - Reading for de tails, allot of - many in troduction and greeting with "nice to meet you" How is. III/ Teaching Aids : Pictures , posters , cues . IV/ Procedures: 1. Check attendance 2. Review of the lesson: 3. Today’s lesson: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Contents Note - Setting up the activities - Play game. - Sets up the scene - Makes sistuations to introduce a new lesson and asks some questions - Asks Ss to listen In group Individually Listen and repeat * WARM –UP(5’) Lucky Number a. What’s your name? b. How are you today? c. What class are you in? d. Goodbye. e. Are you a new student? * PRESENTATION (5’) Questions: 1. Do you have any new friends this school year? 2. What do you say to your friends when you first meet after the summer holiday? 3.Are you happy to be back again? *PRACTICE (30’) a) Listen. Then practice with a partner. GV: NGUYỄN TRÍ TÀI LESSON PLAN 7 4 Trường PTCS Bãi Thơm the dialogue - Asks Ss to listen the dialogue -Haves Ss roleplay - Sey homeworks Practice in pair Listen and repeat Practice in pair In pairs - Listen and copy. b) Listen. Then practice with a partner Answer. a. Her name is Hoa b. She is in class 7A. c. Nam is aslo in class 7A. * PRODUCTION(4’) * HOMEWORK (1’) Learn the new words by heart Repare Unit1: A2 * Experience from the lesson: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ****************************************************************** Week 02 Period 04 The date of preparing: 22-08-10 The date of teaching: 24-08-10 UNIT 1 : BACK TO SCHOOL A. Friends (A 2) I/ Objectives : After the lesson, students will be able to understand the information about Hoa and practice reading skill. II/ Language Contents - Reading for de tails, allot of - many in troduction and greeting with "nice to meet you" How is. GV: NGUYỄN TRÍ TÀI LESSON PLAN 7 5 Trường PTCS Bãi Thơm - Comparative of adjectives . many = lots of = a lot of, classmate, so am I. different. III/ Teaching Aids : Pictures , posters , cues . IV/ Procedures: 1. Check attendance 2. Review of the lesson: 3. Today’s lesson: Teacher’s & Students’ activities Contents Complement - Setting up the activities - Playing game Introducing a new lesson -Presents newwords -Asking Ss to listen and do it - Asking Ss to look at the book then correct their predictions. - Asking Ss to check the result with their partner. In group Individually Individually In pair * WARM –UP(5’) Slap the board Goodbye Yes, I am Very well,thanks Class 7A My name is Hoa *PRESENTATION(10’) Vocabulary +Different(adj):( give 2 things in order to compare) + Unhappy(adj) >< happy + To miss (v) : ( give a situation ) True or false a. Hoa’s school in Hue is small. b. Hoa is a new student in class 7A. c. Hoa’s new school is bigger than her old school. d. Hoa is from Hue. e. Now she lives in Hanoi. * PRACTICE (25’) Answers a. She is from Hue. b. She is staying with her uncle and aunt. c. No, she doesn’t. d. Her new school is bigger than GV: NGUYỄN TRÍ TÀI LESSON PLAN 7 6 Trường PTCS Bãi Thơm - Asking Ss to read the questions and the text again, then work in pairs. - Have Ss play a game : Guessing game. ( each student writes a sentence in the text ) - Set homeworks Individually - play a game - Listen and copy. her old school. e. She is unhappy because she misses her parents and her friends. * PRODUCTION(4’) * HOMEWORK (1’) - Learn by heart part 2 and write the answers in the exercise book. - Do exercise 3,4 in work book. - Prepare A3,4,5-R * Experience from the lesson: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ****************************************************************** Week 02 Period 05 The date of preparing: 22-08-10 The date of teaching:26 -08-10 UNIT 1 : BACK TO SCHOOL A. Friends (A 3,4,5-R) I/ Objectives : After the lesson, students will review the greetings and introduce themselves II/ Language Contents: 1 / Grammar : - Present simple tense and question words “ Wh” . 2 / Vocabulary : family name, middle name, live,age, home addres III/ Teaching Aids : Pictures , posters , cues . IV/ Procedures: 1. Check attendance 2. Review of the lesson: 3. Today’s lesson: Teacher’s & Students’ activities Contents Complement GV: NGUYỄN TRÍ TÀI LESSON PLAN 7 7 Trường PTCS Bãi Thơm Warm up :(5’) A 3 (7’) Listen . Then practice with a partner . (?) How do you say greeting to your friends when you meet him? (?) How do you say greeting to your teacher or an older person when you meet -T : Asks Pupils to say the statements to greet people . -T : Asks Ss to look at the pictures and introduces person . ( Nga, Mr Tan) . -T : Asks Ss question like this : ? What do they do ? -T : Asks Ss to listen to the dialogue to check Ss’ predictions . -T : Asks Ss listen to the dialogue twice to check understading -T : asks Ss to work in pairs. -T : Calls some pairs to read before the class . A 4 (12’) - listen and say the statements to greet people . - look at the pictures and do as the teacher requests . - Ss : listen and answer the questions . - Ss : listen again to check what they can predict . - Ss : listen and do the exercises as the teacher requests . - Ss : work in pairs , then changing the roles . - Ss : some pairs practice the dialogue in front of the class . Vocabulary: - see you later - How are you today? - How is everything? - just fine - not bad - pretty good Dialogue A GV: NGUYỄN TRÍ TÀI LESSON PLAN 7 8 How are you today? Just fine How are you? Not bad. How is everything? Pretty good. How about you? OK. So am I Me, too. How are you today? Just fine How are you? Not bad. How is everything? Pretty good. How about you? OK. So am I Me, too. Trường PTCS Bãi Thơm Listen and complete the dialogue. -T : Asks Ss to give the greetings to everybody for different persons . -T : Introduces person of each dialogues (a,b). -T : Asks Ss listen to each dialogue once .(shut book ) . -T : Asks Ss listen again and choose the words in the box to complete the dialogue , ( missing words ) . -T : Calls some perform before the class . -T : Gives the keys . A 5 (10’) Listen . Write the letters of the dialoguesin the order you hear . -T : Asks ss to look at the pictures and guess situations . -T : Asks Ss to put the pictures in order by listening . -T : Calls some pairs to do before the class . -T : Gives the right keys . Ss : say greetings to everybody. Ss : listen . Ss : listen to each dialogue once.( shut book) . Ss : listen to the dialogue again and choose the words in the box to fill in the blanks . Ss : some pairs practice before the class , Ss : listen and check the answer keys . Ss : listen and look at the pictures to guess the situations . Ss : listen and put the letters in order . Ss : some Ss do in front of the class . Ss : listen and check the Mr. Tan: Hello, Lien. How are you? Miss Lien: Pretty good, thank you. How about you, Tan? Mr. Tan: Not bad, but I’m very busy. Miss Lien: Me, too. Dialogue B Nam: Good afternoon, Nga. How is everything? Nga: OK, thanks. How are you today, Nam? Nam: Just fine, thanks Nga: I’m going to lunch room Nam: Yes, So am I. A5 / Answer keys : c - b - d - a . GV: NGUYỄN TRÍ TÀI LESSON PLAN 7 9 Trường PTCS Bãi Thơm 4.Consolidation : - Introduce the part 5.Homework : - Ask Sts to answers . - Listen and note - Write homework “ Remember” - Learn by heart new words - Do exercises in book - Prepare part B1,2 * Experience from the lesson: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ****************************************************************** Week 02 Period 06 The date of preparing: 22-08-10 The date of teaching: 26-08-10 UNIT 1 : BACK TO SCHOOL B - Names and addresses ( B1,2) I/ Objectives : By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to ask and answer about personal information such as: name, age, address… II/ Language Contents: 1 / Grammar : - Present simple tense and question words “ Wh” . 2 / Vocabulary : family name, middle name, live,age, home addres III/ Teaching Aids : Pictures , posters , cues . III/ Procedures: 1. Check attendance 2. Review of the lesson: 3. Today’s lesson: Teacher’s & Students’ activities Contents Complement - Setting up the activities - Asking Ss to play game - Having Ss ask and In group In pairs * WARM –UP(5’) Noughts and Crosses . You 13 Quang Trung street Hoa Her mother Linh You father 40 Le loi street 19 Nam Grandmother GV: NGUYỄN TRÍ TÀI LESSON PLAN 7 10 [...]... - Asking Ss to Ss In pairs work in pairs reading the dialogue -Asking Ss to answer the question in pairs - Introducing the In pairs situation of part 2 - Asking Ss to complete the dialogue - Asking them to exchange the result with their partner - Giving some cues In pairs then ask Ss to practice in pairs 4.Consolidation : - Retell the main 60 - Listen and GV: NGUYỄN TRÍ TÀI Answers: a She is talking... about ……… Individually GV: NGUYỄN TRÍ TÀI 13 LESSON PLAN 7 the books and listen to the dialogue then answer some questions: + Where does Hoa live? + Is it far from school? + How does she get there? - Asking them to listen the dialogue again - Asking Ss to practice in pairs - Having Ss look at 4 pictures in part 5 - Askingthem to practice in pairs asking and answering about distances - Introducing the... numbers - Teacher explains how to read the number with a focus on combinations 3- Practice: - Teacher lets Ss read aloud the numbers - Then ask Ss practice in pairs - Teacher goes around the room to check the Ss’s work - Explain part 2 - Teacher plays the cassette (twice ) and UNIT 2: PERSONAL INFORMATION A- TELEPHONE NUMBERS - Look and takenotes - Ss repeat chorally / individually - Ss listen carefully -. .. pairs - Teacher guides Ss to complete the list - Listen and - Teacher corrects if do it necessary 4- Complete Consolidation: it - Complete the dialogue below: 5- Homework - Set homeworks 3- Listen: - What’s your telephone number? - 0219 871 586 - Learn by heart: number, wiosds - Listen and - Do exercises 1,2 in workbook copy - Prepare : Lesson 2: A3 - A4-A5 - Do at home * Experience from the lesson: ... carefully - Takenotes - Ss listen and copy in the notebooks - Ss read aloud them 1- Read *New words - Telephone directory (n) Ex: 8213800 75 50624 8222561 00: oh oh zero zero double oh (zero) 55: five five double five 222: triple two ( in the textbook page 1 9-2 0) a .73 45610 d 92599288 b 8269561 e 6 275 561 c 52 671 17 f 8230236 2- Listen and write the telephone numbers: - Practice in pairs - Listen - Listen and write... Tam - Ss copy b They’ll see a movie c They’ll meet at 6.45 d They’ll meet in front of the movie theater - Ss read - Ss listen and find the answer for the questions - Practice in pairs / answer individually * Marks a- Do you often read books every evening? b- What will you do tonight? - Ask Ss to practice in pairs then answer individually - Teacher checks - Copy Ss’ answers and gives answers key - Teacher... I’ll meet you soon cross- check the answers - Takenote the answers - Answer - Teacher asks Ss teacher’s some questions questions before listening - Close the - Teacher asks Ss to book and close their books and listen listen to the recording - Ss retell - Teacher lets ss retell Hoa’s number and the questions in - Practice in the conversation pairs - Then ask Ss to practice in pairs - Teacher guides Ss to... (6 ,7 – R) 26 GV: NGUYỄN TRÍ TÀI LESSON PLAN 7 Trường PTCS Bãi Thơm A, Objectives: After the lesson students can - read, pronunce the words in the text and answer the teacher’s question - get the information in the passage to fill in card - review the simple future tense to answer the question in part 7 - write birthday card in English B, Language contents: * Vocabulary : to invite, to join, to hope, invitation... LESSON PLAN 7 Trường PTCS Bãi Thơm Ss cross – checking their answer with their friends - Teacher calls some Ss to read the answer, then write them on the board - Teacher corrects the answer and Ss copy down in the notebooks 3Consolidation: - Retell the main lesson 4- Homework - Set homeworks Ss cross – checking - Read and write on the board - Copy the answers - Listen and note - Do at home - Learn: the... 6-R I- Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Students can - understand copy the necessary information through the dialogue - train the reading skillby the dialogue and answer the questions - review how to call and answer the calling II-Language contents: 1 Grammar: - Can I speak to Lan? - Where should we meet? - How will you get there? - take a bus, at the moment 2 Vocabulary: moment, to tell, again, . dialogue again - Asking Ss to practice in pairs - Having Ss look at 4 pictures in part 5. - Askingthem to practice in pairs asking and answering about distances . - Introducing the situation. dialogue, then explain some new words. - Asking Ss to listen to the tape - Asking Ss to Ss work in pairs reading the dialogue. -Asking Ss to answer the question in pairs - Introducing the situation. preparing: 1 5-0 8-1 0 The date of teaching: 1 7- 0 8-1 0 Introducing how to learn I. Objectives:: Sau khi học xong bài học, học sinh sẽ có thể: - Nắm đựợc sơ qua nội dung chương trình tiếng Anh 7 - Biết

Ngày đăng: 04/06/2015, 17:00

Xem thêm: Lớp 7 cả năm - in ngay

Mục lục

    The date of preparing:24-10-10 The date of teaching:28-10-10

    The date of preparing:24-10-10 The date of teaching:28-10-10

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    The date of preparing:31-10-10 The date of teaching:04-11-10

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    The date of preparing:07-11-10 The date of teaching:11-11-10

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