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Unit 8 Country life and city life-Tiếng anh 8 ....

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  • I. Objectives:

  • I. Objectives:

    • Why + do / aux. V + S + Vm + O . . . ?

  • I. Objectives

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Week: 16 th Period: 47 th UNIT 8 COUNTRY LIFE AND CITY LIFE Lesson 1 GETTING STARTED & LISTEN AND READ I. Objectives: 1. Educational aim: students get acquainted with the topic “Country Life And City Life”. 2. Teaching aim: By the end of the lesson , students will be able to talk about the city life the country life. II. Language contents: 1. Vocabulary: beautiful views, fresh food , traffic jam, relative, peaceful, permanently, remote, medical, accessible, definitely, change for the better. 2. Grammar: - Present progressive. - Comparative and superlative adjective. III. Techniques: Eliciting, True / False IV. Teaching aids : pictures, cassette, sub board. V. Procedures: Teacher’s activities 1. Warm –up -Asking some questions. a. Where do you live? b. Do you want to live in the country? Why? c. Do you want to live in the city? Why? 2. Pre-reading -Teach the new words. beautiful views (n): cảnh đẹp fresh food (n): thức ăn tươi traffic jam(n): tắt nghẽn giao thơng relative(n): họ hàng peaceful(adj): yên bình, thanh bình permanently(adv):lâu dài, mãi mãi remote(v): xa xôi, hẻo lánh medical facilities (adj): cơ sở vật chất cho y tế. accessible (adj): (có thể) tiếp cận được definitely(adv): xác đònh, đònh rõ change for the better: thay đổi theo chiều hướng tốt hơn - Ss how to read the words in the text. 3. While -reading: - Play the tape. Ask them to read the dialogue again. Answer the questions. Students’ activities -Answer. -Guess the meaning. -Copy the new words. -Role-play. -Read and check. -Work in pairs. - Answer the questions. 101 a) Where has Na been? Na has been to Kim Lien Village. b) How long was she there? She was there for the weekend. c) What is her opinion of the countryside? To her, the countryside is peaceful and quiet and there is nothing to do. d) Na said, “There is nothing to do”, what does she mean by this? There is no libraries, no movies, no supermarkets, no zoo… e) What are some of the change that Hoa mentions? Country is becoming better. Many remote area are getting electricity. People can now have things like refrigerators and TV medical facilities are more accessible. 4. Post -reading -divide the class into 4 groups. Two groups include students who prefer the city life and the others include students who prefer the country life. -ask them to work in groups to answer the questions. Do you prefer the city or the country life? Why? -ask them to report. 5. Homework: -Write 5 sentences about your country life or city life . -Do exercises in Workbook. -Prepare the part: Speak and listen a. Na has been to Kim Lien Village. b. She was there for the weekend. c. To her, the countryside is peaceful and quiet and there is nothing to do. d. There is no libraries, no movies, no supermarkets, no zoo… e. Country is becoming better. Many remote area are getting electricity. People can now have things like refrigerators and TV medical facilities are more accessible. -work in groups. -report. VI. Comments __________  _____________ Week: 16 th Period: 48 th 102 UNIT 8 COUNTRY LIFE AND CITY LIFE Lesson 2 SPEAK + LISTEN I. Objectives: 1. Educational aims: Students know the difference about the city life and the country life. 2. Teaching aim : By the end of the lesson, students will be able to practice speaking about the changes of a place II. Language contents: 1. Vocabulary: 2. Grammar: - Present progressive/ - Comparative and superlative adjective. III. Techniques: Brainstorming, eliciting. IV Teaching aids: picture, cassette. V. Procedures: Teacher’s activites 1. Warm-up -Have the students answer some questions * Have you ever been in the city? * Do you prefer the city or the country? 2. Pre-speaking Look at the pictures then comparative the city and the country. The words in the box under the pictures may help the students. - Write the words prompts on the board so that can speak easily. Traffic busy Sky cloudy Houses high City beautiful Trees green 3. While -speaking - Get them to work in pairs. - Monitor and help students speak. - Have students practice in groups or individual - Check the mistakes and correct the answers. * Possible answer. - The town is becoming busier and noisier. - The traffic is becoming busy. - The buildings are becoming taller, more beautiful and modern. - The streets are getting dirty. - Things are getting more expensive. 4. Post – Speaking: - Ask students to talk about the change in your hometown. Student’ activites Answer. -Work in groups -Individuals -Work in pairs. -work in pairs. - Talk about the change in your hometown. - Listen and fill 103 - Set the scene: “Aunt Hang is talking to Lan on the phone. She is coming to visit Lan in Hanoi”. - Ask them to listen to the tape and complete the dialogue on page 74. - Let them listen twice and find out the missing words. - Ask them to share their answer with their partners. - Call some students to read. 1. that 2. this 3. It’s 4. Where 5. From 6. coming 7. next week 8. arriving 9. Thursday 10. late afternoon 11. get LISTENING 1. Pre-listening - Introduces the content of the dialogue -Asks sts to to read the dialogue carefully,then guess and complete the dialogue 2. While-listening -Plays the tape twice -Call some pairs of students to read the dialogue 3. Post-Listening -Give the answer key: 1. that 2. this 3. It’s 4. Where 5. from 6. coming 7. week 8. arriving 9. Thursday 10. late 11. afternoon 12. speak 13. my 14. get 5. Homework: Do exercises in Workbook Prepare: Unit 8 ( READ ) -do the exercises. - Write homework. -Listen to the teacher -Guess and complete the dialogue -Listen and complete -Listen to the tape and complete the dialogue -Check their result them selves *The content of listening Lan: Hello Aunt Hang: Hello, Is that Lan Lan: Yes. Who is this? Aunt Hang:It’s Aunt Hang. How are you? Lan: I’m fine. Where are you phoning from? Aunt Hang:Hue.I’m calling to tell you your Uncle Chi and I are coming to visit you next week Lan:Great! When are you arriving? Aunt Hang:On Thursday. We’re arriving in Ha Noi in the late afternoon Lan: Ok, Do you want to speak to my Mom? Aunt Hang: Yes, please Lan: Hold on a moment and I’ll get her Week: 17 th Period: 49 th 104 UNIT 8 COUNTRY LIFE AND CITY LIFE Lesson 3 READ I. Objectives : -By the end of the lesson, students should know more about the country life and the city life. -Reading comprehension about the problem of people from the countryside moving to the city. -By the end of the lesson, students will be able to understand the text about one of the social problem . II/ Language contents: 1. Vocabulary: rural, urban, well-paying, struggle, typhoon, flood, drought, destroy, increase, put a strain on, supply, tragedy 2. Grammar: (review) III/ Techniques: Skimming, scanning. Question and answer. True or false, brainstorming, multiple choice. IV/ Teaching aids: Picture, textbook. V. Procedures: Teacher’s activities 1. Warm up: *Jumbled words: -Write the words with disordered letters on the board: -fulenlpti - poontipula - tanaru – viroedp – suertl - lfdoo - roestdy 2. Pre-Reading : -Introduce the country life and the city life -Have student read silently the text and find the new words. + Explain some new words. - rural, urban, traditional, well paying, struggle, typhoon, flood, drought, destroy, increase, overcrowding, live apart, 3. While-Reading: *Gap-fling: -Have Students read the text again then fill in the blanks for the exercise 1/p75. Check and correct the answer. -Get feedback. *Answer key: 1. leaving 2. home 3. city 4. rural 5. rural 6. problems 7. schools 8. hospital 9. problem 10. world *Finding the words: Students’ activities -Play the game -Go to the board and write the correct words -plentiful – population – natural- provide – result – flood - destroy -Read silently. -Give out the new words. Read the text again and notice how to pronunciation new words. -Read the text again then fill in the blanks for the exercise 1/p75. -Work in pairs. -Give the answer. 105 -Have students read the text again then fill in the blanks for the exercise 1/p75. - Have students write the answers on their mini board. -Get feedback a. of the country b. as many as needed c. become greater or larger d. a great pressure e. a terrible event f. of the city or city life 4. Post-Reading: *discussion -Giving situation: If you were a Minister, what would you do for farmers? -Ask students work in groups and possible answers: +Build streets, theaters, stadium in the country +Build schools, hospital +Provide clean, electricity, facilities +Build factory 5 .Homework : -Rewrite the answer -Do exercises : (Workbook) -Lean new words by heart. -prepare the next lesson. (Writing) Read the text again then fill in the blanks for the exercise 1/p75. - Write the answers on their mini board. -Give the answer a. rural b. plentiful c. increase d. strain d. tragedy f. urban -Work in groups. - -write homework. VI. Comment __________  _____________ Week: 17 th Period: 50 th UNIT 8 COUNTRY LIFE AND CITY LIFE Lesson 4 WRITE I. Objectives: 106 -Writing letters to friends about the neighborhood. -By the end of the lesson, students will be able to write letters to their friends. II/ Language contents: 1/ Vocabulary: Ss’ background knowledge. 2/ Structures: the present simple tense. III/ Techniques: Questions and answers, group work, cross check. IV/ Teaching aids: Textbook. V. Procedures: Teacher’s activities 1. Warm up : - Ask them to put the out line for an informal letter in the correct order -Prepare 6 cards with 6 out line on them -Call six students to rearrange them in the correct order. -Write the answer on the board so that Ss can answer the outline of the letter. *a formal letter: 1. Heading: -Writer’s address. - Date 2. Opening : -Dear 3. Body of the letter: 4. Closing: 2. Pre-Writing: Ask Ss some questions -“Do you often write a letter to your friend? Or Did you receive a letter you’re your fiend?” -Ask Ss to work in pairs to answer the questions in exercise 2 (page 76) Give feedback a. Where do you live? b. What does your house look like? c. What can you see from your bedroom window? d. How far is it from your house to school ? e. What kind of facilities are there in your neighborhood? f. What thing in your neighborhood do you like best ? Why? -Check and correct. 3 .While-Writing: Students’ activities - Whole class. -Look at the card and choose the suitable outlines. - Take note the outline on the books and try to remember. -Answers - Work in pairs . a. I live in a small town /big house /village . b. My house looks very nice/small with 4/5 rooms c. From my bedroom window, I can see a small park with many green trees and colorful flowers. d. It’s very near so I can walk to school . e. There is a hospital, a post office, two schools a market …… f. I like ……….best .Because………. 107 -Introduce the context . -Ask Ss to write letter to friend about their neighborhood. -Let them write individually -Ask ss to compare with their partners and correct if they can. 4. Post-Writing: -Choose some letters to correct before class. Model letter Dear Lan! Thanks for your letter. I’m pleased to tell you about my new house. Now I live in a small house on Dong Khoi street. It’s small but really beautiful. From my bedroom window, I can see a green rice paddy and a river. It’s not very far from my home to my school, about 1 km. So I walk to school everyday. In my neighborhood, there is a stadium, which I like best because I can go there to play soccer. I hope you can come to my place some day. Love Hai Thuy -Get feedback / Correct mistakes 5. Homework: -Do exercise inwork book. -Prepare the next lesson. - Share and compare with other group -Read - Write letter to friend about their neighborhood -Write (Individual) - Compare with their partners and correct (self-correct / teacher corrects) - Read the letter. -Write homework. VI. Comments __________  _____________ 108 Week: 17 th Period: 51 th UNIT 8 COUNTRY LIFE AND CITY LIFE Lesson 5 LANGUAGE FOCUS I. Objectives: - Talk about the future events. - Talk about the differences. II. Language contents: - Grammar: The present progressive. Comparative and superlative adjectives. - Vocabulary: Long adjectives and short adjectives III. Techniques: Speaking, Writing, Completing. IV. Teaching aids: Pictures, Books, Real objects. V. Procedures: Teacher’s activities 1.2. Language focus 1 Ask them to do the exercise 1 on page 77. - Call on some students to practice the dialogue. - Give them the shipping information and ask them to make similar dialogues. Example: S1: is the boat to Quy Nhon leaving at 11.30? S2: Is that good fortune? S1: That’s right. S2: I’m very sorry. It’s been delayed. S1: Oh no S2: Now, it’s leaving at 13.35. Example 2. S1:s the boat from Canada arriving at 11.00? S2: Are you talking about Diamond Eyes? S1: Yes. S2: it’s arriving on time. 2. Language focus 2 - Ask them to use the suitable verbs the present progressive tense to complete the dialogue in exercise 2 page 78. -get some pairs to practice the dialogues before the class and correct. * Answer Students’ activities - Practice with a partner. S1: The boat from Canada arriving at 11.00? S2: Are you talking about Diamond Eyes? S1: Yes. S2: it’s arriving on time. - Give the answer: a. am playing b. are doing a. am watching d. am going e. are cleaning f. am having 109 a. am playing b. are doing a. am watching d. am going e. are cleaning f. am having 3. Language focus 3 - Give the form: Be + V- ing Use: describe changes with “get” and “become” - Ask them to do the exercises. - Give the answer. a. The boys are getting tall. b. The old men are becoming weak. c. It is getting dark. d. The weather is getting cold. e. The students are getting better. f. The schoolyard is becoming cleaner. 4. Language focus 4.5 Remind students of the form of comparative and superlative a. Comparative -…short adjective-ER+than +…… -…more + Long Adjectives + than +……… b. Superlative S + Be + The + Short Adjective – EST + …… S + Be + The + Most - long Adjective + … c. Irregular adjectives: Good / well - better - the best Bad - worse - the worst Many - more - the most Little - less - the least c. Practice : -Ask students to do exercise 4 on page 79 -They have to work in pairs to make the different between the city and the country about food ,traffic, transport, air, entertainment, medical facilities, school, electricity with the adjectives easy, expensive, cheap, good, bad, poor, big, accessible, fresh . -Have students correct themselves. -Then correct for them. - Give the answer. a. The boys are getting tall. b. The old men are becoming weak. c. It is getting dark. d. The weather is getting cold. e. The students are getting better. f. The schoolyard is becoming cleaner. - Give structures - Give examples - Listen and write - Do exercises 4 - Work in pairs - Correct - Do exercise 5 110 [...]... ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 1 Theme: Personal information, Education, Communities 2 Topic: Friends, House and home, Our past, School life and study habits, Shopping, Neighborhood, Country life and city life 3 Speaking Ask and respond to questions 4 Writing: Using words cues Write a short paragraph 5 Reading:- Read a passage 50 -80 words for invention 6 Listening: Listen to a paragraph about family 7... % Điểm 0 - 3 SL % 22 23 Week: 18th Teaching Day: 24/12/2012 123 THE FIRST TERM EXAMINATION I Objectives Rechecking the knowledge of the students from unit 1 to unit 8 RESULT Khối lớp Tổng số 8A2 8A3 22 24 Điểm từ 5 trở lên SL 19 17 % 86 ,4 70 ,8 Điểm từ 8 trở lên SL 11 0 % 50 0 Điểm từ 3 trở xuống SL 0 1 % 0 4,2 COMMENTS: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………... enjoy………………….jokes a to tell b tell c telling d told 6 Deaf-mutes can……… speak………….hear A both……… .and B not only………but also C neither….nor D either…nor 7 Alexander Graham Bell …………… the telephone in 187 6 A emigrated B demonstrated C transmitted D invented 8 Alexander Graham Bell was born ………………….March 3 , 184 7 a on b at c during d in 9 he’ll come ……………to pick you ……………… a on/in b over/ on c in / up d... structures -Prepare: Commands, request and advice in reported speech VI Comments  _ th Week: 17 Teaching Day: 21/12/2012 REVISION OF THE FIRST TERM I Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students should understand all words and structures they have learnt II Language contents: 1 Vocabulary: review 2 Grammar * Commands, request and advice in reported... By the end of the lesson, students should understand all words and structures they have learnt II Language contents: 1 Vocabulary: review 2 Grammar : to – infinitives, bare – infinitives, gerund III Teaching aids : IV Techniques: True / False guessing, question-answer, multiple choice V Procedures: Review all the structures from unit 1 to unit 8 Acticity 1 FORM OF VERBS: (DẠNG ĐỘNG TỪ) Có 3 dạng ĐT:... of them have come from the countryside because there are more jobs here I live in an apartment near the city center It is a busy, exciting place It has cinemas and shops, but unfortunately there is a lot of traffic, too Many tourist come from all over the world to see the pyramids, which are near the city I like Cairo because it is big and exciting I have a lot of friends and it is easy to meat new... 3 A 4 B 5 C 6.B 7 A 8 D 9 C II (5pts- 1.0pt/1s) 1 Ba asked Lan to give him a pen 2 Bill isn’t as intelligent as Tom 3 We haven’t learned/learnt English for three years 4 Lan hasn’t written to me since last year 5 I used to go to the beach when I lived in Nha Trang IV RESULT Khối lớp Tổng số 8A2 8A3 Điểm >= 5 SL % Điểm 8 - 10 SL % 10 D Điểm < 5 SL % Điểm 0 - 3 SL % 22 23 Week: 18th Teaching Day: 24/12/2012... ……………………………………………………………………………… * KEY AND MARKS : 1 5Marks : - (1 m / 1 s ) Students answer themselves 2 5 Marks : - (1 m / 1 s ) a Minh is not as tall as Ba b Her sister is not as intelligent as her c.Hoa is the best student in my class d Your bag is not the same as mine(my bad) c A shirt is cheaper than a dress Khối Tổng Điểm >= 5 Điểm 8 - 10 Điểm 0 - 3 Ghi chú lớp số SL % SL % SL % 22 8A2 23 8A3 V Comments: ... skill) 12 (Scout / Scouting / Scouting) began in England in 1907 13 The boys are (get / getting / gets) taller IV Homework -learn by heart structures V Comments  _ Week: 18th Teaching Day: 23/12/2012 REVISION OF THE FIRST TERM 117 I Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students should understand all words and structures they have learnt II Language contents:... in the sun Review all the structures from unit 1 to unit 8 1 I ………………… a letter from my old fiend last week 120 a sent b gave c received d took 2 “Would you ……………………to go to the movies with me?” “I’d love to” A like b want c love d mind 3 He is not ………………………… get married a enough old to b enough old for c old enough to d old enough for 4 her mother ………………this city 2 years ago a left b leaves c is leaving . 47 th UNIT 8 COUNTRY LIFE AND CITY LIFE Lesson 1 GETTING STARTED & LISTEN AND READ I. Objectives: 1. Educational aim: students get acquainted with the topic Country Life And City Life moment and I’ll get her Week: 17 th Period: 49 th 104 UNIT 8 COUNTRY LIFE AND CITY LIFE Lesson 3 READ I. Objectives : -By the end of the lesson, students should know more about the country life. refrigerators and TV medical facilities are more accessible. -work in groups. -report. VI. Comments __________  _____________ Week: 16 th Period: 48 th 102 UNIT 8 COUNTRY LIFE AND CITY LIFE

Ngày đăng: 02/06/2015, 21:54

