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Sở GD & ĐT Lào Cai Đề thi chọn GVDG cấp tỉnh THCS Năm học : 2010 - 2011 (Đề thi chính thức) (Thí sinh không làm vào tờ giấy thi ) I.Choose the word that has underlined part pronounced differently from the rest.(1pt) 1. A.thick B. think C. thus D. thin 2. A. foot B. school C. book D. good 3. A. Knew B. grew C. threw D. flew 4. A. lose B. close C. chose D. rose II. Give the correct form of the words in brackets to complete the sentences. (1pt) 1. Most at the international workshop in Tokyo focused on the increase of the earth temperature. (ENVIRONMENT) 2. It was a complete due to foor planning . ( FAIL) 3. I am afaid you have me because that is not what I mean. ( UNDERSTAND) 4. Television can make things more because it brings both sounds and pictrures. (MEMORY) III. Supply the correct tense or form of the verb in the brackets to complete the passage below.(1pt) Please visit Big Ben . It is the worlds most famous clock (1. stand ) next to the House of Parliament in London . Big Ben is the name of the bell which (2. chime) every hour. The bell was named after Sir Benjamin Hall, who (3. give) the task of hauling the bell up the clock tower . One interesting thing about the clock is that the light shines above the belfry , it ( 4. mean) that the House of Common is still in session. IV. Fill in each numbered blank with one suitable word.(1pt) In Britain, ther is a holiday now which people call Mothers Day. In the old days many girls from working - class (1) in towns and cities and from farmers families in the country worked in rich houses. They had to do all the housework and their working day was usually (2) Sunday in March, they could visit their mothers . They went home on that day and (3). Presents for their mothers and for other members of their families. They could stay at home only one day, and then they went back to their work. People call that day Mothering Day or Mothering Sunday. Later workers at the factories and girls who worked in the houses of rich families received one free day a week, and Mothering Day became MotherDay. It is (4). Last Sunday in March. V. Read the passage and choose the best answer A, B, C, or D for each question.(1pt) Our demand for water is constantly increasing. Every year there are more and more people in the world. Factories turn out more and more products and need more and more water. We live in a world of water. But almost of it about 97%- is the oceans. Only 3% of the world’s water is fresh. Most of this water is not easily available to man because it locked in glaciers and caps. There is as much water on earth today as there will ever be. Most of the water we use finds its way to the oceans. There, it is evaporated by the sun. It then fall back to the earth as rain. Water is used and reused over and over again. It is never used up. Although the world as a whole has plenty of fresh water, some regions have a water shortage. Rain does not fall evenly over the earth. Some regions are always too dry, and other too wet. A region that usually gets enough rain may suddenly have a serious dry and another region may be flooded with too much rain. 1.All of the following statements can be inferred from the text except…… A. We need more and more water. B. The population of the world is increasing every year. C. Most of the world’s water is locked in glaciers and ice caps. D. Factory also need more water. 2. Which of the following is NOT true about the world water?’ A. The vast majority of the world’water is oceans water. B. Ocean water is salty enough to be used for drinking, farming, and manufacturing. C. Most of fresh water is locked in glaciers and ice caps. D. The percentage of fresh water is very small. 3. What can be inferred about water? A. The amout of water on earth is always the same. B.Water will probably be exhausted. C. Water can be used once only. D. Most of water we use is rain water. 4. The phrasal verb “turn out” in the second line of the passage is closets in meaning to ……. A. sell B. prove to be C. switch off D. produce VI. Use the word given in brackets and make any necessary additions to write a new sentence in such a way that it is as similar as possible in meaning to the original sentence . Do not change the form of the given word.(1pt) 1.I said : “Don’t be lazy, Nam”. (told) 2. Susan was too excited to sleep. (that) 3. Sandra said that she was willing to work late. ( mind) 4. The coins are believed to be buried for safekeeping. (It) VII. In about 150 words write a paragraph about “ What do you usually do to have a good health?” (1pt) . Sở GD & ĐT Lào Cai Đề thi chọn GVDG cấp tỉnh THCS Năm học : 2010 - 2011 (Đề thi chính thức) (Thí sinh không làm vào tờ giấy thi ) I.Choose the word that has underlined part pronounced differently. clock (1. stand ) next to the House of Parliament in London . Big Ben is the name of the bell which (2. chime) every hour. The bell was named after Sir Benjamin Hall, who (3. give) the task of. planning . ( FAIL) 3. I am afaid you have me because that is not what I mean. ( UNDERSTAND) 4. Television can make things more because it brings both sounds and pictrures. (MEMORY) III. Supply

Ngày đăng: 26/05/2015, 06:00




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