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Bài tập Giới Từ

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PREPOSITION I) FILL IN EACH BLANK WITH A SUITABLE PREPOSITION Ex1: 1. I am hungry. What’s…………….dinner this evening? 2. I think I need a bit of exercise. Shall we go ……………a walk? 3. ……………… my opinion, violent film shouldn’t be shown on TV. 4. Do you know any songs………………by The Beatle? 5. I mustn’t eat too much. I am supposed to be…………… a diet. 6. There was panic when people realized the building was…………… fire. 7. The weather was terrible when we were……………… holiday in Scotland. 8. Next month I am going to Paris ……………a short holiday. 9. Where did you go……………your holiday last year? 10. I won’t be at work next week. I’ll be …………… holiday. 11. We are going…………… holiday with some friends. 12. I wouldn’t like to go………….a cruise. I think I would get bored. 13. The shop assistant didn’t accept my cheque and assisted that I paid ……… cash. 14. Ann reads a lot of books written………… America writers. 15. Did you hear the news this morning……………the radio. 16. It was only………………the accident that I found out who the man really was. 17. When we went to Rome, we went…………….a tour around the city. 18. I wouldn’t like his job. He spends most of his time talking…………the phone. 19. What’s the music? I can’t remember the title bit I know it’s………… Beethoven. 20. When I was 14, I went……………a trip to France organized by my school. 21. Ann liked the dress, but………… my opinion it didn’t suit her. 22. I asked to see the office………… on duty. 23. I don’t think it was an accident. He did it …………….purpose. 1 24. I met Mary at the market quite……………….by chance. 25. You must book the tickets……………… advance. 26. …………… dawn, they start the journey. 27. Look! That house is ……………… fire. 28. Have you ever been………………love with anybody? 29. The new products are…………….display in the shop. 30. Police want to question the man……………… connection with the robbery. 31. He earns $5000 per year………………average. 32. ……………addition to doing the house work I look after a boy. 33. My uncle is …………… debt because he has been out of work for a year. 34. There are no train today, the railway workers are……………….strike. 35. I want to talk with you………….private. 36. The president appeared ………………public for the first time yesterday. 37. I can’t pay………… cash, but I can pay……………cheque. 38. I can’t help you now, I am …………… hurry. 39. They were late………… account of the rain. 40. He is making a speech……………… behalf of his company. 41. You can borrow my dictionary…………….condition that you keep it carefully. 42. There are 500 passengers……………….board. 43. Put the books………… order. 44. The food isn’t cheap, …………………the contrary it is very expensive. 45. Peter and Jane have many interests ………………… common. 46. …………….second thoughts she decided to go with them. 47. You must book the tickets………… advance. 48. Nobody doesn’t want to live………… peace. 49. ……………conclusion I’d like to express my deep gratitude do all of you. 50. You will be…………… trouble if you come late. 51. She answer the questions…………… confidence. 52. Is that book still……………… print? 53. …………… the opinion of the most people, the clubs should be earlier. 54. The bus was……………… collision with l lorry. 2 EX2: 1. I have just received an invitation………………….a wedding next week. 2. The cause………….the fire in the hotel last night is still unknown. 3. Mary showed me a photograph…………….the hotel where she stayed during her holiday. 4. Money isn’t the solution……………….every problem. 5. The two companies are completely independent. There is no connection………………….them. 6. When I opened the envelop I was delighted to find a cheque ………… $500. 7. Have you seen this picture………………….the town as it looked 100 years ago. 8. Sorry I haven’t written to you so long. The reason…………… this is that I’ve been ill recently. 9. The advantage………………having a car is that you don’t’ have to rely on public transport. 10. There are many advantages………………being able to speak a foreign language. 11. There has been a sharp rise…………………. the cost of living in the past few years. 12. The front door is locked. Have you got the key……………… the back door? 13. Bill and I used to be good friends but I don’t have much contact……………him now. 14. I’ve never met Carol, but I’ve seen a photograph………………her. 15. Tom’s reaction…………………my suggestion was not very enthusiastic. 16. What were George’s reason……………… giving up his job? 17. The fact that he got a job in the company has no connection……………… the fact that his father is the director. 18. I wrote Jim last week, but I still haven’t received a reply……………my letter. 19. There are some differences …………………………British and American English. 20. I have a number of complaints……………….the hotel room. 21. We take pride………………our city. 3 22. My sister has a fear……………… heights so she doesn’t want to climb to the mountains. 23. I have pleasure…………………seeing you again. 24. He has a lot of contribution……………….the factory. 25. My brother is an explorer, he has curiosity……………… the distant lands. 26. Everybody knew his cruelty……………… his children. 27. There is a great need………………….a new book on this subject. 28. I have little confidence……………….him. 29. They sent me a cheque……………$100. 30. The firm closed down because there wasn’t enough demand ……………its product. 31. The train was late but no one knew the reason………………the delay. 32. Do you think we will find solution………………… this problem? 33. There has been an increase ………………road accidents recently. 34. She had to pay a fine………………….driving the car without license. 35. Don’t forget your duty………………your mother. 36. She has a dislike…………………sweets. 37. Pay attention…………………your study. 38. They take a great delight………………….teasing him. 39. Have you the opportunity……………….meeting her? 40. A lot of people have great dislike………………snakes. 41. We are carrying out on experiment…………….physics in the school lab. 42. I have never driven a car for fear …………………an accident. 43. She has fondness…………………her granddaughter. 44. My younger brother has great passion…………….detective stories. 45. Physical exercise is a good remedy…………… all diseases. 46. The boss doesn’t pay attention…………….workers ‘request …………………help. 47. What is your decision………………… that case? 48. They are using a new treatment………………… cancer. 49. The TV has little attraction………………me. 50. My brother has a great ambition………………….wealth and honor. 51. He doesn’t have a suitable ability………………his job. 4 II) CHOOSE THE BEST ANSWER: 1. I am very interested……………….football. (of/ in/for.) 2. Would you like some wine………… the meal? (To/ for/ with) 3. I’ll be back………… an hour.( In/ for/ after) 4. Is John married………… Eva. (by/ to/ with) 5. I’ve been learning English…………….2 years. (For/ in/ since) 6. I went to Stockholm………….air.( with/ on/ by.) 7. I bought my son a bicycle………… his birthday. (For/ to/ in) 8. I was in the Army ……………… the War. (Under/ for/ during.) 9. He lives……… the corner of the streets.( By/ at/ with) 10. Don’t speak ………………him now. He’s not feeling well.( At/ to/with) 11. Why are you …………….such a bad mood today? In/ on/ at 12. Where are you going ……………… your holiday? (To/ under/ for) 13. My wife has just been…………….Spain.( to/ at/ in) 14. That’s really typical…………….John. He says he’ll come but he never turns up. (For/ of/ to) 15. I must be home…………11.30 at the latest.( On/ by/ at) 16. I’ve known him……………many years. (For/ since/ in) 17. My children are really looking forward…………Christmas.( Against/ at/ to) 18. Do you usually have a holiday………… Easter? (at/ on/ for) 19. I haven’t since John………………he got married.( For/ before/ since) 20. What time do you usually get up…………… the morning? (On/ at/ in) 21. My son’s really afraid……………dogs.( Of/ for/ with) 22. I’m afraid I’m not good………English. (In/ with/ at) 23. See you……………4 o’clock then. (On/ at/ in) 24. There is no point…………….saving nowadays, is there? (To/ with/ in) 25. I’m very disappointed………… him. (on/ in/ of) 26. Who else was………….the party on Saturday?( At/ on/ to) 27. he has difficulty…………… starting the car. (With/ to/ in) 28. What do English people eat…………… Christmas? (to/ at/ under) 29. That music was written…………… Beethoven. (of/ with/ by) 30. I m very conscious…………….my big nose. (Of / in/ with) 5 31. The police car chased the robber…………the streets. (Among/ on/ through) 32. I’m looking…………… my lighter. Have you seen it? (To/ after/ for) 33. I haven’t smoked………… ages.( for/ since/ at) 34. I’m tired ……………learning English. (On/ of/ with) 35. Here – divide this bar of chocolate……………yourselves.( In/ among/ with) 36. His opinion differs…………….mine.( to/ from/ with) 37. There is no need to wait……………me. (On/ by/ for) 38. If you don’t know what a word means, you can always look it………in a dictionary. (On/ over/ up) 39. He was proud………… being English. (Of / over/ with) 40. I’m not keen……………classical music.( Of/ on/ for) 41. He lives……….the sea.( On/ at/ near) 42. For the last time, will you listen………………me.( To/ on/ at) 43. I see that John’s finally got engaged……………Jeanine. (With/ by/ to) 44. Did you receive that letter………… Keith? (by/ off/ from) 45. His music was………… inspired………… Beethoven.( of/ by/ from) 46. Every one knows the women are equal………….men. (with/ among/ to) 47. A lot of people were killed…………….the war. (Under/ for/ during) 48. You’re quite right. I agree……………you completely. (With/ on/ by) 49. This is something my wife bought me…………….my birthday. (To/ for/ at) 50. Would you like milk or water…………….the meal? (With/ for/ to) 51. I stayed………………a marvelous hotel last summer.( On/ by/ at) 52. …………… you and me, I think our teacher’s stupid. (With/ between/ among) 53. The headmaster accused the boy………………….stealing.( in/ to/ of) 54. I must apologize …………………being late.( To/ for/ on) 55. My parents don’t approve………… smoking. (of/ on/ at) 56. Do you believe…………god? (At/ to/ in) 57. I look forward…………….seeing you again. (At/ to/for) 58. I am very relying…………you. (On/ at/ to) 59. I get very annoyed………….you.( with/ at/ for) 60. The piece of paper burst…………… flames.( into/ to/ for) 61. Don’t always laugh…………….others! (to/ at/ about) 6 62. MY girl friend is getting tired……….me. (at/ to/ of) 63. Who is responsible…………….looking after the house? (To/ for/ at) 64. Can you think………….a synonym for stubborn? (To/ of/ at) 65. My wife is always complaining ………… her boss.( About/ with/ for) 66. Some women can cope………….both a job and family. (To/ at/ with) 67. I object………….the way you are saying. (To/ for/ at) 68. He never succeeds ……………inviting her to the cinema.( At/ for/ in) 69. Don’t let a good chance go…………. (By/ on/ off/ over) 70. Why are you angry………….me. (at/ with/ to) 71. I opened the door to see what was going………….( On/ off/ in) 72. ………….a river on land, an ocean current does not flow in a straight line. (Alike/ like/ likely) 73. ………the time you get there, the play will have finished. (Until/ in/ by/ on) 74. Don’t jump ………….the water. It is very deep.( At/ in/ into/ for) 75. Don’t jump ………… conclusion, we don’t know all the facts. (To/ into/ up/ for) 76. They are getting married……… the end of June.( On/ in/ at/ during) 77. He is not very…….at mathematics. (Good/ keen/ fond/ interested) 78. He is very………….on meeting people. (Fond/ keen/ sharp/ willing) 79. The plane is delayed. I haven’t taken………….yet. (off/ up/ out/ away) 80. It is too heavy for me to carry…………my own.( By/ on/ for/ to) 81. I don’t like living…………… myself. (on/ by/ to) 82. London lies…………the river Thames. (Over/ next/ at/ on) 83. They are not accustomed…………the hot weather.( With/ about/ to/ in) 84. We have been living here……… 1996.( in/ for/ since/ at) 85. I can never tell the difference…… American and Canadian accents. (From. In/ with/ between) 86. Baby birds depend…………their parents for food. (For/ on/ of/ by) 87. All my friends agreed to come apart………… James. (to/ with/ for/ from) 88. The show begins……….a wonderful display of singing and dancing. (By/ with/ in/ on) 89. He no longer seems to care………….football as he once did. (After/ about/ for/ towards) 90. You needn’t worry……………litter things. (About/ for/ with/ by) 7 91. You certainly cant’ accused me ………….being lazy. (To/ for/ of/ at) 92. He invited me…………a lesson. (In/ to/with/ of) 93. I spent a lot of money…………… books. (to/ on/ in/ for) 94. I borrowed books…………the local library. (In/ from/ to/ at) 95. They provided learners…………clothes and books. (With/ for/ to/ in) 96. The hat protected me…………….being injured. (From/ with/ to/for) 97. Thank you very much for reminding me……………the meeting. (Of/ for/ with/ about) 98. Whenever hearing this song, it reminds me…………… the time I was with him. (Of/ with/ for/ about) 99. They warned me…………not swimming far. (To/ about/ with/ of) 100. He congratulated me………… passing the exam. (On/ to/for/ about) I don’t believe in ghosts! Last year I stayed……… 1.( for/ since/ on) a few days………….2 (in/ on/ to) an old house in Scotland which was famous……….3. (with/ for/ from/ as) its ghost. I don’t really believe…… 4. (for/ to/ at/ in) ghost, so I’m not afraid………….5. (with/ for/ of/ by) them of course. So when me hosts suggested staying……………… 6.( at/ to/ up/ for) all night to see their ghost, I simply laughed……………… 7. (at/ with/ about/ to). Then they told me……………8. (for/ that/ which/ about)the woman who haunted their house. She has been accused…………….9.( that/ of/ for/ while) murdering her husband in the 18 th century because she had jealous…………….10. (of/ by/ to/ for), but she has avoided being tried and had disappeared. She appeared quite regularly, walking through the house as if she was searching…………11. (Like/ after/ with/ for) something. I agreed to watch that night, although it would mean sitting………….12. (to/ since/ after/ for) hours in the cold. Expected one of my friends to appear dressed…………… 13. (With/ for/ as/ in) the ghost,, and so when the figure of woman finally 8 came…………….14.( about/ towards/ round/ through) me, I pretended to be terrified. You can imagine my surprise when the figure took a knife……………15. (from/ to/ at/ for) her dress, and then vanished decided to disappear myself and drove home to London as……………16. (quickly/ then/ well/ though) as I could. 9

Ngày đăng: 24/05/2015, 21:00

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