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1. Ways of attracting attention, agreeing and refusing Cách gây chú ý, đồng ý và từ chối If you want to talk to someone it may be necessary first to attract their attention in a polite way. Also you are likely to be asked to do things which you may agree to do - or want to refuse. ¬ To attract someone’s attention: ë Er, excuse me ë Er, I say ë Er, Mr. Smith (if you know someone’s name) To agree: ë Yes, certainly. ë Sure. ë I’d be glad to. ë Yes, of course. ë Why, yes of course. ë By all means. ë No, not at all. ® To refuse: ë I’m sorry, but ë I’m afraid ë I’m awfully sorry, but you see … ë I’d like to say yes, but … ë I’d really like to help you, but … British people don’t like to refuse bluntly (in a plain, direct way). Instead, they usually give an excuse so as not to hurt people’s feelings. These excuses are sometimes called ‘little white lies’; but of course they shouldn’t involve serious or obvious lying 2. Ways of getting more information Cách hỏi thêm thơng tin ë Could you tell me a bit more about ? ë Sorry, but I’d like to know some more about ë I didn’t quite follow what you said about ë Sorry, that’s not quite what I meant, what I really wanted to know was ë Sorry to press you, but could you tell me ? Sorry, I don’t quite understand why 3. Ways of expressing feelings Cách diễn đạt cảm giác ë Let me explain how I’m feeling. ë Let me explain how I feel. ë Let me tell you my reaction to that. ë It’s not easy for me to say this, but I’m a bit upset about what happened. ë I will try to explain the way I’m feeling, but it’s not easy to do. ë I am uncomfortable about what happened because … . ë In my culture, we don’t usually talk about this, but I’d like to let you know how I feel 4. Ways of showing appreciation Cách bày tỏ sự cảm kích Thanking ë Thanks ë Thank you very much indeed. ë It’s very good of you ë Thanks for the present / gift. ë Thanks for a lovely evening. ë Thank you very much for doing what you did. You really helped me a lot. ë I really appreciate your help. It meant a lot to me. ë Thanks for all you’ve done. It was a great help. ë I couldn’t have done it without you. Thank you very much. ë I hope I can help you someday the way you helped me. Responding to thanks ë You’re welcome. ë Don’t mention it. ë Not at all. ë It’s a pleasure. ë My pleasure. ë Glad you enjoyed it. 5. Ways of extending invitations Cách mời mọc * Definite Invitations These include a time or date, a place and a yes/no question asking if a person can come. ở Can you come to my house for dinner Saturday night? ở Would you like to join us for dinner this evening? ở How about a drink in the bar before dinner tonight? ở Would you like to go out to dinner and the movies tonight? ở Are you and your family free to come over Saturday night? ở Would you like to spend the weekend with us in the mountains? * Indefinite invitations These do not include a specific time and place and may not include a yes/no question. When people extend indefinite invitations, they do not really know when and if they will get together with the other person. ở Lets get together sometime. ở We really should have lunch soon. ở Why dont we get together one of these days? ở Lets go out some weekend. 6. Ways of responding to invitations Caựch ủaựp laùi lụứi mụứi Accepting invitations ở Yes, Id really like to come. Thanks for inviting me. ở That sounds nice. Id be happy to come. ở Sure. I can come. (informal) ở Great. Ill be there. (very informal) ở Sounds good. Ill see you then. (informal) ở Thank you, Id love to. ở Thank you, Id be delighted. ở Thank you, that sounds very nice. ở An excellent idea. Declining invitations but showing interest in accepting another time ở Im afraid I cant make it that day. Can we make it another time? ở Im really sorry. We already have plans for that night. I hope well be able to make it another time. ở Saturday? [for example] Thats too bad. I have to go to a meeting that night. Lets try to plan for another day. ở Id really like to, but thats the day that my brothers going to be in town. Would it be possible to make it another day? đ Declining invitations and not showing interest in accepting another time ở No, Im sorry. Im busy that night. ở Thanks. I already have plans. ở No, Im not free then. Sorry. ở I cant make it then. ở Im afraid I need an early night - I have to say no. ở Im afraid I cant make it tonight. ở Id love to, but Ive got another engagement. ở Im sorry, but Ive got to leave every early tomorrow morning Delaying an answer ở Im not sure about that day yet. Let me go home and check my calendar. Ill let you know as soon as I can. ở The thirtieth? [for example] I think I may have something that day, but Im not sure. Ill call you tonight and let you know. ở I wont know if Ill be sure then until I talk to my cousins who are going to be in town [for example]. Let me call you after I talk to them. 7. Ways of avoiding certain topics Caựch traựnh noựi moọt soỏ chuỷ ủ ơ Money Although some people will tell you how much money they paid for something, many do not like to be asked such questions as: ở How much did your house cost? ở What did you pay for your car? ở How much did that dress cost? ở How much money do you make? Age Some people will answer questions about age, but many people would feel uncomfortable answering them. It is, however, a common question to ask of a child. đ Religion This is considered a personal question. Most people dont ask, What is your religion? when they first meet someone. The subject usually is not discussed until people know each other better. Physical Appearance People often compliment each other’s physical appearance, for example, ”Your hair looks nice,” or “I like your blouse.” However, they usually do not ask questions about this topic. For example, many Americans would not like to be asked: ë Is that your natural hair colour? ë How much do you weigh? ë Have you gained weight lately? (“Have you lost weight?” is usually acceptable, especially if you know that the person wants to lose weight.) ° Certain information about marriage There are some questions that are common and acceptable in other cultures about marriage that are not considered polite in the U.S. They include: ë When are you going to get married?” ë Why aren’t you married? ë When are you going to have children? (although sometimes it is acceptable to ask, “Are you planning to have children?” ë Why don’t you have children? Also, people usually don’t like to be told: ë You should get married soon. . sounds nice. Id be happy to come. ở Sure. I can come. (informal) ở Great. Ill be there. (very informal) ở Sounds good. Ill see you then. (informal) ở Thank you, Id love to. ở Thank you, Id be delighted. ở. another time ở Im afraid I cant make it that day. Can we make it another time? ở Im really sorry. We already have plans for that night. I hope well be able to make it another time. ở Saturday?. person wants to lose weight.) ° Certain information about marriage There are some questions that are common and acceptable in other cultures about marriage that are not considered polite in the

Ngày đăng: 01/05/2015, 15:00