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Practice Test 1 I. Choose the the most suitable word or phrase to complete the following sentences 1. I must go to the station______my friends are waiting for me A. which B. where C. who D. when 2. My sister is the girl______hat is the same as mine. A. who B. which C. whose D. whom 3. Can you show me the camera______in Japan? A. making B. to make C. made D. which makes 4. You can improve your______by reading books. A. knowing B. knowledge C. knowledgeable D. cultural 5. We are trying to make_____of our natural resources. A. useful B. usefully C. used D. use 6. ____animals are now protected by laws A. Dangerous B. Endangering C. Endangered D. Danger 7. We have a_____office in Ho Chi Minh city A. representing B. representative C. represent D. represented 8. He knows everything about cars. He is a_____mechanic A.good-training B. well-training C. good-trained D.well-trained 9. The man_____the white horse is my boss. A. riding B. rides C. rode D. is riding 10. Every day cars and motorbikes______a lot of petrol A. consumption B. consumers C. consumes D. consume 11. The U.S president, George Bush paid an______visit to Hanoi in 2006. A. office B. official C. officially D. officer 12. Electricity_____from the sun, the wind is environmentally friendly A. produced B. producing C. which produces D. which produced 13. Would you mind____me a book you have just bought? A. to land B. lending C. to borrow D. borrowing 14. Anyone____the bells first will have the right to answer the question. A. who rings B. who ring C. rang D. rings 15. Shut the door,_____? A. don’t you B. won’t you C. do you D. will you 16. I am your friend,____I? A. am not B. am C. aren’t D. do 17. We would rather_____slaves? A. dying to being B. to die than to be C. die than be D. die to be 18. If you_____5 minutes earlier, you would meet her. A. come B. came C. had come D. had came 19. His suits used to_____by my famous tailor. A. being made B. making C. be making D. be made 20. Neither she nor I_____responsible for that. It isn’t our duty A. are B. is C. am D. have II. Choose underlined word or phrase that must be changed in order for the sentence to be correct. 21. His mother makes him to get up early in the morning A B C D 22. The president was made resign by the repels A B C D 23. He is the most interested man I have ever met. A B C D 24. It’s him who has won the gold medal for men’s long jump A B C D 25. You have to keeping the books I lend you carefully. A B C D 26. Doctors are looking after the people who were serious injured in the accident. A B C D 27. That is your house, is that? A B C D 28. He never tells a lie. He is a dishonest man. A B C D 29. I prefer listening to music than playing chess A B C D 30. Only by improving our equipment we can increase our production A B C D 31. You can send the report neither by fax or by email A B C D 32. It was thought that he is living abroard A B C D 33. He hasn’t got neither a job nor a house A B C D 34.The first Native American to occupy what is now the southwestern United States were thee Big-Game Hunters, A B C which appeared about 10,000 B.C D 35.Most of the damage property attributed to the San Francisco earthquake of 1906 A B C resulted from the fire that followed D 36. A number of the American Indian languages spoken at the time of the arrival in the New World in the late A B C fifteen century have become extinct. D 37.I wonder if you would be kind enough helping me put this suitcase onto the rack A B C D 38. Houses destroying in the war are now being rebuilt. A B C D 39. In spite of the bad weather the plane was landing safely at Noi Bai airport. A B C D 40. I am fed up for being told what to do everyday by my father. A B C D. 41. If I had a lot of money I would travel around the world to see all wondering of the world. A B C D 42. Of the two landscapes that you have shown me this one is the most picturesque A B C D 43. This one is more interesting of the two books A B C D 44. This picture is colorfuler than the one in the hall A B C D 45. Among my students, he is the most intelligent than all A B C D 46. One of the more popular singers in the world is Michel Jacson A B C D 47. No sooner he had received the letter than he called Maria. A B C D 48. The more money you have, you want more A B C D 49. I am looking for a six quarts pressure cooker. A B C D 50. That recipe calls for many more sugar than hers does. A B C D III.Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to each question or statement. Passage I He has counted birds in the rain forests of South America. He has planted trees in Europe and he has studied whales in the Pacific Ocean. “On my last expedition I was in Hawaii. We were in a ssmall island. We got up at 6 a.m. Every morning and had our breakfast. Then we went out in the boats and we loked for whales. We spent most of the day in a boat. We photoghraphed the whales, counted them, and we recorded their songs. Whales sing to each other, you know? In the everning we put all the data into the computer. It was hard work, but we had a lot of fun, and I learnt a lot, too ”. Earthwatch has found volunteers for hundreds of expeditions. They’re all ordinary people-male and female, young and old, teachers, students, office workers, engineer. They’ve dug up dinosaur bones in North America and they’ve studied ancient civilizations in Central America and Australasia. 51. What does the word “he” in the passage refer to? A. a teacher B. a student C. an organization D.a volunteer 52. What did volunteer do in the Pacific Ocean? A.They studied whales B. They studied elephants C. They studied birds D. They studied animals 53. What exactly did they do? A.They took a lot of photos of themselves B.They counted the photos C. They took photos of whales D. They played with the whales 54. What did they do in the evernings? A. They put all the data to the computer B.They put all the data on the computer C.They put the data on TV D.They put all the data into the computer 55. What sort of people does the organization want to find? A. It wants to find volunteers for hundreds of expedition B. It wants to find ordinary as volunteers C. It wants to find males as volunteers D. It wants to find females as volunteers 56. Which statement doesn’t mention according to the passage? A. The volunteers have dug up dinosaur bones in North America B. The volunteers have studied ancient civilizations in Central America C. The volunteers are all ordinary people D. He has counted birds in Europe 57. What does the word “their” refer to? A. Birds’ B. volunteers’ C. whales’ D. trees’ 58. What does the word “they” refer to? A. Birds B. Volunteers C. Whales D. Trees PassageII Each nation has its own customs and ways of life. For example, in some Asian countries, a guest takes off his shoes before entering the house. However, this is not done in European countries. A guest in a Chinese house never finishes a drink. He leaves a little to show that he has had enough. So does a guest in a Malaysian house. He always leaves a little food. In England, however, a guest always finishes a drink to show that he has enjoyed it. There are more than five billion people on earth. They have different customs and ways of life. They judge the world from their own society’s way of looking at things. 59. How does a guest in some Asian countries behave before entering the house? A. He takes on his shoes B. He takes off his hat C. He takes off his shoes D. He takes off his jacket 60. Why doesn’t a guest in a Chinese house finish his drink? A. to show that he has had enough B. to show that he enjoyed it C. to show that he couldn’t finish it D. to show that he didn’t like it 61. Which statement is true about drinking? A. When an English guest enjoys a drink, he drinks it all B. When a Malaysian guest enjoys a drink, he drinks it all C. When an Chinese guest enjoys a drink, he never finishes a drink D. When an European guest enjoys a drink, he leaves a little 62. Which statement is not true according to the passage? A. People from different countries see the world in the same way. B. in some Asian countries, a guest takes off his shoes before entering the house C. Nations have different customs and ways of life D. In England, a guest always finishes a drink 63. What does the word “it” refer to? A. a guest B. a nation C. a drink D. a country 64. What does the word “they” refer to? A. guests B. nations C. people D. countries 65. Which statement doesn’t mention according to the passage? A. A Chinese guest leaves a little to show that he has had enough. B. A guest in a Malaysian house always leaves a little food. C. In some European countries, a guest takes off his shoes before entering the house. D. In England, a guest always finishes a drink to show that he has enjoyed it. Passage III. Colours mean different things in different countries. In China, for example, women wear red clothes when they get married. In Europe, however, women wear white. In some countries red means danger. It is the colour used for stop signs and traffic lights. Red is also the colour of blood and fire. It is also the colour of love. People often send red roses to the person they love. However, if people “see red” it means they are angry. In many parts of the world, baby boys wear blue clothes and baby girls wear pink clothes. Because of this, we think of blue as a male colour and pink as a female colour. Many women wear blue clothes, but not many men wear pink clothes. 66. What colour clothes do women in China wear when they get married? A. white B.red C. pink D. blue 67. Which countries do women wear white? A. China B. Vietnam C. France D. Europe 68. What does red mean in some countries? A. fun B.danger C. dangerous D. beautiful 69. What do people send to the person they love? A. love B. pegions C. toys D. roses 70. What does the word “also” mean? A.either B. too C. neither D. not same 71. What does the word “It” refer to? A. love B. danger C. red D. blood 72. Which statement doesn’t mention according to the passage? A. In some countries, baby boys and girls all wear same colour clothes. B. Red is the colour of blood and fire C. Many women wear blue clothes, but not many men wear pink clothes. D. People often send red roses to the person they love. Passage IV The thing I like most about living on a farm is the change of seasons: spring, summer, autumn and winter. You can see them all come and go and each one is completely different. In the city you can’t tell the difference – you can buy summer flowers in winter and eat the same vegetable all the year round. Here in the country you only eat things at certain times of the year – for example strawberries in June and turnips in winter. You live with seasons. Also we make most of our food – we make butter and cheese, we grow our own vegetables and bake our own bread. We never eat frozen or tinned food. Everything is fresh so it must be better for you. City people may think we miss a lot of good things about modern life, but in my opinion they miss a lot more than we do – they miss real life. 73. What does the writer like most about living on the farm? A. spring B. summer flowers C. change of season D. autumn 74. What kind of food do they make in the country? A. butter B. refreshment C. cocacola D. flowers 75. Why can’t you tell the difference among seasons when you live in the city? A. Because you can buy summer flowers in wint B. Because you can eat the different vegetable all the year round. C. Because you make most of your food. D. Because seasons change every year 76. What does the word “they” refer to? A. city people B. country people C. visitors D. foreigners 77. What does the word “you” refer to? A. the writer B. the author C. the reader D. the audience 78. Which statement is true according to the passage? A. you can buy winter flowers in winter B. you can eat the same vegetable all the year round. C. Everything is fresh so it must be worse for you. D. City people may enjoy real life. 79. Which statement doesn’t mention according to the passage? A. you can buy winter flowers in winter B. you can eat the different vegetable all the year round. C. City people miss a lot more than the writer does D. City people may think we miss a lot of good things about modern life Passage V When I was twenty-one, I came to live in London. I shared a damp basement flat with a beautiful girl from Brighton. We were here for quite a long time. Her name was Sam. She had long brown hair and a slim figure that I was madly jealous of. She ate three chocolate bars for breakfast every morning. I used to lie in bed looking at her eating and getting dressed, wondering how she could possibly consume so much sugar without losing her teeth, her figure or her complexion. She would put on her make-up in under a minute, throw on what ever clothes happened to be lying around the room and rush off to work looking like a model on the cover of fashion magazine. Like me, she was just an art teacher in a secondary school. 80. How old was the writer when she moved to London? A. 20 B. 21 C. 22. D. 23 81. What did Sam look like? A. She had brown hair B. She had brown eyes C. she had a slim waist D. She had a beautiful face 82. What does the word “here” refer to? A.London B. a flat C. Brighton D. a secondary school 83. Which statement is not true according to the passage? A. It took Sam much time to make up. B. Sam had long brown hair and a slim figure C. Sam was an art teacher in a secondary school. D. Sam consumes so much sugar 84. Who did the writer live with? A. a basement B. a girl C. Sam D. Brighton 85. What does the writer do? A. a student B. a teacher C. a painter D. a tourist 86. How long did Sam take to make up? A. a minute B. under a minute C. over a minute D. half a minute 87. What does the word “her” refer to ? A. the writer’s B. Sam C. Sam’s D. the writer Passage VI In many places in the world today, the poor are getting poorer while the rich are getting richer and the programmes of development planning and foreign aid appear to be unable to reverse this trend. Nearly all the developing countries have a modern sector, where the patterns of living and working are not only unsatisfactory, but in many cases are even getting worse. The poor in developing countries have so few work opportunities that they cannot work their way out of their situation. There is no hope for them in the rural areas, so they drift into the big cities. This causes many social as well as economic problems. The mass migration into the cities called urbanization is one of the most serious problems facing the developing countries. 88. What is happening to the poor in many places in the world A. getting richer B. getting poorer C. more wealthy D. more powerful 89. How many work opportunities do the poor in developing countries have? A. some B. a few C. few D. a lot 90. What does the word “they” refer to? A. opportunities B. rich people C. poor D. the poor 91. Why do the poor drift into the big cities? A. Because there is no hope for them in the rural areas B. Because there is a hope for them in the rural areas C. Because of many social and economic proplems. D. Because of the most serious problems facing the developing countries. 92. Which statement is true according to the passage? A. the poor are getting richer while the rich are getting poorer B. All the developing countries have a modern sector C. The patterns of living and working are unsatisfactory D.The poor can work their way out of their situation. 93. Which statement doesn’t mention according to the passage? A. Nearly all the developing countries have a modern sector B.Urbanization is an easy problem for developing countries to solve. C. There is no hope for them in the rural areas. D. The patterns of living and working are unsatisfactory Passage VI Some people say that they never dream. But that is not possible. Everybody has dreams, but some people just have a better memory for them than others. Every one and a half hours throughout the night, we live in our dreams – we can forget the good behaviour of the day and we are free to behave in any way we want. But as soon as we wake, the dream starts to melt, and the more we try to remember the details, the more we forget. 94. Which statement is not true according to the passage? A. all people dream every night B. we can forget the good behaviour of the day C. As soon as we wake, the dream stops to melt D. the more we try to remember the details, the more we forget 95. Why can some people tell others about their dreams but some cannot? A. Because some people just have a better memory B. Because we live in our dreams C. Because as soon as we wake, the dream starts to melt D. Because the more we try to remember the details, the more we forget 96. How often does a person dream during the night? A. everynight B. usually C. sometimes D. rarely 97. What happens to your dreams when you wake? A.When we wake, the dream starts to melt B.When we wake, the dream starts to be melt C.When we wake, the dream starts to break. D.When we wake, the dream starts to broke 98. What does the word “them” refer to? A. behaviour B. dreams C. details D. thought 99. Which statement is true according to the passage? A. Some people say that they sometimes dream. B. Some people just have a better memory than others. C. Every one and a half hours throughout the night, we live in our dreams D. We want to remember the good behaviour of the day. 100. Which statement doesn’t mention according to the passage? A.Everybody has dreams, but some people just have a better memory for them. B. We can forget the good behaviour of the day. C. Before we wake, the dream starts to melt D. the more we try to remember the details, the more we forget. . boss. A. riding B. rides C. rode D. is riding 10 . Every day cars and motorbikes______a lot of petrol A. consumption B. consumers C. consumes D. consume 11 . The U.S president, George Bush paid an______visit. borrowing 14 . Anyone____the bells first will have the right to answer the question. A. who rings B. who ring C. rang D. rings 15 . Shut the door,_____? A. don’t you B. won’t you C. do you D. will you 16 official C. officially D. officer 12 . Electricity_____from the sun, the wind is environmentally friendly A. produced B. producing C. which produces D. which produced 13 . Would you mind____me a book

Ngày đăng: 01/05/2015, 14:00

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