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E8U12period 75 listen

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LESSON PLAN 8 Week : 25 UNIT 12 : A VACATION ABROAD Period 75 Lesson 3 : Listen 1. The objective : a. Language : By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to practice in listening to the Weather Forecast for information about the weather in big cities in the world. b. Skills : listening c. Attitude : smile, friendly. 2. Teacher and Student’s preparation : a. Teacher : To prepare pictures, textbook, poster, cassette. b. Students : To prepare newwords, wordcards. 3. Procedure : TIME CONTENT TEACHER’S AND SS’ACTIVITIES 5’ 10’ 20’  WARM – UP : Guessing Game W E A T H E R  PRE – LISTENING : Pre – teach : o Cloudy (adj) : nhiều mây o Snowy (adj) : có tuyết o Humid (adj) : ẩm ướt o Windy (adj) : nhiều gió o Minus (adj) : độ âm (situation) (picture) (Translation) (Translation) (Translation) Set the scene Brainstorming : o T asks ss to play game o T elicits new word o T models o Ask ss to repeat chorally, indually. o Write new word on the board. o ask ss meaning, give stress o Ss copy new work in their notebook. o T aks ss to think about relate about weather focecast o Ss write the word on the board. Le Hong Phong Secondary School hotwarm dry Words related to the weather forecast wet coolcold LESSON PLAN 8 8’ 2’  WHILE – LISTENING : Gap Fill Tapescript : And here today’ weather forcast for the international traveler. 1. Let’s start with Sydney. It will be a dry day in Sydney today, and windy. For the temperature the low will be twenty and the high will be twenty six degrees. 2. Tokyo will be dry and windy, with a low of fifteen and a high of twenty two. 3. London is going to have a humid day. It will be very cold with a low of minus three and a high of seven. 4. Bangkok will be warm and dry, with a low of twenty-four degrees centigrate and a high of thirty-two degrees. 5. New York is going to have a windy day. It will be cloudy with a low of eight and a high of fifteen. 6. In Paris, it will be cold and dry today. The low will be ten degrees and the high will be sixteen.  POST – LISTENING : Role play Ss aks and answer the question about the weather and temperature using the information in the table. Model A : What’s the weather like in Sydney today ? B : It will be dry and windy A : How about the temperature ? o Ss listen ans fill in the blanks in the table o Ss work in their own. o T asks ss to ask and answer about the weather and temperrature using the information in the table. o Ss work in pairs. Le Hong Phong Secondary School LESSON PLAN 8 B : The low will be 20 and the high 26 degrees.  HOMEWORK : To prepare part lesson New words : volcano, lava, prison, wharf……  RÚT KINH NGHIỆM : ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Le Hong Phong Secondary School . : 25 UNIT 12 : A VACATION ABROAD Period 75 Lesson 3 : Listen 1. The objective : a. Language : By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to practice in listening to the Weather Forecast for. the Weather Forecast for information about the weather in big cities in the world. b. Skills : listening c. Attitude : smile, friendly. 2. Teacher and Student’s preparation : a. Teacher : To. CONTENT TEACHER’S AND SS’ACTIVITIES 5’ 10’ 20’  WARM – UP : Guessing Game W E A T H E R  PRE – LISTENING : Pre – teach : o Cloudy (adj) : nhiều mây o Snowy (adj) : có tuyết o Humid (adj)

Ngày đăng: 24/04/2015, 18:00



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