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<?IMPORT NAMESPACE="m" IMPLEMENTATION="#MathPlayer" ?> 1. When _________, my mother used to take me to the zoo every Sunday morning a. a. child b. my mother was a child c. being a child d. I was a child 2. There_____________a tree in front of my house. a. used to b. used to be c. was used to d. was used to being 3. Most of the money today is___________metal and paper. a. made of b. made from c. made in d. made by 4. When made__________coins, precious metals were portable. a. into b. as c. for d. to 5. Can you_____________the price of this small book? a. imagination b. imagine c. imaginary d. imagines 6. Barter was a(n)______________system of exchange. a. practical b. satisfactory c. impractical d. unpractical 7. Barter was an_____________system. a. unsatisfactory b. unsatisfactory c. irsatisfactory d. insatisfactory 8. Nowadays you can travel_____________ a. with cash b. without cash c. in cash d. by cash 9. What___________cheques used for? a. have b. are c. be d. had 10.They_______________the most complicated calculations. a. use to do a computer b. use a computer do c. are used to a computer d. use a computer for doing 11._______________hearing those airplanes over your house? a. Are you use to lưu file văn bản Xem đáp án Trang trước b. Are you used for c. Are you accustom to d. Are you accustomed to 12.Look ___________ the pennies and the pounds will look ___________ themselves. a. after / after b. at / at c. . for / for d. in / in 13.A fool and his money____________ a. soon are parted b. soon are parting c. are soon parted d. are soon parting 14.___________was a direct exchange of goods. a. Cash b. Barter c. Coin d. Money 15.Choose the word which is pronounced differently from the others a. content b. wealth c. exchange d. precious 16.Almost every_____________now has a money economy. a. social b. socialist c. society d. societies 17.His answer is_____________ a. incomplete b. uncomplete c. incomplete d. incomplete 18.In primitive societies, someone could exchange a sheep, for example,_____________anything in the market-place that they considered to be of equal value. a. with b. by c. to d. for 19.Choose the word which is pronounced differently from the others a. world b. worth c. form d. furniture 20.That knife___________oranges. a. is used to cutting b. is used to cut c. gets used to cutting d. is used for cut 21.Paper money_________when it is used for buying or selling goods. a. is easy to handle b. are easy to handle c. is easy handle d. are easy handle 22.When_______________'un', the word 'happy' becomes its opposite. a. it adds b. it is adding c. added d. adding 23.How can people___________the value of money? a. measure b. measurement c. measuring d. to measure 24.Choose the word which is pronounced differently from the others a. touch b. sound c. found d. account 25.Most governments now______________paper money. a. issue b. have c. hold d. need 26.Cattle, grain, teeth, shells, feathers, skulls, salt, elephant tusks and tobacco__________________ a. all have been used b. all has been used c. have all been used d. has all been used 27.___________being a boy, Tom often played tennis. a. Before b. When c. After d. Was 28.Choose the word which is pronounced differently from the others a. value b. use c. currency d. music 29.Barter was a system of direct exchange___________goods. a. for b. of c. with d. into 30.The police are_____________knowing more about that man. a. interesting in b. interested in c. interesting d. interested 31.In some countries, black people do not have_____________white people. a. equal with b. equal in c. equality with d. equality in 32.When______________, the goods can be exchanged. a. considering to be of equal value b. considered to be of equal value c. considering equal value d. considered equal value 33.The Englishmen are not used______________on the right. a. to drive b. to driving c. for driving d. with driving 34.Telephones_____________people from afar. a. are used to communicating with b. are used for communicating with c. are used to communicating by d. are used for communicating by 35.Most modern coins_____________face value. a. are basing on b. are based on c. are basing on the d. are based on the 36.Choose the word which is pronounced differently from the others a. skull b. tusk c. durable d. current 37.When_______________, she opened it right away. a. give a present b. gave a present c. given a present' d. giving a present 38.When_______________, these chairs are very heavy. a. making of steel b. making in steel c. made of steel d. made in steel 39.Paper currency_____________used. a. will no longer be b. will be no longer c. no longer will be d. will not longer be 40.Choose the word which is pronounced differently from the others a. no longer b. exchange c. grain d. government 41.Money_____________buying or selling goods. a. is used by b. is used to c. is used for d. is used with 42.In______________societies, a system of barter was used. a. modern b. ancient c. primitive d. developing 43.She used that money__________a new car. a. buy b. buying c. to buy d. for buying 44.We waited for her._____________, she didn't come. a. Although b. Besides c. But d. However 45.Choose the word which is pronounced differently from the others a. barter b. banker c. cash d. exact 46.Rubber is used for_____________tyres and others elastic things. a. make b. made c. being making d. making 47.Money is used__________buying or selling goods. a. at b. to c. for d. on 48.I______________Mary, but now she gets on my nerves. a. used love b. used to love c. am used to loving d. am used for loving 49.He is considered______________the greatest scientist. a. to be b. be c. being d. is 50.Choose the word which is pronounced differently from the others a. coincide b. precise c. divisible d. recognizable 51.The car isn't here today because Dick______________it. He generally ______________the bus, but the drivers are on strike. a. uses / is using b. is using / uses c. used / was using d. was using / used 52.What is wood used for?It is used for__________ a. making furniture and build b. make furniture and build c. making furniture and building d. making furniture and buildings 53.Lettering, designs or numbers on a coin___________ a. showing its value b. showing their value c. show its value d. show their value 54.Choose the word which is pronounced differently from the others a. mean b. reason c. teacher d. clear 55.Can you tell me the___________of this room? a. measure b. measurement c. . measurements d. measuring 56.The library cards are___________at the beginning of each school year. a. issue b. issuing c. being issued d. issued 57.While_______________for me, Mary saw an accident. a. waiting b. wait c. waited d. waits 58.American women___________being independent. a. are used to b. are not used to c. used to d. not used to 59.Choose the word which is pronounced differently from the others a. currency b. face c. race d. tobacco 60.Precious metals gradually_____________it. a. took on b. took away c. took over d. took in

Ngày đăng: 23/04/2015, 07:00

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