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Applying Information Technology In Teaching Medical Terms To The Second Year Students At Thanh Hoa Medical College = Ứng dụng công nghệ thông tin trong việc dạy

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VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, HANOI UNIVERSITY OF LANGUAGES AND INTERNATIONAL STUDIES FACULTY OF POST-GRADUATE STUDIES ************************* NGUYỄN THỊ KIM DUNG APPLYING INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY IN TEACHING MEDICAL TERMS TO THE SECOND YEAR STUDENTS AT THANH HOA MEDICAL COLLEGE ỨNG DỤNG CÔNG NGHỆ THÔNG TIN TRONG VIỆC DẠY TỪ VỰNG TIẾNG ANH Y HỌC CHO SINH VIÊN NĂM THỨ HAI TRƯỜNG CAO ĐẲNG Y TẾ THANH HÓA M.A MINOR PROGRAMME THESIS FIELD: ENGLISH TEACHING METHODOLOGY CODE: 60140111 Hanoi, 2014 VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, HANOI UNIVERSITY OF LANGUAGES AND INTERNATIONAL STUDIES FACULTY OF POST-GRADUATE STUDIES ************************* NGUYỄN THỊ KIM DUNG APPLYING INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY IN TEACHING MEDICAL TERMS TO THE SECOND YEAR STUDENTS AT THANH HOA MEDICAL COLLEGE ỨNG DỤNG CÔNG NGHỆ THÔNG TIN TRONG VIỆC DẠY TỪ VỰNG TIẾNG ANH Y HỌC CHO SINH VIÊN NĂM THỨ HAI TRƯỜNG CAO ĐẲNG Y TẾ THANH HÓA M.A MINOR PROGRAMME THESIS FIELD: ENGLISH TEACHING METHODOLOGY CODE: 60140111 SUPERVISOR: Dr DƯƠNG THỊ NỤ Hanoi, 2014 DECLARATION I certify that the thesis entitled "Applying information technology in teaching medical terms to the second year students at Thanh Hoa Medical College" is the result of my own work Thesis submitted in fulfillment of the requirement for the award of the degree of Master in English Teaching Methodology by Nguyen Thi Kim Dung August 2014 Nguyễn Thị Kim Dung i ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to express my deep gratitude to my supervisor, Dr Dương Thị Nụ for accepting me as her M.A student so that I had the opportunity to study and finish this thesis She taught me how to research through creative and critical thinking, hard work and perseverance I am grateful to her for her encouragements, supports, valuable suggestion, guidance and patience I also would like to thank Dr Lê Văn Canh for his valuable comments on my work A big thank you goes to my colleagues Especially, the teachers of English from Foreign Language Division at Thanh Hoa Medical College, they are always willing to spend time and share with me their knowledge and experience about teaching English to help me with the research data Additionally, I have a special gratitude to my 200 students of Thanh Hoa Medical College for their willing to support and provide thoughtful responses to the survey questions Last, this work could not have been finished without the unlimited support and continuous encouragement of my family in every stage of this study ii ABSTRACT Applying IT in general and MS PowerPoint in particular to teaching and learning English is a motivation for innovation process of the teaching method with the aim to highlight an efficiency of teaching and learning The propose of this work was to identify the challenges of application MS PowerPoint in teaching and learning to find out possible solutions to the found difficulties in order to help teachers enhance the quality of EMP vocabulary teaching at Thanh Hoa Medical College The data were collected by means of questionnaires and interviews The results showed that both teachers and students have positive attitude toward application of PowerPoint in EMP vocabulary teaching and learning process The findings examined that students at TMC strongly advocated the importance and necessity of applying PowerPoint in EMP classes They were more comfortable and motivated in EMP lessons with the support of PowerPoint The interviews were developed so that the researcher can get deeper information to understand and clarify some issues related this application Teachers perceived MS PowerPoint as the essential tool for teaching EMP terms that are considered as difficult for students to memorize The survey results highlight the positive effect and necessity of using PowerPoint in teaching EMP vocabulary to improve students' Medical terms competence In addition, this work will hopefully be a reliable source of reference for teachers of English in general to develop teaching methods and PowerPoint application in class iii LIST OF TABLES AND CHARTS Tables Table 1: Students’ experience in learning English Table 2: The purposes of learning EMP vocabulary Table 3: The advantages of using PowerPoint in learning EMP vocabulary Table 4: Teachers’ teaching experience Table 5: Teachers' techniques of teaching EMP vocabulary Table 6: Teachers’ opinions of the benefits of applying PowerPoint in ELT Table 7: Teachers’ confidence in using PowerPoint in teaching Table 8: Teachers’ challenges in using PowerPoint Charts Chart 1: Students' interest towards learning EMP vocabulary Chart 2: The frequency of using PowerPoint designed by teachers Chart 3: Students’ attitude toward the importance of EMP vocabulary Chart 4: Students’ assessment on the effectiveness of PowerPoint Chart 5: Teachers' attitude toward the importance of using PowerPoint in teaching EMP vocabulary Chart 6: Teachers’ assessment on the effectiveness of PowerPoint iv LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS AECT: Association for Educational Communication and Technology CALL: Computer Assisted Language Learning IT: Information technology ELT: English Language Teaching ESP: English for Specific Purposes ESL: English As Second Language EFL: English As Foreign Language EGP: English for General Purpose ESP: English for Specific Purposes EMP: English for Medical Purpose TMC: Thanhhoa Medical College v TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION i ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ii ABSTRACT iii TABLE OF CONTENTS vi LIST OF TABLES AND CHARTS iv LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS v TABLE OF CONTENTS vi PART A: INTRODUCTION 1 Rationale Objectives of the study Research Questions Research Methodology Scope of the study Significance of the study Design of the study PART B: DEVELOPMENT CHAPTER 1: LITERATURE REVIEW 1.1 Definition of vocabulary 1.1.1 The importance of vocabulary in language teaching and learning 1.2 English for specific purposes (ESP) 1.2.1 Definition of ESP 1.2.2 Medical English 1.2.3 The roots of medical terminology 1.2.4 Teaching and learning ESP vocabulary 1.3.2 Information Technology in English Language Teaching 1.3.3 Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL) 11 1.3.4 Role of Information Technology in language teaching 13 1.3.5 Technological resources currently deployed in language teaching 15 1.3.6 The difficulties in applying MS PowerPoint in EFT 18 CHAPTER 2: METHODOLOGY 19 2.1 The survey research 19 2.2 Context of the study 20 2.3 Participants 20 vi 2.4 Instrument 21 2.4.1 Interviews 21 2.4.2 Questionnaires 22 2.5 Procedures of data collection 22 CHAPTER 3: DATA ANALYSIS AND DISCUSSION 23 3.1 The students‟ questionnaire 23 3.1.1 Students' opinions about using PowerPoint in learning EMP vocabulary 23 3.1.2 Students‟ assessment on the effectiveness of PowerPoint (PP) 27 3.2 The teachers' interview questions 28 3.2.1 The benefits of applying IT in teaching EMP vocabulary 28 3.2.2 Teachers‟ challenges in using PowerPoint in teaching EMP vocabulary 34 3.2.3 Teachers‟ suggested solutions 36 PART C: CONCLUSION 38 Major findings of the study 38 Conclusion 39 Limitations of the study 40 Suggestion for further studies 41 REFERENCES 42 APPENDICES I APPENDIX I APPENDIX .V vii PART A: INTRODUCTION Rationale Information technology is a major force that has brought about revolutionary changes in the development of the global, digital society Education is considered the foundation for development and the concept of IT use in education as powerful tools is strongly encouraged in Vietnam Applying IT to teaching and learning is also one of the essential tasks of the National Education Service at present Like other subjects, applying IT to teaching and learning English is a motivation for innovation process of the teaching method with the aim to highlight an efficiency of teaching and learning English is a communicative subject so teachers always have to prepare teaching aids for their lessons Without teaching aids such as pictures, posters, real things and so on, English lessons are very boring and unattractive Applying IT to teaching English not only helps teachers save their time but also makes learners access to their lessons easier However, applying IT in teaching is still a challenging new task English teachers at Thanh Hoa Medical College have coped with the challenges of technological and pedagogical shifts occurring in the teaching profession, especially in teaching and learning ESP vocabulary ESP is viewed as something hard to teach for language teachers As a teacher of English for Medical Purposes, I find it difficult to understand a lot of terminology, complicated words and how to enhance students' learning interest for each lesson It seems challenges for teachers to consider suitable methods to teach learners Facing this problem, the teachers of English of Thanh Hoa Medical College want to something to change the ways of teaching vocabulary in order to improve the students' learning effectiveness to help them succeed in their future job by using Microsoft (MS) PowerPoint It is the active display software We can use it to make lesson plans and teach vocabulary, grammar, listening, speaking, reading and writing skills In this report, we only discuss applying MS PowerPoint to teach EMP vocabulary With the support of PowerPoint, teachers not only save time, but also help students understand meaning of new words more easily Lessons with 41 Underwood J (1984) Linguistics, computers and the language teacher: a communicative approach Rowley, MA: Newbury House II Websites: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Medical terminology http://www.ict4lt.org/en/warschauer.htm 45 APPENDICES APPENDIX The questionnaire for second-year English non- major students My name is Nguyen Thi Kim Dung, I am currently conducting my research entitled “Applying information technology in teaching Medical Terms to the second year students at Thanh Hoa Medical College" Your assistance in completing the survey is highly appreciated All the information provided by you is solely for the study purpose, and you can be confident that you will not be identified in any discussion of the data Thank you for your cooperation! Please answer the following questions by ticking (√) the box for the appropriate answer or writing the answer if necessary How long have you been learning English? year(s) What is your purpose of learning EMP English vocabulary? (You can choose more than ONE option) a) □ To read specialized materials b) □ To pass the exams c) □ To communicate with foreigners d) □ To enrich vocabulary with Medical terms e) □ To prepare for the future jobs f) Others (please specify): Are you interested in learning EMP vocabulary using Microsoft PowerPoint? a) □ Very interested b) □ Interested c) □ Not interested d) □ Others (please specify): I Do your teachers often use Microsoft PowerPoint in teaching EMP vocabulary? a) □ Usually b) □ Sometimes c) □ Rarely d) □ Never What you think of the role of EMP vocabulary? a) □ Very important b) □ Important c) □ Not very important d) □ Not important at all What are the advantages of the PowerPoint presentations in learning EMP vocabulary? (You can choose more than ONE option) a) □ Motivate students to take part in class activities b) □ Develop students' creation c) □ Help students predict new words easily and quickly d) □ Provide a lot of exercises with marking and explanation e) □ Helped students remember and comprehend much better f) □ Save time for other activity g) □ Others (please specify): What is your general assessment on the effectiveness of using Microsoft PowerPoint in teaching EMP vocabulary? a) □ Very effective b) □ Effective c) □ Not very effective d) □ Not effective at all II CÂU HỎI ĐIỀU TRA DÀNH CHO SINH VIÊN NĂM THỨ HAI KHÔNG CHUYÊN NGOẠI NGỮ Ở TRƯỜNG CAO ĐẲNG Y TẾ THANH HĨA Tên tơi Nguyễn Thị Kim Dung, thực nghiên cứu đề tài "Ứng dụng công nghệ thông tin việc dạy từ vựng Tiếng Anh Y học cho sinh viên năm thứ hai trường Cao đẳng Y tế Thanh Hóa" Sự giúp đỡ bạn việc hoàn thành điều tra đánh giá cao Tất thông tin bạn cung cấp phục vụ cho mục đích nghiên cứu Xin trân thành cảm ơn hợp tác bạn! Hãy trả lời câu hỏi sau cách đánh dấu √ vào ô trống cho câu trả lời phù hợp viết câu trả lời cần thiết Bạn học tiếng Anh bao lâu? năm Mục đích bạn học từ vựng tiếng Anh chuyên ngành Y là? (Bạn chọn MỘT đáp án) a) □ Để đọc tài liệu chuyên ngành b) □ Để vượt qua kì thi c) □ Để giao tiếp với người nước d) □ Để làm phong phú thêm vốn từ vựng e) □ Để chuẩn bị cho nghề nghiệp tương lai f) □ Ý kiến khác (nêu rõ): Bạn có hứng thú với học từ vựng tiếng Anh chuyên ngành Y có sử dụng phần mềm PowerPoint khơng? a) □ Rất hứng thú b) □ Hứng thú c) □ Không hứng thú d) □ Ý kiến khác (nêu rõ): III Giáo viên bạn có sử dụng thường xuyên PowerPoint việc dạy từ vựng tiếng Anh chuyên ngành Y không? a) □ Thường xuyên b) □ Thỉnh thoảng c) □ Hiếm d) □ Không Bạn đánh giá vai trò từ vựng tiếng Anh chuyên ngành Y nào? a) □ Rất quan trọng b) □ Quan trọng c) □ Không quan trọng d) □ Không quan trọng chút Bạn đánh giá thuận lợi thuyết trình PowerPoint việc học từ vựng tiếng Anh chuyên ngành Y nào? (Bạn chọn MỘT đáp án) a) □ Tạo động lực cho sinh viên tham gia vào hoạt động lớp học b) □ Phát triển sáng tạo sinh viên c) □ Giúp sinh viên đoán từ nhanh dễ dàng d) □ Cung cấp nhiều tập có xếp giải thích e) □ Giúp sinh viên ghi nhớ hiểu từ vựng tốt nhiều f) □ Tiết kiệm thời gian cho hoạt động khác g) □ Ý kiến khác (nêu rõ): Bạn đánh hiệu việc sử dụng PowerPoint việc dạy từ vựng tiếng Anh chuyên ngành Y? a) □ Rất hiệu b) □ Hiệu c) □ Không hiệu d) □ Không hiệu chút IV APPENDIX TEACHERS’ INTERVIEW QUESTIONS How long have you been teaching English? What techniques and activities you use to present new words? What are benefits of applying PowerPoint in teaching ESP to the teachers and to the students? How you feel when using PowerPoint in teaching EMP at the classroom? What is your general assessment on the effectiveness of PowerPoint in teaching ESP vocabulary? What challenges to the teachers does the use of PowerPoint in teaching English bring about? Do you have any suggested solutions to make PowerPoint more effective in your school? V APPENDIX 2: TEACHER INTERVIEWS TRANSCRIPTS INTERVIEW 1: (8 June 2014) I: Interview T: Mrs Huong I: Good morning T: Good morning How are you? I: I am so so Today I want to interview you about using PowerPoint in teaching EMP vocabulary Is it OK? T Ok, I what I can help I: Could you tell me how long have you been teaching English? T: I have been teaching English for years, years at higher school in Cam Thuy II district Then, I moved to Thanh Hoa Medical College The first two years I only taught general English, including years for teaching ESP I: Oh, a quite long period in your profession I: Do you have your own computer or laptop? T: Yes, I have only a laptop 10 I: 11 T: At home, to type the lesson plans, exercise, prepare lesson 12 I: 13 T: Yes, at that time I was studying at a university 14 I: 15 T: Actually, I am bad at it I am trained but never use 16 I: 17 T: There are plenty of ways to teach EMP vocabulary in class I often Where you use computer? What you use it for? Have you ever attended any computer training courses? Are you skillful in computer? What techniques and activities you use to present new words? translate English words into Vietnamese because the lesson is not only quite long, but also medical terms are very difficult for students to understand Therefore, sometimes I also give examples for students to guess new words VI 18 I: I know you not use MS PowerPoint, you think MS PowerPoint is very useful for both teachers and students? 19 T: Yes, of course I attended some EMP lessons of colleagues with the support of PowerPoint at our college 20 I: Do you think it is important to use PowerPoint in teaching EMP vocabulary at the classroom? 21 T: Sure, it is important 20 I: Could you tell me about the benefits of applying PowerPoint in teaching ESP to the teachers and to the students? 21 T: As you know, it is not easy for students to memorize medical terms It would be very useful to apply MS PowerPoint at classes For instance, it helps students memorize in a longer time, teachers can make the lessons more attractive with sound, photos, and helps motivated students It is easier to memorize the meanings of the words Therefore, PowerPoint helps teachers to be able to provide more knowledge and new words to my students in various ways 22 I: How you feel when using PowerPoint in teaching ESP at the classroom? 23 T: In recent years, the number of teachers who used PowerPoint is very popular and black board becomes out of date, but I not know how to use IT at the classroom I never use So now, I see it is a new challenging job I felt very nervous about this 24 I: What is your general assessment on the effectiveness of PowerPoint in teaching ESP vocabulary? 25 T: Although I have not applied PowerPoint in teaching EMP vocabulary, I have ever attended teachers' lessons from Foreign Language division I realize PowerPoint is an effective tool in teaching general English in particular and ESP in general 26 I: What challenges to the teachers does the use of PowerPoint in teaching VII English bring about? 27 T: At EMP classes, I only use textbook, chalk, and blackboard I did not use PowerPoint lectures as other teachers did because I not know how to design PowerPoint and I still felt not skillful If I use PowerPoint, I will have to spend a lot of time to prepare the lessons In addition, I usually lose files that have been saved; I cannot connect to the link in PowerPoint presentation, nor use effects I think my fear is also the main cause that I did not dare to use PowerPoint All teachers in our college should be trained in the IT course which held by our manager, but not enough for them to go on this application 28 I: Do you have any suggested solutions to make PowerPoint more effective in your school? 29 T: Yes, teachers should combine both using PowerPoint and board in the progress of teaching and studying to gain better results Teacher should learn the ways to design the interesting and useful lessons to increase students' motivation during the teaching and learning process 30 I: Thank you so much! VIII INTERVIEW 3: (10 June 2014) I: Interview T: Mrs Ha I: Good morning T: Good morning How are you? I: I am fine Today, I want to interview you about using PowerPoint in teaching vocabulary Is it OK? T: Of course I: T: I had years' experience of teaching English Medical Purposes at Thanh The first question is that how long have you been teaching ESP? Hoa Medical College I: Do you have a computer or a laptop? T: Yes, I have a laptop I: 10 T: Yes, regularly 11 I: 12 T: PowerPoint presentation is quite popular and easy for me to apply in Have you ever used PowerPoint in your teaching? What of IT did you often use in teaching EMP at the classroom? EMP lessons This is a reason why I choose this software 13 I: In your point of view, what techniques and activities you use to present new words? 14 T: Students said to me that they had difficulties in understanding and remember the new words and terminologies wherefore I regularly use visual aids to present EMP vocabulary This not only helps me save plenty of time, but also increases students' interest in EMP class 15 I: Do you think it is important to use PowerPoint in teaching EMP vocabulary at the classroom? 16 T: Sure, it is very important 17 I: I also think that In your opinions, what are benefits of applying PowerPoint in teaching ESP to the teachers and to the students? IX 18 T: Using PowerPoint proficiently brought my successful EMP lesson in provincial excellent teacher's exam and won the second prize years ago To students, I realize PowerPoint makes students more attractive and easy to follow the lesson It helps students acquire languages more active and promote cooperative activities during language learning To teachers, thanks to PowerPoint, it would be more productive and flexible to design every lesson Finally, if they used PowerPoint professionally, it would be much more convenient to modify the suitable lesson for each subject students 19 I: Oh, it is wonderful Congratulation, I think you had many experiences when using PowerPoint in EMP classes 20 T: Thanks a lot I often use it so I am also skillful enough 21 I: 22 T: I feel very confident I was very eager to this new application 23 I: How you feel when using PP in teaching EMP at the classroom? What is your general assessment on the effectiveness of PowerPoint in teaching ESP vocabulary? 24 T: Using Powerpoint in teaching English in general and ESP vocabulary in particular is by far compared to the traditional method As I have mentioned above, Powerpoint can bring a lot of advantages to students: ready to learn, easy to understand and more capable of retention as well To sum up, the application of MS PowerPoint is very effective 25 I: I know PowerPoint is very effective for you but you have any challenges when using PowerPoint in teaching? 26 T: Yes, sometimes 27 I: What challenges to you does the use of PowerPoint in teaching English bring about? 28 T: For me, spending a lot of time to design creative activities and suitable exercises is my biggest difficulty Next, class size, quality of the school X facilities such as electricity screens, projectors, large monitors at the classrooms are still broken and they are not repaired timely to serve teaching 29 I: What challenges to the other teachers? 30 T Besides, the challenges the teachers may face up with when they use PowerPoint in teaching English such as they not have certain ability about computer and technical issues Therefore, they make computer errors frequently Some teachers only learn technological skills in technology trainings course and they lack the pedagogical knowledge for IT This leads to the fact that applying IT in teaching is not suitable and effective 31 I: What challenges your students? 32 T: In using PP in the classroom, students sometimes not pay attention to the content They like to attend much on the presentation slides Another reason is that they did not prepare the lesson before the class 33 I: Do you have any suggested solutions to make PowerPoint more effective in your school? 34 T: The teachers should prepare the lesson carefully before the class They should know how to use it flexibly, how to control the class, how to limit the time For example using simple effect, exploiting the strengths of PowerPoint in assessment and verification of results, and should avoid causing light focus on content and give best results Electricity is always availble, screen is clearly and projectors are also good 35 I: Thank you very much XI INTERVIEW 4: (10 June 2014) I: Interview T: Mrs Mai Dung I: Good evening, are you interested in teaching methods topic? T: Good evening Oh, it is a very useful for every teacher I: T: years' experience of teaching ESP I: T: Only one laptop I: T: Yes, I attended an IT course when I was studying at Vinh university Could you tell me how long have you been teaching English? Do you have your own computer or laptop? Did you learn to use computer by yourself? Now I am still learning more I: Are you skillful in computer? 10 T: Quite good, that course helped me very much 11 I: 12 T: PowerPoint presentation 13 I: 14 T: Using visual aids are very useful for teaching EMP vocabulary Which software you use to teach ESP at classes? What techniques and activities you use to present new words? Especially with the help of sound, pictures, images, videos are techniques of teaching the words effectively that I have ever used in EMP lessons Sometimes, I also explain in Vietnamese 15 I: Do you often use PowerPoint in teaching English? What you use it for? 16 T: Yes, certainly, I often prepare the lessons to teach general English, especially in EMP lessons As you know, medical terms are very difficult for learners to memorize If teacher only use black board, textbook to teach, this is not enough to acquire good result Therefore, PowerPoint is a suitable tool and it is appreciated in education 17 I: What are benefits of applying PowerPoint in teaching ESP to the teachers XII and to the students? 18 T: Teachers don‟t have to write a lot on the blackboard (which can be harmful for their health because of chalk dust), have time to give exercises or to give more games, or to review the lessons, etc As for me, the lesson becomes more attractive when I find a lot of information through internet related to the content of the lesson such as the visual aids, videos I see that my students would be more attentive to the lessons They can feel more interested in the lessons (with pictures, images, video clips given during the lessons); can get more information in a short time 19 I: How you feel when using PowerPoint in teaching EMP at the classroom? 20 T: PowerPoint is the most effective innovative method that I regularly use it to teach EMP vocabulary PowerPoint files are quite easy for me to create and can combine with the suitable visual aids in the lessons Therefore, at classroom teaching, I am confident enough to use PowerPoint presentation 21 I: What is your general assessment on the effectiveness of PowerPoint in teaching ESP vocabulary? 22 T: I know there are many good methods to teaching English, but for me, PowerPoint is the best tool that I can exploit very effectively in teaching EMP vocabulary 23 I: What challenges to the teachers does the use of PowerPoint in teaching English bring about? 24 T: The big difficult that I am facing up with is that the quality of the school facilities in our college are still not good Computers, projectors in classrooms are broken These impacts in teachers' frequency of using PowerPoint in teaching EMP vocabulary Besides, many classrooms have not had enough equipment or viruses can plague computer when I XIII am at teaching classroom This leads to the fact that my data were lost; my lesson was not good as I expected This is not convenient for any teachers who want to use it at all Applying PowerPoint also takes a lot of time to prepare the lesson 25 I: Do you have any suggested solutions to make PowerPoint more effective in your school? 26 T: Sharing experiences among teachers is very necessary to have computer skills To this, each teachers need to design and use of their electronic lectures by themselves Any teachers are afraid of difficulty; they will not have more skills and better coordination of teaching methods more positively in education Teachers should create e learning for students from teachers' electronic lectures when they are absent or want to consolidate their knowledge 27 I: Thank you so much for your interesting interview XIV ... TEACHING MEDICAL TERMS TO THE SECOND YEAR STUDENTS AT THANH HOA MEDICAL COLLEGE ỨNG DỤNG CÔNG NGHỆ THÔNG TIN TRONG VIỆC DẠY TỪ VỰNG TIẾNG ANH Y HỌC CHO SINH VIÊN NĂM THỨ HAI TRƯỜNG CAO ĐẲNG Y TẾ THANH. .. encounter in applying IT (MS PowerPoint) in teaching medical vocabulary to the second year students at TMC To provide suggestions to enhance effective utilization of MS PowerPoint in teaching medical. .. technology in teaching medical terms to the second year students at Thanh Hoa Medical College" is the result of my own work Thesis submitted in fulfillment of the requirement for the award of the degree

Ngày đăng: 28/03/2015, 09:10



