By reaching a relatively new and comprehensive process of formation and development of villages, the interaction between people/ residents of the village with the natural environment and
Master Thesis Major Vietnamese Studies
Code: 60 31 60
Prof Dr Nguyen Quang Ngoc
Hanoi - 2012
After a period of time researching and implementing of specialized master's thesis majored Vietnamese Studies, the thesis: "Cultural changes in the Cot village in renovation period“ has been perfected and completed
First of all, in order to get the desired results, I would like to express my deep gratitude to Prof Dr Nguyen Quang Ngoc – the Director of Institute of Vietnamese Studies and Developed Science, who is my supervisor for this master thesis, for his kindness and willingness as well as valuable advices and science-oriented guidances that help me well in conducting this thesis
Moreover, as this Master thesis marks a completion of studying process at the IVS&DS, I also would like to show my great gratitude to my lecturers and professors who taught us at class CH-K4 for advanced studies majors as well as to all the staff of the Institute
Secondly, I truly appreciate the enthusiastic contribution of People Committee Cau Giay district, People Committee of Yen Hoa ward, families and individuals living in Yen Hoa ward, who are extremely willing to give me figures, interviews and local data surveys for improving this thesis
Thirdly, my acknowledgement is included here to the leader of Training office – Hanoi College of Education as well as the staff, colleagues, who gave me a great cares, encouragements and willing to help me all the time
And finally, I would like to send my all-heated thanks to all of my teachers as well as friends, who always gave me supports so that I could get over all the diffculties during the research
Despite my best efforts, due to the limitation of my capacity, the time the thesis could not be avoided inevitable shortcomings; I am looking forward to receiving the valuable comments of all so that I could overcome the limitations as well as develope my thesis in the next researches
Sincerely yours, The thesis’ author
Ngo Thi Minh
1 Purpose and the meaning of the subject 1
2 Historical research issues 2
3 Objects and scope of research topics 7
4 The resources and research methods 8
5 Contribution of the thesis 10
6 Layout of the thesis 11
1.1 Geographical location and natural conditions 12
1.1.1 Geographical location 12
1.1.2 Topography and soil 13
1.1.3 The transport system 15
1.2 Village formation process and the administrative changes 16
1.2.1 The process of formation 16
1.2.2 Evolution of the village administration 18
1.3 The features of traditional Cot village 21
1.3.1 Cot village - an ancient Vietnamese village, situated at the gateway to the west of the capital 21
1.3.2 Cot village - land rich tradition of innovation 21
1.3.3 Cot village - land of rich cultural traditions 23
1.3.4 Patriotic tradition against foreign aggression and fighting spirit indomitable resilience 26
State the chapter 1 28
2.1 Socio-economic situation 30
2.1.1 The period from 1945-1954 30
2.1.2 The period from 1954-1975 31
Trang 42.1.3 The period from 1976-1986 37
2.2 Cultural situation 39
2.2.1 Spiritual cultural 39
2.2.2 Material culture 43
State the chapter 2 46
3.1 Socio-economic situation 47
3.1.1 The period 1986 - 1996 47
3.1.2 The period from 1997 to present 49
3.2 Cultural life 56
3.2.1 Cultural spiritual life 56
3.2.2 Material cultural life 67
State the chapter 3 75
4.1 Recovery of traditional culture 76
4.1.1 Recovery of traditional culture 76
4.1.2 Socialization process of the restoration of traditional culture 80
4.2 The demand towards the culture of spirituality of the modern village 87
4.3 Problems arise in the process of transformation of social culture 91
4.3.1 The environment 91
4.3.2 Immigrants 93
4.3.3 For security and social vices 94
4.3.4 The land 96
State the chapter 4 97
Table 1.1: Evolution of the village of Cot 20
Table 3.2: Current status of the villagers houses Cot 2009 54
Table 3.3: Evaluation of changes in the level of village life from1990 to present 55
Table 3.1: Sources of household income in 2009 51
Table 3.4: Frequency of participation of village 61
Table 4.1: Contributions to the construction, restoration of monuments, buildings of worship in the village of Cot 85
CHART Chart 3.1: Sources of income of families in the village of Cot 2009 51
Chart 3.2: Chart showing changes in the level of village lifefrom 1990 to present 56
Chart 4.1: Contributions from construction, remodeling the relics, works of worship 85
PICTURES Figure 1.1: Location of village in Yen Hoa Cau Giay district, Hanoi 13
Figure 1.2: Map of land use planning and Cau Giay district – Hanoi 14
Figure 1.3: Map showing network traffic around Yen Hoa Ward 15
Figure 1.4: Map of Complete Long Agent 19
Figure 2.1: Diagram of the village of Cot relics 45
Figure 3.1: Diagram of new urban areas Yen Hoa 68
1 Purpose and the meaning of the subject
Country Vietnam nerally, villages in the North in particular can be regarded as one of the typical for the region including the countryside throughout the country From the ancient village has become a form of organized residents and production characteristics for Vietnamese The village itself is a typical type of nuclear structures
in the long history of our nation Along with the process of history, the village gradually became a centre of the society The economic activity, social in the village take place also when hung as death, when prosperous tied to the vicissitudes of history In other words, the village is a small mirror that reflects the face of the country throughout history, as well as in each particular historical duration
Village is an object of scientific study of the history, cultural studies, has a rich, complexity, attract many generations of research and has had many achievements However, the research that primarily stem from the approach of Economics, history, sociology, etc In recent years Vietnam majors with interdisciplinary research methods and study areas have been born and growing By reaching a relatively new and comprehensive process of formation and development of villages, the interaction between people/ residents of the village with the natural environment and the social environment, the tendency to select a featured, bringing overall-school area being more interested scholars
Along with the development, innovation and integration of the country, Vietnamese village also has been "change meat" and puts the new character designs The old village, now a city, thecapital farmers to stick with life-changing fields suddenlybecome millionaires, industrial parks, factories, apartment buildings springing up to replace the vast plains all has and is happening all pose major problems for the development ofVietnam's society and future Therefore, studies of villages, offarmers, village culture still is and will be key issues for thegeneral science and social science in particular
Trang 7The study of the village changes, cultural village on the field, through the period of development, especially in the currentperiod of innovation is essential The meticulous research, science will help us realize right, get the overall look to assess the development of the villages in the modern context Therefore, study of the countryside, of the farmers, cultural villages still are and will be a key iss ue for the science and social science in particular So, study the transformation of countryside, cultural village from later periods of renewal up to date is essential The elaborately science research will help us realize the proper process of urbanizati on of rural areas, the development of villages in modern context Furthermore, the research results will be the basis of practical science and reasoning to build new cultural life on the basis of inheriting and promote the value of cultural traditions in the countryside now
Derived from the meaning of science and practices that, we choose the subject
"The transformation of culture in the village of Cot era innovation" as theses master, specializing in Vietnam studies
2 Historical research issues
Villages of Vietnam - a social entity - an object of science, from hundreds
of years have been many researchers inside and outside the country of interest and achievement is quite bulky However, the study villages of the period before the 80s of the twentieth century has not essentially holistic and comprehensive Since the Vietnam State began implementation of policy reforms
in the late '80s, the village studies appear on a lot, the amount ofwork has increased and more diverse audience, scope andmethodology
- The research group of foreign scholars:
The number of research works of foreign scholars on Vietnam village is also quite diverse and abundant We are pleased to statistics some typical projects such as Farmers Tonkin Delta (1936) by Pierre Gourou,Facing the future, restoring the past:
a study of social change ina village North of Vietnam (1999) author John Kleinen,
Trang 8Culture, Ritual and Revolution in Property VN's Kingsley village in the Red river delta: the unresolved issue (2002) with the schoolauthor Olivier Tessier, Nelly Krowolski Based on a combination of both trends and history of the university, Kim Jong Ouk authorsconducted a survey, find out the movements of Me Tri villagefrom the early to mid-TK TK XIX XX (2009) in a number of variables change in the Red River Delta villages from the early nineteenth century to the mid twentieth century (the case of Me Tri village), ect
In addition to the works of the above, the volume of work is a fairly massive printed in books, newspapers, magazines, the researchvillages by agencies of social science research organizationVietnam organizations, the thesis, dissertation scholars
at home and abroad
Researchers approached foreign village Vietnam village, especially the northern plains in many different angles The studytheir contribution to Vietnam for the industry in general in terms ofcontent, research issues, research methods
- Group of research by scholars, scientists in the country:
With the VN researcher, notes on the customs and practices of the Vietnamese village appeared very soon TK XX First appeared Vietnam customary work of Phan
Ke Binh, Toan Anh with old Nep, carnival hit After peace was restored in the Northin 1954, the village is the study of more attention: Rural SocialVietnam (Nguyen Hong Phong, 1959), Rural Vietnam in history (Institute of History, 1977 and 1978 ) and many articles of the authors: Diep Dinh Hoa, Phan Dai Doan, Phan Huu Dat published in the journal
The renovation began in 1986 has brought a breath of fresh air to change meat
in the village The transformation and diversification of the village quickly - where capital is considered to be relativelyself-contained and autonomous ancient became attractive themes of the social science research over the past two decades Learn about the cultural change in the countryside, the village placed in the flow of economic, social and cultural problem in the studies focus on the village of researchers: Tu Chi, Phan DaiDoan, To Duy Hop
Trang 9These can be divided fairly Vietnamese village studies of the innovation stage
to present two basic trends: one is the nature ofthe research overview of rural villages that do take the survey unit; two case studies are specific to each village
In the first trend, we must first mention the works as The organizational structure of Vietnamese traditional village in the northern (Nguyen Tu Chi, 1984), Vietnam Village - a social and economic problems (Phan Dai Doan, 1992), on a number ofvillage shops at the northern delta XVIII-XIX century (Nguyen Quang Ngoc, 1993) and a lot of valuable paper of the authors: Diep Dinh Hoa, Dao The Tuan, Bui Xuan Dinh, these building shave shown the basic characteristics of the Vietnamese village of the Red River delta, its role in the history of socio-economicand cultural development of the country Although not mentioneddirectly, but these studies were interested in cultural change in the village
as an inevitable process occurs; problem is how that process orientation was to promote traditional beautiful villages, while overcoming its drawbacks in the process
of national renewal
The work values and traditions and people of Vietnam today (Phan Huy Le and Vu Minh Giang editor, 1996), ministerial-level:Rural Culture in Development (Institute of Culture - Ministry of Culture, 2000 ) State-level theme: rural Development in Vietnam from traditional villages to modern civilization (Vu Trong Khai,Do Thai, Pham Bich Hop editor, 2004) are attracting major research many scientists involved The results of this program is a series of articles and editorials published research on thebook or magazine That's the article: "Social traditional village innorthern VN on the changes" (Nguyen Duc Nghinh), "Current status of rural culture and contemporary trends" (Luong Hong Quang, Nguyen Tuan Anh, Pham Nam Thanh) All these studiesexamined the Red River Delta Vietnamese village in particular and VN general direction of the change: natural variation, human consciousness and changes by direct effects or indirect effects of development policies The authors emphasized the situationchanges, the phase transformation, the two faces of the transformation
Trang 10Direct consideration of cultural transformation in the countryside in the modern period as a research subject, the book The Transformation of villages VN today in the Red River Delta (To Duy Hop editor, 2000) work author has analyzed, synthesized andgeneralized to a multi-color picture of the transformation processof the Red River Delta after 10 years of innovation The bookrefers to the change in economic structure, social services, thevalue-system of cultural norms in the family, clan, village, villagemanagement systems in the economies market today
Interested in the transformation process in four Tan Hong (Hai Duong), Me (Hung Yen), Phung Thuong Hoang Liet (HN), Nguyen Van Khanh Change in the structure of land and agricultural economy in the Red River delta in the renovation period (2001) has confirmed the Red River delta is rich in potential As a result of structural changes of land and agricultural economy is the material life and culture
of the people sharply higher, farmersescape poverty, to stabilize and enrich lives on her homeland
In addition a number of works we have mentioned above there are numerous books, articles, dissertations, theses same topic that other conditions
do not permit us to point out in this review ascivilization past and present Red River (Tran Duc, 1993), restructure the rural economy of the Red River delta (Nguyen Trung Que, 1994)
The second tendency of scholars of Vietnam is a case studyspecific to each village The work of Diep Dinh Hoa Vietnamese Village (1994) gave a comprehensive picture of the Vietnamese village A traditional Vietnamese village in rural northern plain of Nguyen Hai Ke (1996) is one of the works have tried to study the changes in all areas in a typical village of the Red River delta inapproach of a historian Loan write about Danish village "villagecommunes of Vietnam through the village of Dan Taiwan case" Some problems in the villages of Vietnam (2009), NguyenQuang Ngoc has studied the process of establishing the villageas well as economic situation, political society and culture of an ancient land commune Human Rights, Binh Giang district, Hai Duong
Trang 11The study village is Bach Coc Vietnam scientists in collaboration with the Japanese experts develop field activities in the village ofancient Vietnamese Bach Coc Thanh Loi commune, Vu Ban district, Nam Dinh province in 1994 The research has made ourworld tingle Vietnam domestic and international The results of theresearch project were published in 16 books yearbook Bach Coc information including Japanese and Vietnamese In addition,seminars on Bach Coc study was organized in 1997 in Nam Dinh,in Hanoi in 2003, in the Netherlands in 2002 and in Japan in 2007
Besides the study villages of VN in general so they also need to mention the study of Yen Hoa - the object that we study in this paper These include a number of works such as: From To river to Nhue river (address) (as visiting - 1986), Cau Giay district - the formation and development (Vu Hong Khanh, Nguyen Thuy Ngoc, Nguyen Manh Hung-2000), Regulation, democraticconvention Yen Hoa ward (Ward People's Committee of Hoa Yen - 2000), Culture and historical monuments and landscapes and Centre for UNESCO protected cultural development of the people of Vietnam , pg.234; pg.248-249 (Trinh Doan Doan - 2002) a family has many great ancient science in a suburban village, Han Nom study Report 2003, pg.16-19 (The Anh - 2003), Student Community spirit through a religious inscription in an ancientvillage academy, Han Nom study Report 2003, pg.171-173 (Bui Xuan Dinh - 2003), Cau Giay-10 years of construction and development (01/09/1997-01/09/2007) (Nguyen Duc Huong, Le Van Luan, Nguyen Chi Bakery - 2007); A hospitality area (study Encouragement Association Cau Giay district, Hanoi - 9/2007); scientific Liem of Contents (Book of the 1000th anniversary of Thang Long, HN - 2010), historic - cultural Cau Giay (Nguyen Doan Tuan (editor), Phan Khanh, Le Van Lan - 2010); Yen Hoa thousand years of land title incense: Celebrate 1000 years of Thang Long-Hanoi (Nguyen Minh Hieu and Hoang Ngoc Diep, Doan Long - 2010), ect
The aforementioned research works have studied in the village of Cot different angles but no one works any mention of a comprehensive natural conditions, history, the transformation ofeconomic life social, cultural as well as
Trang 12development trends of the village However, learning about the actual village of Cotresearchers go ahead suggest a different approach, contributing to reconstruct a complete, comprehensive, on land as well as the people here
We can say that the work of previous scholars have come tomark very clearly The research results of the first authors toequip our understanding of the village VN Subject CulturalChange in the village of Cot renovation period was conducted tofurther the aim of cognitive science for a specific village study Vietnamm rural villages in general, and through the village of Cot case (Yen Hoa Cau Giay HN) will also make paintings village Redriver Delta and vivid details
3 Objects and scope of research topics
+ Study subjects:
Object of research that we choose is the Ha Yen Quyet village (old name is Cot village) is now the Yen Hoa village, Yen Hoa ward, Cau Giay district, Hanoi Cot Village which is an ancient village, known as the academic traditional village and did crafts from longstanding Ha Yen Quyet full convergence characteristics of a rural village in the northern plain of industrialization, urbanization, a typical village of the traditional of education, the value of culture and history reserves are today
+ Scope of research:
Cot Village is the ancient village rich cultural traditions and is located near the center of Cau Giay district Cot Village has been involved in the process of urbanization and industrialization quickly, is considered one of where the speed up strong urbanization in Cau Giay in particular and Hanoi in general The cultural transformation of the village we learn the following aspects as the transformation of natural conditions and the formation and development of villages, the development
of socio-economic, transformation of culture, education, the process of developing the cultural life of modern times,ect in the overall process of formation and development of the village However, we are more focused on the transformation of the village since 1986 to present By this stage marks the innovation process as a whole associated with the time of industrialization, modernization and, urbanization,
Trang 13development of science and technology in modern, the collision between the old and the new, between tradition and modernity, between conservation and development, between adaptation and change Research that matters, we wish to find out the nature and mechanisms of cultural change in the village of Cot
Based on the object and scope of research, the scientific guidance of Prof Dr Nguyen Quang Ngoc, we decided to select Cot villages (Yen Hoa village today) is a local space to deploy the survey, our study with the subject: "the transformation of culture in the village of Cot innovation period"
4 The resources and research methods
+ The resources
Resources is always a very important factor in scientific research.Therefore, at the beginning, the number one priority is our work ofcollecting, reading and materials from which to form ideasdissertation proposal development Resources that
we use is part ofthe history and the material we use evidence from sources ofscientific works have been published Another part is also extremelyimportant that these resources are very valuable field
The first resource is the work, written materials about the feudalvillage: the use of Unified Dai Nam will, Dai Nam record, address book Du Dia Chi Nguyen Trai, History ward revolution Yen Hoa .Based on this work we have been the common understanding of the old village, the village of Cot compare traditional and modernsketches of events change sites, administrative geography of the village
The second data source notes the French are now stored at the Central Archives Department and the National Library of VN This isan important document for us to learn about the field of economic and socio-cultural village of Cot, the French colonial policy was usedto rule, economic exploitation and cultural subjugation French colonization
The third resource material collected during fieldwork in the locality, including written documents, physical documents About writing materials, we collected fairly complete bibliography of the ancient village (land register,
Trang 14conventions or ordained, god built, sharp mind .), the inscription documents, sentences, of self, family genealogy (family tree they Huang, the Nguyen) Typically the following: White Lotus see the original sign-up at the library Han Han Nom, the translation of United By Tram Hoang Thuc, 1966 (Nguyen Quang Enemy - 1833); Spirit area, the god of the Saints colors - Yellow - A - Turkish village church in Cot (Yen Hoa Ward, Cau Giay District, Hanoi); The legend of the Holy Cao Son (Historians Resources Institute, the Institute of Han Nom); The Nguyen family tree (the current document The Nguyen Van Son) social convention Ha Yen Decision (Translation) (General Dich Vong, Hoai Duc, Pham Thi Thoa (translation) - 1917); Securities commune of Ha Yen Decision (Total Dich Vong, Tu Liem district,Hoai Duc, Ha Dong - 1930) Guidelines traditional rituals Cot village (Yen Hoa Ward); question booklet for 1996 (Materials of the House of Nguyen Van Son); In a sign that White Lotus study ancient books still exist to this day The book by Hue Nguyen Quang Ha Yen Decision enemy village written in Han Minh City in clause No 14 (1833) In addition, we also collected records of the village relics such as ruins Curricula vitae Yen Family House Resolution (Department of Culture, HN - 1993) Curricula vitae historic church they Huang (Department of Culture HN - 1994) Curricula vitae historic church they Nguyen Nhu Uyen (Department of Culture, HN - 1994) Curricula vitae historic church architecture they Nguyen Yen Hoa (Hanoi Department of Culture - , 1994)
Through the above material we have outlined in detail the economic, political, social, cultural and traditional village of Cot transformationprocess of the village in the specific historical moment About this document is mainly based on physical artifacts as buildings:temples, pagodas, temples, churches, their identity, style Allworks that reflect the cultural life, customs, beliefs and historicalvillage of Cot in the renovation period
Because the local resources have not been regularly collecting and exploiting and preserving a systematic way on the other hand is still inadequate in the management and dissemination of documents.This makes us difficult to access In
Trang 15addition, we also exploit the processing of material from sociological surveys in the study areaand the information published in newspapers, magazines, internet
+ Research method
During deployment topics, we have used several research methodsof many disciplines and different sectors to implement In particular, the method most used is the interdisciplinary approach, the synthesis of many specialized methods: Study area, study history,sociology, linguistics, depth interviews, expert method
Dissertation research methods applied in the direction of the area to learn to do research mainstream We consider the village of Cot asa cultural space, thereby making application of the study area to be integrated awareness and a comprehensive village developmentthroughout the length
Research methods in the direction of history primarily to fully exploitthe historical source, the information and materials on the village of Cot
When research on issues related to our current investigation in the form of using sociological surveys, in-depth interviews conductedover the last try of the elders in the village on the changes of villagesin different periods of history The survey results show more clearly the economic development, cultural change, social reform eravillage of Cot
When conducting simultaneous multiple research methods, we alsouse this method to consult experts on the basis of information to becorrectly asserted Which mainly consulted experts learn about Vietnam, Hanoi school, History, Geography,
In addition, methods such as statistical research, describe, compare, compare and map method well we use to study topicsrelated to local media folk
5 Contribution of the thesis
First, the thesis was collected and the system provides additionalresearch materials on an ancient village rich cultural traditions in the process of urbanization and strong change towards modernity
Second, the thesis presents an overview of natural conditions, the formation and the basic characteristics of the traditional village of Cot
Trang 16The third, a comparison, for the village of Cot-way stage before and after renovation to transform the culture of a northern delta villageson the basis of economic development of society
The final: Based on the state of the cultural changes Cot village, thesis given the overall development trend of the future village of Cot
6 Layout of the thesis
Besides an introduction, conclusion, reference lists and appendices, the main content of the thesis consists of four chapters:
Chapter 1: The natural conditions, the formation and characteristics of
the traditional village of Cot
Chapter 2: Culture Cot village before the renewal period
Chapter 3: Culture Cot village renewal period to the present
Chapter 4: Culture Village Cot: Transform the situation and development trends
1.1 Geographical location and natural conditions
1.1.1 Geographical location
Cot village called Ha Yen Quyet, the theory is thatin addition is also known ancient name than Bach Lien commune Today is Cot Yen Hoa ward, Cau Giay district, Hanoi, is thegateway to the laryngeal region of the ancient Thang Long capital Cot who have very beautiful natural terrain-gate located just west of the Kinh citadel; a place to exchange directly between the innersuburban areas are separated
by the To Lich river To Lich river, adistributary of the river flowed from Nhi Ha (the Buom, Rice market today) through Grapefruit, Yen Nghia Hoa area all the way down
to the land of Thanh Tri and then swept into the river at theThreshold Ha Lieu then transferring to a river to the ancient land has created a lyrical nuance and grace The old folk songs such asremaining in the heart of a romantic who looks ancient it:
"Suzhou River water cooling medium in the medium
I visit his sailing boat parked close "
Once upon broad rivers, where the flow of goods from the coastalinner city, from north to, from the South up, across the countrytowards the ground and down the busy periods, both sides, on thewharf boat busy trade Village close to villages (Nghia Village) hasordained traditional paper village Grapefruit (Ward Yen Thai) is apopular paper craft, adjacent to the village of Round (Dich Vong) is avillage with a long career as cereal, to Lich River and bordered onthe provincial road into the city center So, Yen Hoa has favorable conditions for the development of traditional industries, expandeconomic exchanges - social and circulation of goods with thesurrounding area Thus, from an early age, Cot village nearby villageshave been known to be a craft village (the village money-making gold and silver), a land of hospitality associated with long-standingacademic tradition
On the other hand, also the river between the rugged Christ has made the internal decision Yen Thang Long The river has a solidperimeter protection for the city, but the
Trang 18gap is needed Yen Decisiongate sat just to the west, from Yen Decision in the city center is only about 6km So any news from the city quickly moved to Yen Decisionand the city where this fluctuation is usually the refuge of the king ofthe dynasty
Thus, for a long Yen Quyet was strategic lands in the west of Thang Long, both economic and military This is also the cradle ofculture with strong regional footprint ancient Thang Long
Today, the village of Cot Yen Hoa ward (prior to 1996 is Yen Hoa), Cau Giay district, Hanoi The village lies to the west of the capital, is located in the heart of Cau Giay District (formerly part of Cau Giay, Tu Liem district, Quoc Oai, Son Tay Town;
1831 Cau Giay district of Tu Liem, Hoai Duc province) Along with the land of Thang Long - Hanoi, Cot village has a rich history for thousands of years, is one of the area's residents from Vietnamese soilcontributed to the Red River civilization
Current boundaries of the village: the east ward Lang Thuong (Dong Da district), the west and Dich Vong Hau Dinh Commune (Tu Liem district), on the south by Trung Hoa, Quan Hoa Ward to the north border In the village of Cot to go through the temple Thu Le (Voi Phuc) to Cau Giay intersection turn left
to Christ river about 1km, turnright onto the bridge over the river to the village
Figure 1.1: Location of village in Yen Hoa Cau Giay district, Hanoi
1.1.2 Topography and soil
Cot Village with relatively flat terrain, the difference in height
Trang 19betweenthe highest and lowest place is not large (about 7m) so scattered over the fields formerly low mound
In soil, the village's land is not fertile as other regions of the northern plain In the village there is alternating between good land, good land,the land was not distributed evenly in both rural Lower and Upper YenYen Decision Decision Land at Lower Village is a clay soil should be plowed more difficult, while in rural Upper soil
is sandy soil better.Although located next to the river village of Christ but still lack the alluvial soil is not enriched by every year Cot Ke areas of the western lowlands of HN, soil pH is high and more oxidized.Therefore, crop yield is not high The growing population of foodshould also need to increase to meet demand for rice farmers
Every year, Red River sediment accretion for about 70% of RRD.Therefore the majority of villages in rural areas are the northern deltaalluvial soil, are blessed, enrichment for increased soil fertility,fertility While that part (about 30% of the area) are not alluvial landshould not be as lush fertile region The soil conditions are not fertilebut villagers still trying to overcome to be able to live on agriculture In addition to farming they did the other profession: votive, coated rolls, sewing,
Figure 1.2: Map of land use planning and Cau Giay district – Hanoi
Trang 201.1.3 The transport system
Figure 1.3: Map showing network traffic around Yen Hoa Ward
Throughout history, Cot Village with children running through the provincial road, the village also inter-village road in the middle of the village The main road connecting the hamlets in the village, inter-village roads remain almost intact (now open wider, asphalt,concrete) The small street in the neighborhood or at the end of the village area, new residential population is made because in recent years From village
HN Cot into the center there are many ways butthe most common way that people often go through the village of CotCot for Lang then go out into the center of HN
To Lich river flows through the village of Cot is a distributary of the River II (Red river), flows north HN Formerly the river in winter, shallowspring, summer, fall big country, must go by boat [40, tr.186].Therefore, in the fields in the villages often dig ditches, lakes to hold water and drain The irrigation system on the river and digging Christwas built after 1960 Because no systematic irrigation water shouldbe drained from the marshes, and ditches in the village Besides riceand two crops
Trang 21accounted for, the villagers also crop to Cot pillow case
In the village of Cot systematic ponds, lakes and ponds in particular,the pond system, this dress in addition to providing water for thepopulation also has an extremely important function is to provideirrigation water for agriculture Thanks to this water that the fields next to ponds, lakes and ponds in the village have higher fertility thanother fields lie far by the nutrients in the water of lakes, ponds and swamps in the affected villages directly to agricultural production
During the reign of the French government, the ecological environment in the village had not changed much Living conditions ofresidents and agricultural production has not improved than before.The cultivated area of rice accounts for about two thirds the area of agriculture, farmers' life is difficult, the villagers have to work astenant farmers or take away a lot of food
Thus, besides the favorable conditions for production and daily life of the people, as well as the natural conditions of land here was difficult.These difficulties are not only detrimental to the village of Cot owndifficulties but also of some other villages in the Red River Delta
1.2 Village formation process and the administrative changes
1.2.1 The process of formation
Through bibliographic and other archaeological remains have demonstrated in the water, our ancestors had to make their living in the HN In those days many wild nature, forest, swamps, marshesand rivers According to research by Vu Tuan Tran Quoc Vuong andSan in "Hanoi ancient times," not before TK Tenth West Lake, the river water from flowing directly into the Second Japan Trade Tandown Lake tributaries form a child, her arm the To Lich River
Yen Hoa is an ancient land, the "Du Dia Chi": Yen Chau Dien Hoaattached (ie Yen Lang, Quoc Oai, followed by Shanxi Province) is one of 15 the land of the Hung Vuong Vietnamese nation building[11, tr.9] Since ancient times, the ancient Vietnamese were presenton the strip and tied to farms to produce and protect the
Trang 22fruits of their labor However, due to lower levels, people are always threatened by natural disasters, life turned upside down, until the years 821-825 ADonward, when
De La Thanh is the embankment to prevent flooding,to Lich River was much deeper, more extensive flooding to escapethe new residential village gathered up neighbors
to build lotus pondnext to the south of the village
Ke Cot name in the language of the ancient Vietnamese, have fromtime to only residents of Hung Vuong, village hamlets of a region, a country Moreover, "He was in the system Cot ancient village of Tu Liem district formerly: Mo Ke, Ke La, next to, take Loop, Grows Ke,Ke Grapefruit From this name, the study of language , historical,archaeological and ethnographic studies confirmed the birth and existence
of Ke Cot from before the North of "[9, pg.14]
In 1978, when digging Lich people found the coffin with hollow stems.Inside the coffin there are some artifacts archaeologists dating ofearly AD, over 2000 years ago This proved the ancient VietnameseYen Hoa had to land to build villages
According to historical records, from Account No VI, Ly Bon (ie Ly Bi) uprising raised the flag, he had built up in Christ estuarinecolonial army to chase out the salary confines Remnants left theQuan Hoa Temple (Temple Above) Four non-United Church Bakewife and neighbors Hau Temple (Temple Between) non-UnitedChurch Mrs Van Phuc, Legend they are two princess daughter of King
Ly Nam De
The book “Bach Lien signing Lotus" by Hue Minister Nguyen Quang HaYen Decision enemy village written in Han Minh City in clause No 14 (in 1833) reported that Cot villagers to earn their living from a new career domination of the Tang Dynasty I (821-825): "At first they had four, Nguyen, Hoang, Quan, the more they Doan Tran, Pham, Le,Ngo eight adjacent listed in the East, the rate (four borders
of the East, four adjacent sides Doai) "[13, tr.3]
Ly Decision Yen Quyet located in central western Buddhism Thang Long.Many nobles, loss of Ly dynasty palace built in the area such aselectric guns
Trang 23Almost, Almost electricity into 1789, when 20thousand troops routed invasion Thanh Thang Long, Tay Soninsurgent army Yen was an ambush at police stations decide to pave the way into the history of war Da It can be said: the village of HoaYen Yen Hoa Ward in particular and in general there is a land of rich history and cultural traditions for a long time
1.2.2 Evolution of the village administration
Le So dynasty, with two villages in Yen Quyet, villages of Upper and Lower, Tu Liem district, Quoc Oai, Son Tay
Early XVI century, the natural growth of population and society,
"Yencommune Decision" was split into two communes of Thuong YenDecision (also known as the village paper) and Ha Yen Decision (also known as Cot village) Since the end of the first Le Nguyen, both Upper and Lower Yen commune decision belongs Tu Liem district, Quoc Oai, Son Tay Town
Minh Mang Life 12 (1831), the Nguyen administrative reform, dividedour country into 29 provinces, Thang Long is not considered to be the capital of the country Therefore, the two communes of Upper and Lower Yen Decision Hoai Duc, Hanoi Province
According to the Spirit ordained the remaining years of Dong Khanhvillage, the second (1888) Decision Thuong Yen renamed An Hoa Commune, Tu Liem district, Hoai Duc Years of Thai Nguyen year(1889) of the total An Ha, Complete Long district By 1903, the commune of Ha Yen Decision of total Dich Vong, Hoai Duc, Hanoi.By 1915, the French renamed "HN suburbs" into provincial districtsHoan Long Ha Dong [38, tr.32] Therefore, both An Hoa and Yen HaHa Dong decision belongs By December 1942 both belong to the commune HN Special Agent (Agent Complete Long) capitals in thehamlet of Thai Ha
Trang 24Figure 1.4: Map of Complete Long Agent
After the August 1945 Revolution, the revolutionary governmentreorganized the administrative units of HN contains 17 neighborhoodand 5 suburban districts including Dong Da district, Lang Bacdistrict, county Dai La, Me Linh district, county Tham Yen Ha and AnHoa District Decision Dai La, HN By May 1948 when HN was the enemy occupied France, both HN and Ha Dong provinceincorporated intercity Mesopotamia; HN divided into two districts of West and Tran Nam Thanh Tran Ha Hai Yen commune and An Hoadecision is called inter-communal Song Yen Tran West Membersbelong, HN In 1956, two communes are merged called Yen Hoa,District 6, HN
Date 04.20.1961 II National Assembly, 2nd session of the Resolutionapproved
by the Prime Minister on the expansion of Ho HN Now HNis divided into four zones and four inner suburban districts; Tu Liem district is formed on the basis of the old
Trang 25province of Tu Liem
In 1982, a land of Yen Hoa Street, Cau Giay, Quan Hoa village is cut off to the town of Cau Giay established under Decree 173 dated10.01.1982 of the Council of Ministers of the Republic socialist VN
In 1997, the implementation of Decree 74/CP dated 22/11/1996 of the Government on the establishment of Thanh Xuan and Cau Giay,Hoa Yen on 01/09/1997 officially became Yen Hoa ward, is aadministrative unit of Cau Giay District, Hanoi
Based on historical resources are recorded, we streamline the process of formation and evolution of the village of Cot in the table below:
Table 1.1: Evolution of the village of Cot
Before the reign
of Le
Bach Lien communal
Tay regions
Early 16th century Ha Yen Quyet Tu Liem communes, Quoc Oai town, Son
Tay regions
In 1903 Ha Yen Quyet Dich Vong total, Hoai Duc town, Hanoi
The August in 1945 Ha Yen Quyet Dai La district, Hanoi
The May in 1948 Ha Yen Quyet Song Yen, western into town, Hanoi
In 1956 Ha Yen Quyet Yen Hoa communes, district 6, Hanoi
From 1997 to
Yen Hoa Yen Hoa ward, Cau Giay district, Hanoi
Trang 26Yen Hoa Ward was established on the basis of Yen Hoa is one of the eight wards in Cau Giay district, Hanoi Ward has an area of 207.2hectares of natural cover along the To Lich River with 9204inhabitants, a population
of 22,000 people (1996)
1.3 The features of traditional Cot village
1.3.1 Cot village - an ancient Vietnamese village, situated at the gateway to the west of the capital
Cot village is an ancient land, based on the archaeological dig in 1978 To Lich river in the village was found in both the casket hollow trees and other relics are identified early AD, the over 2000 years ago This proved the ancient Vietnamese came here to live
Since becoming the capital of Thang Long University of Vietnam (1010), Ke Cot is the gateway to the west of the capital, near the city, convenient transportation to any political events taking place in the inner city are impact on the village Through the feudal dynasty, when in the chaos, the head office move often Tu Liem area which is nearest village Cot: "King Ly Hue Tong (5/1215) and King Le Chieu Tong (9/1510) ran a competition to Yen Quyet making meeting the court "[24, pg.14]
Longstanding Ha Yen Quyet and Ke Cho decide to stick with - the administrative center for the central state, there are good craftsmen, traders and large economic relations with other localities in the water Farmers and craftsmen of Ha Yen Quyet brought food and handicraft products to sell in the city Also the village is also home to provide labor for the city people's lives, providing artisans, workers in enterprises of the city
The capital is the focus of the country's elite, while the capital is also home to quickly acquire the Oriental culture, the West Because daily contact with the capital
so soon Cot villagers quickly acquire cultural essence, polite manners and lifestyle of city dwellers
1.3.2 Cot village - land rich tradition of innovation
From the life of people’s Yen Hoa is still the hard-working people, suffered
Trang 27hard Although grown on an area of agricultural land, but Yen Hoa’s people always take advantage of a peri-urban areas to establish professional development gaps in those days "harvest", ensuring stability for the life themselves and their families Before the August Revolution in 1945, among 705 households, only about 80 farming families, accounting for more than 10% The vast majority of families in addition to arable land have extra jobs such as rice flute, craft paper, craft gift cakes, other handicrafts and trade, many shops in the city or town foreign trade in the province Just so people's style was much influenced by Yen Hoa's old style capital and flowing with the look of middle class bourgeois French colonial urban later
Agricultural of Cot village associated with farming, tending and harvesting the rice, cash crops (corn, potatoes, vegetables, secret vote) These crops are mainly grown by family size, grown in fields or in gardens Village grow many vegetables and fruits such as trenches trend, tomatoes, cabbage, spinach, tomato dishes, etc Also, in the old family also planted many fruit trees: banana, jackfruit, contracts, papaya, etc and some timber trees such as teak, jackfruit, pearl, bamboo The trees are mainly serving the needs of the family that does not include business
Husbandry: Early Cot villagers livestock development (dogs, pigs, chickens, cattle, ) Especially popular village sow, pig pen powder of high weight In the old village churches have the custom of the adjacent pig host festival village head (as an offering gifts) Ranching to get traction with an important role in agricultural production
Besides the diversified agriculture, village of Cot also craft of traditional gold and silver as money, serving as snacks
Gold profession code: Cot village also serving as gold bullion, gold leaf used
in ceremonial occasions Gold bullion has a career long, originally it was made at harvest, avoiding the waste of time, increase household income After the social needs are increasing, many families have moved into the main lines are closed in all stages from paper dyeing squeeze into the probe, plug in and then split bamboo baskets to dry, cracked molding, rolling paper into diamond , of gold thousand
Trang 28smooth, beautiful yellow flowers are more popular areas to buy Professional career
in gold leaf and pull the paper color of raw leaf Flower Bridge resident locally made, and then there's people trying to learn overheard village very popular with families and villages This is a profession is considered as "professional" of some families Articles of gold leaf, colored paper to decorate and cut the village's slogan became Cot goods in circulation in the country In addition, there are craft villages Cot radiation to burn incense in the Holidays, votive craft, craft making toys for children
Snacks profession: in Ha Yen Quyet making is highly developed snacks profession, assorted donuts, cakes away, vegetarian cake is usually the "store" (order)
to bring to market the internal market, suburban Still the most famous rolls Cot’s rolls not inferior rolls of Thanh Tri, people in Hanoi is the favorite Noodles are also products of the village of Cot, Noodles restaurants use the information Snacks profession has contributed significantly to the stability of the daily life of villagers of
Ha Yen Quyet
In the village of ancient Tu Liem district, the village of Cot with Mo, La, soups more famous, so popular has the adage: "1st Mo, 2nd La, 3th Canh, Cot." And in the craft villages of the most prominent role is the role of women, they are diligent, hard
to find stuff to learn Born in the land rich in traditional culture, women in Yen Hoa is the charming, gracious, they often play a role transactions, buying and selling to customers of the capital city as well as customers of the provinces and abroad Fishing: "Men is Ke La, woman is Ke Cot" said the make up of people who are resourceful girl that throughout Thang Long - Hanoi old and now knows They are also the people to manage professional life as well as economic, maintaining the stability of family life and Yen Hoa village
1.3.3 Cot village - land of rich cultural traditions A land rich in historical and cultural
Cot village have many historical and cultural, architectural molding attached
to the name of their homeland So far the village has many relics ranked historical – cultural: communal houses, pagodas Ngoc Quan
Trang 29Cot communal houses is where the ceremony, meetings, festivals and activities of the villagers were built long ago, but sketchy After multiple family moved to 1832 13th Minh Mang with eight adjacent dignitaries united efforts to build the home in "The Garden" (where the current home) Village were assigned to two people to Nguyen Huu Chuong and Nguyen Kim Simplified skilled workers who look after the design and construction
Ngoc Quan pagoda by Thuong Huy and Quan’s family built in camps outside the "Deposition" (the wheel), the new camp with a communal turn to today In this pagoda also hold a large bronze bell was cast from the Tay Son
In addition, the village also has a network of temples, including mental epiphany and the "human spirit" is a communal court of honor and excellent sealing (Cho temple, Ca temple, Chua pagoda) Along with the current system to church to worship their ancestors and their cultural celebrities like churches they Nguyen (Nhu Uyen’s family), Hoang’s family, Nguyen Van Son’s family and their tombs system has historical value long time Academic village
Cot village had been tradition of education, there are 20 doctors have been recorded in Van Mieu Quoc Tu Giam, is one of five villages "Education" of Thang Long, which is one "four sites: Mo - La - Canh - Cot " Since ancient times people take care Hoa Yen was the school examination system to recruit top talent to take on the water, consider this one of the major villages and communes with "The literature" caring learning regulations; have "Van Chi" to the church school; have "Doc thu dien" to donation who passed
"Mentally disabled, save highway Stock The spending plans set multiple millions "
That mean is:
"The spirit of the ancient remaining academic Progeny to build, nurture "
Among the academic village of Thang Long - Hanoi, Yen Hoa is a village with
Trang 30many achievements in examinations (both university faculty, secondary science and elementary science) Ha Yen Quyet village considered the recommendations from the old school is one of the great work of the village community: the village spent three models “doc thu dien” fields (field study), and 100 of the money, to do rewards for doctors who pass the past Also in the village of the villagers also prize the parking field for both Confucianist degree, baccalaureate confucianist Those not attending school phen complex sophisticated services The village has three degrees
of comparison, in which most reference levels for medical school, dignitaries
The dynasties of Ly and Tran always cared for the school examination system
to recruit top talent to take on the water Dynasty Tran, Ha Yen Quyet village had Hoang Quan Chi is bordered by the First Thai student science exam Rooster, Quang Thai dating to the 6th (1393), Thuan Tong King, to attend court as to the competence
of the hospital, which led to the examination system of the ancient land and Yen Hoa ward today In particular the key length is also the first of Tu Liem district Go to the
Ho dynasty, although only existed for 7 years with two kings, but also timely to organize two examinations And for the first examination, examination of Thai students dating to St Raw (1400) life Ho Quy Ly, Cot Village with Nguyen Quang Minh parking specific students, as the place for enforcing official controls to , along with the scientific name a grape known as Nguyen Trai, Ly Tu Tan, Vu Mong Nguyen
Le dynasty - the most brilliant period of Confucianism in VN, examination year
of the Ox (1469) King Le Thanh Tong, in the village there were applications tools Nguyen Nhu Uyen exam and adjacent parking came Dr (Royal gland) And then he made relating to the Back of the Study, Ministry of Attorney Clerk cum gather (Principal) Imperial Academy From this succession in the family, death of Dr Yen Quyet test different country to compete in the mat huts of the Le dynasty examination
of the file, the Mac and Le Trung Hung dynasty Typical family life after another five gold table as the family stone tools Nguyen Nhu Uyen Hoang Giap, children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren of the tool are: Nguyen Xuan Nham, Ph.D 1499; Nguyen Quang Khiem, Ph.D in 1523; Nguyen Nhat Trang, Ph.D 1595; Nguyen Vinh
Trang 31Thinh, PhD in 1659 They must also include specific Deputy Nguyen Van Thanh…
The name of did the radiant Dr Yen Quyet homeland With 10 doctoral grapes undergo dynasty, nearly 30 direction of election and 9 Post-Le Dynasty Nguyen Dynasty, the village of Cot has become one of the twenty villages "academic" VN feudal country and is one of five village "academic" typical soil Menstruation thousand years of civilization
Under feudalism, learning objectives of the guys who are clearly defined and strictly follow the principle of Tu,Te, Tri, Binh So after a successful academic path, the tool will bring its virtue to help others, help the country on each specific area In the village, in addition to the specific part where the court has made dozens of instruments in the towns, provinces such as Christian education of Binh Thuan, Vinh Long (the direction of Royal specific peacetime, in particular Deputy Nguyen Van Thanh table ) and many other tools to hold the Government Training and districts In addition, a team teacher in the village is east map, the tools are usually the ones after the main passed or did not take a break after the main part, the old fails to waste knowledge to teach classes for children her homeland Many students attend specific training very crowded, people respected as specific Thinh Nguyen Dinh
1.3.4 Patriotic tradition against foreign aggression and fighting spirit indomitable resilience
Blooded hero of the nation , Yen Hoa people's patriotic tradition against foreign aggression and indomitable fighting spirit for a long time
From the sixth century Ly Nam De King fortress built to resist the Luong invaders in the area Yen Quyet and upstream along the To Lich river In this struggle, the people of Yen Quyet has been actively engaged in combat, the remaining evidence to date is the temple (Giua temples and Tren temples) worshiped two female princess of the king's minister
In the war against the Ming invaders led by the Ho (1406 - 1407), Nguyen Quang Minh City is the place for enforcing the state's General Government control in the Ho and Hoang Cong Tinh – son of Hoang Quan Chi have fought bravely History
Trang 32also records: "From 1407 year Tu Liem was considered evil drive against "the Ming because there is always opposition of the people" Hoang Cong Tinh participate in Lam Son uprising, was ordained the same tri athlete, he is the son of Hoang Cong Thanh was appointed commander of porcelain, the grandson is also director of Hoang Cong Dao under Le profile
The Nguyen with Nguyen Van Sau, director learning his son Nguyen Van Thanh as the revolt of the Le Van Khoi against oppression reign of Minh Mang (1820-1840) He was arrested and taken to Hue to death
In the last two times against the French colonialists occupied Hanoi, Yen Hoa Yen war fought bravely under the command of the sect of militants in the court in the land of Yen Hoa ward, Cau Giay As a result villagers kill two official commander is three F.Gac-ni-e in HN was first occupied (21.12.1873) and the official's private H.Ri-vi-e occupied during the second HN (1883) on the territory of his country
After the victory the French captured the Hanoi in late 1883, Tu Liem area is the area of operation of the Assembly by Tin Nghia by Duong Quang Huu ie So (raw bar trade Hanoi) leaders of the movement
In the early XX TK, two young men are boring and Nguyen Tran Doa and Nguyen Van Tu leave home for military of De Tham More than a year later was named managing association and was appointed to act local On the night 27.06.1908, Nguyen Tran Doa and Nguyen Van Tu gathered from more than 100 people were pulled Cong Vi preparing an ambush on the Hanoi This is the military wing of foreign aid to Vietnam for the poison of corruption as exposed to withdraw Before leaving, the army Quan Hoa temple monks a cow to support military longing After Yen The uprising failed, De Tham killed Nguyen Tran Doa with Hoang Luan is the nephew of Hoang Hoa Tham religious purpose of concealing his house, avoiding the quest of the French imperialists
The insurrections against French first row XX century but failed the patriotism
of our people in general and in particular Yen Hoa people still smoldering in the hearts and wills of people Spirit when the winds of patriotic and revolutionary blow
Trang 33to the powerful flare up A patriotism of the media revolution in the group Dong Kinh Nhia Thuc that mature in the years 1905-1906 by Luong Van Can host or movement
of Vietnam Quang Phu hoi of Dong Du restored under the leadership of Phan Boi Chau to the rise in 1920-1925 was a patriotic movement vibrant and widely among people Movement for the French release Phan Boi Chau, Phan Chau Trinh mourning were villagers to participate, many tools to hang pictures map of Phan Boi Chau, Phan Chau Trinh right teaching post Especially the rich text patriotic poetry Dong Kinh Nghia Thuc's, of Phan Boi Chau was the study of instruments, recording, hidden and passed on to descendants, so far many people are still attached
Thanks hatched in the patriotic movement so when I see the light of the revolution, Yen Hoa most people stand up neatly by the Party fought for independence for national freedom
Thus, the village of Cot is the place to witness many great historical events of Hanoi in particular and the nation's history in general Learn the history of the village
of Cot partly help us understand more about the historical events have affected the village The historical events that certainly impacts on the cultural life of the community spirit Cot village residents over the years
State the chapter 1
Above we have outlined the characteristics of geographical location, natural conditions, as well as the formation of administrative changes, the characteristics of the traditional village of Cot Since then the picture sketched old Cot village - a village in rural northern plains On natural conditions, the village of Cot has many favorable conditions to grow wet rice cultivation Furthermore, because the gateway
is located in the west of the capital should Cot villagers quickly acquire new ones, fast communication and resourceful, quick-thinking of selling Along with agriculture, traditional crafts in the village are quite developed, typically serving as the gold code, cardboard, paper and listen to snacks
Cot village is an ancient village with many historical and cultural value of art
Trang 34such as architecture village, Ngoc Quan pagodas, temples, churches them, traditional villages with particular patriots against foreign aggression , tradition and academia for a long time, are in "from home" (Mo, La, Canh, Cot), Tu Liem district
of old with 10 doctors and nearly 30 direction of election and 9 Post-Le Dynasty Nguyen Dynasty Key length is Hoang Quan Chi - Thai student Tran (1393) and Nguyen Quang Minh - Thai student life Ho (1400)
2.1 Socio-economic situation
2.1.1 The period from 1945-1954
Under the feudal colonial, Yen Hoa has strongly influenced thecolonial economy built by the French after the capture of the HN.Economy of capitalism sets requirements on agricultural commodities, the labor that broke the heavy production self-sufficiency and self-support of agriculture in the rural suburbs
Compared to other parts of the suburbs, villages Cot is a lesscolonial and feudal system of land appropriated to the economy butnot intensive agriculture to economic activity at home is also erraticincome Craft paper eroded because of the competitiveness ofpaper industry in France, Hong Kong Silk weaving to the newpressure of the raw materials were expensive to purchase, the product was bought for cheap, high taxes unbearable The ship Xeothinned paper, the loom is only flickering to then shut down after aseemingly flourishing Serving as the wheels are also in the humidconditions because of economic crisis gripped people's lives.Youth, students finished job is difficult, life is full of hardships, misery,not to find a way
So the French have also aggressively collect taxes: taxes rivers, fairtax, house tax, land tax but most barbaric thing called taxcollection body, a body of three same tax rate (equivalent to one quintal of rice at the time):
"Hundred taxes, what taxes and stringent Firmly tighten only gradually withdrawn as will Domain with a merchant house country side Way of going there, it's not about "
(Phan Boi Chau) Under these circumstances, villages are forced to take account of public land
to be divided among nail rates, each rate a pole,transplanting rice collection (taking grain to contribute) With all thepolicy rule, heavy exploitation of French colonialism
Trang 36and feudalism, the people of Yen Hoa is poverty, lack of material and culturalbackwardness, and spirit The life of poverty was rife with unfairnessas to make conflict between class exploitation with the exploitedclasses, between people and the French and tougher minions.Farmers want the land, to escape exploitation, artisans wantemployment, youth desire democratic ideal All strata are evenhatred simmering, ready to break the chains of slavery,independence and freedom
2.1.2 The period from 1954-1975
The victory of the resistance war against French colonialism andU.S intervention with gang henchmen have put our country'srevolution entered a new phase: the North was liberated, every steptowards socialism, as a firm foundation struggle for the reunification of the country In this context, Yen Hoa people determined to embark on construction and home development Land reform and build new relations of production (1954-1960)
After liberation, Yen Hoa difficulties as a result of colonial conquest.Nearly a thousand roofs were destroyed, villages, fields and gardens were uncultivated How many people back home do not have shelter huts Craftsmanship is maxed out during the recoveryhas not been occupied Important job is stable at the time the people's life, gradually restoring production and social activities.With a tradition of solidarity
"healthy leaves dum tear leaves," thevillage people helping each other, giving accommodation, sharingmeals, for some of her children emigrated Recovery movementaroused excitement produced in the village such as Suzhou Riverdredging, digging ditches, drought control, water rice, the popularmovement was organized school-wide service in the alleys In addition, the restoration of craft production and employment isparticularly noticeable Some households do gold leaf was reorganized dye transfer to paper, young people actively took part in the campaign and construction of the country, restoring rail HN -Lang Son and construction works in the capital Few other pooryoung cyclo, load of vegetables sold in urban markets But not yet stable job but guaranteed to be the first step of life
Implementation of plans to restoreand develop the industry, gradually solve
Trang 37difficult for the people, the land reform carried out in the suburbs in mid-1956 land reform in Yen Hoa commune in particular and in general all basically been completed Hundreds of fields, manycattle, farm tools, houses are divided by the population So manyprofessionals previously employed, sharecroppers, not land sizeplug awls, after farmers having land reform culture, the land for house construction
The rehabilitation of handicraft production was first held in 1956.Now in Quan Hoa hamlet founded the first textile production teams,major items are cloth, towels Due to the strong development of thetextile that many families in the village
of Cot votive quit gradually,purchasing looms for weaving participants expansion
By the end of1956 the village had about 35 looms
Associated with the restoration and development of manufacturing,service industries have gradually been established In late 1956,early 1957 many households had contributed equity to act as agentfor the retail department stores, foreign trade business
In agricultural production, many institutions have modifiedthe activities such
as Truong neighborhood, Cho neighborhood (in 1958), Chua neighbors, Trai neighbors, Dinh neighbors (in 1959,) By mid-1959 Supply Cooperative was established criteria by Dang Thi Ngan as chairman Thiscooperative was responsible for material supply and delivery of products, as a bridge between processing stations with fiber cottonfarmers cooperative members In early 1960, the CooperativeSupply objective was reorganized into cooperatives textile Yen Hoa Nguyen Van Tuu work
as demobilization January 1960 Quyet Tien weaving cooperative in the village was established
The victory of the 3-year plan for socialist reform and economic development
- culture (1958-1960) was initially established thesocialist relations of production, creating a profound shift From thevillage was destroyed after the war, craft stalled villagers effortsmove forward to build the village during the socialist revolution
Trang 382.1.2.2 Planning the first five years (1961-1965)
* Manufacturing industry
Step in 1961 in Yen Hoa weaving unnoticed strengthening anddevelopment Two cooperative Quan Hoa and Tien was incorporated decision, move up higher by Nguyen Quang Dieu aschairman Weaving cooperatives have built production facilities, mechanization of a number of machines: textile machinery, machine pipes, gutters throughout, questions loom .producing organizations are rearranged more reasonable than in the direction of specialization The number of members not only in
Ha Yen Quyet, in Quan Hoa and in Dich Vong Goods production also richer as scarves, handkerchiefs, cloth valances election Movement of production cooperatives be strengthened continuously, becoming advanced unit in the cooperative industry's Tu Liem district
On the craft of making paper, in August 1962 of two Dan Chu and Cong Hoa operatives merged into the Dan Chu operatives withabout 240 members, 40 women workers by Dao Van Thi aschairman Cooperative conducted in 1963 on production electric scissors Many heavy manual work are replaced by machines Cooperative production of goods increasingly rich as roneo paper,copy paper, invitations, cardboard cooperatives attention to build infrastructure such as pulp mill cabins, wharvescover, cooking cauldron that dip tank covers technical focusstage, increasing labor productivity for members Cooperative always exceed the contract with the Hong HaStationery Company, exceed the district's allocation Threeconsecutive years from 1963-1965, Democratic operatives areadvanced unit in the paper industry Besides farming cooperative isnearly 20 acres of farm income support of family members
* Agricultural production
Agricultural production is not long since the strength of the villagersby the number of families based entirely on agriculture is much lesspure The family engaged in economic and non-agricultural incomeaccounted for two thirds of total
Trang 39households This is a majo rcharacteristics affecting agricultural production in the cooperatives Agricultural production is very difficult here, most farmers are notfluent in plowing and harrowing, transplanting and harvesting The most serious is
to harvest the winter rain floods, cooperative neighborhood school did not mobilize enough manpower togerminate rice were much larger failures, cooperatives are at risk of rupture from the first production By the end of 1964 manufacturing facilities transferred to theDepartment of Foreign Trade of the City, members of the State agency, part of returning to work The knitting group, made after building frame to go into production and develop quite well with themain items are sweaters, bamboo To Yen Decision of 34 people, average salary reached 44-45 VND / month, higher than averagewages of cooperative members textiles, paper
Under these circumstances, is common and learning from experience production cooperatives Dong Xuan (Xuan Dinh), high-level operatives in Phu Gia village scale, Truong neighborhood cooperative has made progress In 1961, favorable weather, the harvest was fairly cooperative
Implementing innovative campaign to improve cooperative management techniques, comprehensive agriculturaldevelopment, the solid, the Dinh cooperative, the Truong cooperative merged into force of his work as Nguyen Van Liet Chua cooperative, Tre cooperative and Trai cooperative named consolidated Hop Tien, Hoang Uyen as chairman Significant effect of the merger as land concentration, building irrigation systems irrigate more favorable Plan to relieve drought and flooding are developed strongly, strengthening technical innovation, application and dissemination of new technologies into production The study andimplementation of proper density rice, weeding fertilizing on timehas remained relatively tight
Overcoming many difficulties, the cooperative steps to boost production Community Power Cooperative in 1963-1964 accounted for transplant to 131 form 6 acres up 5% of the planarea; 142 samples transplanted crop up 6% of the plan
Hop Tien cooperative culture is 113 samples, yield nearly 4kg/sao Perform the tasks of food production, the cooperative has the advantage ofco-localized with
Trang 40the number of fish from 20,000 children to 30,000 children On the pig, the cooperatives have to buildhousing collectives Husbandry also rather rapidly, in 1965 the commune was sold to the state nearly 20 tons of pork, poultry with tons, thousands of eggs Breeding can be accelerated In addition, the cooperative also planted dozens ofgreen vegetables to serve people's lives Results after thecampaign
to improve the management, agricultural cooperativeshas grown up full-scale communal named Summing Nhat
Thus, the industrial production Yen Hoa favorable development,agricultural production has more changes, but generally still moredifficult compared to other cooperatives in the district The production, just fight, positive support for the South (1965-1975)
The building of socialism in the late steps of the 5-year plan, theenemy first U.S war damage caused by air to the north downremove their stalemate in southern battlefields Now, the northlaunched emulation movements "every person working in two", trying to build and protect North, actively supported the revolution to liberate the South In this context, people and production Yen Hoa,just ready to fight, positive chi energy of the hospital very big for the front line south
* Manufacturing industry
The cooperative has faced manydisadvantages in the production process, such
as power failure,shortage of materials, production is not stable, these items must bechanged regularly In this context, the cooperative members andfarmers production units have striven to overcome difficulties Quan Hoa Cooperative bought generators and encourage good weavers stood two machines to increase productivity, each year hundreds of thousands of textilescarf female South bandanna , workwear fabrics, twill carpenter,valances elected nearly 30000m In 1967, The U.S textilecooperative is the flagship textile crafts of the city By the year1973-1974, wool carpet weaving cooperatives conducted to expand the items, vocational training institutions for children toworking age to tackle difficult for the family and to add new laborcooperatives