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Reported Speech (repeating somebody's words) ________________________________________________________________________________________ 1. If the reporting verb is in a PAST tense (He said ; I was wondering ), we change: Present (Continuous) > Past (Continuous) Past (Continuous) > Past Perfect (Continuous) Present Perfect (Continuous) > Past Perfect (Continuous) will > would can > could may > might [These changes are called the Sequence of Tenses.] "I work in a bank." He told me he worked in a bank. "I was only joking about it." He said he'd only been joking about it. "I've sold my car." He said he had sold his car. "I'll help you." He said he would help me. "I can swim." He said he could swim. "She may be busy." He said she might be busy. Past Perfect (Continuous) & other Modal Verbs [see "shall" in 8] usually remain unchanged. ________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. Often we also have to change adverbs of time and place: this > that these > those here > there now > then / immediately today > that day tonight > that night tomorrow > the next (following) day next week > the following week yesterday > the previous day / the day before last week > the previous week / the week before two days ago > two days before (earlier) "I'm very tired today." He said he was very tired today. (if he said it ten minutes ago) He said he was very tired that day. (if he said it last Monday) ________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. When we report questions, we change not only the tenses but also the word-order - subject comes before the verb / auxiliary [as in statements] & we do NOT use "do / does / did": "Can you swim?" He asked if I could swim. (if / whether, can > could, word-order) "How do you feel?" The nurse asked how I felt. (how, Present > Past, word-order) Of course when the reporting verb is NOT in a past tense, we change only the word-order: "Who is that woman?" I wonder who that woman is. I wondered who that woman was. ________________________________________________________________________________________ 4. For orders & requests we use "tell / ask sb. + (not) to-V": "Shut up!" He told me to shut up. "Help me, please." He asked me to help him. "Don't touch it." He told me not to touch it. ________________________________________________________________________________________ 5. The most common verbs & phrases introducing Reported Speech: He said (that) told me answered / replied explained added admitted informed me thought realized knew hoped He asked (me) where she was. wondered wanted to know knew explained I wonder where she is. Can you tell me ? Do you know ? I've no idea I don't remember He asked me (not) to told me ordered me instructed me begged me warned me reminded me advised me ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ 6. If we report something that is still true, we do not need to change Present (Continuous), especially in spoken language: Present (Continuous) > Present / Past (Continuous) Elizabeth said: "I want to go to New York next year." Elizabeth said that she wants [wanted] to go to New York next year. (She still wants to go.) Mark said: "London is much bigger that Warsaw." Mark said that London is [was] much bigger than Warsaw. (The situation hasn't changed.) But we MUST use a past form when there is a difference between what was said and what is true: Situation: You heard from Jane: "Tom is ill." Later that day you see Tom. He's looking well and carrying a tennis racket. You say: "I didn't expect to see you, Tom. Jane said you were ill." (NOT: "Jane said you are ill", because clearly he is not ill.) ________________________________________________________________________________________ 7. In spoken language also Past (Continuous) can remain unchanged: Past (Continuous) > Past / Past Perfect (Continuous) Paul said: "I woke up feeling ill, so I didn't go to work." Paul said he woke [had woken] up feeling ill, so he didn't go [hadn't gone] to work. Mike said: "I was waiting for Ann." Mike said he was waiting [had been waiting] for Ann. ________________________________________________________________________________________ 8. shall: a) shall > would / should [predictions - statements] "We shall be back before midnight." He said they would be back before midnight. I said we would / should be back before midnight. [with: I, we] b) shall > would [predictions & requests for information - questions] "Shall I ever forget her?" He wondered if he would ever forget her. "Shall we pass the exam?" He wondered whether they would pass the exam. "When shall I know the results?" He asked when he would know the results. c) shall > should [requests for instructions or advice] "How shall I prepare the sauce?" He asked how he should prepare the sauce. "Shall I phone her?" He asked if he should phone her. d) shall > He suggested , He offered [suggestions & offers] "Shall we meet at the theatre?" He suggested meeting at the theatre. "Shall I bring you some tea?" He o#ered to bring me some tea. ________________________________________________________________________________________ 9. Let's / How about / Why don't we ? / Why not ?: "Let's go to the cinema." He suggested going / that we (should) go to the cinema. "Let's not go to the cinema." He was against (the idea of) going to the cinema. "How about going for a swim?" He suggested going for a swim. "Why don't we stay at home?" He suggested staying at home. "Why not play bridge?" He suggested playing bridge. ________________________________________________________________________________________ 10. would like: "I would like to travel a lot." He said he would like to travel a lot. "Would you like a drink?" He o8ered me a drink. "Would you like to go to ? He invited me to go to the cinema with him. ________________________________________________________________________________________ 11. Conditionals are reported as follows I > II "If you pass your test, I'll buy you a car." He said that if I passed my test, he'd buy me a car. II remains unchanged "If you passed your test, I'd buy you a car." He said that if I passed my test, he'd buy me a car. "If I were you, I would study harder." He advised me to study harder. III remains unchanged "If you'd passed your test, I'd have bought you a car." He said that if I'd passed my test, he'd have bought me 0 > rules for tenses "If she is so rich, why does she still work?" He wondered why she still worked if she was so rich . "If you passed your test, you must be very happy." He said that if I'd passed my test, I must be very happy. ________________________________________________________________________________________ 12. wish / would rather / it's high time: "I wish I had more time." He said he wished he had more time. "I'd rather she didn't go there alone." He said he'd rather she didn't go there alone. "It's high time we went." He said it was high time they went. ________________________________________________________________________________________ 13. had better / Why don't you ?: "I'd better go now." He said he'd better go (immediately). "You'd better wait." He said I'd better wait. He advised me to wait. "You'd better not go there alone." He said I'd better not go there alone. He advised / warned me not to go there alone. "Why don't you apologize to her?" He advised me to apologize to her. ________________________________________________________________________________________ 14. Yes / No / All right: "Did you like it?" ~ "Yes." He asked if I liked it and I said I did. "Can you swim?" ~ "No." He asked if I could swim and I said I couldn't. "All right." He agreed. "Come with me!" ~ "No!" He told me to go with him, but I objected / didn't agree. ________________________________________________________________________________________ 15. Exclamations are usually reported WITHOUT "say / tell / ask": "What a stupid idea!" He exclaimed that it was a stupid idea. "Really?" He expressed his surprise / disbelief. "Thank you." He thanked me. "Congratulations." He congratulated me. "Liar!" He called me a liar. "Good luck!" He wished me luck. "Damn!" He swore. ________________________________________________________________________________________ 16. Reporting using Infinitive or Gerund instead of "He said ": "I'm not going to do it!" He refused to do it. "I can help you." He o8ered to help me. "I'm sorry I'm late." He apologized for being late. "You took the money!" He accused me of taking the money. "I didn't steal it!" He denied stealing it. "I stole the money." He admitted stealing the money. ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ 54 Change into Reported Speech: 1. Mum: "Mark, turn down the radio, please." 2. Jerry: "I've been studying English for five years." 3. Paul: "I'll leave it on the table." 4. Ann: "I'm sorry I forgot to come yesterday." 5. Kate: "What do you mean?" 6. Daniel: "Jane is going to Liverpool tomorrow." 7. Peter: "How do you like this cake?" 8. David: "I'll come as soon as I can." 9. Elizabeth: "Have a cup of tea." 10. Mrs Green: "May I use your telephone?" 11. Teacher: "Don't try to be funny!" 12. Tom: "Did you understand my instructions?" 13. Dad: "Switch on the TV, Paul." 14. Sally: "I'm sure he'll help you." 15. Mike: "How long have you been working for this company?" 16. Robbie: "I'm going away tomorrow." 17. David: "May I speak to Mrs Jenkins?" 18. Kate: "Do you want some cake?" 19. Ann: "Don't drive so fast, please. The road is slippery." 20. The policeman: "Where were you last night, Mr Jones?" 21. Harry: "Get out of my way!" 22. Sylvia: "I'll join you as soon as I'm ready." 23. Peter: "What are you going to study?" ~ Jessica: "I don't know yet." 24. Martin: "I feel sick because I ate too much yesterday." 25. Daniel: "Don't argue with me!" 26. Susan: "You can take it because I won't need it." 27. Adam: "Did you play for your school football-team?" 28. Coach: "It's time we began training for our next match." ________________________________________________________________________________________

Ngày đăng: 15/02/2015, 18:00

