,p*íí LỈSTENING COMPREHENSIỌN In the Listen|ng test/you vvill t>e askêd to derrlonstrate how well you understand ^pbkến English. The entire Listềnìng test wili last approximáieiy 45 rnỉnutes. There are four parts, àncTđịrẻctions are giv< ữ I Dr each part You III I mark your answers on the sepàrate answer sheet. Đo ĩlot vvrite ,yóưr answèi;s;Cn^tn^tểst"bòó(<; -Á*1* PART I Example -„ ,ếT ^ ~Kr~ r . !ISISSS3RIS;l?ỀilB'SẫilB N t‘w K>-ẳif u m : m im Ê ẵ m Ê m Ê Ể M m Actual Test 1 Đirectiốns: For eầctì quesíion in this part,vyou W(1Í ỊRềar fổurstátẻmènt! ^ẩbout a picĩuré iq yQiír tesfbook When you hear the sĩậtements, you must,select the orĩe staịềmentĩhat beStdescobes vvhât-you seẹ ìrtíhe plcturẻ. 'Then íind the number pf theiquestion,-onyour ,ạnswer-sheêỊjàr)tl IU márVyoQr,answer ‘TỊie statements;yvill noi: be prjnted in yoìir íest book and vvill bề spoken oníy íMèliiíũểỄ * ■_.Bi __ ___ m ầ ______ 1 VCÚ. -*•«■>&TgearvA m S8HS ■SampleAhsvvérĩ select answer (GpẩncỊ Tnarklt on y 0 ủ r -aris wer; sft e eL ' ’ g ; 8E i»ĩ. _ __ __ _ __ _ _ ' : _ _ __ * J __ ■ ' • 28 [...]... t% 1 B»*‘ m !'đ á kẵ' fỹíWo m ẫm § § lpl Wl l;Ịi i i t §w*í l l li I •';sả'V^V*f5,;-í -3W ;isịg^lỆ :;Ịtmr i ' ' mm p Ị This is the end of the Listening Test ìÊÊẵÊÊÊÊÊÊẵẵ ỊJ b G B— — BI— S S I ■ ■i Actual Test 1 I Mị 41 READING T E S T In th©JReadmg test * ýoù wíll read á ỳa/iety oì ìẹxts and ansyvẹr several dìfferént types'Ot^eadiQg coịTiprehension qúểstiọns The entire Reaâỉng le st wili Jast 75 ị... When should the listeners ask their questions? (A) Beíore entering the productioii area (B) After vvearing satety goggles (C) In the íacility (D) After leaving the íactory floor ■ É S K r*' IB I New Real TOEIC LC 74 Who is speaking? (A) A travel agent (B)Apilot (C) An airlịne employee (D) A passenger 75 What is the destination of tlight 899? (A) Incheon (B) Chicago (C) Los Angeles (D) Tokyo 76 Why are... dụring the break? (A) Thè artists will meet the audience (B) The artists’ ạlbum CP’ặ will be available (C) The artists will sign autographs f0F the audience (D) Food and beverages will be available ■ TOEIC LC 98» According to the speaker, who will get a free membership at the center? (A) Residents whose incomes are not stablẹ, (B) Residents who have lived in the community for more than 60 years (C)... you know about Deborah Bradley? (A) She is a sales manager for the còmpanyẵ (B) She avvarded her employee the ‘Builders’ avvard (C) She is a proíessional CEO (D) She currently vvorks in Chicago Actual Test 1 I 37 71 VVhat is the main purpose of the intormation? (A) To describe how safe the tour will be (B) To intorm of a few possible circumstances during the tour (C) To explain the íunctiori of the... been appointed to head the - to search for a new CEO (A) committee (B) arrangement (C) collection (D) direction 114ằ Two of the medical researchers will w ork - on the study to improve upon the latest antibiotics to go on the market (A) collaboration (B) collaborates (C) collaboratively (D) collaborated 115 The company is lóoking to expand demographics to reầGh cưstomers not currently served ... work (D) Ask for more moneỹ Go on to the next page 4 Z c Quesỉions 157-160 refer to the following job advertỉsement PROFESSOR /HEAD OF MARKETING The National University of Ireland, Carlow is lreland’s tastest growing University, with a student populatíon of 9,500 It ỉs situated ỉn the historic town of Carlovv, close to Dublin City and the Airport, yet also in the heart of thè beautitul county of Kildare . ' m m p Ị This is the end of the Listening Test ìÊÊẵÊÊÊÊÊÊẵẵ Ị J b G B B S S — — — II ■ ■ i M ị Actual Test 1 I 41 READING TEST In th©JReadmg test * ýoù wíll read á ỳa/iety oì ìẹxts and ansyvẹr. alt=""