Painless Junior Painless Junior Science Science Hensley and Licata Turning science into fun by Wendie Hensley, M.A., and Annette Licata, M.A. Illustrated by Tracy Hohn Don’t be chicken It’s fun to learn! Science Science Painless Junior Painless Junior B A R R O N ’ S B A R R O N ’ S Painless Junior Painless Junior B A R R O N ’ S B A R R O N ’ S Honest, kids! It’s fun to learn Science Science Open this book and discover the exciting adventures awaiting you in the world of science! Find out how plants and animals are closely connected with each other as parts of the Earth’s ecosystem. Discover the magic of light, and see how it is reflected and refracted. There’s just as much magic in magnetism and electricity, and this book explains how they work and how they’re related. These are just a few of the amazing things you’ll discover, as you learn that science isn’t merely painless—it’s also lots of fun! ISBN-13: 978-0-7641-3719-8 EAN $8.99 Canada $11.50 ISBN-10: 0-7641-3719-0 Also Look for These Fun Painless Junior Titles: Painless Junior: Grammar Painless Junior: Math Painless Junior: Writing 7-3719-Pnless Jr Science-fbs 6/11/07 4:57 PM Page 1 7-3450-PainlessJrMath-FM i-x 9/8/06 9:20 AM Page ii Painless Junior Painless Junior Science Science Wendie Hensley, M.A. Annette Licata, M.A. 7-3719_PnlsJrScience_FM 6/4/07 11:35 AM Page i © Copyright 2007 by Barron’s Educational Series, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form, by photostat, microfilm, xerography, or any other means, or incorporated into any information retrieval system, electronic or mechanical, without the written permission of the copyright owner. All inquiries should be addressed to: Barron’s Educational Series, Inc. 250 Wireless Boulevard Hauppauge, New York 11788 Library of Congress Catalog Card No.: 2007002591 ISBN-13: 978-0-7641-3719-8 ISBN-10: 0-7641-3719-0 Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Hensley, Wendie. Painless junior science / Wendie Hensley, Annette Licata. p. cm. Includes index. ISBN-13: 978-0-7641-3719-8 (alk. paper) ISBN-10: 0-7641-3719-0 (alk. paper) 1. Science—Study and teaching (Elementary)—Juvenile literature. 2. Education, Elementary—Activity programs—Juvenile literature. I. Licata, Annette. II. Title. LB1585.H455 2007 372.3'5—dc22 2007002591 PRINTED IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 987654321 About the Authors Wendie Hensley is a Title 1 Resource Teacher for kindergarten through sixth grade in the Baldwin Park Unified School District, Baldwin Park, California. She has an M.A. in curriculum design and instruction and a B.S. in Food and Nutrition. Annette Licata is a third and fourth grade classroom teacher in the same school district. She has an M.A. in reading and a B.S. in Animal Science. Web Adresses You should know that addresses on the World Wide Web often change. We’ve made every attempt to give you the most current addresses. However, by the time you read this book, some of the addresses may no longer work. If you come across such a web address, don’t panic. Simply do a key word search to find another site that has the information that you want. 7-3719_PnlsJrScience_FM 6/4/07 11:35 AM Page ii Contents Introduction / vi Part I—Life Science 1. Changes for Survival / 1 Animal Adaptations / 3 Animals and Their Habitats / 8 Evolution and Extinction / 17 2. The Circle of Life / 23 Plants as an Energy Source / 25 Food Chains and Food Webs / 32 Decomposers / 41 3. Depending on Each Other / 47 Ecosystems / 49 Plants and Animals Help Each Other / 56 Part II—Physical Science 4. Energy / 63 Energy Sources / 65 Movement of Energy / 73 Simple Machines: Changing Energy to Motion / 80 5.Matter/89 Solids, Liquids, Gases / 91 Changing Matter / 97 7-3719_PnlsJrScience_FM 6/4/07 11:35 AM Page iii CONTENTS iv 6. Light / 105 Reflection and Absorption / 107 Refraction / 112 7. Electricity and Magnetism / 117 Electromagnets / 119 Electrical Charges and Energy / 127 Converting Electrical Energy / 134 Part III—Earth Science 8. Objects in the Sky / 141 The Sun and Stars / 143 The Moon / 150 The Planets / 157 9. Rocks and Minerals / 165 Classifying Rocks / 167 Minerals / 174 10. Shaping Earth’s Surface / 181 Earthquakes and Volcanoes / 183 Erosion / 193 Answer Key / 201 Index / 210 7-3719_PnlsJrScience_FM 6/4/07 11:35 AM Page iv v Icon Key Your World and Science How science relates to you. Be a Scientist How you can practice science. Food for Thought Interesting information for you to think about. What You Need to Know The important terms, concepts, and facts. What’s Online Information you can find on the Internet. v Think About It! A question to test your understanding. Careful! Watch out for possible problems. Let’s Try It! A quiz to check what you just learned. What You’ll Find in the chapter. 7-3719_PnlsJrScience_FM 6/4/07 11:35 AM Page v Introduction So you want to be an Einstein, a super-genius, a mental marvel? You’ve come to the right place. This book is divided into three units for the three types of science—life, physical, and earth. Each chapter will introduce a “Big Idea,” which is really just a science standard. “What You’ll Find” will introduce you to important terms and definitions for that section of the chapter. “Your World and Science” will connect science to your life. “What You Need to Know” is the good stuff. In this section, you will learn important facts about science. “Let’s Try It!” is where you have a chance to show what you have learned. There are three levels of questions: Einstein, Super-Genius, and the hardest level, Mental Marvel. The challenging questions in “Think About It” will let you stretch your knowledge limits. And what would a science book be without hands-on activities. “Be a Scientist” lets you have fun with some simple scientific investigations. The chapter ends with “Food for Thought” and “What’s Online.” Helpful hints for making the most out of your Painless Junior Science experience: A highlighter can be a student’s best friend. As you read, highlight vocabulary words and important facts. Post-its are another great tool. You can mark pages that you want to read again or write yourself a question about information you’ve read. Keeping a “Remember and Draw” journal can help you understand and remember what you have learned. After you have read the “What You Need to Know” section, you may want to draw simple pictures and write some key words in a notebook or journal to help you remember the new information. vi 7-3719_PnlsJrScience_FM 6/4/07 11:35 AM Page vi Chapter 1 Changes for Survival 7-3719_PnlsJrScience_PartI 5/25/07 3:20 PM Page 1 7-3719_PnlsJrScience_PartI 5/25/07 3:20 PM Page 2 [...]... 7-3719_PnlsJrScience_PartI 5/25/07 3:20 PM Page 22 CHANGES FOR SURVIVAL What’s Online Try these websites to find out more about evolution and extinction /science/ evolution/ HorseEvolution.htm 22 7-3719_PnlsJrScience_PartI 5/25/07 3:20 PM Page 23 Chapter 2 The Circle of Life 7-3719_PnlsJrScience_PartI 5/25/07 3:20 PM Page 24 7-3719_PnlsJrScience_PartI... adaptations does a Pacific walrus have so it can live in and around the ocean? If you need help, go to the websites listed below to find out more 6 7-3719_PnlsJrScience_PartI 5/25/07 3:20 PM Page 7 ANIMAL ADAPTATIONS Be a Scientist Start your own science journal Find an animal to observe or watch closely It could be your lazy, old dog or even a bird that has nested in your backyard What special body parts... about my sister’s strange behavior Y our World and Science If you were to describe your habitat what would it be like? A room filled with sports equipment, video games, and clothes covering the floor (Not if your mom can help it.) Your house and neighborhood make up your habitat It’s where you live Plants and animals also live in habitats 8 7-3719_PnlsJrScience_PartI 5/25/07 3:20 PM Page 9 ANIMALS AND... Floating silently in water 14 PF or SB PF or SB 7-3719_PnlsJrScience_PartI 5/25/07 3:20 PM Page 15 ANIMALS AND THEIR HABITATS Think About It Why would a fox living in the forest have long claws for digging? If you need help go to the websites listed below to find out more Be a Scientist Observe a habitat and record or write down what lives there in your science journal Go out to your backyard or the park What... Evolution Definition: Evolution is constant change over a long period of time In Context: Evolution has changed plants and animals over millions of years 17 7-3719_PnlsJrScience_PartI 5/25/07 3:20 PM Page 18 CHANGES FOR SURVIVAL Y our World and Science What if over millions of years our world changed? What if most of our land was covered with water? This slow rise of the sea would take hundreds of years How... hide something by covering it up or changing the way it looks In Context: A chameleon uses camouflage by changing its body color to hide from predators 3 7-3719_PnlsJrScience_PartI 5/25/07 3:20 PM Page 4 CHANGES FOR SURVIVAL Y our World and Science What if you had claws instead of hands? It would make holding your toothbrush very difficult People have physical adaptations that help them survive every day... makes photosynthesis possible In Context: Without chlorophyll, plants would not be able to make their own food from water, carbon dioxide, and sunlight 25 7-3719_PnlsJrScience_PartI 5/25/07 3:20 PM Page 26 THE CIRCLE OF LIFE Y our World and Science What would happen if all the grocery stores and restaurants closed, and your kitchen was empty of food? You would become very hungry and lose energy Remember... have enough sugars that you can begin to store the extra sugars in the form of starches It’s time to start growing round, orange pumpkins 26 7-3719_PnlsJrScience_PartI 5/25/07 3:20 PM Page 27 PLANTS AS AN ENERGY SOURCE Let’s break it down with the science terms For photosynthesis to happen: Plants have: • Chlorophyll is the green color that works with the sun’s energy to make food in the form of sugar... plants grow on the forest floor • Orangutan Special feature—Orangutans have long arms for swinging and climbing Special behavior—Orangutans build their nests up high in trees for safety 10 7-3719_PnlsJrScience_PartI 5/25/07 3:20 PM Page 11 ANIMALS AND THEIR HABITATS • Tree Frogs Special feature—Tree frogs have toes with round pads that make a sticky goo, which helps them climb Special behavior—Tree frogs... the bottoms of their feet The fur keeps them warm and makes them hard to see in the snow Special behavior—Arctic foxes travel longer distances than any other land animal except humans 11 7-3719_PnlsJrScience_PartI 5/25/07 3:20 PM Page 12 CHANGES FOR SURVIVAL • Puffin Special feature—The puffins’ thick, waterproof feathers protect them and keep them warm while diving in the ocean Special behavior—Puffins . learn! Science Science Painless Junior Painless Junior B A R R O N ’ S B A R R O N ’ S Painless Junior Painless Junior B A R R O N ’ S B A R R O N ’ S Honest, kids! It’s fun to learn Science Science Open. Titles: Painless Junior: Grammar Painless Junior: Math Painless Junior: Writing 7-3719-Pnless Jr Science- fbs 6/11/07 4:57 PM Page 1 7-3450-PainlessJrMath-FM i-x 9/8/06 9:20 AM Page ii Painless Junior Painless. Painless Junior Painless Junior Science Science Hensley and Licata Turning science into fun by Wendie Hensley, M.A., and Annette Licata,