Numbers upto 10 & a Date Name 7 /
How many objects are in each picture? Write the number in each
box below 8 points per question Se ni „8® CN “ Le apples C chicks balloons (3)
Color the correct amount of © to match each number in the box on
Trang 5(3) Count the dots Write the number in each box 5 points per box
How many objects are in each picture? Write the number in each
Trang 8
Which side has more, @ or ©? Write a V under the box with
Trang 9“| 4 reg “ mm W)C) CC) CC) “| 68 1029 ( ) () ( ) ()
Write the number that is | more than the number in the box on the
left 8 points pe question
(Left) (Right)
(3) 6 > (4) Q >
Write the number that is | less than the number in the box on the
Trang 10Numbers up to 10 Date Name ⁄ /
7 children wearing hats are standing in line Answer the questions
below 10 points per question
(1) Color the hats of the first 3 children in line
(2) Color the hat of the third child from the front
Trang 11
3) There are 7 circles Answer the questions below 10 points per question
(1) Color the first 5 circles from the le OOOOOO0 LO (2) Color the fifth circle from the left OOOOOCODO There are 6 cups Answer the questions below 10 points per question 9 ~@ xỹ xổ Left (1) What number cup from the left is Andy's?
(2) What number cup from the right is Ellen's’? (3) Whose cup is the third from the right’? (4) Whose cup is the second from the left? NW” ONC“ ( ( ( ( -— Don't forget! When you are talking about the order of objects, you use ordinal numbers
Ordinal numbers are place numbers that indicate a distance from a starting point
- first ~ second — third — fourth — fifth — sixth > seventh
— eighth > ninth > tenth — -:
Trang 12
(1) (3) (1) (2) (3) (4) (1) (3) Numbers up to 10 Date Name ⁄ lẠ Score Draw circles until there are 5 in all The first two questions have hints e060 £ ` r _ rc et _® eee | | and and and | and 3 points per question 2) đ@@đ@đ@ââ 4 @eee - — — J
Trang 13
Write the correct number in each box to complete the sentence
Trang 14Numbers up to 10 Date Name — ý” ⁄
Draw circles until there are 6 in all The first two questions have
Trang 17(3) Write a number in each box on the right so that the number of circles plus that number equals 7 2 points per questo
Write the correct number in each box to complete the sentence
3 points per question (1) | J} is | 6 | and (2) | J) is | G | ond (3) | J] is | || and (4) | J] is | 3 | ond (5) | J} is | DJ and (6) | J} is | 5 | and (7) 7 is and | D (8) | J | is and | 4
(9) Fe) is and | 5 (jo) | J | is and | |
a) | J] is and | 3 q2 | J | is and | &
Write the correct number in each box to complete the sentence
Trang 18Numbers up to 1O +»
Draw circles until there are 8 in all The first two questions have
Trang 19Write a number in each box on the right so that the number of circles plus that number equals 8 8 points per question (1) 9o an (2) Oe ons eee wl OOF OOOO ies Ce
Write the correct number in each box to complete the sentence
3 points per question
| (1) | 8] is | DY] and | 6 (2) | 8] is | QO] and (3) | 8] is | 4) and (4) | & | is | & | and
(5) | 8) is | J) and (6) | 8} is | | J and
(7) | 8) is | 5] and (8) | 8 | is and | D
(9) | 8] is and | 3 (10) | & | is and | J
a1) | 8] is and | | (12) | 8 | is and | 5
(13) | & | is and | D (14) | & | is and | Ô
Write the correct number in each box to complete the sentence
Trang 213 (1) (3) (5) (1) (3) (5) (7) (9) (11) sisisieais 6) Write the correct number in each box to complete the sentence (1) 9 is (3) 9 is ae (2 L8 Ei 6 and and and and and and and and and 2 and and 2 3 8 (2) (4) (6) 4 Write the correct number in each box to complete the sentence (2) (4) (6) (8) (10) (12) (2) (4)
Write a number in each box on the right so that the number of
Trang 23(1) (3) (5) (7) 4 (1) (3) (5) (7) (9) 6) Write the correct numb (1) (3)
Write a number in each box on the right so that the number of
Trang 27Write the correct number in each box to complete the sentence 3 points per question (1) 10 and | is (2) 10 and 2 is (3) 10 and 3 is (4) 10 and 4 s (5) 10 and 5 is (6) 10 and 6 is (7) 10 and 7 is (8) 10 and 8 is (9) 10 and 9 is (10) 10 and 10 is
ry Write the correct number in each box to complete the sentence
3 points per question (1) 15 is tO and (2) 17 is 1O and (3) 18 is IO and (4) 14 is lO and (5) 20 is 10 and
Write the correct number in each box to complete the sentence
Trang 30Numbers up to 20 —- Date Name / Z
Fill in the missing number in each box on the number lines below
Trang 33Using the number line as a guide, fill in each box to complete the
sentences below ° points per question 2less 5S 2more 10 I5 20 Pee | L1 LL | L1 LƠ] (1) The number that is 2 more than IO is (2) The number that is 2 less than IO is (3) The number that is 2 more than 15 is (4) The number that is 2 less than |5 is
Trang 34Score Numbers up to 120 « me
@) How many sticks are there? Write the number in each box
Trang 35
_ How many objects are in each picture? Write the number in each
Trang 36Numbers up to 120 +2 Date Name vi Zz (1) 2 groups of 10 sticks and 5 more sticks are | sticks fy 3 groups of | 0 sticks and 7 more sticks are sticks (3) Stens and 7 ones are
(4) — 4tens and ones are
Trang 37(2) Answer the questions below r ! a a : Ñ A ' | | w | | ' | p i U S Tens place : Ones place (1) (2)
What number is in the tens place? What number is in the ones place?
5 points per question ( _ Pay attention to the order of the numbers below Then answer the questions (1)(2) 20 points, (3)_10 points | 21 3| 4| 5| 6} 7; 81 9} l0 II /12 > 13) 14) 15) 16) 17 | 18) 19 | 20 21 | 22) 23 | 24 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 31 | 32 33) 34 | 35 | 36 | 37 | 38 | 39 | 40 4) 42 |} 43) 44 45 | 46 | 47 | 48 | 49 | 50 51 | 52 | 53 | 54 | 55 | 56 | 57 | 58 | 59 | 60 61 | 62 | 63 | 64 | 65 | 66 | 67 | 68 | 69 | 70 TI} 72) 73 | 74 | 75 | 76 | 77 | 78 | 79 | 80 81 | 82 | 83 | 84 85 86) 87 | 8&8 89 | 90 gỊ ¡92 93.94 95 9.97 95.99 IO0 lO!) 102} 103) 104) 105) 106) 107) 108); 109| 110 IIILII2LII3/I114 I115/116/I117/118/119.120
(1) Write O on all the numbers that have 7 in the ones place (2) Write A on all the numbers that have 7 in the tens place
Write all the numbers that have O in the ones place below
Trang 39Using the number line as a guide, fill in each box to complete the
sentences below 4 points per question 0 2less 10 2more 20 30 Po eNotes (1) The number that is 2 more than IO is (2) The number that is 2 less than IO is (3) The number that is 2 more than 20 is
(4) The number that is 2 less than 20 is
(3) Write the number that is | more than the number in the box on the
left 3 points per question ” (27 {2 Say (3) 69 | (4) 90 >
Write the number that is | less than the number in the box on the
Trang 40
Which side has more @) or (6) ? Write a V in the box next to the
Trang 44
(1) The pictures below show different ways to compare the length of two pencils Write a V under the correct ways, and an X under the wrong
ways 25 points for completion @ © © Lo) Lo) Lg ( ( )
Trang 45Compare the length of the two lines shown in @) and ©), and write a V next to the longer one i patron AWN ) Oo) penal
Trang 46
Compare the length of the two objects shown in @) and ©), and
write a V next to the longer one 10 points per question
Yo ¢ : | (
Compare the length of the two objects shown in @ and ©), and
write a V next to the longer one 10 points per question
GPM) Vr ()
eo ) FY ( )
Trang 47
Compare the lengths of the items below and then answer the
questions 10 point per question (1) The longest: ¬” ‘Glue a " ii BHp ) ) — (2) The shortest: Chopsticks ( )
Compare the lengths of two pencils below and then answer the
Trang 49(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
Trang 50đ) Which is larger? Circle the larger shape 6 points per question (1) B (2) : & | , (3) ss B (4) A KP 5
Below are some objects covered by squares of colored paper Count the squares to answer the questions below 6 points per question A B C D E
(1) Which shape has the largest area?
(2) Which shape has the smallest area?
Trang 52đ) Circle the bottle with more milk in it 8 points per question io oa Zt (1) oy (3) A )
8 points per question
Trang 54Temperature Be Date ‘Name / /
Look at the thermometers below Which is warmer, A or B? Circle
the warmer one 8 points per question (2) (1) > Gore ‹ÍÌ ) C= | || ) > lu) (3) > (4) > |) Gzzz) WO oe!) Gz) Qe) Gz)
Look at the thermometers below Which is colder, A or B? Circle the
Trang 55
Look at the thermometers below Which is the warmest? Which is the
coldest? Circle the warmest one and put a V by the coldest one
Trang 56
_ Add the value of each row of coins Then trace the amount in the
box on the right (1) @® (2) @ - annnoaens (3) @® @® (4) (5) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) Se 8 8&8 8 BS Front I¢ | penny | penny 2 pennies 2 pennies 2 pennies 56 = ©Kumon Publishing Co., Ltd đ â S € € € € € '
4 points per question
Add the value of each row of coins Then write the amount in the
Trang 57
Add the value of each row of coins Then trace the amount in the
box on the right (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (10) fo £ứ T1 QF || S~/ | nickel | nickel 2 nickels 2 nickels 2 nickels
4 points per question
Add the value of each row of coins Then write the amount in the
Trang 59“Back quarter Add the value of each row of coins Then trace the amount in the box on the right ene mee (1) | ¢ | quarter (2) S| ¢ | quarter (3) O| ứ 2 quarters (4) | ứ 2 quarters (5) 0} ¢ 2 quarters
4 Add the value of each row of coins Then write the amount in the
Trang 61Add the value of each group of coins Then write the amount in the
Trang 62
The picture shows some blocks stacked up in a pile Which block is on top? Find the top block in the blocks on the right, and then write a V under it
10 points
Write a Vv under the objects on the right that are similar to the block
Trang 63
What types of shapes are the objects below? Connect the objects
below to shapes @~© that are similar 30 points for completion
The picture below shows a stack of blocks How many of each block
on the right are used in the stack? 10 poms pet question
Trang 64
(1) (2) (3)
If you draw a line around the base of each of the blocks on the left, what shape do you get? Write a V under the correct shape
10 points per question '® ® ® 1 ®^ CO) ( ) ( )( )
If you draw a line around the base of the blocks in @~@, what shapes do you get? Draw a line to connect @~@ to the correct
sha pes 20 points for completion
Trang 65
What shapes would you get if you drew all the way around the block on the left as shown in the example? Write a V under the
correct shapes 5 pont () 6) ( )
Write a V under the shapes that are on the bases and the faces of these two blocks on the left 10 points per question
Trang 66đ) How mdny times is Ì used in the shapes below? 5 points per question WR OR CỐ) GC) ) 2; These shapes use|\ two times Draw a line to divide each shape into (1) two pieces of \\ 5 points per question (2) + (3) ML A4
These shqpes useÌ` three times Draw †wo lines in order to divide
Trang 68
What type of shapes do you see if you look at these blocks from the front? Write a V under each correct shape 15 points per question
What type of shapes do you see if you look at these blocks from the