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Nội dung

Trang 1

Test A

T1 TÔ the lastfew months, ‘the price of petrol considerably has risen | @D rose raised ” |has raised 2 |Ask him there is anything wrong with him that if QD what which 3 Ws he capable doing such a hard job? for in with of 3 4 |Do you remember the place we visited 3 years ago? where CB at which which in which S$ |¥'m looking forward to from you soon hearing (ŒZ) be heard be hearing hear

6 jcant my mind take up come up do up make up âđ 7 }A:1 wonld love to go to Australia Nenher do 1 So would I @® So dol Neither would I


8 |Mike’s in fishing interested ) happy keen excited

9 |All ofus won't go cainping the weather stays fine unless (® if SƠ but

10 {Some people just want to spend their time something new, did doing do to do

11 {IL have just been told some news astonished astonish astonishing (4Ä) jastonishment

12 |He made me _itall again do GD did doing to do 13 [The mother looked at her naughty child angrily GÀ anger angry angered 14 |There is someone at the door Í it, answered will answer @® am answering ‘ fanswer 15 |] am not sure color the coat is who _ IWhom who's which -

96 {The rain was so heavy that we

couldn't drive [t rained so heavy that we couldn't drive It rained so heavily that we couldn't drive couldn't drive (@à It rained heavily that we It rained so heavily we couldn't drive

97 \John finds the economic article

interesting The economic article is very interesting John is interesting in the economic article, The economic article is interested in John John is interested in the economic article đÀ

98 |The teacher asked "Do you

understand my question?" The teacher asked the students if they understood this question Chì)

He asked the students to

have understood his The teacher asked the students to understand He said to the students to understand the

questions his questions questions

99 I hate living in a noisy city Lam not keen on living in a {I am scared of living in a [I actually like to live ina |Living in a noisy city is noisy city @ noisy city noisy city bering

100 john doesn't always tell the truth, ] am afraid

Tam afraid that John tells

the truth, Tam afraid so John

doesn't always tell the


John doesn’t tell the truth because | am afraid

You can't believe John

because he never tells

the truth Gee)

Trang 2


Levi Strauss could not think that he would make a new fashion when he started his business career

In 1853 he arrived in California from New York He intended to sell strong canvas (pieces of cloth) to miners to make tents However, Levi Strauss found that the miners needed hard wearing pants So he took his canvas to a local tailor and asked him to make several pairs of pants Miners used to put gold ore into their pockets, so Levi decided to make each pocket stronger with cooper rivets They were a great success

because the miners loved them When Levi ran out of canvas, his brothers

sent him a new fabric called denim Denim was a soft, durable fabric, > which was more comfortable and easier to wear than canvas

Jeans were important to the people of the nineteenth century, especially

farmers, cowhands, railroad-workers, and miners This was because they

Iwere So strong and didn’t wear out easily So people who didn’t make a ‘lot of money didn’t have to continually buy new pants

But only until mid 20th century did the teenagers tum jeans into fashionable wear Jeans were considered sexy, dangerous and wom by romantic cowboys and Hollywood heroes like Marion Brando, James Dean and Elvis Presley

And so, the workwear for miners of the last century has become a fashion phenomenon of the 20th century

|Which of the following can be the main idea of the passage? How work clothes How miners’ How Levi Strauss How US people A A became a fashion | workwear were | made his fortune, got to wear

made denims

Which of the following was true about canvas? Tt was imported [|Tt was used to maka) It was soft and lt was popular

4 2 from New York tents durable with tailors

What can be learned about Levi Strauss? He was poor at first.| He was popular He wore hard (He created a new

A 3 with miners pants \ type of ee)

Why were jeans so popular in the 19th century? They were cheap They were They were soft They were |

AY continually new durable :


Who turned jeans into fashion? Romantic cowboys and famous film

stars Farmers, cowhands, railroad workers, and miners Marion Brando,

James Dean and Elvis Presley oung people living in the mid

Trang 3

Test 2 ~ making 5

l6 j] hate my bed in the moming lying doing [putting

17 |e has a reputation being an open-minded father for al oe in 18 Yoga is very lt helps me forget all my stress tired relaxed relaxing) tiring 19 |The party, lwas invited last week, was extremely enjoyable to which at which for which by which 20 [Would you mind _me the book you have just bought? lend to lend _ lent lending™s 21 She looks much better when she " her make-up gets on tries on takes on puts on 22 {There are so many similarities their personalities on al ` Ito) in 23 | We’) talk about the people you met yesterday, which where whose whom > 24 HH went to the library to borrow some books but |] found there everyone anyone no one} Somcone

25 fhe less, he much more money But I don’t think he ever will ismokes/will save will smoke/will save Smoked would sav9} would smoke/saved

26 A: Have you ever been to France? ~~ ° were › _ had been went have been

B: Yes, } there last August

27 {This dinner looks to me good } nicely badly well

28 đfhe worked harder, he would have passed the exams will have has Ihad would have 29 |A: Would you like a coke? Yes, 1 do Yes, I'd like Yes, like (Lies, please)


30 [trained all day yesterday, ? isn’t it -idoesnt i1 (cient it [it didn't _

91 |There are many students Many students have played |Many students are going [Inthe school yard has Many students are playing football in the school, | football in the school yard [to play football in the many students playing |playing foofball in the

vard school yard football school yard đồ

92 {lwas typing an email when |Whileltyped an emal,s [One of my friends _ An email was typed One friend was phoning one of my friends phoned me |friend phoned me phoned me when] was |when one of my friends _jme when J was typing

` typing an email {phoned me an email,

93 \Don’t forget to take an Ifyou take an umbrella, it [Remember not to forget If it rains, you should Remember to take an (5 umbrella! It might rain might rain an umbrella It might rain.jtake an umbrella umbrella! It might rai: 62) 94 | What a lovely dress! How lovely the dress isl94 J How the dress is lovely! | What lovely the dress is! | What dress is lovely! 95 jCould you tell me the way to {Is there any other way to go| You could tell me the Could you tell me how to

the National Conference

Centre? to the National Conference Centre? directions for National Conference Centre? {get to the National Could you tell me where to go to the National Conference

Conference a)

Edifed by Suan Thi Rveng


Trang 4


Teoh 2


Patricia Denning stars in a sad movie about ambition and heartbreak When Cecilia leaves college in Texas, she has everything: a wonderful boyfriend, Carl, an interesting.job and an expensive house in a pretty town Her life is perfect, Even her black Labrador dog, Perky, is a star: he wins the focal dog competition and Hollywood wants to put him in a

movie, ,

Cecilia goes to Hollywood with him and leaves her boyfriend alone back home When the studio fires Perky, Cecilia decides to stay in Hollywood and tries to get other movie roles for her beautiful dog : Carl asks Cecilia to make a choice: come home and stop behaving crazily, or stay there forever Cecilia decides to stay in Hollywood and wants to become an actress herself She sends Perky back to Texas and starts an acting course After six months, Cecilia realizes she can’t act and she misses home, but it's too late Car] has found another girlfriend Cecilia tries to win him back, and also discovers a lot about herself on her long journey

This is a very sad movie, which makes you think about what we want from life, Patricia Denning is very convincing as Cecilia, but the star of the movie is gorgeous Perky, the black Labrador who steals our hearts Black Hollywood is in cinemas from next week

a4 Where is this passage most probably found? Ina talk show Gn a cinema poster] In a movie review In amovie book

Ld Which of the following is NOT mentioned about Cecilia? She graduates from a Texus college She has a beautiful dog She comes from a vich family She loves a man named Carl

When does Cecilia's wonderful adventure begin? When she goes on vacation to Hollywood

When her dog wins} a competition

When she buys the house in a pretty


When she marries

her boyfriend,


What is Carl's reaction to Cecilia living in Hollywood? He is envious He doesn't care

C He's upset.) He's supportive

Why does Cecilia stay in Hollywood?

She wants to She doesn’t have

become an actress

She loves her

enough money house in Texas

Carl has another

_ girlfriend

Trang 5

Test 3 ‘Edited by

31 |My father usually home al 7 o'clock so that he can be in his office at 8 leave left [leaves") leaving

o'clock 7

32 {7 don't know where he is, he hasn't arrived already just yet) still 33 |The match was really Our team scored in the last minute excited excite excitement exciting) 34 (Their parents came car yesterday with by in at 35 [He agreed to give us home a fie’ a lifting for a lift to lift 36 |Hc cantgo to see her lonigh( He hasntgo_ _ time alot many much some

37 |As soon as | shut the front door I realised that] my key in the house had left} left have left was left

38 |Hehasn'tgot_ a lot of luggages many luggages much luggaged a great number of luggage 39 {Ele was made hard by his parents to be studied to study q study} studying

40 |When the telephone rang, she a letter |wrote is writing Was writing) has been writing “arf books on this sheif were written by Charles Dickens All ‘The ail Every All the)

42 |Shesaidshe for five hours was working had worked} has been working _jworked 43 |} don't speak Japanese, butJenny |speaks do does is speaking 44 (By the time the police arrived, the thieves _ the stolen money were hidden will have hidden had hidden were hiding 45 |The more he travels, he loves his country _| the most he loves hi Reman he loves his country

more country is country the most

86 |Although | admire his Despite of admiring his In spite to admiring his [In spite of admiring his {In spite admiring his | comedies, 1 can’t agree that comedies, I can't agree that jcomedies, T can't agree comedies, I can't agree |comedies, I can't agree they are better than his plays [they are better than his that they are better than | |that they are betterthan [that they are better than a ee pplays / his plays bis plays 6} his plays

87 |That kind of stories doesn't That kind of stories are not [That kind of stories is not |That kind of stories | That kind of stories i amuse me | amusing to me amused to me doesn't give me any, gives me any

amusement - (®) amusement

88 |The professor gave a lecture |The professor who is a The professor that is a The professor gave a The professor who he is| on e-banking He is a famous famous economist gave a’ |famous economist gave a |lecture on e-banking whola famous economist i economist lecture on e-banking, Jecture e-banking he is a famous gave a lecture on e~ |

economist banking, ` : Ì 89 |The driver stopped his car An |After an old man could The driver stopped his car|An old man could eross |The driver stopped his 1

ị old man coutd cross the road |cross the road, the driver | because an old man could jthe road before the driver |car so that an old man_i

i stopped his car cross the road stopped his car could cross the road (69 ) 90 |"Would you like to have lunch |He invited Lan to have Lan invited him to have /|He said Lan if she He {et Lan to have

with me this Saturday, Lan?" lunch with him that lunch with her that wanted to have lunch Junch with him on said he ° Saturday Saturday with him this Saturday Quan Thi Hous |Saturday

Trang 6

[No [ _ Given passage


Spiders are not insects! They are actually arachnids - invertebrates

(animals without backbones) They have eight legs and inject venom Spiders are found on every continent except Antarctica There are over 44,000 known’kinds of spiders Spiders are found everywhere and are

often found in homes! a

Spiders are unique among animals in that many spin webs out of silk The webs catch insects and the spiders eat them later Larger spiders such as tarantulas attack insects rather than spin webs Most spiders eat insects,

but tarantulas and larger spiders will eat small lizards and mammals as

well ‘ :

Many people fear spiders Most spiders, however, are totally harmless to humans and are actually beneficial because they eat insects Even the

largest tarantula, the Goliath Bird-eating Tarantula is harmless to humans A tarantula bite is said to be about as painful as a bee sting Some spiders, however, such as the Black Widow Spider, are dangerous to humans Bites from these spiders usually require immediate medical attention

& 4 Which of the following statements best describe spiders? All are harmful to | None are hannful Most are we) Most are harmful

x humans to humans harmful to4 to humans

4 2-| Where are spiders NOT found? In cold climates C1n Antarctica? In homes in deserts

fg 3 |What does ‘unique! mean in the second paragraph? Old C Different > Fun Similar to

(Get) | What is a tarantula? : A lizard An insect <A large spider) | A spider web

[4.5 [Which of the following would be the best title for the third paragraph? Spider Webs | (Spider Bites) | Spider Diet _|_Spider Habitats

Trang 7


Tyrannosaurus Rex, also known as T-Rex, lived in what is now Western

North America At the time the T-Rex lived, the continent was known as

Larimidia The T-Rex lived between 85-66 million years ago The T-Rex is thought to be one of the last non-flying dinosaurs in the world

nearly 40 feet Jong, 13 feet tall The T-Rex could weigh from four to

seven tons Scientists know that the T-Rex had.a massive skull and a long, heavy tail to support its mass The arms, although proportionally very small, were powerful with two clawed digits (like fingers) The hindlegs of this dinosaur were long and powerful Studies have suggested that the T- Rex possessed the most powerful bite of any land animal to have lived on Earth According to’a study by Karl Bates and Peter Falinkgham (2012), the bite of a T-Rex was three and a half times more powerful than that of a Great White Shark and 15 times more powerful than the bite of an African Lion

Scientists also believe that the body of the T-Rex was partially covered in feathers for at least part of its existence on Earth Scientists are also not in agreement conceming whether or not the T-Rex was cold-blooded (like a typical reptile) There is considerable-evidence that the T-Rex had some mechanism for maintaining a more constant body temperature,

The T-Rex was one of the largest land animals ever found on earth It was |

Which question is NOT answered in the first paragraph? Did the T-Rex fly? | When did the T- | Where did the T- Cow large was)

2-1 Rex live? Rex live? the oe)

‘yey | Which of the following would NOT describe a T-Rex? A dinosaur with | A dinosuar with a /A dinosaur with Adinosaur —; L- L strong hindlegs massive skull long arms weighing six tons + i 5,3 | What does the word “proportionally" mean in the second paragraph? Likely Probably C Comparably) Regularly

_ 1n what way did the author compare the Hon and the T-Rex? By the power of }} By the size of their |By the thickness of] By the size of

3 -1 TS their a, teeth their skin their jaws

What is not in agreement among scientists? Tf the T-Rex was

the largest dinosaur Ifthe T-Rex had a | stronger bite than

the Great White


ifthe T-Rex may still be alive today

If the T-Rex wa


Trang 8

Test &

71 |They_ —_ dictionaries haven't got any} have none haven't no haven't some 72 |! thetable for supper lyed % Jain tied laid 5 73 |imustgo before the shops are closed to shop to shopping for shop shopping 4

74 | to the next village? (Row far is it How is far How is it far How far is

7S tHe fell her over a year ago into love for in love for Clin love with) into love with

76 |asked him he had met her sỐ what that if}

77 |Shewasmadc_ _ theletter 10 type to be typed leype >) typing 78 JA: Who found that flower in the garden? ~ |did find do found id)


79 {This house needs immediately cleaninz cleaned clean bs cleaned

80 |Theplanearrived theairport late on Monday, by in at on

81 |Vara is sick but Chalee is : terrible so al well)

82 | There isn't food in the house any} some no none

83 {You can eat you like é las much that so miuch as as much a3) too much as

§4 JWeall him good luck when he decided to emigrate told pave wished said

85 | Please keep the fire It's cold here to burn be burning barn (burning)

8] |David doesn't have a car, so he Jf David has a car, he if David had a car, he Tf David has a car, he If David had had a car, walks to work would walk to work, would not walk to work |will not walk to work — the wouldn't have

- le walked to work

82 |My mother spent about one Cleaning a blanket is spent [It took my mother about It took my mother about |The blanket has been hour cleaning the blanket about an hour an hour to clean the an hour for cleaning the |cleaned for about an

: blanket (2 blanket hour

83 |My father has a good My father knows abouta |My father has got a Jot of |My father knows alot |My father is good at knowledge of car engines, lot of car engines car engines, about car engines repairing car sneines( SD) 84 |My son finds studying at night |My son is lazy when My son is difficult to My son isnot used to |Studying at night finds

difficult studying at night ` study at night studying at night đi it difficult to my son 85 [These two mobile phones are [These two mobile phones |A difference between These two mobile phones|There is a slight

slightly different are slight difference

these two mobile phones

is slightly

differ slight

difference between 85) | these two mobile |


Trang 9


Test 5

ve gọt a very good with the BBC


task work profession

56 (How long docs thetrain _s from London to Edinburgh take? voyage journey travel tour $5? |My uncle arrived whileI đinner had cooked cooked Kas cooking am cooking $8 | They _to the theatre twice so far this month have been have gone} had been have been going

39 |When Mriones? do you meet have you met did you meet met you

60 {Don't be late your music lesson with in at for )

61 |Ican't wait.I'm a hurry at lin’) with on

62 |He won'tbe late, he? “won't shall doesn't will)

63 | How long does it to get to London? make need want take }

64 {Ifyou to town tomorrow, will you do some shopping for me? go will go went are going 65 |Doyouknow Ï met last Saturday? with whom that whom) that whom 66 (He would be very happy if you what he asked do done did 5 will do

67 jlfeel after typing'this long report terribly tiredly terrible tiredly terribly tired > terrible tired 68 [Please speak a little more slowlier slow slower slowly 3

69 jdecidedtogo_ for a walking to walk for a walk Ð walking i

70 {Since 1964, there _ no gas explosions here [have bee was is has been “76 |”Rose, you are so beautiful John said that Rose was.so (John likes Rose's beauty [Rose is so beautiful John says to Rose that

today,” said John beautiful that day Ge toay today, John says she is beautiful today 77 |i bought all the ingredients I> |] bought all the ingredients |I bought all the |T bought all the I needed them to

needed them to prepare a cake |which I needed them to- ingredients of which 1 ingredients which | prepare a cake which I prepare a cake, needed to prepare a cake needed to prepare a cake, |bought all the

- + ingredients

78 |Hle made great progressinhis |His study has made great |Greatprogress madein | Great progress was made |Great progress was study last year progress last year his study Jast year in his study last year made in his study last i

đã) ben

79 ]Tam having a wonderful Jam having a wonderful Having a holiday is so } don't want to leave here |] am having such a | holiday here i don't wantto |holiday aithough 1 dont wonderful that ] don't while J am having a wonderful holiday here leave want to leave want to leave wonderful holiday that | don't want to

l TC leave G9)

80 |Walking in the rain always gives her pleasure Her pleasure gives herto | Walking in the rain is walk in the rain given to her She always enjoys She is given the

walking in the rain (§0) pleasure on walking in |

Eder by Quan Thi Hovey

Trang 10

Jeol S


Justin Bieber was born in Ontario, Canada on March 1, 1994 As a young boy, Justin enjoyed playing hockey, soccer, and music and taught himself to play guitar, piano aiid drums When his mother realized that Justin had musical talent, she began to upload videos of him singing on You Tube Justin’s videos caught the attention of pop star Usher, who was impressed with the young singer and signed him to his record company

In 2009, Bieber’s debut album, My World, was released to the public and “One Time” became his first song played on international radio stations That same year, Justin performed on popular television shows such as Good Morning America and Today He even sang for President Obama at the White House for Christmas in Washington In 2010, Bicber went on his first official tour to promote his albums My World and My World 2.0, By this time, Bieber was well

known as a teenage “heart-throb” with his streetwise style including backwards

hat, hoodies, dog chains, and colorful sneakers, Bieber soon gained millions of followers on social media networks such as Twitter As of 2013, Bieber had over 45 million Twitter followers, more than any other person, and had penned over 23,000-tweets, Bieber’s video “Baby” has been viewed over 900 million times on YouTube Fans of Justin Bieber are referred to as “Beliebers.”

Being world famous at age 16, however, does not come without controversy Bieber has also been involved in several quarrels with fans and photographers

and has been cited for careless driving

Which of the following is the main idea of the first paragraph? How Justin's first

album arrived How Justin's music career started

How Justin learned music

How Justin became a famous hockey followers, player Which of the following is NOT answered in the first paragraph? What musicians did What sports did What instruments | Where was Justin

Justin like listening /| Justin like to play did Justin teach Bieber born? when he was a boy | when he was a boy? | himself to play? :

When did Justin Bieber appear on Good Moming America? In 2010 In 2013 Cin 2009) In 2008 |

Which of the following best supports the idea that Justin is very popular on the fic has more than 45)| His fans are called He sang for Ne wears colorful internet? million twitter ‘Beliebers' President Obama sneakers

What does the last paragraph suggest?


Justin Bieber has a lot of fans Justin Bieber is sometimes involved? in troublesome situations,

Justin Bieber should

go to jail to leama


Justin Bieber should

Trang 11

‘Test 6

You must settle the matter —

88 yourselves fat

with among under 89 is extremely dangerous Cars at high speed

Driving cạn at hạ) Cars driving at high|At high speed car

driving, peed speed driving

90 |My old cat died last year, and] still her cry lack

regret fniss )

ST |Lhad to get up early, 'd have missed the train if otherwise >

unless but

92 {A paticntis someone who are careful

who needs money (under a doctor's who can wait a long ; re time

93 |Ifjake_ to goon the trip, would you have gone? doesn't agree hadn't agreed >

svouldn't agree didn't agree 94 |An operation is usually performed by a scientist dentist

surgeon 5 nurse

95 itis the first man-powered aircraft _ haifa mile svhich flies ever which has ever flown

se me) who has ever flown

96 (He told me to shut up and go oul In this sentence, "shut up" means _- stand up stop talking 3

go away clear up 97 (He recommended that 1 buy that house (should “> would

might - may 98 [A verb from "information" is : to informize to informatize

to informate (to infomr> 99 (When he was running, he fell a log fover) into

down off

100 |Theyare _ _ twins likc 3 as

similar as similarly

TO [Betty is lonely and she Tom very much reminds remombers

recalls misses)

102 |Onthe .t0 the town, there is a beautiful wood {direction entrance

_Jstrect way)

17 Tihey will build a bridge over |A bridge will build the ‘A bridge will be built = JA bridge will built over ‘JA bridge will have been

the river in my hometown next river in my hometown next [over the river in my the river in my

built over the river in year, ` year hometown next year.(4) hometown next yeat

my hometown next 2 |"Peter will become our team Mary said that Peter Mary said that Peter Mary said that Peter will |Mary said that Peter

member", said Mary become their team member |became their team become their team

would become their,

member member team member @

3 | That skirt is too small for my That skirt isn't big enough_ |My daughter doesn't like |My daughter is too small | That skirt is big for my daughter to wear for my daughter to wear(2) to wear that skirt, to wear that skirt

daughter to wear 4 |The new doctor gave her a She was given a health She was giving a health ˆ She was give a health

She gave a health check health check last year check by the new doctor, check by the new doctor check by the new doctor

|by the new doctor last

\ last year đỒ last year

last year year

CS” Tsmith is better at football than Smith likes all kinds of Football is Smith's best {Smith prefers any other Football is better than any other sport sport sport sport to football

any other sport

© Edtted by Quan Thi fueng


Trang 12


People joke that no one in Los Angeles reads; everyone watches T V, rents videos, or goes.to the movies The most popular reading materials are comic books, movie magazines, and TV guides Very few people go to city libraries But how do you explain this? An annual book festival in west Los Angeles is "sold out" year after year People wait half an hour for a parking space to become available

This outdoor festival is sponsored by a newspaper It occurs every April for one weekend The festival featured 280 exhibitors There were about 90 talks given by authors Autograph seekers sought out more than 150 authors A food court sold all kinds of popular and ethnic foods, from American hamburgers to Hawaiian shave ice drinks Except for a $7 parking fee, the festival was free Even so, some people avoided the food court prices by bringing their own sandwiches and drinks

People came from all over California One couple drove down from San Francisco "This is our sixth year here now We love it," said the husband "It's just fantastic to be in the great outdoors, to be among so many books and authors, and to get some very good deals, too."

The idea for the festival occurred years ago, but nobody knew if it would succeed Although book festivals were already popular in other US cities, would Los Angeles residents embrace one? "Angelenos are very

unpredictable," said one of the festival founders


Which of the following is the best title for the passage?

Outdoor festivals in Los Angeles Meeting with authors in Los f, festival of books in Los Angeles Reading habits in Los Angeles Angeles

~ lAccording the first paragraph, which is not true about the Los Angeles They only watch | They spend more | They do not like They want to , 7 |people? TY, rent videos and time on car reading build more

+ go to the movies washing than \ libararies in Los /

‘Who sponsored this book festival? A big company CA newspaper Á university “The local

1 2 : government

+4 [How long does the festival last? Ciwo days} One week One month Six months + 5 ‘When did the idea for the book festival start in Los Angeles? Ten years ago Early this year CLong time ago) Last year


Trang 13

Test +

103 [He understood at the finish at least liastly Clin the end 5 104 {It's high dme you harder, studying to study study (Studied N

105 j}don'tknow what do can to 3 should will

106 |e wondered where _ he to go should be gone he should go'5 should he go

1067 |My mother is busy her housework for at with about

108 }Nam often spends two hours English a day Ato learn learned learning for learning

109 jHeis_ of the dark so he never goes out late at night doubtful careful afraid) separated

110 |He speaks French _ he speaks English best than better than’) morc better than —_ {gooder than

111 [How often do you play sports?- Very weil ‘Usual Twice a week» Not bad

112 |Have you finished the table? setting set fo set to be set

113 {Tom didn't know that word Ben didn't, cithor didn't, too did, so idid, neither

114 | a good joumey! Go Take Spend Have )

145 {It's raining very heavily Come ss my umbrella lunder 3 for to int

116 1A: Where’s my luggage? ts is here {They are here Here they are [Here itis) :

B: Oh! :

117 Hremei Bolivia for the first time, i ‘ery beautiful country | visiting | visit tovisit Cghave visited ) |

6 [Rose plays the piano really Piano is the best to Rose [Rose loves only playing [Playing the piano.is Rose is really good at well the piano Rose's best hobby playing the piano G) 7 |Thereare only few houses in {There are many houses in [There are much houses in |The village has only few |There are a lot of house '

the village ` the village ~ |the village houses 3 in the village

8 {Jane is just 17 She can't go to [Jane is not old enough to gojJane is old to go to vote {Jane is not interested in [Jane can’t go to vote for vote to vote ` : voting because she is just}17 years


9 iYou can buy newspapers in These shops can buy You are bought ‘These shops can be Newspapers can be these shops newspapers newspapers in these bought newspapers bought in these shops,

shops (

10 a few days? |Why don't you stay in bed-for [You should buy anew bed |Ifl were you, Ï will say |1{1 were you, I would ito stayin, in bed for a few days stay in bed,for a fewdays You have stayed in bed for a few days -

Edited by Quan Thi tong

Trang 14

Test +

Crime in the city of Clio hit a 30-year low last year Clio has a population of 28,000, but it has at least 30 gangs The gangs make most of thelr money from dealing drugs and offering “protection.” They also commit violent

crimes, such as murder, battery, and rape

There were 1,486 thefis last year Most of the thefts involved cars Thieves also robbed thepeople at gunpoint or pickpocketed them Two years ago, they broke into houses and businesses twice a day, but once a day last year The police force has helped reduce crime For years and years, kids were locking up their bikes at bike stands in front of schools, libraries, and mails About 10 percent of the time, the kids would come out of the school or wherever and discover that their bike was stolen The police have been trying to find a solution to this problem Finally, at the beginning of last year, they simply removed most of the bike stands Then the bicycle theft rate came down quickly

Most cities in the state have similar problems They all involve too many people, too much crime, too few police, and too little funding These problems can be found everywhere They might decrease, but they will probably never disappear All people can do is to hope for the best and to prepare for the worst

8.4 Which of the following can be the main idea of the passage? Bicycle thefts in the city af Clio

Crime in the city of Clio

Police achievement

in reducing thefts

How to cope with

crime in the city

Ÿ.+ Which of the following shows us how the gangs makes most of their money? selling drugs and By buying and `

By stealing bikes and cars

By robbing banks

and businesses By breaking into , houses and |

3.4 of the bike stands not to put their new type of bicycle

_ _ offering protection - businesses § 5 [How often did the thicves illegally enter houses and businesses last year? Every two days Twice a day Twice a week C Once 2 dạy 3

What did the police do to reduce the number of bike thefts? They removed most They asked students| They introduced a | They employed certain people to

§ c From the last paragraph we can understand that + crime will gradually.[ there shouldbe bikes outside [crime is a problem} people can avoid locks watch the bikes

- decrease more police in cities \_of most cities crime


Trang 15

Test 8

118 [Pt see him when he here tomorrow come will come Comes) came 119 [We had a nice chat over a cap of tea In this sentence, “chat" means - formal talk long talk informal talk) bad talk 120 | We have given up to persuade then try / to change C[trying / to change? totry/cRanging trying / changing

121 \Don’t worried me Pll be fine about) for into with

122 |A: Why are you mad? me called C{being called 3 calling me you call me

B: 1 dislike by my first name

123 |The main post office is not far the library to ftom 3 away with 124 |The fire alarm went off when the smoke rose In this sentence, “went off exploded burned shouted rang ì

means ì——

125 [Tam is excited going to the party about 5 in at with

126 [We in this town for a long time We here 16 years ago are / came were / came Cihave been / came) had been / come 127 is the beach? - Only five minutes’ walk (How far 3 How long How often low wide

128 {Just keep on what you like done did do doing

129 jAre you looking forward on your vacation? at going đto going 5 to go for going 130 |1 would like somewhere different for a change g0 to have gone going to go) 131 |He tried to park his car but space wasn’t big enough an _ the) a

132 |My daughter plays piano very well oe an a the

i os

11 [He let his son go to London for|He allowed his son to go to |His son could to go to He was allowed to go to jHis son should g0 to the weekend 4 London for the weekend |London for the weckend |London with bịs son for |London with him for

“ the weekend the weekend

12 IT was so bored by his lecture I His lecture was so boring | His lecture was so bored |Ï was sơ boring with his |He was not so boring, left TT that 1 left that I left lecture that | left but } left _ 13 (Joe started leaming French six (Joe has been learning Joe has been starting Joe started learning Joe has been learning

years ago French for six years > French for six years French for six years French six years ago 14 {She walked quietly She didn't |She walked quietly because |She walked quietly She walked quietly so She walked such

want to wake the baby she didn't want to wake the |although she didn't want |she didn't want to wake [quietly that she didn't ˆ lbaby to wake the baby the baby want to wake the baby 15 |We like field evénts We like |We like field events more [We like not only field We like both field games | We like field events but

team games : than team games ' levents but also team but also team games also team games, games G5)

Quon Mu

Trang 16

Tesh 8


Laurence Lennon, 44, a classical guitarist was amazed to hear from New

York City police that his valuable guitar had been found It disappeared almost a year ago when he got out of a taxi and forgot to take the guitar with him

When he realized the joss, Lennon used his cell phone to call the police The

policewoman asked him for the name of the taxi company, the number of the

taxi, and the name of the driver She then told Lennon to write 4 report about

the missing guitar at the police station or online She said that finding the guitar might take a couple of years

"This year has been awful," said Lennon "I had to delay the recording of two new CDs I've been using borrowed guitars, And I was losing hope of ever finding my guitar.”

Lennon was reunited with his $100,000 guitar yesterday The case and the guitar had been discovered in a coffeehouse only two blocks from where Lennon had lost it

Lennon had offered a $10,000 reward for its return He said he would give the reward to the coffeehouse owner, who had infonmed the police The police department prepared a news release about its success in getting the

guitar :

5.4 How did Laurence Lennon feel when he learned that his guitar was found? C Surprised 3 Angry Disappointed Happy

Which of the following was not asked fo be reported by the policewoman? the name of the taxi driver

the number of the taxi

the name of the

guitar producer the name of taxi company

9.3 How much time might the police take to find the guitar? Itmight be found very soon

2w Where was his guitar found? In a street corner

One year

it might never be found

In a taxi Ina police station Cin a coffeehouse’

45 What would Lennon do when his guitar returned? He would give

$10,000 to the


He would thank the policewoman

He would give the’

reward to the

He would give the

Trang 17

Test 4

John decided to —” golf at weekends,

133 make take up 4 start up do

134 | We saw wild animals while on vacation a few.) muc a little a lot

135 {They will be at the party al present present) presence presents 136 “Where do you live?” ~ “J live in Hanoi and my parents do, so parents do, too 5 parents too do parents so do 137 [It was a difficult question that we couldn’t answer very so such) too

138 4] don’t think Frank is to stay at home alone, enough old old too old enough > so old

139 |Your bicyele goes much faster than because it’s a lot lighter mine them iheir my 140 ail our careful plans, a lot of things went wrong Because of Despite Although In spite

141 | We arrived the station just in time to catch the train for lat in into

142 |I like to study sea life Marine biology is a subject fascinated boring bored d fascinating, 143 [You should your lesson before the exam read check revisd) write

144 If don’t know about English literature few many hide much)

145 |He to Ho Chi Minh city last year and 1 him since then would move/haven't Joved/ haven't see moved/hadn't seen Thad moved/hadn't

seen seen

146 _| This is the first time T such an interesting film, have seen will have seen saw have been seen } 147 [It is suggested that John larder, _Kworks’ to work swork will work 1

16 |Thereisasparebedinmy |There is spare room in my [There is my daughter's My daughter's room isa |My daughter's room has daughter's room, daughter's bed room spare spare one gota spare bed Œ) 17 {Being the only child in the Iwas often lonely so 1 was {Because I was the only | Because of ] am the only {Although I am the only

family, T was often lonely the only child in the family, child in the family, I was |child in the family, ] was |child in the family, I often lonely GP often lonely, was often lonely 18 |Rose wanted John to take her [John wanted to see Rose at [Rose had John take her to [Rose took John to the Rose was asked John to

to the station the station the station đò station, take her to the station 19 |Nickel and silver do not differ |The difference between There is great difference’ | Appearance between The difference in

greatly in appearance nickel and silver is great |between nickel and silver.{nickel and silver is great, appearance between nickel and silver is not great

20 It's a long time since our last |Our conversation lasted a | We haven't talked to each |Our last conversation We had a conversation conversation

long time ' other for a long time, was long

Edite d by for a long time _

Trang 18


Tesh 9 |


UNESCO's World Heritage Committee officially included Trang An in the world heritage list on June 23, It is the Scenic Landscape Complex in Ninh Binh

Province in northern Vietnam This is the country’s first site to be recognized as a mixed natural and cultural heritage According to the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, the World Heritage Committee announced this listing during

its session in Doha, Qatar : `

Located on the south of the Red River Delta, Trang An is a beautiful complex of limestone peaks with valleys, including submerged ones, and surrounded by

steep, almost vertical cliffs

Archeologists say that people started living in this area almost 30,000 years ago ‘Trang An covers an area of nearly 2,000 hectares It consists of several famous sites like the Trang An ecotourism site, Tam Coc — Bich Dong, Bai Dink pagoda + the largest of its kind in the country - and Hoa Lu, Vietnam's former capital in the LOth and 11th centuries

The area is also home to temples, pagodas, paddy fields, villages, and other interesting places It has around 500 species of flora, 73 species of birds and 41

species of other animals, and is known for its diverse ecosystem, amazing natural

beauty and geological characteristics

In May 2012, Trang An was recognized as a national heritage site, and four months later, the culture ministry submitted a dossier on the complex to the

UNESCO for its recognition as‘a World Heritage Site The complex has become Vintnam’s Sth culpiral and natural heritage site reononized bự the LINFSCO

According to the passage, which of the following is the most special thing about

It is recognised by It is located in Ninh tis a scenic itis the first mixed

fy A Trang An? UNESCO's World Binh in northern | landscape complex {natural and cultural

Heritage Committee Vietnam heritage i

: Which of the following is true about Trang An? It is located in the Low ses Tre Vietnam's | It is surrounded by ,

i north of the Red famous sites former capital before statues

J2 t River Delta the 10th century

Ảì), {Which of the following is NOT mentioned about Trang An? Diverse ecosystem Natural beauty Tropical climate {Local people's s lifes

According to the passage, Bai Dinh is described as an ecotourism site a valley the largest pogoda in} a limestone peak áo 4 : Vietnam

_~|When was the dossier on Trang An submitted to UNESCO for its recognition as in June 2013 Not mentioned In May 2012 In September 2012

Ao a World Heritage Site?

Trang 19

Test 40° mechanic

148 You should havea _ cheek your ear regularly —— [designer |worker |driver =

: 149 |The room is so dark Please the light turn up turn down + turn on turn off ¡ 150 {He lighted the candle he might read the note - because đạo thai 80 a8 and ¡ 15L |The man who lives opposite us sometimes comes for a cup of tea into € over} tụp off Í 152 |There was a small room into we all crowded what that where which ¡ 153 [We were so late We had time to catch the train simply (hardly nearly almost † 154 [Your work has been very good this year so long so far by far as long as : 155 |Give her a telephone number to ring she gets lost ` in case unless whether perhaps

156 [Tellme there is anything special that you would like to do dit 5 which what that 157 [It was a great success, He succeeded _ everyone laugh for making to make making in making

158 |They left the room they had finished their exam before while once) although

159 |ipaíd$500 _— this book at by with for 160 {This is Mrs White, whose invention hundreds of deaf people already will help helping has helped help

lói |By the time we the resort, I think the rain will have stopped get arrives go reach 162 |i am sure she didn’t do it purpose in with on for

21 iThere was never any answer †When it rang, we dị not jwe had no answer We had no answer when [Every time we rang, when we rang answer, although it rang it rang there wasn't any,, (2) 22 [Jack will catch the bus, so he |Jack will catch the bus After Jack catches the Tf Jack leaves now, he |IfJack leaves now, he

has to leave-now before he leaves now, bus, he leaves now will catch the bus @D catch the bus

23 {Look at how black the sky is! |Look at how black the sky Look athow black the [Look at how black the |Leok at how black the @) The rain is coming is! It is raining sky is! It has rained sky is! The rain is going [sky is! It is going to raj 24 |Whiat is the price of your How much is your What is your MacBook {How much does you How does your

Macbook Air? Macbook Air's cost ? Air? Macbook Air cost? Ga) Macbook Air cost? ì 25 more than it did lI thought the shirt would cost |The shirt cost less than! had thought _|1 thought the shirt was toojI didn’t think the shirt expensive would be expensive {The shirt cost much


more than } had |

Trang 20

Jest Ao

“TRE 5km, 30 million euro (08839 million) Ba Na cable car line, located in the central city of Da Nang, was listed in The Telegraph’s top ten amazing cable car systems in the world The system links Vong Nguyet Hil] and Ba Na Mountain It can carry around 1,500 visitors per hour It won four Guinness world records in 2013 for the longest non-stop single track cable car They are the longest cable car line (5,771.61m), the highest non-stop single cable car (1,368.93m), the longest single cable car (11.587m), and the heaviest cable rce] (141.24 tonnes) ` The Ba Na cable car line, which was jointly built by Austria’s

Doppelmayr Cable Car firm and Switzerland’s CWA Constructions Company, became fully operational on March 29, on the occasion of Da Nang City’s 38th anniversary of liberation

The system, which can carry 1,500 visitors per hour at six meters per second, has.a total of 86 cabins which can accommodate ten people each There will be another cable car line to be built, connecting the sleepy hill station of Sapa in Vietnam’s northwestern Lao Cai Province with the top of Mount Fansipan, Indochina’s tallest peak, according to The Telegraph

What is the passage mainly about? Ba Na cable car line}Four Guiness world| The construction CWA A Aw 4 records of Ba Na [of Ba Na cable car} cable car line line Constructions Company

A4<<|Which of the following is the length of the whole cable car system? 141.24m Ce 5m») 1,368.93m 11.587m 44-2 |The word "joindly" in paragraph 2 is closest n meaning tọ equally together) centrally only |

đA.M [How many people can a cabin carry each? 38 6 (iñủ`» 30 ‘Which of the following can be learned from the passage? Ba Na cable car line] / There will be Ba Na cable car | The future cable


was completed on Da Nang city’s


another cable car line in Vietnam

be the longest line line will no longer car line will be built by 2 companies

Trang 21

Jest AA

182 {Bill Clinton,’ was the President of the USA, has only one daughter that who Iwhich whom 183 |Italy against France in tomorrow’s match plays has played played 1S playing > 184 jHe found a watch while he in the street had walked walked had been walking (Twas walking 185 [By the time you come here, they —stthe job will be finished will have finished? would finish have finished 186 [You take anything out of a shop without paying for it Jought to mustn't » don't have to must 187 |This is the school Tused to study when | was small where that which whose 188 | Will you to finish your homework? x can able be able 5 capable

189 | _ the light on, It's dark here [Do Tun 3 Put Make

190 |Thomasis bís best Ệ doing} making saying working 191 |This house is one of the beautiful ones in this neighborhood more such much most) 192 {Choose the word which does not belong to the same group as the others journalist chef cooker) tite fighter 193 |The coat looks expensively newly nicely costly S 194 |ft’s her parents’ wedding tomorrow imemory anniversarv 3 souvenir meeting

195 jAnnahopesto ss a new world record do fix make build

196 [That work is good him for of with at

26 |This city doesn't have any _ |The restaurants in this city |The restaurants in this There are no good C6) The restaurants in this good restaurants are not so bad city are very good, restaurants in this city [city are not as good as 1


37 {Barbara is the tallest girl in her [Barbara is taller than Nobody is taller than Nobody in Barbara's Barbara is the tallest class others Barbara class is as tall as she iS” |student

28 |He does not have enough The bicycle is too The bicycle is not new to |He does not prefer to buy |The bicycle is money to buy a new bicycle expensive for him to buy |buy a new bicycle expensive to buy

29 |My sister and] often went to |My sister andl used to go {I went to that shop and so [I went to that shop and so/My sister and I use to

that shop to that shop BD my sister my sister, too go to that shop 30 |She can't come to the party She is such busy that she {She is not busy enough to{She is too busy to come {She is so busy to come

because she is too busy can't come to the party come to the party, to the party Ψ to the party

Edited by Quan The Havens


Trang 22

yest MA

Samantha, like many renters, is tired of renting One reason is that her annual rent goes up like clockwork Every year her landlord raises the rent five percent Another reason is her neighbors "New neighbors always seem to be more inconsiderate than the ones who moved out," she said "My first neighbor was a door-slammer; ] always knew when he came home or left home After he moved out, a saxophonist moved in, A saxophonist! He practiced two hours a day On Saturday his friends would come over and I'd get to listen to a whole band I called the police, but _ they said we could play saxophone in apartments for up to four hours a day They told me I was lucky that the guy was only playing two hours a

12 jday!"

There are many unhappy renters, but there are also happy renters "I've been lucky my whole life," said Howard, a middle-aged man "My neighbors couldn't have been any better if I had picked them myself One neighbor was a chef He'd bring me the best leftovers in the world Another neighbor was-a pianist She played the most delightful music Another neighbor was a mechanic who did my tune-ups and changed the oil in my car My latest neighbor is a birder; we go birding every weekend

with our binoculars.” :

Which of the following can be the main idea of the passage? Attitudes of renters} Difficulties in | Neighbourhood in | Negative attitudes

ated : towards fee J finding renting renting areas | of renters towards

neighbors accommodation neighbours © » | Which of the following is not mentioned as Samantha's problem with her Door-slamming |Saxophone-playing , Small increased rent

AL-“ | rent house? neighbour neighbour accommodation

_ _, | What did the police tel] Samatha about saxophone playing in apartments? | It would last two it was not It was permitted on It was pemnitted | A2 ‘ hours a day permited Saturday up to four hours a

L - —_ Ney ị

What were the jobs of Howard’ a chef, a pianist, a {a chef, a pianist, a a chef, a a chef, a pianist, a

th ự car retailer, anda | mechanic, anda saxophonist, 4 mechanic, and a

birder birder mechanic, and a bird hunter


AZ S [What does the word "delightful" in the last paragraph mean? { Lovely Generous Kind Manly |



Trang 23

Test A2 walk walked

163 [Neil Annstrong was the first man —— “on the moon, has walked to walk)

164 |You can go to the party tonight you are sober when you come home so as Cas lòng a5 so long as as far as

165 | This book is into four chapters divided 5 added subtracted multiplied

166 {Sunday is the day we don’t go to school by which on which at whick which

167 |The baby wonderfully up to now, behaved Chas behaved is behaving behaves 168 |My brother is fond of doing research ` ˆsoientific seientist science scientifically

169 {The building we are working in bad shape where / are where / is which / are which / is

170 |The computer is capable doing almost everything you want lof ` lạt im by

171 young have future in their hands, Any The An A

172 you tmavel, you learn The more/the more) The more/the most _|more/more The most/the most 173 such a lovely girl Has met he never Never he met Has he never met} He has never met

174 [Either Nam or his friends football has liked like 5 likes were liked 175 {We haven't heard the resuli was if what that about 476 You have been here, ? have you haven't yous will you don't you 177 \They stopped for her when it grew dark be looking q looking ) look to be looking

“31 [Norman is 4 much better { can dance more good than Norman can dance best {1 can't dance as well as Norman is the best : dancer than me Norman, : than me : Norman dancer - | 32 |The news of her grandmother's |The news that her Her grandmother died Before her grandmother jAfter she had been

death was a great shock to her |grandmother.had died was [when she was shocked {died, she was shocked jshocked, her

a great shock to her Gd grandmother died 33 |No one in my class is as good |Mary is bes( at Maths in Mary is better at Maths in Mary is the best at Maths |Mary is as good at

at Maths as Mary is my class _ my class in my class GS Maths in my class, 34 |They finished their breakfast [They had left before they | After they had left, they |After they had finished, \Before they finished

and then they left finished their breakfast finished their breakfast |theïr breakfast, they left |their breakfast, they 35 {David lost his job because he [David lost his job so he David was so lazy that he [David's lazy made him [Because of losing his

was lazy was lazy lost his job lose his job job, David was too

Edited by Quan TWh thung

Trang 24


Tent 42

School girls ali have the same access to computers as boys But researchers say that by the time they get to high school, they are victims of what is called a major new gender gap in technology

According to the American Association of University Women researchers, girls tend to be less comfortable than boys with computer They use it more for word

processing rather than for problem solving, rather than to discover new ways in

which to understand information

After re-examining a thousand studies, the rescarchers found that girls make up

only a small percentage of students in computer science classes Girls `

consistently rate themscl ves significantly lower than boys in their ability and confidence in using computers And they use computers less often than boys outside the classroom

Six years ago, the software company Purple Moon found that girls’ computer usage was falling behind boys And the number one reason why girls didn’t like computer games was not because they’re too violent, or too competitive Girls

just thought they’re incredibly boring

Purple Moon says what girls want are characters and story lines they can relate 10 what's going on in their own lives, Karen Gould of Purple Moon Software says, “What we definitely found from girls is there is no intrinsic reason why they wouldn't want to play on a computer; it was just a content thing.”

The researchers argue that the technology gender gap that separates schoo! girls from boys must be closed if women are to compete effectively with men in the

‘3A Which of the following is the most appropriate title of the passage? New computer games for girls computer usage Girls' lower Gender difference in

computer gamcs Gender gap i

computer technology

Pe According to the passage, what do girls use computer most for? -problem solving ways to understand discovering new

information playing computer games 43.2 ĐÀ

What did the Amcrican Association of University Women researchers find? There are few girls in computer science


Girls think they are |

not as good as boys at using computers

Girls are more comfortable with


They spend more

time with computer

outside the classroom

According to Parple Moon, what is the biggest reason for girls’ dislike of computer games?

“They thought the

games are very


They have intrinsic


The characters in the games do not relate to what's going on in

their own lives

They find them lo

violent and competiive,


What do girls want from computer?

More meaningful

content in computer


Characters and story

lines relative to their

lives _⁄


characters and story


More practical software programs

th —

Trang 25

Test À2

197 {It's so kind you to agree to help me at of} for to

198 iHeisnice everyone he meets of for tô 3 with

199 |The flowers he painted were vivid whom which} who whose 200 |} have no brothers or sisters Lam _ child a single a anique 5 an only asole 201 [Marie from the Student Union to class because she was late walked hiked Skipped tushed 5 202 |Before it was sold, the broken machine was cleaned and x, put right given back kept up looked for 203 |You should always do your best to getalong _ other people [with about to into

204 |The more we learn, wiser we become the wiser we become} we become wiser | we become wise 205 j[Healways goes with an emply bag at home to house to the house Chome

206 draw very well Both of they Both a) Both them These both children tehildren

207 {The boy fell the stairs and broke his arm inlo over down, along

208 |I have to leave now or I will the Jas¢ train home miss lost late for lose

209 1} feel so lonely because I have friends here a little a few) few little 210 {Fifteen days not a long time but it is enough for me to finish my work will be is) are be

here 4

211 jCanyou the difference between a frog and a toad? do choose make) | len" —

36 |My office gives everyonea - {The building has Hs My office is given a A personal parking area [Everyone is given a {personal parking area in front [personal parking area personal parking area to |is given to the building |personal parking area in!

of the building everyone in the building front of the building by

my office, eS)

37 |They've sold the grocery I They've sold the grocery | They've sold the grocery [They've sold the grocery /They've sold the used to go shopping there that I used to go shopping {which J used to go where | used to go grocery where ] used to

shopping shopping there go shopping, GP 38 {The last time she came back to |She has not come back to [Her house was last empty |She came back to an She did not come back

her house was 10 years ago _ [her house for 10 years for 10 years empty house for 10 to her house 10 years years, ago

39 [To write a book ina weck is [It is impossible to write |A week's book is A week is impossible for | Writing a book is jimpossible book in a week impossibly written a book writing jimpossible for a week ; 40 {We don't visit our old friends [We don't visit our old We rarely visit our old We visit-rarely our old =| We always visit our old |

very often |ftiends rarely friends friends Edited by Quan Thể thườơn friends

02% o1?

Trang 26


Test a3

ee tnt at



Coastal areas and islands across Vietnam are becoming a charming attraction for domestic tourists because they not only offer ideal destinations in summer but also build up their love for the country’s sea and islands The Vietravel company’s Hanoi branch reported that as of the beginning of June, the number of Vietnamese people booking domestic tours climbed 170 percent from a year earlier Some of their favourite destinations are central coastal Da Nang, Nha Trang and Quy Nhon cities, and southern Phu Quoc and Con Dao islands Apart from such traditional destinations as Ha Long

Bay, Cat Ba, My Khe, Nha Trang, and Phu Quoc, visitors also went to northern Co To and Quan Lan islands, central Son Tra peninsular and Ninh

Chu beach :

Other travel agencies also saw an surge in the sales of tours to the sea Newstatour Director Luong Duy Ngan said since the beginning of this

summer, his firm has received nearly 7,000 tourists Most of them make their

holidays in costal areas and islands This year, the company gives their priorities to tours to islands like Co To, Thanh Lam and Bach Long Vi

Owning a coastline of over 3,000 km, Vietnam has a sea area of more than }

million square kilometres with some 3,000 islands Such geographic feature offers a great potential in sca and island tourism

4A Why do more Vietnamese people travel to coastal areas and islands?

They express their love to the national

Some attractive forces are found in

There are ideal These are better

AUS coastal and island destinations in

Vietnamese tourists prefer to spend

What are some new attractive coastal areas and

offers for them tourism sea and islands these areas this /from tour agencies.| destinations in

year summer

AGL Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a favourite coastal area or Phu Quoc SN Quy Nhon Nha Trang “island for tourists this year?

Which of the following is NOT answered in the second paragraph? What are traditional Where do package tours are What kinds of

popular among

Vietnam? their holidays this fislands to domestic domestic tourists year? tourists? 7 this year? He 4 What does the word 'surge’ in the third paragraph mean? a sudden large (anew trend) a gradual rise asmall change

t increase

Ae: How many islands are there in Vietnam's territory? About 1 million Not mentioned About 3,000 (About 7,000)

lỳ -

Trang 27

Ves} AG

212 {"No camping" means ” m its without camping [You aren't allowed) |There isno camp [You needn't camp

to we sows

213 {The police all the cars and trucks for the lost painting searched took out explored arrested 5 214 |The boss suggested ss home early for us to g0 that we should god us BO hve going 215 |James suggested _ out for.dinner to going go goings to go

216 |Some animals sometimes fool their enemies to be dead x to appear appear by appearance by appearing

217 [He has a big farm and amodem car a.villa in France in addition tổ) to add to adding with in addition with

218 [She the bell three times before he answered the door had rung, had been rung bas rung ran,

219 {These swallows are famous to the same nests in California every spring {for being returned to return because returning dor Fetuming *) 220 | There are two people in this room how to dance, KNOW ề knowing’ known knew

221 {Don't forget the door before going to school, locking jock q to lock Y to locking 222, |My house _ yesterday TS broken into was into breaking ({was broken into) _ {broke

178 |Dick and Joan greeted _ Cleach others himself themselves one another

179 |Betty is my friend She is a friend of I me ay mine) 180 the old man spoke very slowly and clearly, I couldn’t understand him at (Although ) Despite Because Since


181 She is quite - in public, She doesn’t want to talk much _—_tean sociable - shy.) generous

41 [Did you meet your cousin at [Did your cousin meet at the |Was your cousin met at Were your cousin meet at|Did your cousin Zo to the station? station? the station? GD the station? the station?

42 Is this the only way to take him out of the problem?

Js taking him out of the problem the only way?

Is it another way to take him out of the problem?

jIsn't there any other way to take him out of the problem?

Is the preblem of taking him out the only way?

43 Unless he phones his girlfriend immediately, she will leave away

Unless he phones his will not leave away girlfriend immediately, she

If his girlfriend leaves away, he doesn't phone her immediately

When his girlfriend leaves away, he phones

her immediately

Tf he doesn't phone his

girlfriend immediately,

she will leave away

44 The new doctor gave her a

health check last week She was giving a health check by the new doctor last week

She was given a health check by thé new doctor last week (@)

|She is going to give a

health check to the new doctor

She was being given a

health check by the new doctor last week

45 The teacher said to him, "Why

are you late again?” was late again

The teacher asked why he The teacher asked why was he Jate again

The teacher said to him not to be late again


“The teacher asked hìm

to be not late again

6 ân Th sen

Ô9q3+D10 oR

Trang 28

The main difference between Vietnamese and Western eating habits is

unlike the West where everyone has their own plate of food, in Vietnam

the dishes are placed on the table and everybody shares the food The meal usually begins with a set of at least four cold dishes, to be followed by the main courses of hot meat and vegetable Soup then is served and is followed by staple food ranging from rice, noodles to dumplings If you wish to have your rice to go with other dishes, you _ should say so in good time, because most of the Vietnamese choose to

have the staple food at last or have none of them at all

formal dinners, there are always “public” chopsticks and spoons for this purpose, but some hosts may use their own chopsticks This is a sign of not eat it, just leave the food in the plate

People in Vietnatn tend to over-order food, for they will find it

Or vouwill always overeat!

Perhaps one of the things that surprise a Western visitor most is that some, of the Vietnamese hosts like to put food into the plates of their guests In

true friendship and politeness lt is always polite to eat the food If you do

embarrassing if all the food is eaten, When you have had enough, just say


Jent AG


It can be learned from the passage that the Vietnam

people have their own plates during


don’t have their own dishes during


people share food the Vietnamese the Vietnamese and Western eating habits are


Agr Which of the following is true about the order of the dishes when the Vietnamese have meal? cold dishes, main dishes, rice

cold dishes, hot dishes, soup and


starter, main

course, dessert hot dishes, cold | dishes, soup, rice

The Western people are often surprised when some Vietnamese people

often overeat during use chopsticks always have put food into thé

Av 3 meals when eating “public” plates of their

- chopsticks guests

The word “it” in the sentence “If you do not eat it, just leave the food in the purpose Cie food true friendship the plate

AS the plate.” refers to


Why do the Vietnamese people tend to over-order food?

Beause the food is


Because they want the guests to eat

much food

Because they want

to eat much food

Because they wi ind it ashamed if

all the food is eaten


Trang 29

Test 45

223 jThehouse was expensive that he couldn't buy it T;ueh too 50 Ồ _ New

224 |What 1 a nice dạy it is nice a day is day is nice is anice day 225 How_ 1 expensive the hat is is the expensive hat expensive is the hat [the hat is expensive 226 jltwas_ a hot day that everyone went to the beach so” (such) very †oo

227 |[Two hundred dollars enough for you to buy that present will are have is

228 | swon't bite! Bark dogs Dogs barked Barked dogs acking dogs) 229 jTherich snot always happy will are would be sŠ

230 {It was so cold that my fingers were quite unconscious hard heavy nummy 231 |fane was a little disappointed In this sentence, “a little" means ” " little enough (somewhafs somehow

232 | being 100 tired, she went to bed early Because of 9 Since Despite Because

233 {Here's the , madam - Thanks, I will pay by cheque mem bins list account 234 |Most animals’ sense of smell most acute was were are is) 235 he cannot afford a car, he rides a bicycle Although Unless Whether Because 236 , which was purchased from Russia in 1867, is the largest state in the Alaska is that It is Alaska C[Alaskay, When Alaska


237 {1 love all the cakes by my mother make making 10 be made

46 |We understand more than they |They are more intelligent They don't understand We are very intelligent [They don't understand do than us anything at all as much as we do 47 \We are not in the office now [If we have been in the If we are in the office lf we were in the office {If we were in the office

We can't help you with the office now, we could help |now, we can help you now, we could help you |now, we help you with paperwork you with the paperwork with the paperwork with the paperwork, the paperwork


48 (Can you give me the scissors |The scissors give me which |Can the scissors which |The scissors that cut well |Can you give me the {that cut well? can cut well cut well give me? to give me, can you? scissors which cut 49 |My son feels frightened when |My son is afraid of snakes My son feels frightening |My son is frightening A snake is frightening

he sees a snake &S) "when he sees a snake snakes my son

5Q |The play was boring twas |The play was badly acted |The play was boring so it |The play was badly acted |The play was boring badly acted and too long and too long although it was badly acted andtoo jand too long as it was because it was badly was boring Jong {boring acted and too long


0945 wg OF

Trang 30

Washington Bill went to Lakeside School where he was excellent in math and science and did well in drama and English

Bill became interested in computer programming when he was 13 At

Lakeside, Bill met Paul Allen, who shared his interest in computers At

age 17, BiH and Allen were paid $20,000 for Traf-O-Data, a program used to count traffic

3n early 1973, he scored 1590 out of 1600 on the SAT and was accepted ~ by Harvard University There Bill met Steve Ballmer ~a Microsoft’s CEO Meanwhile, Paul Allen dropped out of Washington College to work on computers at Honeywell Corporation He convinced Bill Gates to leave Harvard and and they together started.a new software company in Albuquerque, New Mexico They cailed it Micro-Soft This name was later changed to Microsoft when the company was moved to Bellevue, Washington

in 1980, TBM asked Microsoft to write software to run their new personal computer, the IBM PC, Over the years, Microsoft developed many new technologies and some of the world’s most popular software and products such as Word and Power Point Microsoft has become one of the largest companies in the world

lø2T AE

'TWilHiam Henry Gates III (BílD was born on October 28, 1955, in Seattle,

Which of the following is the most appropriate title of the passage?

Computer Bill Gates <a IBM and

3 ° 4 programming Microsoft

i Which of the following is true about Paul Allen? He was a student at He shared a He is interested in} He hired Bill [3 „ Havard University | computer with Bill computer Gates to develop

Gates programming computer

+ - software,

What is Traf-O-Data? a traffic control a computer a sofiware Bill Gates' first

5> ‘system program company company

Which of the following is true about Steve Ballmer? He scored high on He went to the He studied at He was the first}

% y the SAT same university as Washington CEO of

Bill Gates College Microsoft,

2-2 | Where was Microsoft established? / _ Seattle Bellevue /{ Albuquerque’ Lakeside

Trang 31


Test AG |

had been waiting

He said thathe for her for 2 hours has been waiting waited will be waiting

274 (The match was terrible! I've never seen _ bad football match! 50a so such a) very

275 {They asked her how long for her previous company had she worked Cshe had worked 3 she worked has she worked 276 \My mother asked me my father, Ít was going to be a surprise don't tell C{not to tells that ] not tell to not tell 277 |The accident if it hadn't been raining so hard didn't happen Crores) hadn't happened would haven't

` happened happened 278 \Have you any idea what time 3 starts the game does the game start (the game starts will the game start

279 A: I've got a terrible toothache ought ({had better) might must to

B: I think you see a dentist -

280 {Bob a lot of money in his brother's business and made a profit spent belonged to Clinvested saved

281 |Dean was late for physics so he up a story about being attacked by a cat did Cjmade ) took created

282 jPlease don’t me when ]’m speaking pause break prevent interrupt

283 {1 finally managed to Simon to lend me his laptop persuade » allow say - make 284 |Even when he’s very angry, my dad never or uses bad language whispers tells swears 3 says 285 I'm sure it’s good to be well-known, but isn’t everything fame) rich interview flame

286 {Tom's cut with a sharp knife in the kitchen himself his own him his self i

287 (Mr Johnson is very rich but he isn't his b TS richer so rich than _ [as much rich as [as Fich as} |

63 [She is terribly rich She can [She issorich thatshe can [Despite the fact that she |She can afford to buy She is such rich that she! afford to buy almost anything /buy almost anything ig terribly tích, she can —_ almost anything although jcan buy almost ị

afford to buy anything _ |she is terribly rich anything 64 {He doesn't usually stay upso |He doesn’t use to stay up |He used to stay up late [He usually stays up late |He is not used to

late late staying up so Jate

65 [Katherine wanted to know the |Katherine wanted to know |Katherine wanted to Katherine wanted to Katherine wanted to time what the time was đi know what time is it knowhow the time ran |know what was the 66 |My exam lasted longer than |Her exam wasn’t as short (Her exam was longer Her exam took a shorter [Her exam took time as

hers time as mine than mine time than mine () long as mine, 67 |The woman is my aunt.She |The woman who works as a/The woman, who works The woman which works |The woman whom

Trang 32


Jest À6

The market selling antiques on Hang Ma Street in Hanot is open once a year,

from December 20-30 of the lunar calendar By then, traditional New Year's Eve

is coming, so visitors to the market are all excited enjoying its unique


Most visitors to the market said they have a feeling of enjoying a showroom with

antiques due to its varieties of items such as statues, ancient coins, lamps, discs, jars, vascs, bowls, chopsticks, knives and forks

At the market, visitors can buy some of their favorites which are believed to * pring good luck to them in the coming New Year Meanwhile, sellers, besides running their normal! business for profit, can take the opportunity to show their friends some rare items of their own collection That’s why they may display the

items not for sale,:but for fun and exchange with the market visitors during the

days before the traditional holidays

Visitors to the market include groups of people - house keepers, traders, antique

collectors, white collar workers or ordinary laborers Items on display for sale are

varied too, in big collections or just as a single one

Called “antiques”, however most of the items displayed at the market are not

truly valuable in terms of their antiqueness That’s why visitors can touch any

item they want, or bargain with the owner for a good price For this favor, the

lmarket-has heen an attractive destination for.a lot of visitor since-iLvas onenned

Which of the following is NOT answered in the passage?

Who often go to the

antique market? i Ị antique market? What are sold at the

(How can you get to

the antique market?


When is the antique market open? market?

this market will help

them carn more

money in the coming

New Year

favourite items in this market will brin

bad luck to them in the coming New


favourite items in this market will bring good luck to them in the coming

New Year iB (th —

46.7 How long does the antique market last? - 25 days 18 days C10 days Ð 20 days : , |According to the passage, which of the following is true about the antique All the displayed There is a limited Trems for sale are {Most of the displayst

A63 market? items are for sale range of items on sale displayed in big collections are not valuable antiques

‘What kinds of people visit the market? Different kinds of House keepers, House keepers, | Traders and antique AG & people traders, antique traders and antique collectors

\ collar workers // collectors, and white collectors

According tothe passage, what do people believe about trading in the antique Buying antiques in Buying some Buying some Buying antiques in this market will

help them find more happiness in the

coming New Year

Trang 33

Test A+

272 {You must tell me what you Since } last saw you do have done Thad done _ {did

288° {The man by my mother yesterday is atock singer who saw seen) seeing that seen 289 JA: I have been nanning for two hours have to ought to € bust’) must to

B: Really? You be thirsty

290 jHeissaid sa student, be he be to bể was

291 [How Jong does the train taketo to London? reach _|Arrive get make

292 You should take a sport and then you would get more exercise up 3 on with off

293 {I hope our plane leaves on ma schedule plan hour timetable

294 |We had a very long way to go so we off very early set 3 put had made

295 iPublic in this city is quite good, and it’s not expensive {transport À travel journey vehicle 296 1t’s easier to travel abroad when you can speak, language like English, an unknown astrange an outside Ca foreign

297 |I gave the waiter a €50 note and waited for my cash cost change 5 supply 298 |Tom apologized ink on my picture to get for getting’) since getting that he gets 299 |I'm going to have a part in the play, 1? am not isn't aren't} don't 300 {Carol asked me if] the film fhad already seeny already have seen have already seen already saw

“4s Viwe gota very good _ with the BBC task work [profession < | 68 The flight from London to Tt took the flight from From London-to New It took five hours to fly’ London to New York | New York lasted five hours {London to New York five [York took five hours from London to New took five hours for a

; hours York GE) _ flight :

| 69 (Kelly's parents gave her a bike |Kelly was given a bike for |Kelly's parents gave a Kelly's parents were A bike was given to 4 for her birthday her birthday by her parents |bike as a birthday given a bike for her Kelly's parents inher |

: &) present birthday birthday i

: 70 |"We bought a new car My neighbor said thatthey |My neighbor said that My neighbor said that [My neighbor said that! 1 yesterday", said my neighbor /bought anew car the day [they bought a new car the |they had bought anew_ |they had bought a new |

: before day after car the day before car the day after 71 |There is always trouble when |Whenever she has trouble, | Whenever she comes to |When she visits me, she [Whenever there is i

she comes to visit me she comes to visit me visit me, there is trouble [comes to trouble trouble, she comes to i

Gd visit me :

72 JHe mustclean bịs suitbefore [After the job interview, he [His suit must be cleaned |His suit needs to clean | When he goes to the job! the job interview cleans his suit before the job interview |before the job interview interview, he cleans his’!

suit, :

Edited by Ñaa TÂN Km,

05+ 043 033

Trang 34

Test 13+


“Taste of the World” Festival is an annual cuisine event held in Ho Chi Minh City to welcome Christmas and New Year Festival 2012 introduced to visitors

delicious dishes from 20 countries including India, the US, Japan, Russia, France,

Germany, Mexico and South Korea ,

‘The event was held successfully six times [t has got its trademark and become a

special cultural and tourist event of Ho Chi Minh City, It aims at introducing the

culinary ari, culture and people of Vietnam and other countries around the world,

‘\promoting friendship and cooperation among countries in the region and in the


At the opening ceremony of “Taste of the World" Festival 2012, visitors had a

chance to see and participate in a series of activities, such as cooking and serving

foods at food stalls, traditional arts, folk games, and traditional music During the, five-day festival, many unique and colorful cultural events were held

Particularly, with 100 lanterns made from melons, a new record of “Melon Lanterns” was set The most important activity of the festival was the ~ performance of head-chefs of five-star hotels

Attending the festival, visitors not only enjoyed Vietnamese and international

foods but also learned more tourism information, destinations and Ho Chi Minh


The festival ended with five gold prizes for the “Mclon Lantern” Competition,

five silver prizes and eight bronze prizes The showrooms of the Lion City

Restaurant and Vatel Restaurant won first prize while five others were jointly

awarded second nrize


When was the first "Taste of the World" Festival held? C- 2006 S 2008 2010 2012

Which of the following is NOT an aim of the festival? Introducing the Promoting friendship} / Selling delicious) Welcoming culinary art, culture | and among countries dishes and Christmas and New

and people of in the region and in |{ specialities from 20 Year,

Ane participating counties the world countries and

: and territories territories

41,5 How long does the Festical last? 8 days 6 days 7 days é days


What is the highlight of the festival? Introduction of

tourism information

about destinations and

Ho Chi Minh City Visitors cooking and

serving foods at food stalls The performance of head-chefs of five- star hotels A new record of more than 100 “Melon Laterns" ae

How did the festival end? ””” Introducing tourism

information about destinations and Ho

Chi Miah City

The performance of Awarding prizes for}

head-chefs of five- star hotels

the “Melon Lantern" Competition

Visitors cooking

and serving foods at food stalls

Trang 35



The Silas Lake Park reopens today after being closed for six months The park was closed because mud and rock slides destroyed part of Cambridge Road, the only access into the park They had to remove tons of boulders and rocks, and

then rebuild a bridge and reconstruct almost a mile of highway,

The lake has two ramps for boaters, a full-service restaurant, a snack bar, a small tackle store, and a boat rental facility As with all county parks, no alcohol is sold

or permitted More than 100 picnic tables have protective roofs and big barbecue pits There are public restrooms with free shower facilities, lots of trash cans, and

hiking trails for nature lovers The west side of the park includes a softball field,

a soccer field, and two volleyball courts Horseshoes and kite-flying are two

other popular activities In the summer, a designated swimming area has a lifeguard on duty seven days a week

The entry fee is $10 per vehicle and $10 per boat Reservations are not accepted

The parking lot holds about 500 vehicles; if it is full, no additional vehicles are allowed to enter Latecomers either leave or wait in line for someone to leave the parking lot Some weekends there are three dozen vehicles waiting in line outside the gate Because of many requests, park officials soon might start permitting campers to stay Overnight on weekends

The park is open from dawn to 10 p.m during the summer There are aboul 2,000 visitors every day during the summer They come here to fish, swim, water-ski, iet-ski nicnic or simply commune with Mother Nature Peonic love this place,


Why was the Silas Lake Park closed? Because they

wanted to build a wanted to beautify Because they Cambridge Road Because Because the only]

way to the park

new bridge the access into the | was too narrow |\was destroyed


AQ 2 {What can't you get in the park? -Snacks € Alcohol) Barbecue pits Shower

Which of the following is true? You can play soccer) You have to bring | Picnic tables sit | You have to pay 48 3 in the park if you food with you | out in the open air} to have a shower

” like when you go there,; with nothing to in the park, protect them

AR 4 [How is the entry fee charged? Per hour Per pax Per vehicle or boat) Per child 48.5 | What can't you do in the park at the moment? Picnic Jet-skiing Swimming C Ovemight

Trang 36

242 If we continue to ‘Test 48

the world’s resources, there will be none left soon 4 ose ups [throw finish damage 243 I'd rather you studied hard good serious nice 244 }You'd better at home today staying to stay stayed [stay

245 {i don’t mind leaving at six o'clock because up early Lam used to get I'm used to getting > lL used to get Tused to get ; 246 |Of course she would come to the meeting if you hẹp | asked would ask will ask ask :

247 |The visitors found the little girl’s conversation very amusement amuse amusing § amused

248 |i haven't seen her for that I’ve forgotten what she looks like such Jong time Csuch a long time 5 so a long time so long time 249 |The president made a wonderful ` speaking message talk speech § 250 |We'd better not bother her She seems C{to be studying § study 10 study studying

251 |We are going to the beach the weekend by for in lạt 3 252 {Hurry up and your hair We are going to be late get have đáo 3 make

253 |If you don’t like the situation, don’t just up with it, face make pet} come

254 {She is She doesn’t mind waiting generous careful hard-working patient

255 |John gymnastics every afternoon after work does} plays BOCs makes

256 |The me $500 for that computer [eost took charged spent 53 tNobady told the children what |Nobody told the children in | Chikdren told nobody The children were not Children did not tell ˆ

| to do in their free time their free time what to do in their free |told whatto đo in ther [anybody what they did

‘ , time free time GB in their free time

| 54 |They didn't learn the poems by |If they had learnt the poems If they had learn the if they have learnt the — JIf they had learnt the : heart They failed the exam _ |by heart, they would have |poems by heart, they poems by heart, they poems by heart, they

failed the exam wouldn't have failed the wouldn't have failed the {wouldn't have failed the

exam exam exam Gy

55 |People say that Mark and Eric [People say that Mark and |People say that Mark and |Say people that Mark That says Mark and are effective workers Eric are effective working, |Eric work effectively and Eric are worked Eric are worked

6S effectively effectively

56 |Itwas such an amusing news |The news was so amusing |The news was too The news was so amused |The news was such that Rose burst into tears that Rose burst into tears .[amusing that Rose burst, |which Rose burst into amused that Rose burst |

` 56 into tears tears into tears

$7 |The teacher was marking the |The teacher was marking |The teacher was marking |The teacher told the The students were

tests and the students were

doing the exercises

the tests while the students were doing the exercises

the tests while the students did the exercises

students to do the

exercises, then marked

the tests

doing the exercises when the teacher marked the tests

Trang 37

lest 49

257 [Please the word which has a different stress pattern - k lind to find finding will find 258 |Every day,lohn_ _ rice for lunch; but today he s chicken soup and roas' nas! is having 3 has/ bas had has had/ has is having/ has


259 jLook! There are a lot of clouds? It soon, is going to rain would rain has been raining —_ {rains 260 |Has the committee a decision yet? Kept done made > arrived 261 jA:1 am too tired will carry carry arm carrying would

B: Wait a minute, I the suitcase for you!

262 {The man asked me how to the airport ` to get) get getting got 263 {He has very good manners and is very when he speaks to people simple discourteous polite 5 proud

264 {fam often busy weekdays and free the weekend, during/ within aU for in/ôn Con/ aly

265 \1£ you want a cheap air ticket you must well in advance get 7 book Ipay }_ maintain

266 {Most people enjoy to different parts of the world travel to travel travelling to travelling

267 | Will you me your pen for my examination this afternoon? allow liend ) borrow permit 268 You leave now if you wish may will would musi

269 |The Titanic the Atlantic when it an iceberg Thad crossed/ was [vas crossing/ struck) crossed/ was q crossed/ had struck

striking striking

270 |No one enjoys being debt at on) in by

27) j1 am not good maths, GS si in fo by

58 |Cars cause air pollution - Cars cause air pollution so {Because cars cause air Cars cause air pollution, |Although cars cause air People still want them 7 people still want to use pollution, people still therefore people still pollution, people still :

⁄ them want them want to use them want them GB) | 59 ‘|She wrote a letter to him two |A letler was written to him [A letter is writen by her [He wrote a letter to her |She got a letter from

months later two months later 8) two months later two months later him two months later | 60 |The meeting was cancelled There were so few Although the meeting There were not The meeting was ny! because there were not enough {participants that the was cancelled, there were |participants enough so _|cancelled so there wéfe participants meeting was cancelled not enough participants | the meeting was not enough participants, 61 [It took me only some minutes [Little traffic brought me It took me only some Travelling to work took | Because there was little to travel to work There was |some minutes to travel to |minutes to travel to work [me some minutes traffic, it took me only little traffic : work although there was little some minutes to travel

traffic to work (en

; 62 {I have to get home before nine.|home before nine, myjl have to get home before |If] have to get home My father will be angry Otherwise my father will be jfather wil} be angry withinine so my father will be |before nine, my father [with me if] don't get

| ¬ angry with me me Br + angry with me / will be angry with me i m

Eatted by Ruan Hom

093 043 936

Trang 38



The city of Armada opened its arms to a new business on Huntington Drive at

First Street, The store, called Turtle Dove, is a pet shop specializing in two kinds of animals The owners are two brothers, Bill and Bob Pidgin They moved here from the northern California towa of Santa Rosa, where they owned an ant farm store called Antimal House ‘that store was such a success that after five years they sold it for a big profit

They took it easy for a couple of years, traveling throughout the states "We visited almost every zoo in the country, partly because we love animals and

partly because we were looking for inspiration for our next business,” said Bill, They finally decided on turtles and doves "They're easy to feed und care for, and both animals live a long time," said Bob ~

‘The store will be open from 9:00 a.m to 9:00 p.m Wednesdays through Saturdays "We think those are hours that our customers will find very convenient Plus, the three days off gives us a chance io go into the woods and find more critters We never buy our animais; we always try to collect them from the wild That way we can pass on huge savings to our customers And, of course, by removing these animals from their natural habitat, we protect them from being devoured by their natural enemies So our customers are happy, our animals are happy, and we're happy It's a win-win for all of us.”


1A Why is the store named Turtle Dove? owner is called Turtle Because the store Dove

Because turtles and doves are popular

with people

Because the owner

likes turtles and doves

Because the store sells only turtles

and doves, 2

Did Bill and Bob Pidgin have any experience before they opened Turtle Dove? Yes They once owned an ant farm 4

store and it was @

great success

No They spent their

time visiting zoos all over the country

Yes They once owned such a store

in Santa Rosa

Yes They had made their friends

store Animal House a success

AGS Why did they do no business for several years? They were short of money wanted io have a rest They were tired and

They wanted to visi zoos and find

inspiration, They wanted to find co-operators

Why did they decide to keep turtles and doves?


Which of the following is tne?

Because doves are

useful and turtles can

live a long time

Because they are both easy to keep and

they live a long lime

“The owners would

rather capture animals| were often caten by |

their natural enemies 4 than buy them to

reduce the cost

Because they are

symbols of peace

and longevity,

Animals they kept

Because they are

both useful

that the business they did was only

beneficial to

The owners believed Almost all the animals they kept

were captured


Trang 39

le sf 20

86 {Sam read the thicf's note In this sentence, "note means _ đmessagc cheque coin money

“87 {She has been jooking for the key for 2 hours _[losing - lost) lose loss

46 |[fyou hurry, you will be in Burton midnight, while on 3 until by

47 |Don't drink so much tea because it's bad your stomach fo al Of for 48 [It‘ssonice _ — you to have helped us for to with of 49 {We went by car and the children went foot » with by under ony

30 |ifit nice tomorrow, we'll go to the zoo dis will be would be will

238 |if he bad listened to his mother’s advice, he and gone on to university stayed had stayed would stay would have stayed

239 |The encyclopedia costs the other one C{twice as much as y more than twice twice more than as twice as

240 {Allen has learned io study in France next year Cc enough French enough much French [much enough’ French enough

- French

241 [He asked me where all day I have been had 1 been Qt had been have | been 5L |She walked the road without looking ~ at across through over

52 |Heisusedto to beở late be going going) having gone gO

53 |Smokingisabad ofyours usage habit) ractice custom 44 jHe doesn't like companies vays works _ flonely once |alone ẦÀ only

51 |The day was so nice that I The day was such nice that jIt was so a nice day that I |A nice day made me to [It was such a nice day went out for a walk, J went out for a walk: went out for a walk go out for a walk that I went out for a


52 - 1 am sure that she will not fail [She shouldn't fail the exam |She can't fail the exam | She mustn't fail the She hasn't failed the

i itheexam J _— exam, — _ jexam

73 |He stayed athome.Itrained [It rained hard because he [Although itrained hard, [He stayed at home So, it |Because it rained hard, hard stayed at home he stayed at home rained hard he stayed at home’ 74 |itstarted to rain 2 hours ago {it has been rained for 2 lt rained for 2 hours It had rained for 2 hours |It has rained for 2

hours hours CÓ)

75 {1 would like to thank your Lam very happy with your |] am very grateful to your |Your sister thanks me for |Your sister is very sister forher help —_ sister for her help sister for her help Gs) ber help happy for her helping

Edited by Quon Tt Huong

094 F 049 0 3ã

Trang 40

The mountain town of Canton is at an elevation of 6,000 feet It is surrounded by thick underbrush and pine trees Because of six years of drought, these plants are a major fire hazard Thousands of trees ‘and tons of underbrush are going to be removed over the next five years at a

minimum cost of $3 million The brush will be removed first, then the

trees will be toppled and removed A cleared nonflammable area will then safely surround the town of 4,000

Residents look forward to the work, because it will help their town survive a future disaster "But there are two problems,” said one resident "All the extra trucks are going to make traffic pretty bad Once the area is, cleared, we have-to make sure dirt bikers don't try to make the cleared area their personal playground."

A recent fire burned 4,000 acres and destroyed |] homes in nearby Hamilton The fire was raging toward Canton, but a sudden rainstorm put it out Residents know that they won't get lucky twice, so they are looking forward to this massive clearing operation

Ninety percent of the cutting and clearing will be paid with federal funds, Unfortunately, if the trees are on private property, they must be paid for by the residents themselves Prices can range as high as $1,000 to cut and remove one tree Officials say that residents can apply for state and federa! loans if necessary

Test 20

Why are thousands of trees and tons of underbush going to be removed? Because new trees are

going to-be planted

Because people want

to build factories


‘Because they might

be a fire hazard,

Because they cause the drought

How long will this project last? 4 years not mentioned 6 years C5 years)

'|How will people deal with the brush and the trees? They will burn the

brush and cut down

the trees

They will burn the

trees and the brush


They will remove} the brush first and

They will remove ; the trces first and

then the brush

\\_then the trees, /

Which of the following is true? Residents are looking forward to the work

because they want to have their personal]


y How many people are there in Canton?

No state foan is possible for the work

Tt costs up to $1,000

to cut and remove

one tree

The federal

government will

cover the total

Ngày đăng: 27/12/2014, 15:41

