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agape in the selected works of thich nhat hanh - implications on vietnamese students’ values

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NHỮNG KẾT QUẢ MỚI CỦA LUẬN ÁN 1. Ngọn nguồn triết luận về lòng từ bi, bác ác xuất hiện từ giai đoạn khởi nguyên của lịch sử Phật giáo và có mặt trong hầu hết các giáo lý nhà Phật.2. Nghiên cứu những tác phẩm tuyển chọn của Thích Nhất Hạnh, ta nhận thấy bốn thiên tính cao cả nhất trong con người được tác giả đề cao đó là tâm vô lượng: từ, bi, hỷ và xả. 3. Nhất Hạnh nhấn mạnh rằng, sự nhu hòa, tôn trọng và chăm sóc cho nhau tạo ra bầu không khí hòa bình và ấm áp. Ngược lại, tất cả những thói xấu cùng hành động bỉ ổi sẽ mang lại những hậu họa khôn lường cho cá nhân và xã hội.4. Kết quả nghiên cứu cũng chỉ ra những vấn đề xã hội đặc biệt quan trọng và có tác động mạnh mẽ đối với con người, nhất là giới trẻ. Đó là sự nghèo đói, suy thoái môi trường, chiến tranh, bạo lực, bất công xã hội và đàn áp nhân quyền. Giác ngộ Phật giáo, tiếp thu giáo lí nhà Phật là một cách để giới trẻ thanh lọc tâm hồn, tránh xa tạp niệm ô trọc xô bồ và những hệ lụy nói trên để giữ trọn thiên tính bản năng cùng những giá trị đạo đức truyền thống của người Việt.5. Nghiên cứu cũng chỉ ra rằng rèn luyện tứ tâm vô lượng hằng ngày giúp con người kiềm chế lòng tham, sân, si để để cho tâm được an vui và thanh tịnh. KHẢ NĂNG ỨNG DỤNG TRONG THỰC TIỄN VÀ NHỮNG VẪN ĐỀ CẦN TIẾP TỤC NGHIÊN CỨU Khả năng ứng dụng trong thực tiễn: 1. Bộ Giáo dục và Đào tạo và các cơ sở giáo dục có thể đưa nội dung giáo dục về lòng từ bi, bác ái vào chương trình giảng dạy. Thiết kế các hoạt động trong chương trình chính khóa để giáo dục cho học sinh, sinh viên những giá trị đạo đức truyền thống của người Việt để tránh xa các tệ nạn xã hội, suy thoái môi trường, chiến tranh, bạo lực, bất công xã hội và đàn áp nhân quyền.2. Kết quả nghiên cứu của luận án có thể làm nguồn tài liệu tham khảo cho sinh viên Việt Nam, giúp người học nhận ra lòng từ bi, bác ái là vô cùng quan trọng trong cuộc sống. Nghiên cứu cũng giúp cho sinh viên nhận ra giá trị của tình yêu đích thực, sự nhu hòa, tôn trọng và chăm sóc cho nhau tạo ra bầu không khí hòa bình và ấm áp cho bản thân mình và cho xã hội. 3. Độc giả có thể nhận ra giá trị của lòng từ bi, bác ái khi sống, học tập và làm việc mọi môi trường xã hội, ở mọi quốc gia và nền văn hóa, và thực hành tứ tâm vô lượng mang lại cuộc sống bình an, hạnh phúc cho con người. Những vấn đề cần tiếp tục nghiên cứu: - Nghiên cứu sâu hơn hoặc mở rộng phạm vi nghiên cứu để có cái nhìn toàn diện và triệt để những triết lí đạo đức Phật giáo, hướng đến mục đích khai tâm, hướng thiện con người.- Nghiên cứu chuyên sâu hơn về Phật giáo để có những giải pháp loại trừ các vấn nạn xã hội, đặc biệt trong giới trẻ.

i THAI NGUYEN UNIVERSITY Socialist Republic of Vietnam BATANGAS STATE UNIVERSITY Republic of the Philippines AGAPE IN THE SELECTED WORKS OF THICH NHAT HANH: IMPLICATIONS ON VIETNAMESE STUDENTS’ VALUES A Dissertation Presented to the Faculty of the Graduate School Batangas State University Batangas City, Philippines In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree Doctor of Philosophy in English By Nguyen Thuy Linh (Link) December, 2014 ii THAI NGUYEN UNIVERSITY Socialist Republic of Vietnam BATANGAS STATE UNIVERSITY Republic of the Philippines APPROVAL SHEET This dissertation entitled AGAPE IN THE SELECTED WORKS OF THICH NHAT HANH: IMPLICATIONS ON VIETNAMESE STUDENTS’ VALUES prepared and submitted by MA NGUYEN THUY LINH in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree doctor of Philosophy in English has been examined and is recommended for oral Examination LUISA A VALDEZ Adviser PANEL OF EXAMINERS Approved by the Committee on Oral Examination with a grade of _ Accepted and approved in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree doctor of Philosophy in English Language and Literature iii THAI NGUYEN UNIVERSITY Socialist Republic of Vietnam BATANGAS STATE UNIVERSITY Republic of the Philippines ABSTRACT Title : Agape in the Selected Works of Thich Nhat Hanh: Implications on Vietnamese Students’ Values Author : MA Nguyen Thuy Linh Degree : Doctor of Philosophy Major : English Language and Literature Year : 2014 Adviser : Dr Luisa A Valdez Summary The study attempted to analyze Thich Nhat Hanh’s two selected works entitled True Love: A Practice of Awakening the Heart and Being Peace, pointing out events and situations on how the agape is reflected in these works Likewise, this study tries to present how the selected works of Thich Nhat Hanh manifest the meaning of respect, peace, and service; and to show the social issues particularly focused on the youth; and to bring about from these works the implications of agape on Vietnamese students’ values This dissertation was guided by the idea that literature can be a writer’s channel for conveying the philosophical dimension of agape iv THAI NGUYEN UNIVERSITY Socialist Republic of Vietnam BATANGAS STATE UNIVERSITY Republic of the Philippines This study employed the qualitative method of research in analyzing the tenets of agape in the representative literary works chosen This study also involved content analysis, which is a systematic technique in analyzing message content and message handling The data analysis in this research centered on pattern seeking and the extraction of meaning from Thich Nhat Hanh’s selected literary narrative or image data Much effort was focused on the task of recording data or making notes through concepts and categories; altering or creating new codes or more subtle categories; linking and combining abstract concepts; extracting the essence; organizing meaning; creating theory from emerging themes; writing an understanding; and drawing conclusions The essential features in the treatment of materials were considered by the researcher in the conduct of this study The general rules cited by Stott (2014) as regards the seven standards a piece of literature should abide to in order to be considered literary guided in the selection of works under study For the purpose of this study and to give philosophical credibility, the representative literary works were analyzed: Love Is Being There, Overcoming Pride, Interbeing, Meditation in Daily Life, Feelings and Perceptions, Working for Peace, Telephone Meditation, Everybody v THAI NGUYEN UNIVERSITY Socialist Republic of Vietnam BATANGAS STATE UNIVERSITY Republic of the Philippines Should Practice Mindfulness, The Heart of Practice, and The Three Gems, which are all found in his masterpieces entitled True Love: A Practice of Awakening the Heart, and Being Peace In subjecting the materials to internal and external criticism and analysis, the meaning and trustworthiness of the statements in the aforecited primary and secondary sources were carefully chartered and analyzed Likewise, to attain congruency between the theories used in explaining the concept of agape, coding and categorization were conducted Direct lines were lifted from the selections served as the primary and juxtaposed with the theoretical statements discussed These passages from the chosen prose and poetry substantiated the theoretical basis of the study Findings The study yielded the following findings: The Historical Root of Agape in the Buddhist Tradition The root of agape in the Buddhist religion started with the birth of Buddha Shakyamuni as a royal prince in 624 BC in a place called Lumbini, which was originally in Northern India but is now part of Nepal “Shakya” is the name of the royal family into which he was born, and vi THAI NGUYEN UNIVERSITY Socialist Republic of Vietnam BATANGAS STATE UNIVERSITY Republic of the Philippines “Muni” means “Able One.” His parents gave him the name Siddharta and there were many wonderful predictions about his future In his early years, he lived as a prince in his royal palace but when he was 29 years old, he retired to a forest where he followed a life of spiritual meditation His intention in founding Buddhism was to lead living beings to permanent liberation from suffering because he realized that temporary liberation from suffering and difficulties is not enough Motivated by love and compassion, his aim was to help living beings find lasting love or nirvana Historically, agape is one of the basic founding principles of Buddhism Motivated by love and compassion, the founder of Buddhism strived to help others find love This clearly states the early stint of unselfish, unrequited love, agape love, in the early days of Buddhism Buddhism, formed from the very beginning, has expressed relief of suffering and mental distress for men In the teachings of the Buddha, people need to have agape - compassion and loving-kindness This is a fundamental factor to help develop agape or compassion and relieve happiness suffering, leading to the orientation of Buddhist activities for people Thus, one can already see the emergence of this virtue in the historical pages of Buddhism vii THAI NGUYEN UNIVERSITY Socialist Republic of Vietnam BATANGAS STATE UNIVERSITY Republic of the Philippines The Manifestations of Agape in the Following Works of Thich Nhat Hanh In the Buddhist tradition, the teachings on agape or true love offered by the Buddha are called the four Brahmaviharas The word “vihara” is used to refer to an abode or a dwelling place and the word “brahmavihara” means dwelling place of the God Brahma Thich Nhat Hanh (2011) and Ward and Ward (2008), called these teachings the four immeasurable namely: loving-kindness (maitri), compassion (karuna), joy (mudita), and equanimity (upeksha) They are said to be the four aspects of true love within every man and everything They are referred to as “immeasurable” because of the belief that if men practice these virtues, the love in their hearts will grow so much that it cannot be measured From the selected literary pieces, readers can glean Thich Nhat Hanh’s portrayal of how the practice of the immeasurable mind of loving-kindness extinguishes anger in the hearts of living beings; the practice of the immeasurable mind of compassion eliminates all sorrows and anxieties in the hearts of living-beings; the practice of immeasurable mind of joy removes sadness and joylessness in the hearts of living beings; and the practice of immeasurable mind of viii THAI NGUYEN UNIVERSITY Socialist Republic of Vietnam BATANGAS STATE UNIVERSITY Republic of the Philippines equanimity puts an end to hatred, aversion, and attachment in the heart of living beings The Virtues of Peace, Respect, and Service Portrayed in the Selected Works From the selections, Nhat Hanh’s concepts of the virtues of peace, respect, and service were also portrayed This Zen Buddhist monk is convinced that everybody can practice mindfulness, inner peace, deep listening and loving speech not only for the sake of their own inner peace and happiness but for the other people as well Another virtue which is portrayed in the selected works is respect or reverence Such respect recognizes and honours the presence of the sacred in everything - the bodies, other people, animals, species, or nature Respect is also an attitude men should have toward personal possessions, those of others, or things in the neighbourhood, village, community and surrounding landscape The virtue of service is likewise portrayed in the identified works Nhat Hanh believed that service does not start when people have something to give - it springs naturally when they have nothing left to take They start to their part - initially, by becoming mindful of the offerings and services they receive, then by feeling grateful for them, and finally by continuing to pay forward their blessings with a joyful heart Service, for him means awareness or ix THAI NGUYEN UNIVERSITY Socialist Republic of Vietnam BATANGAS STATE UNIVERSITY Republic of the Philippines knowing what is going on Nhat Hanh emphasized that when a group of people manifest the virtues of peace, respect and perform a kind of service as a practice, it creates an ecosystem that holds a space, allowing value to emerge organically All of these indirect values, the ripple effect, have space and time to add up, synergize with other ripples, and multiply into something completely unexpected The social issues particularly focusing on the youth are gleaned from the selections In the context of this study, the term social issues are referred to as social problems or societal induced conditions that harm segments of the Vietnamese populace particularly the youth These problems are also related to acts and conditions that violate the norms and values found in the society Some of these common social issues particularly focused and have affected the youth which can be gleaned from the selected works of Nhat Hanh include poverty, environmental degradation, war, violence, equality or discrimination, social injustice, and suppression of human rights The Implications of Thich Nhat Hanh’s Agape on Noted Vietnamese Values The gentle and simple tone of Thich Nhat Hanh’s literature is an embodiment of the Vietnamese culture and way of life as well In the x THAI NGUYEN UNIVERSITY Socialist Republic of Vietnam BATANGAS STATE UNIVERSITY Republic of the Philippines analysis of his writings, it can be gleaned that the central theme of agape, its facets, principles and related concepts, bore relation to noted Vietnamese values and customs as well Nhat Hanh captured the true essence of agape in his selected works The context of his works analyzed all showed the search of man for peace, compassion and love in a world where great changes are happening In the same way, the world of Vietnamese people and their society is undergoing drastic changes too Nhat Hanh’s agape, comprised of respect and peace, and service reflect the heart and soul of the Vietnamese people’s spirit The unyielding attitude of these people against major challenges characterizes the compassion of the people for each other, concerned for the welfare of their kinsmen Thus, through the selected works, the Vietnamese people, especially teenagers realize that agape or compassion plays an important role in life because it has left the depth of thought and become really ingrained moral lifestyle of the Vietnamese people Concurrently, the practice of four immeasurable minds help men perfect moral personality, give them to altruism lifestyle, equality, charity 145 THAI NGUYEN UNIVERSITY Socialist Republic of Vietnam BATANGAS STATE UNIVERSITY Republic of the Philippines also related to acts and conditions that violate the norms and values found in the society Some of these common social issues particularly focused and have affected the youth which can be gleaned from the selected works of Nhat Hanh include poverty, environmental degradation, war, violence, equality or discrimination, social injustice, and suppression of human rights The Implications of Thich Nhat Hanh’s Agape on Noted Vietnamese Values The gentle and simple tone of Thich Nhat Hanh’s literature is an embodiment of the Vietnamese culture and way of life as well In the analysis of his writings, it can be gleaned that the central theme of agape, its facets, principles and related concepts, bore relation to noted Vietnamese values and customs as well Nhat Hanh captured the true essence of agape in his selected works The context of his works analyzed all showed the search of man for peace, compassion and love in a world where great changes are happening In the same way, the world of Vietnamese people and their society is undergoing drastic changes too Nhat Hanh’s agape, comprised of respect and peace, and service reflect the heart and soul of the Vietnamese people’s spirit The unyielding attitude of these people against major challenges 146 THAI NGUYEN UNIVERSITY Socialist Republic of Vietnam BATANGAS STATE UNIVERSITY Republic of the Philippines characterizes the compassion of the people for each other, concerned for the welfare of their kinsmen Thus, through the selected works, the Vietnamese people, especially teenagers realize that agape or compassion plays an important role in life because it has left the depth of thought and become really ingrained moral lifestyle of the Vietnamese people Concurrently, the practice of four immeasurable minds help men perfect moral personality, give them to altruism lifestyle, equality, charity Conclusions Based on the findings and interpretations of the study, the following conclusions are drawn: The historical root of agape can be traced back to the early days of Buddhism and is manifested in many teachings of the said religion From the selected literary pieces, Thich Nhat Hanh elaborated on the Four Immeasurable Minds known as loving-kindness, compassion, joy and equanimity as concrete expressions of man’s deepest love Nhat Hanh emphasized that when a group of people manifest the virtues of peace, respect and perform a kind of service as a practice, it creates an ecosystem that holds a space, allowing value to emerge organically All of these indirect values, the ripple effect, have space 147 THAI NGUYEN UNIVERSITY Socialist Republic of Vietnam BATANGAS STATE UNIVERSITY Republic of the Philippines and time to add up, synergize with other ripples, and multiply into something completely unexpected There are social issues particularly focused and have affected the youth These include poverty, environmental degradation, war, violence, equality or discrimination, social injustice, and suppression of human rights It is very important for the youth to take part in engaged Buddhism to avoid social problems that violate the norms and values of the Vietnam society Research has also shown that practicing four immeasurable minds daily to help people curb greed, hatred and delusion to have the peaceful mind Recommendations further studies From the foregoing findings and conclusions, the researcher offers the following recommendations: Further and wider research or expanding the scope of the study order to look at the philosophy comprehensively and the radical Buddhist ethics aim to initiate, user-friendly human The further development of this study about Buddhism is to propose solutions to eliminate social evils in society, especially the youth 148 THAI NGUYEN UNIVERSITY Socialist Republic of Vietnam BATANGAS STATE UNIVERSITY Republic of the Philippines BIBLIOGRAPHY A BOOKS Alice von Hildebrand, Eros and Agape Ignatius Press, San Francisco, CA, May 2005 Emerson Eggerichs, Love & Respect: The Love She Most Desires; The Respect He Desperately Needs, 2004 John Templeton, Agape Love: A Tradition Found in Eight World Religions, Templeton Foundation Press, September 30, 1999 John Marcus, Agape: 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Republic of Vietnam BATANGAS STATE UNIVERSITY Republic of the Philippines The Manifestations of Agape in the Following Works of Thich Nhat Hanh In the Buddhist tradition, the teachings on agape. .. or discrimination, social injustice, and suppression of human rights The Implications of Thich Nhat Hanh? ??s Agape on Noted Vietnamese Values The gentle and simple tone of Thich Nhat Hanh? ??s literature... University of Information and Communication Technology deemed the necessary to analyze the literary works of Thich Nhat Hanh to gain honest implications of his virtue of agape on Vietnamese students’ values

Ngày đăng: 02/12/2014, 22:25