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    • 3.1. Viewpoints of renovation of current economic propaganda work during international integration in Vietnam

      • 3.1.1. Economic propaganda is one component in economic activities, always preceding, accompanying and following all economic activities

      • 3.1.2. Economic propaganda work is one of the most important tasks of committees, Party at levels, authorities, people’s organizations, economic institutions and every person, in which propaganda and instruction officers are key forces

      • 3.2.2. Solutions on renovation of contents of economic propaganda

      • 3.2.3. Solutions on renovation of methods and forms of propaganda

      • 3.2.4. Solutions on strengthening personnel organization performing economic propaganda work

        • Personnel organization performing economic propaganda work, especially for advisory bodies of the Party should be strengthened. Divisions, officers for deeply supervising economic propaganda need arranging. Divisions of economic propaganda in the authority system need appreciating and strengthening and basic levels must be consolidated. Apparatus, activities of Propaganda & Instruction Committee at commune level needs recognizing officially. Training, fostering officers performing economic propaganda work must be appreciated, principles of propaganda need mastering and economic field must be known. Officers, especially officers having worked in economic sectors, having aptitude for propaganda (speaking, writing, consulting well), should be appointed to perform economic propaganda work at Propaganda and Instruction Committee at levels. There are treatment policies considering propaganda work as a “special” job and work allowance.

  • 3.2.6. Solutions for promoting activeness, self-awareness of propagandized objects


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MINISTRY OF EDUCATION & TRAINING HO CHI MINH NATIONAL ACADEMY OF POLITICS ACADEMY OF JOURNALISM AND COMMUNICATION NGUYEN THI THU HA RENOVATION OF THE CURRENT ECONOMIC PROPAGANDA WORK DURING INTERNATIONAL INTEGRATION IN VIETNAM Major : Politics Speciality : Ideological work Code : 62 31 25 01 DISSERTATION OF DOCTOR OF POLITICS HANOI - 2014 The work has been completed at Academy of Journalism and Communication SCIENCE INSTRUCTORS: 1. ASSOC. PROF. PHD. Tran Thi Anh Dao 2. ASSOC. PROF. PHD. Hoang Quoc Bao Opponent 1: ASSOC. PROF. PHD. Vu Van Phuc Opponent 2: ASSOC. PROF. PHD. Nguyen Van Quyet Opponent 3: ASSOC. PROF. PHD. Pham Huy Ky This dissertation will be presented in front of the Dissertation Review Council at the Academy of Journalism and Communication. At date month year You may research the dissertation at the: National Library and Academy of Journalism and Communication. FOREWORD 1. Reasons for choosing the Propaganda work is an important component part of ideological work. The role of propaganda is to make the thesis have deep penetration into the public, making the unity between ideology and actions, basing on that, making thesis into practice. The propaganda of Communist Party of Vietnam has established, developed and contributed to glorious victory of Revolution of Vietnam. Entering the renovation process, the Party sets out the strategic policy: “Economic development is the key task”.As a part of propaganda work, the propaganda work always get Party’s concerns, directs, contributing to put policies and guidelines of the Party, policies and laws of the State on economic development into real life. Our country is in the period of speeding up country’s industrialization, modernization and international integration with new opportunities, advantages but also meeting many difficulties and challenges. The world’s situation continues having complicated and unanticipated changes in many fields that affects quickly people’s ideology and influences directly or indirectly the economic development field, etc. Globalization and fast development science and technology has been creating advantages for our country during integration but placing many new challenges in many fields including economic propaganda work. Hostile forces in foreign countries collude with political opportunists inside the country to urgently act in opposing Vietnamese revolution. They advocate by means of sponsoring, investment, economic cooperation to transform the economy and then transform the political regime in our country into capitalization. In the country, negative situation and social evils, the degradation, degeneration in a significant part of officers, party members are becoming great obstacles during socio-economic development. In addition to basic achievements, economic propaganda work of the Party in recent time also exposes many defects, weaknesses. Contents of propaganda are dry, unattractive, and unpersuasive and sometimes, somewhere, the propaganda work is still unilateral, one-sided, and imposed. Slow information orientation, lack of remote strategy, quick spreading of unorthodox information and bad information affect directly people’s ideology. The combination between propaganda and instruction agency with state management agency at all levels is not close leading to confusion and passiveness in dealing with complicated situations. Material facilities and means of propaganda have many shortcomings not satisfying information requirements in the current quickly development of science and technology. Noticeably, the concern in guiding economic propaganda work is not equal to economic development requirements, targets - a key mission of Vietnamese revolution during current period. The reality of economic propaganda work during international integration recently has which achievement, weakness and which experience can be learned? What is concept and contents of renovation of economic propaganda work? What is viewpoint and solution for renovation of economic propaganda work in the coming 1 time? Etc. Those are urgent issues both in theoretical and practical aspects. Researching renovation of the current economic propaganda work during international integration in Vietnam not only has practical significance in renovation of propaganda work at all levels, sectors at present but also contributes to supplement, development of propaganda work theory of the Party. Originating from reasons mentioned above, the Dissertation chooses the matter “Renovation of the current economic propaganda work during international integration in Vietnam” as the research topic. 2. Purpose, mission of research 2.1. Purpose of research On the basis of theoretical and practical economic propaganda work of the Communist Party of Vietnam during the international integration, the dissertation proposes viewpoint, solutions for renovation of the current economic propaganda work in Vietnam. 2.2. Mission of research - Researching theoretical aspects in economic propaganda work and renovation of economic propaganda work during international integration in Vietnam. - Evaluating the reality of economic propaganda work in Vietnam in recent time (achievements, limitations, weaknesses, reasons) and given issues towards renovation of the current economic propaganda work in Vietnam. - Proposing viewpoint and solution for renovation of the current economic propaganda work in Vietnam. 3. Object and scope of research 3.1. Object of research The dissertation researches theoretical and practical aspects of economic propaganda work and renovation of the current economic propaganda work during international integration in Vietnam. 3.2. Scope of research - The dissertation researches factors which constitute economic propaganda work and renovation of economic propaganda work; impact of international integration towards renovation of economic propaganda work of Vietnamese Communist Party, in which going deep into and clarifying the reality and solution for renovation of propaganda work in the Party and in propaganda and instruction sector system. - The dissertation does not mention directly the economic propaganda work in national education system. For economic propaganda work in state economic management agency system or particular organizations, unions, businesses, the dissertation only mentions as a constituting part and also object of economic propaganda work being directed, oriented by Party committee levels and instructed to execute by the Central propaganda and instruction committee. - In term of time, the dissertation researches economic propaganda work of the Party during international integration from Congress IX in 2011 up to now, in which, it specially emphasizes the period from Vietnam’s WTO joining in 2007 up to now. - The dissertation focuses on surveying, researching at Central propaganda and instruction committee of Vietnamese Communist Party; some ministries, sectors, unions, central newspapers, broadcasting station; propaganda and instruction committees in some provinces, cities representing all areas, regions of the whole country. 4. Theoretical background and Research methodology 2 4.1. Theoretical background The dissertation is researched on the theoretical background of Marxism- Leninism, Ideology of Ho Chi Minh, viewpoints, guidelines, and policies of Vietnamese Communist Party. 4.2. Research methodology Based on main methodologies which are dialectic materialism and historical materialism, the dissertation uses basic research methods of social and humanity science focusing on some following methods: - Historical and logic method: describing, reflecting the renovation of economic propaganda work since our country’s WTO joining up to now, analysing, outlining nature, rule, movement trend of renovation of the current economic propaganda work. - Comparison method, control method: The dissertation synthesizes related data, compares to find out strengths, achievements to be promoted, weaknesses, backwardness to be overcome in economic propaganda. - Method of sociological investigation: preparing questionnaire, selecting representative sample to investigate awareness, viewpoint, attitude of subject and object in economic propaganda and related issues; collecting data by samples and analysing, processing data by SPSS. - Method of expert interview: Selecting a group of important issues having many different ideas to discuss. In addition to main research methodologies mentioned above, as research object mentions contents of many different fields, the dissertation uses integrated (interdisciplinary) method. 5. New contributions of the Dissertation - Systematizing and supplementing, developing theories with regard to renovation of economic propaganda work of Vietnamese Communist Party. - Generalizing the reality, discovering new given issues towards renovation of economic propaganda work of Vietnamese Communist Party during international integration. - Proposing some viewpoints, solutions for renovation of the current economic propaganda work during international integration in our country. 6. Theoretical and practical significance of the Dissertation - Successfully implemented dissertation will contribute to creation of scientific background for establishing guideline, leadership policy, direction and deploying renovation of economic propaganda work of the Party during international integration. - Research results of the Dissertation can be used as reference for propaganda and instruction officers, officers doing propaganda work and people concerning about this work. 7. Structure of the Dissertation In addition to the foreword, overview of research situation, conclusion, list of references and appendix, contents of the dissertation includes 03 chapters and 06 sections. OVERVIEW OF RESEARCH SITUATION 3 I. RESEARCH WORKS RELATED TO ECONOMIC PROPAGANDA, INSTRUCTION 1. Foreign research works Up to now, there have been many research works with regard to ideology work, in which economic propaganda and propaganda - instruction work is mentioned under different viewpoints. Manifesto of the Communist Party by Karl Marx and Frederick Engels written in 1847, reprinted by Truth Publishing House in 1952 is a theoretical work which scientifically explains the objective rule of social development and is also the first work mentioning proletarian propaganda work. The work points out purpose of propaganda work that is to eliminate private ownership regime on production materials, attract other classes to follow proletarian class; giving the slogan “Proletarians of all countries, unite!” The work What is to be done of V. I. Lenin written in 1902, published by Truth Publishing House in 1957 inherited and developed theoretical points of Karl Marx and Frederick Engels regarding propaganda work. The work analysed, interpreted the position, importance, force, object, and method of propaganda: “Wanting to do economic propaganda, accuse extreme abuse in factories”. The volume “Ideology propaganda work in new period” edited by Personnel Department, Central propaganda and training committee of Chinese Communist Party, National Politics Publishing House, Hanoi, 2005 comprehensively summarizes ideology propaganda work of Chinese Communist Party. With regard to economic propaganda, the work mentioned “Propagandizing more efficiently and effectively the economic renovation, opening and establishment”. 2. Domestic research works - Party’s resolutions, directions During renovation period, our Party always attached much importance to leadership and gave out many guidelines regarding ideology, journalism, propaganda including economic propaganda such as: Resolution of the 5 th Conference on 01 August 2007 by the Central Committee, session X “With regard to ideology work, theory and journalism in front of new requirements”; Conclusion announcement no. 225-TB/TW dated 3 March 2009 by of the Party Central Committee Secretariat, session X “With regard to improving, enhancing operational efficiency of propaganda forms”; Decision no. 221-QD/TW dated 27 April 2009 by the Secretariat on issuing “Regulations on coordination between propaganda and instruction committee at all levels with the state management agency of the same level in deploying socio-economic development plans, solving urgent matters of people”; Resolution of the 11 th National Party Congress mentioned Socio-economic development strategy for 2011 - 2012 period; Announcement no. 264-TB/TW dated 31 July 2009 by Ministry of Politics with regard to guideline of organizing the canvass: “Vietnamese prioritizes to use Vietnam’s commodities”, etc. All documents pointed out requirements, missions, solutions of information, propaganda work serving the socio-economic development. 4 - Books: The book Mass Media by Ta Ngoc Tan, National Politics Publishing House, 2011 mentioned the role of mass media in connecting information for economic development. In 2003, Propaganda Department, Academy of Journalism and Communication edited the Curriculum Propaganda Principle presenting the general issues of propaganda work including the special subject Economic propaganda which discusses the position, role of economic propaganda, contents and forms of economic propaganda, etc. In 2006, the book Studying Ho Chi Minh’s revolutionary propaganda methods by PhD. Hoang Quoc Bao, National Politics Publishing House researched the origin, basic features of Ho Chi Minh’s revolutionary propaganda methods, reality of propaganda methods in staff of ideology officers and gave out solutions for renovating, improving efficiency of propaganda. The book Ideology work principles edited by Assoc. Prof. PhD. Luong Khac Hieu, National Politics Publishing House presented most sufficiently and comprehensively about basic matters of ideology work. The special subject “Economic education and formation of economic culture” judged the position, role of economic education: “economic education becomes a key mission of ideology work in the career of building socialism in general and our country’s current renovation in particular”. In 2008, PhD. Tran Thi Anh Dao edited two monographs: “Ideology work and the issue of training officers to do ideology work” and “Ideology work in the career of industrialization, modernization”, National Politics Publishing House, mentioned theoretical aspects of ideology work discussing about virtue and capacity of officers doing ideology work. In 2009, the book Journalism with propaganda, struggle against wrong arguments, Ministry of Information and Communications, Information and Communications Publishing House, discussed about responsibility of journalism in propaganda work in integration period. The book “Renovation of theory, ideology work in new circumstance”, edited by PhD. Pham Tat Thang, National Politics Publishing House, 2010, mentioned the renovation of style in writing about good person, good work mirrors, patriotic competition movements in the practical direction without being pompous, formal in conformity with conditions of building socialist-oriented market economy at present. The book Role of scientific knowledge in the current career of industrialization, modernization in Vietnam by PhD. Tran Hong Luu, Politics Publishing House, 2011, proposed some solutions in order to uphold the role of scientific knowledge in the current career of industrialization, modernization: “Means of mass media should praise promptly scientists, businesses talented in economic development to multiply symbolic characters, attract people to strive and follow”. The book Making Vietnamese workers become intellectuals in the current international integration by PhD. Bui Thi Kim Hau, National Politics Publishing House, 2012, considered propaganda and instruction work as a method to improve industrial style and legal awareness for workers. The book Propaganda literature about the canvass “Vietnamese prioritizes to use Vietnam’s commodities” published by the Central Steering Committee of the canvass in 2012 emphasized the role of propaganda work, considered it as the most important solution for success of the canvass. The yearbook National Conference on summarizing foreign affairs work, sea - island propaganda and demarcation, landmark in 2013; deploying missions in 2014 including discussion of Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development with the title “Attaching special importance to propaganda for economy, aquiculture 5 development, a new point of agriculture sector in 2013” highlighted results achieved in propaganda work with many diversified forms and contents. The yearbook Conference on summing-up 3 years of implementing National target program of building new rural areas 2010-2020 gathered discussions of ministries, sectors, localities and businesses. All reports highly appreciated the role of propaganda work and considered it as both experiences and solutions for promoting the movement of building new rural areas. - Scientific conferences, topics, projects, dissertation, articles Some topics, projects at Ministerial level having contents related to renovation of economic propaganda are: Project no. KHBD (2003)-14: “Improving quality and efficiency of propagandizing new, progressive symbolic factors in economic field” chaired by PhD. Bui The Duc, Central propaganda and instruction committee. Project no. KHBD (2008)-48: “Some solutions for improving efficiency of information - propaganda work in people foreign relations in new circumstance” chaired by PhD. Do Hoang Long, Committee for Foreign Relations of the Party Central Committee, mentioned some contents, forms of informing the country’s economic development to foreign countries. In the article “Entering 2012, the whole propaganda and instruction sector is positively renovated, creative, scientific and more determined in action”, the author Dinh The Huynh mentioned: “With regard to socio-economic mission, focus on implementing to create high unanimity in continuing to carry out Conclusion 02 of Ministry of Politics; Conclusion of the 3 rd Central Conference on continuing to limit inflation, stabilize macro economy, assure social security and restructure the economy”. In the article “Ho Chi Minh City creates unanimity, agreement in implementing Resolution 11 of the Government and Conclusion 02 of Ministry of Politics”, the author Than Thi Thu affirmed that “Speeding up propaganda work” is one of “effective solutions” to succeed in the target, mission of socio-economic development. The author Le Hong Anh in the article “Continue to renovate and improve efficiency, quality of propaganda and instruction work” pointed out weaknesses of propaganda and instruction work in general and economic propaganda in particular: “economic propaganda work has not been paid right attention”. Recently, Central Corporate Block Party Committee and Joint Stock Commercial Bank for Investment and Development of Vietnam organized the Conference “Speeding up the state-owned corporate restructuring in Central corporate block up to 2015”. The report defined that propaganda work is the main solution to foster restructuring, capitalization and withdrawal of state fund at businesses. II. RESEARCH WORKS REGARDING IMPACT OF INTERNATIONAL INTEGRATION ON ECONOMIC PROPAGANDA WORK 1. Foreign research works The book Globalization with development countries by international economic researchers of the Federal Republic of Germany, K. Bubl, R. Kruege and H. Marienburg written in 2002, mentioned the consequences of economic development in globalization, consequences towards national guideline of developing countries. The book The world is flat by Thomas L. Friedman (American journalist, sociologist) issued in April 2005, translated and published by Tre Publishing House in 206, explained the complicated movement of the world economy, politics in the era of globalization. According to the author, science and information technology brings 6 about great benefits as well as unexpected dangers. The author believes that one of reasons for the collapse of Soviet Union is the reverse side of the information revolution started at the beginning to the middle of the 80s. The book Globalization and future of transforming countries by Grzegorz W.Kolodko, National Politics Publishing House, Hanoi, 2006, presented features of globalization and its impact on developing countries. The book Right to speak: the role of mass media in economic development issued by Information and Culture Publishing House pointed out economic conditions and which policy environment is necessary for mass media to support economic development. 2. Domestic research works - Documents, resolutions, directions of the Party and State The 11 th National Party Congress set the guideline “Positive international integration”. After that, on 27 November 2001, the Ministry of Politics issued Resolution no. 07-NQ/TW “With regard to international economic integration”. On 5 February 2007, the 4 th Conference of Party Central Steering Committee, session X issued Resolution no. 08-NQ-TW “With regard to some great guidelines, policies for fast and sustainable economic development when Vietnam becomes a member of WTO”. On 10 April 2013, Ministry of Politics issued Resolution no. 22-NQ/TW on international integration, etc. In general, all documents pointed out advantages, difficulties, opportunities, challenges towards the society in general and economic propaganda work in particular during international integration. - Books: The book Some social issues of Vietnam in renovation period by National Economics University, published by National Politics Publishing House in 2004 mentioned basic achievements, limitations and reasons of international economic integration and proposed some solutions for positive international economic integration of Vietnam. The book Vietnam rural industry - reality and solution for development by Nguyen Trong Phuc, National Politics Publishing House, 2004, analysed the role, reality and solution for developing rural industry during industrialization and modernization of the country. In 2004, the Central Ideology - Culture Committee edited the book The world’s great issues and our country’s integration and development presented the international economic integration in our country; mentioned advantages, difficulties during international integration and requirements, missions of propaganda work. The book The State towards knowledge economic development in the context of globalization by Institute of Social sciences information, Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences, Social Sciences Publishing House, 2005, mentioned the appearance and development of the knowledge economy and the role of the state towards knowledge economic development in the context of globalization. The book Some issues regarding theory, ideology and culture work by Prof. Nguyen Duc Binh, National Politics Publishing House, 2005, discussed about economic globalization and international integration of Vietnam, and also pointed out indispensable trend, advantages, difficulties, integration direction of our country and impacts on ideology field. In 2006, the Central Ideology - Culture Committee edited and issued the book Three great events presenting development state of the country, affirmed that: Joining WTO is the important victory of Vietnam during international economic 7 integration. It also pointed out directions in guiding, leading propaganda work since Vietnam’s joining into WTO. In 2007, the Central propaganda and instruction committee coordinated with Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry to hold Science conference titled “Enhancing competitiveness of Vietnam companies during WTO integration period” and published the yearbook of the seminar. In introductory report, PhD. Nguyen Hong Vinh emphasized that “Our journalism must continue renovating methods of propaganda, especially approaches and explanation of new issues in the real production and business during integration. There must be many excellent journalists, economic reporters who are knowledgeable about market economy, grasp quickly operations of businesses, especially businesses having relationships in international field, serve businesses by information being concerned and by their active, creative journalism operations”. The book Globalization trend in two decades of the 21 st Century, National Politics Publishing House, 2007, under general direction of Prof. PhD. Le Huu Nghia, pointed out nature and impacts of the current globalization, gave out some proposals for integration in Vietnam including the concern about propaganda. The book Selective journal articles in 2011 included the article Peasants in new era discussing about advantages, successes, difficulties, harnesses of peasants in integration period. The article asserted that the ideology of “blaming the State” still exists in a significant part of peasants, therefore, to help peasants enrich themselves in integration period, it is necessary to change awareness that “peasants are subjects - people making decisions rather than people receiving, enjoying supportive policies and regimes from the State”. Assoc. Prof. PhD. Hong Vinh, the author of the book Keeping fire alight, Culture Publishing House, 2014, in discussing about solutions for the country’s economic development in integration period, highlighted the role of unification in awareness and action: “No magic wand makes our country progress quickly, progress firmly in addition to unanimity, combined effort of the Party, people, broad social agreement for the target of making Vietnam become an industrial country in modern direction in the next ten years”. - Scientific topics, projects, conference discussions The discussion at National Officers Conference summing up 2 years of implementing Conclusion announcement No. 162-TB/TW dated 1 December 2004 by Ministry of Politics “with regard to some methods for strengthening journal management in current context”, the author Nguyen Van Dua affirmed that: “It is the development of journalism to impact significantly to promote the renovation and promote the development of the market economy”. In the article Enhancing leadership capacity, power holding stuff of the Communist Party - Some issues from the reality of Vietnam”, Prof. PhD. Phung Huu Phu pointed out difficulties caused by fluctuations, risks of the global economy in the post-crisis period leading to dramatic increase of price, high inflation, and many difficulties in people’s lives and production and business activities. Introductory speech at the international conference on “Strengthening to supervise and clean up the financial system”, 2003, the author Vu Viet Ngoan mentioned the issue of information transparency, considered this as one of solutions for cleaning up the financial system. Economic expert Tran Dinh Thien in responding to interview by Tien Phong Newspaper with regard to the current economic situation of Vietnam affirmed that “In the current economic context, the 8 [...]... clarifying the contents as follows: theoretical background of renovating the current economic propaganda work during international integration in Vietnam; reality, experience lessons, given issues, viewpoints and solutions for renovating the current economic propaganda work during international integration in Vietnam Chapter 1 RENOVATION OF THE CURRENT ECONOMIC PROPAGANDA WORK DURING INTERNATIONAL INTEGRATION. .. propaganda work In the status of action, the economic propaganda work involves elements that are subject of the economic propaganda work; object of the economic propaganda work; persons to whom the economic propaganda work targets; objective of the economic propaganda work; content of the economic propaganda work; form of economic propaganda; method of economic propaganda; facilities of economic propaganda; ... international integration that is a new issue firstly and officially mentioned in the instruments of the National Party Congress XI 1.2 Necessity of renovating the economic propaganda work during process of current international integration in Vietnam 1.2.1 International integration and its effects on renovating the current economic propaganda work in Vietnam International integration: Concept and Vietnam. .. insight toward international economic integration: “Be proactive and active in international economic integration , “Expanding international cooperation in other fields” In the Party Congress XI in 2011, the term of international integration was firstly and officially appeared in the instrument of the Party Congress, marked a basic movement in the Party’s thinking in international integration: “be... work to bring about increasingly high effect and to meet demand of industrialization, modernization and international integration Chapter 2 REALITY AND PROBLEMS TO BE ADDRESSED FOR RENOVATING THE CURRENT ECONOMIC PROPAGANDA WORK DURING INTERNATIONAL INTEGRATION IN VIETNAM 2.1 Reality of the current economic propaganda work during international integration in Vietnam While international integration is more... make the best use of opportunities convenient for the national sustainable development Integration is not “dissolving”, but involving in the international life on the basis of maintaining the national characters, independence and sovereignty of the nation c Vietnam s process of international integration * The Party’s and the State’s guidelines of international integration Right after the birth of the. .. process of international integration in Vietnam 2.2.1 Contradiction between necessity of renovating the economic propaganda in the process of international integration and insufficient awareness on position and role of the economic propaganda as an economic process in the present period in Vietnam Entering into international integration, economic development becomes a central task of Vietnam Revolution In. .. to be the basis for renovating the current economic propaganda work 3 Researched matters of the Dissertation Originating from the reality and research situation with regard to economic propaganda work in which many matters are left open, the dissertation chooses the topic “Innovation of the current economic propaganda work during international integration in Vietnam with the desire of researching and... impact of international integration on Vietnam society, it is mentioned rather thoroughly such as: challenges, advantages, difficulties and solutions of Vietnam in joining into WTO; initial results of WTO joining; factors impacting propaganda work 2 Matters to be researched Under the angle of renovating economic propaganda work during Vietnam s international integration, it can be said that there has... changes in the world economy 1.2.2 Necessary of renovating the economic propaganda work Springing from important position and role of the economic propaganda work The role of propaganda work is to make “reasoning penetrated into the public” and then “become a force of material” The propaganda work helps the proletarian class and all classes of the people understand reasoning viewpoints toward the . RENOVATING THE CURRENT ECONOMIC PROPAGANDA WORK DURING INTERNATIONAL INTEGRATION IN VIETNAM 2.1. Reality of the current economic propaganda work during international integration in Vietnam While. Researching theoretical aspects in economic propaganda work and renovation of economic propaganda work during international integration in Vietnam. - Evaluating the reality of economic propaganda work. officially mentioned in the instruments of the National Party Congress XI. 1.2. Necessity of renovating the economic propaganda work during process of current international integration in Vietnam 1.2.1.

Ngày đăng: 12/11/2014, 11:51



