Gail Ellis and
Trang 2PEBBLES 2 TEACHER’S BOOK Gail Ellis and Penny Hancock CONTENTS Pages Course map 2toÓ Introduction 7 to 10 Lesson notes Il to 119 Optional review lessons -: 120 to 130 Ideas store 131 to 138
Class Book cut outs 139 to 148
Trang 3Course map UNIT NUMBER AND THEME 1 Rose and her magic wand 2 Joe’s kittens 3 Story revision unit: The wolfand the five little rabbits MAIN COMMUNICATIVE
AIM MAIN ACTIVITIES AND SKILLS Asking a person's name What's
your name? My name’ Listening to and identifying the course characters (Lesson 1!) Singing the Hello song (from Identifying classroom objects: /s it Level 1) (1) a ? Yes/No Learning a colour chant (0) Listening to a short story (2) Language file activity Learning a chant about classroom
Making the language file and objects (2) designing the cover Making a magic wand (3)
Reading colour words: red, yellow,
green, blue (3)
Singing a song about colours (3)
Identifying the differences in two
pictures (3)
Answering simple questions Listening to a short story (1)
about location: under the table/in _ Using prepositions to play hide- the box/on the table and-seek games 0)
" Identifying items of furniture
Language file activity through keyhole pictures (2)
Drawing a picture of your Listening to questions and circling
bedroom and labelling the the correct reply (2)
furniture Saying a furniture chant (2)
Drawing a picture of a cat in, on,
and under furniture (2) Saying a number chant (3)
Listening and counting the number of mice ina picture (3) Matching numbers and number
words (3)
Singing a counting song (4) Playing a guessing game (4) Playing Animal Bingo (4)
Understanding a story in English Introducing the story
characters (I) Revising and consolidating Cutting out and sticking furniture
language from previous units in the correct room (I)
wa Saying a chant 0)
Language file activity Listening to the story (2)
Drawing a plan of your house/flat | istening and responding to
and labelling the rooms questions on the cassette (2) Making finger puppets (3)
Acting out part of the story (3)
Singing a song using finger
Puppets (4)
Matching words and pictures (4)
To revise greetings: Hello (l) To revise What's your name? My name’ ()
To revise colours: red, yellow, blue,
green, pink, purple, orange
(1 & 3)
Classroom objects: pencil, ruler,
rubber, pen, book, postman, parcel,
magic wand 2&4)
To use and respond to the
question Is it a .? Yes/No (2 & 4)
To revise colours: black, white (4) Furniture vocabulary: bath, sofa, table, chair, bed (3) To teach the word kitten @)
Prepositions: in, on, under (1 & 2)
To understand and reply to the question Where's the .? (She's)
under the chair ()
To revise Is it a ? Yes/No (2 & 4) “To read the words Yes/No (2) To revise numbers | to 10 (from
Level 1) 3&4)
To reply to the question How many? (from Level |) (3) To read the number words: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten (3)
To revise animal vocabulary from
Level |: dog, kitten, cow, horse, fish, bird, rabbit wolf (4)
To teach rooms in a house:
bathroom, kitchen, sitting room,
bedroom ()
To revise furniture and numbers Ito5 (1 & 2) To ask and reply: Where's the (chair)? In the (bedroom) (I) To revise rooms in the house and
furniture (2-4)
‘To respond to the questions: Where is (rabbit one)? Is he/she in
the (kitchen)? Yes/No (2-4) To revise prepositions: in, on,
under (4)
To read the words for rooms in a
house: kitchen, sitting room, bed-
Trang 4Course map UNIT NUMBER AND THEME 4 My face 5 Awedding 6 Story revision unit: Maria and the Prince MAIN COMMUNICATIVE AIM
Giving a simple description of your facial features: /ve got (blue) eyes, a (big) mouth and (fair) hair
Language file activity Drawing a picture of your face and
labelling the features
Describing what you are wearing: I'm/He/she’s wearing
Language file activity
Designing a fashion outfit and labelling the clothes
Understanding a story song in
Revising and consolidating
language of previous two units
Singing a song i)
Identifying monsters’ facial
features (I)
Listening to a short story about
Rose and her wand (2) Drawing a picture of Rose in the
mirror (2)
Completing a drawing of a
face 4)
Distinguishing true and false statements when listening to a
face being described (3)
Saying a description chant (3)
Drawing their own funny face picture (3)
Listening to children describing
themselves and identifying their photos (4) Reading, matching and numbering (4) Making a class photo album _ (4) Listening to a description of what people are wearing at a wedding (1) Describing people's clothes ina wedding photo ()
Saying a number chant (2) Preparing a clothes counting
poster (2)
Singing a song about clothes (3)
Listening to characters describing
clothes they haven't got (3) Saying a chant (3) Finding hidden clothes in a picture ofa room (3)
Matching words and pictures (4)
Drawing a picture of themselves in circus costume (4) Introducing the characters in the story () Completing a colour by numbers activity (1)
Listening to descriptions and
distinguishing true or false (l)
Listening to and singing a story
Acting out the story song (3)
Playing a board game (3)
To revise vocabulary related to facial features: head, eyes, nose, mouth, ears, and introduce the word hair (1&2) To revise big/small (I) To understand expressions used inthe song: open and close, sniff,
talk, wiggle, brush (I)
To revise colours: blue, green, red, yellow, black, brown, and
introduce grey (2) To understand and use the expression for describing facial
characteristics: I've got (fair hair)
Ive got (blue eyes) (2-4)
To read the words Yes and No (3)
To read words for facial features: black/red/fair/brown hair,
blue/green/brown eyes (4)
To use the expression Who
am I? (4)
To revise clothes vocabulary: dress, jacket, jumper, jeans, T-shirt,
shoes, hat, skirt and introduce:
shirt, trousers, necklace, shorts (l-4)
To revise colours and numbers |
to 10 ()) To use the expression I’m /he/she’s
wearing (a dress) (1-4)
To introduce numbers 11 to 20 (2) To revise I've got (2) To use and reply to the question
How many .? (2)
To revise furniture and
prepositions (3) To revise he/she’s wearing (3 & 4) To understand / haven't got (3) To read clothes labels: a yellow hat, ete (4)
To revise facial features, clothes, colours and sizes (-3) To revise (The Prince) is
wearing ()
To revise (Maria) has got (I) To read words for colours and
Yes/No ()
To revise put on/take off (2 & 3) To understand expressions used
inthe story (2)
To revise colours and numbers
Trang 5Course map UNIT NUMBER AND THEME T Aschool sports day 8 the z00 9 Story revision unit: The monkey
and the penguin
Expressing ability: / can/can’t
Language file activity
Drawing and writing about things you can and can’t do
Describing animals: A giraffe has a long neck A penguin can't fly
Language file activity
Drawing a picture of your favourite animal and writing
about it
Understanding a story in English
Revising and consolidating the language of the previous two units MAIN ACTIVITIES AND SKILLS Listening and identifying sports (I) Matching characters with the
sports prizes they have won (1)
Listening to characters describe what they can and cantdo (2) Saying a chant (2) Completing a chart for them-
selves and their friend showing
what they can/can' (2)
Singing a song (3)
Playing a game of Sports Bingo
Doing a class survey of what
children can and can't do (4)
Making a wall chart (4)
Sentence building (4)
Matching sound effects with animals ()
Playing a drawing game (I)
Singing a song about zoo
animals (2)
Playing a dice drawing game (2)
Listening to a story about Eddie and Rose at the zoo (3) Listening and completing a chart about what zoo animals can and can't do @) Making a monkey or penguin mask (4) Matching animal words and pictures (4) Introducing the characters for the story (I) Categorising animals according to whether they are fast or slow (I)
Singing a song about the monkey
and the penguin () Listening to the story of The
monkey and the penguin (2)
Acting out the story (3)
Playing a board game (3)
To revise the actions: run, jump, dance, sing and introduce play football, play tennis, swim, play
basketball (I) and ride a bike (2) To understand the expression Ready, steady (1) To read the words run, jump, swim lỦ) To teach / can/I can't + verb (2 & 3)
To learn the verbs in the song:
stand up/sit down/turn
around/touch the ground (3)
To understand Can you .?
(3 & 4)
To introduce José/He/She can
(swim) (4)
To teach zoo animal vocabulary: lion, giraffe, elephant, monkey,
penguin (1-4)
To revise Is ita ?¥es/No (I) To revise big/small and introduce
long (2)
To revise facial features and shoulders, knees, toes (2)
To introduce animal body parts:
trunk, mouth, arms, feet, neck,
tail (2)
To revise numbers | to 6 (2)
To understand the song vocabu-
lary: swish, roar, stretch, climb, stamp (2) To revise actions: run, swim, fly, climb (3 & 4) To revise Can + verb: it can run/it cant fly (3) To read zoo animal words: lions, giraffes, elephants, monkeys,
penguins (4)
To revise zoo animal vocabulary and action verbs (I-3)
To revise can + verb (I-3) To introduce fast/slow (I-3) To understand language used in the story: Let's race! Ready, steady, go! !am the winner! (2)
To revise big/small (3)
Trang 6Course map UNIT NUMBER AND THEME 10 The tooth fairy A] Habits and activities 12 Story revision unit: Town and country MAIN COMMUNICATIVE AIM
Saying what food we like and don't like and saying what is good and bad for you: I like/I don't like
Language file activity
Drawing a picture of your favourite food and writing
about it
Talking about daily and weekly habits: Every day | get up
Language file activity Writing about your favourite weekend
Understanding a story in English Revising and consolidating
language from previous units
Listening to a story about Eddie and the tooth fairy @) Saying a location chant (I)
Listening to and answering
questions on cassette ()
Listening and identifying the food the tooth fairy likes/dislikes 2) Saying the tooth fairy chant (2)
Matching food words and
pictures (3) Drawing food they would like to buy from a supermarket (3) Making a class poster showing foods which are good and bad for your teeth (4)
Singing a song ()
Listening to Joe describing his morning ()
Playing a mime game (2)
Sequencing pictures according to
their own daily routine (2) Learning a days of the week chant (3) Matching the days of the week to activities (3) Making a weekly diary (4)
Listening and following
instructions on cassette (4)
Identifying sound effects and whether they come from the
town or the country ()
Drawing a picture of outside their classroom/bedroom window (1)
Listening to the story Town and
country (2) Acting out the story (3)
Listening and matching boys with
their favourite meals (3)
Making and writing a postcard (4) Playing a post office game (4) LANGUAGE AIMS To revise furniture and prepositions () “To revise Ís ít (under the table)? Yes/No
To introduce vocabulary in the story: a tooth/teeth, fairy, toy box,
pillow @)
Reading the question /s it under the table, etc ()
To revise food vocabulary: fish, chicken, apples, bananas, cakes and introduce: salad, bread, sweets, chocolate, milk, orange juice, cola (2-4)
To revise / like/I dont like (2-4)
To introduce good/bad for you (2&4)
To read food words (3)
To revise body parts: hair, teeth,
face, head ()
To introduce: get up, clean my teeth, brush my hair, wash my face,
have breakfast, go to school (1 & 2) To introduce days of the week
To revise: ride a bike, go to the zoo and introduce: go swimming, go to the park, watch television, visit grandparents, play with
friends 3&4) To revise: play football, play ten- nis, play basketball, climb trees, go
to school, etc (4)
To revise days of the week (I)
To revise transport, animals and buildings (42)
To introduce town/country (1 & 2)
To revise activities: get up, have
breakfast, clean my teeth, play outside, ride my bike, climb trees,
swim in the river, have dinner, go
to bed, go to the park, play foot- ball, go to the swimming pool (2-4) To revise prepositions:
in/on/under (2)
To revise food: bread, salad,
chicken, potatoes, peas, banana,
fish, milk, orange juice, cake (3)
To use the expressions / can see/hear and Every day Ï
(3 & 4)
Trang 7
—A mm nã Am
Course map
13 Eddie, Rose Revision Listening to a story about Eddie, To revise have/havent got _(I)
and the wolf ae Rose and the wolf (I) To revise rooms in a house,
make friends Language file activity _ Playing a game of Animal furniture, zoo animals ()
Writing about what you can do in Bịngo (|) To revise days of the week (2) 14 Festivals (1): Hallowe’en Festivals (2): Valentine's Day English and awarding yourself a course certificate
Understanding and learning language and customs associated
with Hallowe’en
Understanding and learning language and customs associated with Valentine's Day
Making a party invitation
Singing a song
Playing a guessing game
Listening and matching
characters with their party
Singing a song
Reading and writing a short
personal profile
Saying a Hallowe'en chant Making a paper pumpkin
Making a Valentine's Day card Playing a post-office game
(2) (2) (3)
To revise daily activities: wash
face, clean teeth, brush hair and
introduce get dressed (2) To revise facial features and [be gọt @)
To revise clothes and I’m wearing ly đ@)
“To revise sports and activities:
sing, dance, swim, ride a bike, play
football, climb trees, play tennis (4) To revise / can + verb (4)
To revise ages and describing
facial characteristics (4)
To revise facial features: two eyes,
a nose, a mouth
To introduce vocabulary
associated with Hallowe'en: a pumpkin lantern, a witch, a black cat, a skeleton, a bat, a ghost, Trick or treat!
To revise / like To revise food, animals,
transport, classroom objects
Trang 8Introduction
Pebbles is a two-level English course for young children It is an activity-based course with a strong
story element and includes craft activities, such as making masks and puppets The course consists
of a Class Book for pupils, a Teacher's Book with story posters and a cassette
Course components
Each level of Pebbles is made up of the following:
Class Book
A 64 page, full-colour, write-in book for use in the
classroom, containing a wealth of activities including games, songs, task-based listenings, rhymes and craft activities Children are encouraged to personalise their
books with pen to paper practice activities, colouring,
drawing and evaluation activities The book also contains five pages of colour cut outs for use in class Each page of the Class Book provides the core material for one lesson As there is minimal text on the page, the following symbols indicate class activities:
(sze\ Material recorded on cassette (dialogues,
stories and listening activities) Song (all songs are recorded on cassette) Chant (all recorded on cassette) Tracing or drawing activity Colouring activity
Craft activity Pupils make something linked to the theme of the unit
2I[5:JE¿J[5yJEv[SA Class activity This suggests an activity
where the class works together to apply
new language learned to themselves — for
example making a poster
Children use this to record how much
they enjoyed the story, drawing a smile
or a frown on the face
Children use this to record their progress
through the course They colour the stars
in as they finish each unit
Teacher’s Book
Fully interleaved with material from the Class Book,
this provides a breakdown of the main communicative
aim(s) for each unit as well as the aims and materials needed in each lesson There are clear, step-by-step
lesson procedures, answers, tapescripts, suggested
teacher language, background information, suggestions
for optional review lessons and an Ideas store with extra activities There is also a full set of picture vocabulary cards (pages 149 to 160) which can be
photocopied and used in class Ideas for using the
picture vocabulary cards are given in the lesson notes, as well as in the Ideas store section on pages 13! to 138
Story posters
Two full-colour posters, containing all four stories from
each level of the course
The cassette provides lively recordings of the dialogues,
stories, songs, rhymes and chants
Aims and objectives
The aims and objectives of the course are:
* to motivate children to learn English and to develop
positive attitudes towards foreign language learning + to develop listening skills
* to enable pupils to give basic information about themselves in English
+ to introduce pupils to elementary themes in English
+ to develop pupils’ pronunciation through songs,
chants and rhymes
+ to foster cooperation and respect for themselves and
others through their work
Course structure
Pebbles 2 consists of fourteen units Each unit follows a regular pattern, usually consisting of four lessons Each
lesson provides revision and recapping, presentation
and practice of new language working towards a linguistic outcome, and a fun end of lesson activity As in Level |, the activities revolve around a lively set of
fairy tale characters (Prince Eddie, Princess Rose and
the Pebbles royal family) and their friends from the real world - Anna and Joe In Pebbles 2, there is an exciting story in which Rose receives a magic wand, and is followed by a big bad wolf!
Every third unit (Units 3, 6, 9, 12) is a Story revision unit, featuring a version or adaptation of a traditional story These consolidate the key language from the preceding two units and introduce some simple new story-related vocabulary and phrases
Unit |4 is a special festivals unit which may be used around Halloween and Valentine s Day
For each unit which presents new language, we also
suggest an optional review lesson based around the
Trang 9Introduction
enable children to consolidate and personalise language Presented in the unit (see procedures and worksheets suggested on pages 120 to 130) Although this lesson is offered as an option, we thoroughly recommend you build it into your timetable
Activity types
The main aims of an early introduction to learning a foreign language are to familiarise the ear with the sound of the new language, to develop listening skills and to develop the child's confidence to produce the spoken word, All activities promote active involvement in the learning process,
Most units contain simple dialogues or mini-stories, which allow children to hear new language in context The text for the dialogues does not appear in the Class
Book but strong audio support on cassette, including
sound effects, and visual support in the Class Book pictures is provided to aid understanding
Songs, rhymes and chants
Songs, rhymes and chants are an exciting way for children to learn pronunciation They also help them to memorise large chunks of language at a time The songs, rhymes and chants in Pebbles include
* Simple songs, including action songs, to learn and
Practise new language
+ Traditional songs and rhymes - providing a valuable cultural element
* Jazz chants to allow new lexical sets to be practised
in the form of a rhythmic chant
+ Action and mime rhymes to help children memorise
new language and develop coordination * Story theme songs to stimulate interest, and to
involve children in the stories
Games are a very effective and motivating way for children to build their confidence to use a foreign language They make the language natural and meaningful by providing a fun and stimulating context Pebbles contains a number of simple class games, card games, team games, board games and traditional games such as Musical Statues, Simon Says and Bingo
Further suggestions for games can be found in the lesson notes for each unit and in the Ideas store on pages 131 to 138
Listening tasks
These tasks vary according to the content of the listening material They may involve listening for specific information or listening for overall meaning as in the stories Pupils, however, are always actively involved in tasks such as listen and draw, listen and colour, listen and circle, listen and do, ete
There are adaptations of four traditional stories in
Pebbles 2, recorded on cassette and represented as
Picture narratives on double spreads in the Class Book The main aim of storytelling in the course is for children to hear language they have recently learned in a meaningful context which brings it to life It also helps increase children's concentration and ability to
understand an extended narrative Language children already know is integrated with new language, the meaning of which is obvious due to visual and other
clues Stories also provide an opportunity to develop
strategies such as guessing and predicting,
Most children love acting out a dialogue or story and suggestions for integrating this into your classes are
provided in the lesson notes for each unit Also see
Suggestions in the Ideas store on pages 13] to 138
Total physical response
This technique is integrated throughout the course in the lesson notes for each unit, used in exploitation of songs, stories, games, rhymes and dialogues Also see suggestions in the Ideas store on pages 13] to [38
Craft activities
Children love making things which relate to a theme Language will naturally be generated through these activities (children will probably want to know the
words for scissors, sticky tape, pencils, glue and verbs
such as cut and stick) and all the finished products will undoubtedly give rise to some spontaneous verbal play However, all the craft activities suggested in the course have a specific linguistic outcome which will be
Trang 10
Pen to paper activities
The focus of the course is on listening and speaking, but children are gradually introduced to the written word over the two levels
In Level 1, children will have begun pen to paper activities with drawing and colouring, as well as
completing pictures by drawing over dots to practise
left to right coordination They will also have practised
key shapes that are later needed for the formation of
roman alphabet letters (circles, zigzags, spirals, etc.)
and they will have written numbers
In Level 2, children are gradually introduced to the written word, starting with basic reading and matching
activities related to basic vocabulary, and progressing to some writing practice of words, and finally, at the end
of the book, putting the words in some basic sentences about themselves The language file activities in the optional review lessons will also help children with reading and writing in English
Cultural activities
Unit 14 provides lessons centred around two popular festivals: Hallowe'en and Valentine's Day Background information about other traditional festivals is provided in the Ideas store on pages 131 to 138 If these festivals are celebrated in your country, encourage children to think about and compare similarities and differences If
not, encourage them to think about festivals that are
celebrated around the same time Also encourage children to look carefully at the illustrations in their Class Book to observe similarities and differences to their own lifestyle Finally, draw your pupils’ attention to any traditional nursery rhymes or songs you select
Research has shown that even quite young children
possess a considerable degree of metacognitive knowledge This means that children can develop their self-awareness of the learning process and in particular
are capable of reflecting about what they have done
and how well they have done In order to help children develop this self-awareness, it is important to ask children to think about what they have learned and how well they are doing Begin and end all lessons with a short recap and use the optional review lesson to develop this further Talk about favourite activities and difficulties in the unit and use the language files and picture dictionaries to record what they have learned
Classroom management
Although each teacher's situation ts different and each teacher has their own teaching style and preferences, we recommend the following guidelines to ensure a successful learning environment:
Organising the classroom
As far as possible try to vary this to suit the purposes
of each activity:
+ Make sure all children can see and hear you well and
make eye contact with each child
+ Speak clearly and give simple instructions using
mime when appropriate to help convey meaning
+ Use children’s names and include all children + Be firm, friendly and fair
Make sure you have all the materials required and pupils understand the rules and instructions Always demonstrate a game first For games which require space, make sure tables and chairs are pushed to one side so that nobody risks falling Never allow children to run and if children become overexcited, calm them down by playing a game such as Sleeping Lions
As far as possible, arrange your classroom so you can quickly make a free space for children to perform While children are performing, make sure the other children respect their turn to perform and are silent and can all see and hear well,
If you have a reasonably small class you can organise it in such a way as to create a special atmosphere for storytime, where you read the class a story in the initial
stages, rather than playing the cassette You can even make an area of the classroom into a story corner, where you gather to share a story together
Before telling the story, listen to the version on cassette
as an example of how to tell it, and rehearse it if you
like The recorded version can then be used for further listening practice, follow-up activities or for pleasure
after the story has been introduced by you
When telling or playing the story on cassette, make
sure everyone can hear and see you and the story posters Attach the story posters to the board where everyone can see them and point to the relevant
Trang 11Introduction
Once children are familiar with the story, they can
return to their places, follow the story in their own
books and complete any tasks
It is important that craft activities do not become too time-consuming Assess each activity carefully and decide how much you need to prepare in advance While explaining and demonstrating to the children how to make something, use as much English as possible, restricting this to simple, clear instructions related to the action you are doing, and repeating these
phrases over and over again Make sure that all children
have completed a step before you move on to the next and praise each effort Once children have completed
an activity allow them a few minutes free play to
handle and experiment with their product If time is
short, you may decide to do some of the making
activities out of the English class but always complete the related language game or task in the English class
Ensure that pupils can form pairs or groups with their neighbours in a calm and coordinated way It will take time to establish a good working style but make sure
you use the following techniques:
Give clear instructions and check everyone knows
what they have to do and how they have to do it
Always provide the children with a model or demonstration of what they have to do
Always set a time limit for an activity If you sense an activity is not working, then stop, gain everyone's attention and explain again or come back to the activity at a later stage
During an activity, circulate and help as necessary
Make sure children understand that they must not make too much noise in class If things get noisy, you can play a calming down game such as Sleeping Lions Other tips for keeping noise level down are:
ask children to join in with a familiar finger rhyme, to
gain their attention
keep your own voice at a low level so that they have to listen to hear
put your hand in the air as a signal that it is too noisy
and wait for the children to do the same
count slowly and clearly in English until the class
become silent
Displaying children’s work
It is very motivating for children to see their work on display It encourages them to respect and take pride in
their work and to take on more responsibility for their
learning Work can be displayed as classroom posters, hung from strings with pegs or bulldog clips, or arranged on tables Try to keep the work at children’s
eye level and make sure you name children's work to
avoid any disputes If possible, you may like to organise an English corner or table and encourage children to bring things into class that have English writing on,
such as food packets, clothes labels, toys, etc
Ideas for wall displays are included in the lesson notes for each unit, and in the Ideas store on pages 13] to 138 Managing resources
Make sure you always have the materials required for a
lesson Keep stocks of scissors, crayons (possibly
organised by colour), sellotape, glue, paper, card, dice,
blindfolds, etc These can easily be stored in boxes
Parental involvement
Parents can be encouraged to be involved with their
child's learning in a number of ways:
+ At the beginning of the course, and at suitable times throughout the year (for example at the end of each term), it is a good idea to arrange parent meetings — when parents can come and discuss their child's Progress with you As well as keeping parents informed and discussing any problems, this gives you the opportunity to explain the approach you are taking in class, particularly if it differs from their expectations (e.g it is more play-based)
+ You can encourage parents to visit the classroom and look at the children’s work displayed on the walls Explain the purpose behind each activity, and tell them the role their own child had in the display + As pupils progress through the course, they will
make their Class Books into their own unique records of progress, adding to them with their own drawings and awarding themselves gold stars at the end of each unit If children take their Class Books home with them, encourage them to show them to their parents If not, show parents the books when they come to the school for parent meetings, and explain to them how they have been used in class + The language files and picture dictionaries,
suggested in the optional review lessons (pages 120
to 130) make an ideal course summary for children
to take home and show their parents
+ At the end of each term or the end of the year, you
can organise a short class show, for parents’ benefit This can involve the class singing some of their favourite songs, or acting out dialogues and short
class plays (see ideas on pages 135 to [36 for putting on a class play)
Trang 12Unit 1
Main communicative aims
- Asking a person’s name and introducing yourself: What's your name? My name S - Identifying known classroom objects: /s it a .? Yes/No UNIT 1 LESSON | MAIN ACTIVITIES
Listening to and identifying the course characters (from Level |): Eddie, Rose, King, Queen
+ Singing the Hello song Saying a colour chant LANGUAGE AIMS
To revise greetings: Hello!
+ To revise What's your name?/My name's
+ To revise colours: red, yellow, blue, green, pink, purple, orange
MATERIALS Class Book page |
Bean bag or small soft ball for the name game
Handmade colour flashcards and crayons (red, yellow, blue, green, pink, purple, orange)
Beginning the lesson
1 Greet the children as they come in with Hello!
Encourage them tc respond For classes who do not know each other, introduce yourself, gesturing and saying My name's Look at a pupil and ask What's your name? Encourage him or her to reply My name’
Repeat with several pupils
If you have enough room, get children to stand in a circle Throw the bean bag or ball to a child and ask
What's your name? Encourage the child to reply My
name's Tell this child to throw the ball to someone else and ask What's your name? if he/she can, although children do not need to make the question form yet if they are not ready Continue in this way until children are asking and replying to the question When the game is finished say Sit down! demonstrating if necessary
Teaching and practice
2 Say and demonstrate Open your Class
Books at page | Hold up your book and point to the characters asking What's his/her name? If children are
new to the course or have forgotten the names you will need to introduce them Point and say Look! This is Eddie/Rose, etc Tell children they are going to hear the characters introduce themselves Say Listen and point Play the cassette, Children listen and point to the characters in their books
Eddie: Hello My name's Prince Eddie Rose: Hello, My name's Princess Rose
Queen: Hello I'm the Queen King: Hello, I'm the King
3 Point to the flags the characters are holding and say Listen and tick Play the cassette a second time,
pausing after Prince Eddie and showing pupils how to
tick the flags Continue with the other characters, pausing as necessary
4 Now point to each character asking What's his/her name? Children need only reply with the character's
name at this stage
5) Say Listen to the song Play the song and ask
children if they remember it from Level | Play the song again for children to familiarise themselves with the tune and words Play again and say Listen and point Children listen and point to the characters in their books as their names are mentioned
Hello Eddie, hello Eddie, hello Eddie, hello to you Hello Eddie, hello Eddie, hello Eddie, hello to you Hello Rose, hello Rose, hello Rose, hello to you Hello Rose, hello Rose, hello Rose, hello to you Hello Queen, hello Queen, hello Queen, hello to you Hello Queen, hello Queen, hello Queen, hello to you Hello King, hello King, hello King, hello to you Hello King, hello King, hello King, hello to you
6 Play the song again, encouraging children to join in with the words When children are confident, get them
to sing in two groups — one singing the first line for each
character softly, and the second singing the second line
7 Sing the song again, substituting with children’s
Trang 13Unit 1
8 Revise colours using pictures of colour crayons at the bottom of page | in the Class Book Then play the colour chant on the cassette Play several times The first time, children just listen and
point to the crayons Then they listen again, gradually
joining in, until they are chanting confidently
Red, red, orange, orange, Yellow, yellow, green, green, Blue and purple and pink
9 Play a game of What's Missing? using the colour flashcards Stick the flashcards on the board Tell
children to close their eyes and remove one card from
the board Tell children to open their eyes and to say which colour is missing Play a few times and then divide the class into two groups allocating one child from each group to say the missing colour Keep scores on the board
10 Ask class if they can remember Eddie and Rose's pet (the dragon) and to find him in the picture on page | Explain that they will meet a new character in this book — a wolf and ask them to find him in the picture Ask in Ll Why do you think the wolf is there?
Does he want to be friends with Rose and Eddie? (No.)
What do you think he wants to do? Tell children to wait and see
Ending the lesson
1 1 Play an instructions game using the following instructions, demonstrating if necessary: Stand up! Sit down! Close your books! Open your books! Gradually speed up You could choose individual children to give instructions if they can Dismiss children saying Goodbye, you can go! Encourage children to respond Goodbye!
Optional activity
Ask pupils to look at the crowns at the top of page |
with the characters’ names under them Read the names aloud with the children and then ask them to draw a line from the crowns to the characters Children
Trang 16Unit | UNIT 1 LESSON 2 MAIN ACTIVITIES Listening to a short story
Learning a chant about classroom objects LANGUAGE AIMS
Classroom objects: pencil, ruler, rubber, pen, book,
postman, parcel, magic wand
To use and respond to the question /s it a .? Yes/No MATERIALS
Class Book page 2
Classroom objects mentioned above
Picture vocabulary cards (classroom objects) page
Beginning the lesson
1 Greet children saying Hello, how are you? and elicit
the reply /'m fine, thank you Revise instructions from
Lesson |: Stand up! Sit down! Open/Close your books!
Demonstrate and add Put your hand up! Be quiet! Add other classroom language: Look! Listen! Repeat!
Teaching and practice
2 Introduce the names of the classroom objects, using real objects or picture vocabulary cards Hold up a pencil and say Look! A pencil! Listen! Pencil! Repeat! Pencil! Children repeat together and individually Do the same with a ruler, a pen, a book, a rubber
3° Mime the different objects and see if children can
guess which object you are using Repeat several times then invite individual pupils to the front of the class to
mime and get the other children to guess
Hold up your book and say Open your books at page 2 Point to the pictures of the objects in turn and ask What’ this? Repeat several times Now ask children to find one of each of the objects from around the room or from their pencil cases
Point to the story strip and ask/elicit Who’ this? Rose The dragon The postman The wolf, What else can they name? Crown, pencil, book, ruler Teach the word parcel Talk about the story in LI and see if children can tell you what is happening (The postman has a parcel for Rose and she tries to guess what is inside it The wolf watches He wants the
6 Play the cassette and say Listen and follow Point to the corresponding picture
Tapescript (Picture 1)
Postman: Hello, What's your name? Rose: Myname's Rose
Postman: Hello, Rose Here's a parcel for you Rose: Oh, goodie! Is it a book? (Picture 2) Rose: Is ita pencil? (Picture 3) Rose: lsitaruler? (Picture 4) Rose Oh, wow! It’s a wand, a magic wand! Wolf; Huhh!
7 Check children understand magic wand Ask children (L1) which people/characters have magic
wands (fairies, witches, wizards, etc.) and to think of
some of the things that these characters do with their wands Ask children to say what they would do with a magic wand Play the cassette again pausing after each
picture and getting children to repeat the questions: /s
it a pencil/book? etc Play again, pausing and repeating
the question form and giving the response No! encouraging children to join in Finally ask /s it a magic wand? and get children to respond with Yes!
8 Point to the strip at the bottom of the
page and revise vocabulary asking children what the
shadow pictures are Play the chant and get children to
listen and point to the different objects Play again and encourage children to join in
Is it a pencil? No, it a ruler Is ita ruler? No, it's a book Is it @ book? No, it's a pencil Is it a wand? Yes
9 Play a guessing game by holding an object such as
a pencil behind your back Children ask /s it a (book)?
until they guess what it is Invite individual children to
have a turn at hiding an object and join in with the questioning
Ending the lesson
10 Choose individual children to collect up the classroom objects Jose, collect the pencils/Marie, collect
the books, and to put them away
Optional activity
Making a magic wand
Reading colour words: red, yellow, green, blue
+ To revise colours: red, blue, yellow, green
* Class Book page 3
+ Handmade colour flashcards in red, blue, yellow,
Handmade word cards: red, blue, yellow, green Coloured paper in red, blue, yellow and green for making the magic wands
+ Glitter and stars to stick on the wands (optional) A wand you have already made
+ Aname label for each child to tie to their wand + Coloured crayons
If you don't have access to coloured paper for the wands, use plain paper and ask children to colour it in If children cannot write their own names, you should write these onto labels in advance
Beginning the lesson
1 Greet children and revise classroom object
vocabulary Play the guessing game from Lesson 2
Hide an object behind your back and children guess what it is /s it a .? Children can also play the game in pairs One child hides an object behind his/her back and the other guesses /s it a .? They then change over 2 Revise colours by holding up colour cards and getting children to give you the colour Repeat several times and drill any they may have forgotten Encourage children to chant the names of the colours ina
rhythmic way Then ask pupils to find objects round the class in different colours If they know the name of the object in English they say this aloud (A red pencil), but if
not, they can just say the colour
Teaching and practice
3 Ask children to say what was in Rose's
parcel —a magic wand Say Open your books at page 3 Point to the magic wand and say You are going to make a magic wand Show a wand you have already made If you have coloured paper, show it to them and ask What colour? Allow children to choose a colour for
their wand If you don’t have coloured paper, distribute plain paper and coloured crayons or pencils and ask children to colour the paper in
4 Hold up your book and point to the instructions
for children to make their wands Help children to roll
their paper into the shape of a wand, as necessary If
you have time and the materials, children can decorate their wands with glitter, stars, or paint
5 When the wands are made, give instructions to different groups: Children with yellow wands, stand up! Children with blue wands, sit down! Include other instructions such as Find a blue pencil! Open your book!
Go to the door! etc
6 If children are able to write their own names,
distribute the name labels for them to do this If not,
distribute name labels you have made in advance Help children tie the labels to their wands Ask children to put their wands in the middle of the floor with their names showing clearly Call out individual children and tell them to find their own wand by reading the name on the label Help any children who find this difficult
Word cards (colours)
7 Hold up your colour flashcards, eliciting the names of the colours and attach these to the board Now hold up each word card and say the word aloud, matching it to the colour flashcard, Point to each colour and get children to read the word aloud Now remove the colour flashcards and see if children can read the words without the colours to help them Hold up the word cards in a different order and ask children to read them again to make sure they are reading them
properly Then attach the word and colour cards to the
board in a jumbled order and ask individual pupils to come to the front and match the words and colours
8 Hold up your book and point to the
wands at the bottom of the page Point to each colour
and read this aloud Repeat with the class making sure they understand the text Point and say Colour the flashes Distribute coloured crayons (red, yellow, blue
and green) if necessary
Ending the lesson
9 Ask children to bring their wands to you in colour
Singing a song about colours
Identifying the differences in two pictures
To revise colours and classroom objects
+ To revise Is it a .? Yes/No
Class Book page 4 + Wands from Lesson 3
Handmade colour flashcards: red, yellow, blue, green, pink, orange, black, white
Picture vocabulary cards (classroom objects) — one
Beginning the lesson
1 Greet children as they come in and ask them to
come to the front of the class Have the wands sorted into different colours Revise colours red, yellow, blue,
green, pink, orange, purple, black and white Give
instructions Jose, find your wand What colour is it? Sit down! Continue with the whole class
2 Revise classroom objects by playing a mindreading game Put one set of picture vocabulary cards
(classroom objects) at the front of the class Ask one
pupil to come and choose a picture vocabulary card, without showing it to the rest of the class The pupil has to concentrate very hard on the object he/she has chosen — supposedly trying to make the others in the class read his/her mind The others guess the object by
holding up classroom objects and asking /s it @ (pencil)?
Teaching and practice
3 Hold up your colour flashcards one by one and revise colours again Play the song on cassette for children to listen to the words and tune
Red and yellow and pink and green, Orange and black and blue, Wave your magic wands, Wave your magic wands,
And look what magic wands can do! Abracadabra!
4 Play the song again getting children to
point to the colours in the book as they hear them Play
again encouraging children to join in with the words and to wave their wands on lines 3 and 4
5 Ask children to look at the two pictures of
Rose using her wand and explain that she is using it to
make some magic Ask why they think the wolf is
watching her (he wants the magic wand) Say Look at
picture | What can you see? Elicit as much language as
you can: pen, book, wand, ruler, pencil, the wolf, colours, etc Ask What colour is the pencil? Continue with the other objects Hold up your wand, wave it and say Rose
waves her magic wand Abracadabra! Look at picture 2!
G Ask children what they can see in picture 2 Tell
them to circle all the differences Rose has made with her wand Discuss the children’s findings by asking Marie, what colour is the book in picture 2?
Picture |: the pencil is black, the pen is blue, the ruler is white, the books are black, blue and white, the wolf is
Picture 2: the pencil is pink, the pen is orange, the ruler is yellow, the books are red, yellow and green, the wolf is pink and blue
7 GB) Teli children they have now finished
Unit I Encourage them by telling them they have all done very well, and to give themselves a gold star by colouring in the star at the bottom of page 4
Ending the lesson
8 Sing the colour song again and get children to make the wand actions Collect wands in colour groups Green wands come here! Then dismiss the class
Optional activities
Distribute sheets of paper and ask children to draw something they would like to magic with their wands Then, in pairs, they try to guess what the other has
drawn, by asking /s it a .? REVIEW LESSON See page 121
A picture dictionary worksheet for colours is provided on page 121 You may like to use this now or in the optional review lesson Children will store it in their Picture dictionary in the review lesson (see page 121)
Trang 21Unit 2
Main communicative aim
- Answering simple questions about location: under the table/in the box/on the table UNIT 2 LESSON | MAIN ACTIVITIES
+ Listening to a short story
+ Using prepositions to play hide-and-seek games
Furniture vocabulary: bath, sofa, table, chair, bed
To teach the word kitten Prepositions: in, on, under
To understand and reply to the question Wheres
the .? (She's) under the chair MATERIALS
Class Book page 5
+ Picture vocabulary cards (furniture) page 150
Furniture picture dictionary worksheet (page 122)
Beginning the lesson
1 Greet children as they come in with Hello!
Encourage children to reply Hello, (your name) Play the Hello song from Unit | and substitute children’s names
Teaching and practice
2 Revise and introduce furniture vocabulary using the picture vocabulary cards or by holding up your book at Class Book page 5 and pointing to the table, chair, bed, sofa, bath in the pictures Play a furniture
mime game When you call out a piece of furniture, the children have to mime an appropriate action (bed — pretend to sleep, bath — wash, chair — sit down, table —
eat, sofa — sit down and relax)
3 Introduce the prepositions in, on and under Invite a confident child to the front of the class and tell him/her to sit on a chair Say, emphasising each preposition, Listen and look! José is on the chair Ask José to sit on the table and say Look! José is on the table Tell José to go under the table and say Look! José ts under the table Hold up a pencil, put it in a bag and say Look! The pencil is in the bag Repeat these actions and phrases, getting the children to listen and repeat 4 Hold up your book at Class Book page 5, point to Joe and Anna and ask Who’ this? It's Joe It's
Anna Point to different items of furniture and ask What's this? Children should be able to say a chair,
table, bed, bath, sofa, Point to the kitten and say Look! A kitten Talk about the story This is Joe's kitten, etc
5 Say Listen to the story Play the cassette
Tapescript (Picture 1)
Joe: Look Anna This is my new kitten Anna: Hello, kitten How are you?
(Picture 2)
Joe: Oh no! STOP! Anna Where is she? (Picture 3) Joe Is she on the sofa? No (Picture 4) Anna Is she in the bath? No (Picture 5) Joe Is she under the bed? No Oh, no! Where is my kitten? (Picture 6)
Joe's Mum: Look! Here she is She's under the table Anna & Joe: Hurray!
6 Explain to children that Joe cannot see where the
kitten is hiding, although we can, so they may like to
call out where the kitten is to help Joe Play the story again, pausing after each time Joe says No Get children to point and say where the kitten is: Picture 3: She's under the sofa Picture 4: She's under the chair: Picture 6: She's under the table Play the story on cassette again
Ending the lesson
7 Play ahide-and-seek game to revise furniture and
prepositions Ask children to close their eyes and hide a
classroom object (e.g a pencil) somewhere in the class Ask children to say where it is Under the chair, on the table, etc Repeat with other objects and ask individual
children to have a turn at hiding the objects Then
dismiss the class
Optional activity
A picture dictionary worksheet for furniture is provided
on page 122, Children can either use this now or in the
Trang 24Unit 2 UNIT 2 LESSON 2 MAIN ACTIVITIES Identifying items of furniture through keyhole pictures
+ Listening to questions and circling the correct reply
+ Saying a furniture chant
Drawing a picture of a cat in, on, and under furniture LANGUAGE AIMS To revise furniture vocabulary and prepositions To revise Is it a .? Yes/No + Toread the words Yes/No MATERIALS
+ Class Book page 6
Picture vocabulary cards (furniture) page 150
Beginning the lesson
1 Greet children as they come in saying Hello! How
are you? Encourage the reply Hello! I'm fine, thank you
2 Revise furniture by playing the furniture mime
game from Lesson I Then play a guessing game by hiding a furniture picture vocabulary card behind your
back and getting children to guess what it is, by asking
Is ita (table)? After a while, individual children can take turns at hiding the cards behind their back In confident classes, this game can also be played in pairs
Teaching and practice
3 Say Open your books at page 6 Point to
the first keyhole picture and ask /s it a chair? Elicit a Yes/No reply Point to the written Yes/No answers and read the text together as a class, making sure children can understand the words
4 Play the cassette pausing after each question so
children can point to the correct answer (Yes/No)
Tapescript and key
I: Is it a table? (Yes.) Is it a chair? (No.) 2: Is it a sofa? (No.) Is it a bath? (Yes.) 3: Is it a bed? (Yes.) Is it a table? (No.) 4: Is it a bed? (No.) Is it a chair? (Yes.)
5 Say Listen and circle Play the cassette pausing after the first question Hold up your book and circle the correct word to demonstrate to children what they must do Play the cassette pausing after each question so children have time to circle the correct word Circulate and help as necessary
6 Play the furniture chant on the cassette
and ask children to listen Then play again with children repeating Repeat until children are chanting
confidently, You can also divide the class into two
groups, with one chanting the questions and the other
chanting the answer No, it's a bath!
Is it a table?
Is it a chair? Is it a sofa? No, it’s a bath!
7 Revise prepositions in, on and under Children close their eyes while you hide a pencil Children
suggest where it might be /s it under the chair/under the
book? etc Reply Yes/No Play several times Then invite
individual children to hide things and the class guesses Pupils could also play in pairs or groups An alternative
would be to hide an object and say /t's on the table/It's
under the book, etc Children follow your directions until they find the object and then they must say what itis
8 Hold up your book at Class Book page 6
Point and say Look! This is Anna and Joes kitten Revise furniture vocabulary Say Draw the kitten Children
draw the kitten where they like — on the table, under the bed, etc Invite a child to the front of the class with his/her book which he/she must not show to the class
The class asks questions /s the kitten on the bed? etc
Alternatively, children could ask questions in pairs
Ending the lesson
9 Play the furniture mime game again Then dismiss the class
Optional activities
You may like to revise other animals from Level | and give children a picture dictation The dog is under the chair etc
Children can cut out pictures of furniture from old magazines and make them into a collage They can also label the items of furniture in English For this activity, teach any additional furniture words that pupils want to know This will help them take more ownership in the language they are learning
+ Saying a number chant
+ Listening and counting the number of mice in a
+ Matching numbers and number words
To revise furniture and prepositions
‘To revise numbers | to 10 (from Level !)
To reply to the question How many? (from Level |)
+ To read the number words: one to ten
+ Class Book page 7
+ Handmade flashcards of numbers | to 10 + Handmade number word cards
Picture vocabulary card (kitten) page 15!
+ Blu-Tack ®
Beginning the lesson
1 Revise furniture vocabulary Draw some simple furniture items on the board and ask children to guess what you are drawing each time Draw a bed, sofa, bath, chair and table Then tell children to close their eyes while you stick the picture vocabulary card of the kitten on one of the pictures (in, on or under an item of furniture) Say Open your eyes Where's the kitten? Children reply Allow individual children to come to the board and stick the kitten on one of the pictures
Teaching and practice
2 Revise numbers | to 10 using your number flashcards Play the number chant on the cassette encouraging children to join in
One two three, one two three, Four five six, four five six, Seven eight, seven eight,
Nine ten, nine ten
Repeat the chant several times until children can do this with ease Divide the class into two groups Group one says the numbers first and group two echoes them
3 Hold up your book at Class Book page 7
and point to the picture of the mouse house Revise furniture chair, bath, table, bed, sofa Point to the bed and ask How many mice in the bed? Count the mice
with the children and elicit the answer ten Play the 24
cassette pausing after each question and encouraging children to give the responses verbally
Tapescript and key
How many mice in the bed? (10) How many mice in the bath? (8)
How many mice under the sofa? (6)
How many mice on the table? (2)
How many mice under the chair? (1)
Play the cassette again, pausing after each question, giving children time to write the correct number in the box next to each picture
4 Using your number flashcards elicit numbers | to
10 again Distribute cards to ten pupils who come to
the front and line up in order holding up their cards
Repeat until all pupils have had a turn at coming to the
front and then ask the last group to hand you back the
flashcards Stick these on the board in order from | to
Word cards (numbers)
5 Hold up your number word cards, saying the
word and getting pupils to repeat Repeat several times
and then hold up the word cards in a different order so
that you can be sure children are reading the words properly Then hold up the word cards and ask children
to say the word and show which number to match it to on the board Attach the word cards under the
numbers on the board
6 Hold up your book at Class Book page 7
and point to the number and word matching activity
Point to the number |, say one and follow the line to the word Repeat for the number 2 Children now complete numbers 3 to 10 individually, matching the numbers to the words by drawing a line in pencil
Ending the lesson
7 Jumble up the number and word cards and
distribute one to each pupil If you have more than
twenty pupils get some children to pair up Pupils have to find their matching pair, for example, 4 and four, and
sit down together Then dismiss the class, collecting in the cards as children go
Optional activity
Children choose four numbers from | to 10 and write
them on a piece of paper (using figures -~ words as you choose) Call out the numbers | to 10 Children cross their numbers out as they hear them called When they have crossed out all their numbers they cal!
Trang 28Unit 2 UNIT 2 LESSON 4 MAIN ACTIVITIES + Singing a counting song
Playing a guessing game + Playing Animal Bingo
LANGUAGE AIMS To revise numbers | to 10
+ To revise animal vocabulary from Level |: dog, kitten,
cow, horse, fish, bird, rabbit, wolf
+ To revise Is it a ? Yes/No MATERIALS
+ Class Book page 8
+ Handmade number and word flashcards | to 10
+ Picture vocabulary cards (furniture)
+ Pencils and rubbers
+ Animal picture dictionary worksheet page 122
Beginning the lesson
1 Greet children as they come in Revise numbers | to 10 using your flashcards Say the number chant, first as a class and then in two groups as in Lesson 3 Distribute number cards | to 10 to ten pupils and tell these children to come to the front and line up in order Repeat until all children have had a turn, leaving the last group standing at the front Now distribute the word cards to ten pupils and get these children to come and stand next to the child with the corresponding number Repeat until all children have had a turn with the word cards,
2 Revise furniture by playing the furniture mime
game from Lesson |
Teaching and practice
3 Hold up your book at Class Book page 8
and say Open your books at page 8 Point to the picture of the mice in bed Ask How many mice are there?
Count aloud with the children (there are ten mice) Say Listen to the song Play the cassette and children listen and look at the picture Play again encouraging children
to join in when they feel confident
One little, two little, three little white mice, Four little, five little, six little white mice, Seven little, eight little, nine little white mice, Ten mice in the bed (X2)
4 Distribute the number cards | to 10 to ten pupils
in the class Play the song and as children hear the number on their card they have to stand up, At the end of the song, the children who are standing up go to the
front of the class and stand in line Repeat with other
groups of ten children
5 Hold up your book and revise animals
using the pictures in the grid in the middle of page 8 Play a guessing game by inviting a child to the front of the class who chooses an animal without telling the class what it is The class guesses by asking /s it a (dog)? etc Continue with other pupils Alternatively, this could be played by children in pairs
G Point to the animal grid and tell children they are
going to play Bingo Tell them to choose four animals and to tick the boxes in pencil lightly Call out the
names of the animals and children cross them off if they have ticked that box The first child to tick their four
boxes calls out Bingo! and must say back the names of the animals Children rub out their ticks and crosses
and play again
7 Tell children they have now finished Unit
2 Encourage them by telling them they have all done very well, and to give themselves a gold star by colouring in the star at the bottom of page 8 Distribute coloured crayons if necessary
Ending the lesson
8 Finish the lesson by singing the Ten Little White
Mice song again
Optional activities
Children could make their own version ofthe Ten Little White Mice song, using other animals and drawing a picture of them in a bed
A picture dictionary worksheet for animals is provided on page 122 Children can either use this now or in the optional review lesson (see page !22)
REVIEW LESSON See page 122
Trang 29Unit 3: Story Unit: The wolf and the five little rabbits
Main communicative aims:
- Understanding a story in English
- Revising and consolidating language from previous units UNIT 3 LESSON 1 MAIN ACTIVITIES
Introducing the story characters
* Cutting out and sticking furniture in the correct room + Saying a chant LANGUAGE AIMS + To teach rooms in a house: bathroom, kitchen, sitting room, bedroom
+ To revise furniture and numbers | to 5 + To ask and reply: Where's the (chair)? In the
(bedroom) MATERIALS
Class Book page 9
Picture vocabulary cards (rooms in a house)
page 160
Picture vocabulary cards (furniture) page 150
Furniture cut outs Class Book page 55
* Scissors, glue
Background information
The story is an adaptation of The wolf and the seven little kids by the Brothers Grimm
Beginning the lesson
1 Greet children in the usual way
2 Play ‘The Wolf Says’ Use the following actions:
Stand up! Sit down! Sit on a table! Show me a rubber,
please End with Sit down on your chair
kì Using your furniture picture cards, revise
furniture, Hold up each card and elicit the word Stick
the cards on the board and play What's Missing? Then
play the furniture mime game from Unit 2, Lesson |
Teaching and practice
4 Hold up your book at Class Book page 9
and point to the characters at the top of the page Point
to the wolf and ask Who’ this? Elicit The wolf Point to the rabbits and ask Who are these? Elicit rabbits Ask
How many rabbits? Point to the rabbits and count out
aloud with the children
5 Point to the house illustration and say The rabbits
live in the house Point to each room and say bathroom,
bedroom, kitchen and sitting room getting children to
repeat Put the room picture vocabulary cards around
the classroom saying the name of each room as you do
so Give instructions Point to the bathroom/bedroom,
etc Then ask individual children to bring you the cards
and play a guessing game Put the cards face down on
your desk, jumble them up, pick one up without the
class seeing and ask What is it? Children guess the bathroom/the kitchen, etc Play several times
G GD Say Open your books at page 9 Point to
each room in the house illustration and elicit the name of the room Hold up your book at Class Book page 55
and point to the furniture cut outs Elicit names of the
furniture items Distribute scissors and get children to
cut them out Point to the house on Class Book page 9 again and elicit which room each item of furniture goes
in Distribute glue and children stick the furniture into the correct room Circulate and help as necessary
When children have finished ask Where's the (bed)? Elicit the reply (It's) in the (bedroom)
XE Hold up your book and point to the chant
symbol at the bottom of Class Book page 9 Play the
chant and children listen to the rhythm Play again and
encourage children to join in with the words Repeat until children are confident with the chant Now divide
the class into two groups so one group chants the
questions and the other the replies
Where’ the bath? It in the bathroom Where's the table? It’s in the kitchen
Where's the sofa? It’s in the sitting room
Where's the bed? It’s in the bedroom
Ending the lesson
8 For this activity you will need the picture
vocabulary cards bath, table, sofa, bed, bedroom,
bathroom, kitchen and sitting room Distribute the cards
to eight pupils in the class, and ask them to find their
partner The child with the card of the bath matches
with the “rild with the bathroom, etc according to the
location ¢ ‘the furniture in the chant When they have
found their partner they say the correct lines of the
chant (Where's the bath? It’s in the bathroom, etc.)
Listening to the story: The wolfand the five little rabbits
+ Listening and responding to questions on the
To revise rooms in the house, furniture, numbers | to 5 + To respond to the questions: Where is (rabbit one)?
Is he/she in the (kitchen)? Yes/No
Class Book pages 10 and ||
+ Story poster (The wolf and the five little rabbits) Picture vocabulary cards (rooms in the house) page 160
+ Picture vocabulary cards (furniture) page 150
Beginning the lesson
1 Revise rooms and furniture vocabulary using the
picture on page 9 or your picture vocabulary cards Repeat the chant from Lesson I
2 Draw a simple house outline with four rooms on the board and invite children to tell you which is the
bathroom, kitchen, sitting room and bedroom Then
ask individual children to come to the board and draw items of furniture in the rooms (Maria, draw a table in
the kitchen Carla, draw a bed in the bedroom, etc.)
Teaching and practice
3 Stick the story poster up at the front of the class and group children around if possible Ask What‘ean
you see? They should be able to give the words for wolf,
rabbits, bathroom, kitchen, sitting room, bedroor’ table, chair, bath, sofa, bed Introduce cupboard Childt
4 Say Open your books at pages 10 and
I and listen to the story, Play the cassette all the way
through Children follow the story in their books Point to the corresponding pictures on the story poster to
help them if they get lost
(Picture 1)
Mother rabbit: Are we all here? One, two, three, four, five Five baby rabbits Goodbye dears Look out for the big bad wolf
Rabbits: OK Mummy Goodbye, Mummy
(Picture 2)
Wolf: Open the door, rabbits | am your mummy Rabbits: Oh no! It's the wolf! Hide!
(Picture 3)
Wolf Where is rabbit one? Is he in the kitchen? Ah! He's in the cupboard Got you!
Rabbit one: Help!
(Picture 4)
Wolf: Where is rabbit two? Is she in the sitting
room? Ah! She's under the chair Got you! Rabbit two: Help!
(Picture 5)
Wolf: Where is rabbit three? Is he in the bathroom?
Ah! He's in the bath Got you! Rabbit three: Help!
(Picture 6)
Wolf: Where is rabbit four? Is she in the bedroom? Ah! She's under the bed Got you!
Rabbit four: Help!
Wolf Now, where is rabbit five? (Picture 7)
Wolf: Js he in the bathroom? No (Picture 8)
Wolf: Is he in the kitchen? No Only four little rabbits for my tea (Picture 9) Mother rabbit: | Ohno! Only one baby rabbit! Where are the others? Rabbit five: They are in the wolf's bag Quick! (Picture 10) Rabbit five: Look! The wolf! He's asleep Wolf: (snoring) (Picture 11) Mother rabbit: — One, two, three, four, five baby rabbits Come on children Run! (Picture 12) Wolf: Huhh! What's this? Dowgh! Rabbits: Hurray!
5 Give out a set of ‘rooms in a house’ picture vocabulary cards to each pair Play the story again and
pause after pictures 3, 4, 5, 6,,7, 8 Children hold up the picture card which corresponds to that room in the house as they hear it in the story
6 Play the story again, pausing after the wolf's questions in pictures 3, 4, 5 and 6, and encourage children to reply He's in the cupboard, etc before the wolf answers the question Then ask comprehension questions using /s he/she .? for example, Picture 3, Where is rabbit one? Is he in the bathroom? etc
Ending the lesson
7 Guessing game Invite a child to the front of the
class He or she picks up a room picture vocabulary card and mimes being in that room, for example,
cooking in the kitchen, washing in the bathroom, etc The class have to guess by saying /s he/she in the sitting
* Making finger puppets Acting out part of the story
To revise Where is rabbit (one)? He/She'’s in the
(cupboard), Is he/she in the (cupboard)? Yes/No
* To revise rooms in the house and furniture
+ Class Book pages 9, 10, II, 12
+ Story poster (The wolf and the five little rabbits) + Finger puppet templates Class Book page 55
Envelopes for storing puppets
Scissors, sellotape, crayons
You should make some finger puppets in advance, if
Beginning the lesson
I Revise rooms and furniture vocabulary by holding up your book at Class Book page 9 and eliciting
vocabulary Draw a picture of a house on the board and
invite children to tell you what the rooms are and what goes in each room
2 man Ifpossible, gather children around
you, and look at the story poster together, eliciting vocabulary and seeing if children can remember the story Point to the characters asking Who's this? (The
mummy rabbit, the wolf, rabbit one/two, etc.) Play the
story again or read it aloud encouraging children to join in with the wolf's dialogue Children can follow the
story, looking at the poster, or at pages 10 and II in
their Class Books
Teaching and practice
3 Say Open your books at page 12 Hold up
your book at Class Book page 12 and point to the finger puppets making activity Tell children they are going to make their own finger puppets of the story characters and show them the ones you have made Children cut out the templates on page 55 of the Class Book and follow the instructions on page 12 Circulate and help as necessary and allow a short time for free play with the finger puppets
4 Tell children to work in pairs, One child plays the
wolf and the other the five rabbits Play the reduced
version of the story on cassette and, as they listen,
they hold up their finger puppets for the corresponding character
Wolf: Where is rabbit one? Is he in the kitchen? Ah! He's in the cupboard Got you!
Rabbit one: Help!
Wolf: Where is rabbit two? Is she in the sitting room? Ahi! She's under the chair Got you!
Rabbit two: — Help!
Wolf Where is rabbit three? Is he in the bathroom? Ah!
He’ in the bath Got you!
Rabbit three: Help!
Wolf: Where is rabbit four? Is she in the bedroom? Ah! She's under the bed Got you!
Rabbit four: Help!
Wolf: Now, where is rabbit five?
5 Play the reduced version of the story again, encouraging children to act out the story with their puppets The wolf can catch each rabbit as it is mentioned, and the child with the rabbits gives the corresponding rabbit to the wolf’ At the end of the dialogue, one child should have the wolf and rabbits one to four and the other rabbit five
6 Play again pausing after each line and encouraging the wolves to repeat their part and the rabbits theirs, Help! Tell children to practise the dialogue in pairs and
to change over so everyone gets a turn to play the
wolf Circulate and help as necessary
7 When children seem confident, ask for a pair to come to the front and act out the dialogue using their finger puppets as described in stage 5
Ending the lesson
8 Play a game of wolves and rabbits Place the picture vocabulary cards of rooms in the house on top
of tables around the room Choose one child who is the wolf and who stands at the front of the class with their
back to the children and their eyes closed Four other
children play the rabbits and must hide under the tables representing the rooms The wolf turns round and asks Where is rabbit one? etc and goes to find them and says He/She is in the sitting room, etc Allow all children to have a turn Collect in the puppets and keep in
envelopes for Lesson 4
9 Finish by asking children (LI) if they have
enjoyed the story Ask them to draw a smile or a frown
+ Singing a song using finger puppets Matching words and pictures
To revise prepositions: in, on, under
+ To revise rooms and furniture
+ To revise Is he .? Yes/No Where is he? Where are you? Here | am
+ To read the words for rooms in a house
Class Book page 9
Finger puppets from Lesson 3
Picture vocabulary cards (rooms in a house) page 160
+ Handmade word cards with words for rooms in a house: bathroom, kitchen, sitting room, bedroom
Background information
The finger play song isA_\pted from the original,
Tommy Thumb
Beginning the lesson
1 Revise rooms and furniture vocabulary using the picture vocabulary cards Say the chant from Lesson I
Teaching and practice
2 Give out finger puppets Tell children to put on
their finger puppets, rabbits one to five on one hand and the wolf on the other Say Where's rabbit one?
Children hold up rabbit one and say Here | am!
Continue in this way Where's rabbit two/three/ four/five/the wolf? gradually speeding up
3 Tell children they are going to listen to a
song Play the cassette and demonstrate the finger actions by putting the rabbit puppets on one hand and the wolf on the other Hide your hands behind your back and bring each rabbit out and wriggle your finger as that rabbit says Here / am, in the song When the big
bad wolf says Here | am, mime the wolf chasing the
rabbits and hide the fingers with the rabbit puppets
behind your back
Rabbit one, rabbit one, Where are you?
Here lam, here Ì am, how are you?
Rabbit two, rabbit two
Rabbit three, rabbit three
Rabbit four, rabbit four
Rabbit five, rabbit five
Big bad wolf big bad wolf,
Where are you?
Here lam, here | am, run and hide!
4 Play the song again and encourage children to
copy and join in with your actions, using their finger
puppets to mime the wolf and the rabbits Play again
and encourage children to start joining in with the
words Here | am, here | am Continue with the song until children are really confident with it
5) Choose six children and ask them to the front of
the class Give five of the children a rabbit puppet, and the sixth, the wolf The children perform the action song with their puppets at the front of the class Repeat
this procedure with other groups of six children
Word cards (rooms in a house)
G Hold up the picture vocabulary cards for rooms in
a house one by one eliciting the name of each room and sticking the cards on the board Now hold up your word cards one by one, reading the word aloud and inviting a child to come to the board and to match it with the corresponding room Read the words several
times pointing to the picture and word card Now take
down the word cards and put them ona table Call out a room and invite a child to come and find the correct word card and to match it to the corresponding picture Repeat until all children have had a turn
7 Hold up your book at Class Book page 12 and point to the matching activity at the bottom of the page Tell children to match the room words with the corresponding room pictures Circulate and help as
Ending the lesson
8 Tell children they have now finished Unit
3 and to give themselves a gold star, by colouring in the star at the bottom of Class Book, page 12 Distribute coloured crayons if necessary Then dismiss the class
Optional activities
A language file worksheet for rooms in the house is provided on page 123 Children can either use this now or in the optional review lesson (see page 123)
See page 123
Trang 37Unit 4
Main communicative aim
- Giving a simple description of your facial features: /'ve got (blue) eyes, a (big) mouth and (fair) hair UNIT 4 LESSON 1 MAIN ACTIVITIES Singing a song Identifying monsters’ facial features LANGUAGE AIMS
To revise vocabulary related to facial features: head,
eyes, nose, mouth, ears, and introduce the word hair
To revise big/small
To understand expressions used in the song: /Ue got
«++, open and close, sniff talk, brush, wiggle MATERIALS
+ Class Book page 13
* Handmade flashcards with facial features drawn on: big eyes, small eves, big nose, small nose, big ears, small ears, big m uth, small mouth
Beginning the class
1 Revise body parts learned in Level | (head,
shoulders, knees, toes, eyes, ears, mouth, nose) Point to
the parts of your body and elicit the words If children can remember the song Head, shoulders, knees and toes from Level | you may like to sing this again
2 Point to your head again and ask children to give the word for it, Repeat for other parts of the face: eyes, nose, mouth, ears Now point to your hair and say hair Children repeat Continue getting children to repeat and point to their own heads, eyes, etc Then just point
to each part and get children to provide the words
Teaching and practice
3 Say Open your book at page 13 Point to the pictures and say Look at the pictures and listen Play
the song, getting children to point to the corresponding pictures in their books
I've got eyes on my face, I've got eyes on my face, I've got eyes on my face,
Open and close my eyes
I've got a nose on my face
Sniff sniff, sniff with my nose
I've got a mouth on my face Talk, talk, talk with my mouth I've got hair on my head
Brush, brush, brush my hair, I've got ears on my head
Wiggle, wiggle my ears
4 Play the song again pointing to your own facial parts and encouraging children to join in with the actions Repeat several times gradually encouraging
children to join in with the actions and words Then divide the class into five groups allocating each group
one verse of the song to sing
5 Revise big and small, using handmade flashcards of
big eyes, small eyes, etc Ask individual pupils to come
to the front of the class and collect the flashcards as you describe them, e.g., big eyes, small eyes, etc Then ask pupils to sit down and open their Class Books at page | again Point to the pictures of Eddie, Rose, the King and Queen and elicit who has a big nose, small mouth, big eyes, etc
6 EBDboid up your book and point to the pictures of the monsters at the bottom of Class Book page 13 Ask What can you see? Look! Big eyes! Get children to point to the monster who has big eyes Continue with small eyes, big/small ears, a big/small nose, a big/small mouth
7 Children then work individually or in pairs
describing the monsters They should say the words big eyes, small eyes, a big nose, a small nose, a big mouth, a small mouth, big ears, small ears, etc
Ending the lesson
8 Sing the ‘face’ song again and dismiss the class Optional activity
Children can make up their own monsters, using
combinations of big and small facial features This can also be done as a picture dictation, with children
Listening to a short story about Rose and her wand + Drawing a picture of Rose in the mirror
To revise facial features: eyes, nose, mouth, hair, ears
+ To revise colours: blue, green, red, yellow, black,
brown, and introduce grey
To understand and use the expression for describing facial characteristics: ‘ve got (fair hair)
Class Book pages | and 14
Handmade colour flashcards: blue, green, red, yellow,
black, brown, grey
Picture vocabulary cards (facial features) page 152 + Magic wands from Unit |
Beginning the lesson
1 Revise facial features from Unit 4, Lesson | Play the face song again and get children to join in with the actions and words
2 Revise colours by holding up colour flashcards and getting children to say the words blue, green, red, yellow, black, brown Hold up facial features cards and get children to say the words Pick out a facial feature and one colour and combine the words blue eyes, brown eyes, black hair, brown hair, getting the children to repeat When yellow is combined with hair, teach fair hair Hold up different pairs of cards and get individual children to say the words
Teaching and practice
3 If you have a child with fair hair in your class,
invite the child to the front of the class, point to his or
her hair and say fair hair Now invite children with black
hair and brown hair to join the fair haired child Call out fair hair, black hair, brown hair and the class point to the corresponding child Tell the children to sit down Call out Children with fair hair stand up! Children with black hair stand up! Children with brown hair sit down! etc 4 Hold up your book at Class Book page 14 and point to the story pictures Revise vocabulary by asking Who's this? (Rose, the wolf) What's this? (A wand, a crown, a mirror) In LI check that children understand what Rose is doing She is using her magic wand to change her appearance Play the cassette pointing to each picture and get children to listen and follow
(Picture 1)
Rose: I've got red hair I've got green eyes I've got a big mouth
Hmm (waves wand) Abracadabra! (Picture 2)
Rose: I've got fair hair I've got blue eyes I've got a small nose (waves wand) Abracadabra!
(Picture 3)
Rose: I've got brown hair I've got brown eyes I've got big ears
(waves wand) Abracadabra! (Picture 4)
Rose: I've got black hair I've got green eyes I've got a big nose (waves wand) Abracadabra!
(Picture 5)
Rose: I've got grey hair I've got blue eyes I've got a small nose (waves wand) Abracadabra!
(Picture 6)
Rose: I've got red hair I've got green eyes I've got a big mouth
5) Play the dialogue again getting children to follow
the dialogues in their books Do not point to the
pictures in your book this time Pause after each picture
and ask Which picture? Then play a third time pausing after each line for children to repeat Rose's words 6 Stand in front of the class, point to yourself and say I've got (fair) hair and (blue) eyes Invite a child to the front of the class and encourage him or her to
describe themself, repeating until they are confident
Drill /Ve got and encourage individual children to name one feature of their own and its colour 7 Call five children to the front of the class to act out a version of the story dialogue Hand the first child a magic wand He/She describes themselves using /'ve got ., then waves the magic wand, says Abracadabra and passes it to next child who then describes themself
8 Guessing game Hold up your book at
Class Book page |, point to the characters and revise names: Rose, Eddie, Queen, King Pretending to be Rose, say /'ve got red hair, green eyes and a big mouth Children have to guess who you are Then nominate individual children to pretend to be a character and describe themselves to the class If appropriate, this could also be done in pairs
9 Hold up your book at Class Book page l4 and point to picture 6, Tell children they are to draw Rose's reflection in the mirror
Ending the lesson
10 Sing the ‘face’ song from Lesson | and dismiss