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PENNY WARNER Hundreds of Entertaining Things to Do at Parties for Kids 2–12 Kids’ Party Games & Activities Kids’ Party Games & Activities [...]... to hand out to the guests as they leave so use your own best judgment when choosing games • Keep the sweets to a minimum and provide some healthy snacks, so the kids don’t get too strung out on sugar This will help keep the games under control, too • Let the weather be your guide Make sure your activities can be adapted to indoor or outdoor play, if necessary • Keep the cameras handy (both video and. .. 21 PRESCHOOL GIGGLE AND HOWL Here’s a silly game that puts everyone in a good mood! It doesn’t require any preparation and can be played indoors or outdoors For Ages: 2–5 Optional Ages: 6–9 Players Needed: 3 or more Object: To giggle and laugh when the handkerchief is in the air and to keep a straight face when it hits the ground HOW TO PLAY The kids stand “frozen” in a circle and can’t move until... game, and just keep playing until the kids stop giggling altogether PRIZES AND FAVORS • Offer the kids a home version of Giggle and Howl by giving each of them a colorful bandanna to play with at home • Keep the silly mood of the party going by giving everyone a cassette tape of silly songs or a joke book • If you use the soap bubble option, give all of the kids a bottle of bubble solution and bubble wands... Halloween party and, for a birthday party, a If a player can’t remember a movement or copies a movement incorrectly, she is out of the game and must leave the circle The last remaining player wins 16 TRADITIONAL GAMES • silly autobiography can be made up about the guest of honor TROUBLE-SHOOTING TIPS • Instead of having players leave the circle if they make a mistake, just say, “Oops, you goofed,” and either... good minimum distance) Pick one player to be the Octopus and have her stand in the area between the lines (the Ocean) The other players are the Little Fishes, and they stand behind one of the lines Their objective is to cross the Ocean and reach the other line without getting tagged by the Octopus To start the game, the Octopus yells, “Cross!” and all of the Little Fishes run across the Ocean to safety... must cross the Ocean Or the Octopus can shout out types of pets, and anyone with such a pet must run across—any category will do for this game, so get creative! • Once they’re caught, have the Tentacles stand still in various spots around the Ocean, and allow them to use only their arms and hands to tag the Little Fishes TRADITIONAL GAMES Materials Nee • A large outdoor are ded: a • Chalk or 2 long... wall A large picture of donkey and a do a tailless each player (av nkey tail for ailable at party supply stores, or own donkey and draw your tai • A blindfold, bandan ls) scarf, or eye ma na, large sk with the peepholes cover construction paped with black er • Tape • • PRIZES AND FAVORS TROUBLE-SHOOTING TIP • Blindfold the guest of honor, spin her around three times, and have her place a small goody... kids stand “frozen” in a circle and can’t move until freed by the “magic handkerchief.” When you toss the handkerchief up in the air, they must giggle and laugh out loud until the handkerchief hits the ground—then they have to stop instantly and become frozen again If any player breaks into a smile, giggle, or howl after the handkerchief hits the ground, he must leave the circle Continue until there... GAMES • • end of an egg and clean out the yolk by holding the egg upright and blowing through one hole The yolk will drip out of the other hole—you might need to use a pin or needle to break up the yolk if it won’t come out Then rinse the eggshell with water and let it dry thoroughly Once it’s dry, use a funnel to fill it with confetti, tape both holes closed, and give it to the kids to toss back and. .. the game and becomes Simon in the next round CREATIVE OPTIONS • You can play Simon if the group is made up of really young kids Sometimes playing the role of Simon is difficult, and the kids might find it more fun to be in the main group Be sure to include some silly commands like “Simon says burp” or “Simon says do a silly dance.” This is especially fun and silly when the kids come to the party in . Parties for Kids 2–12 Kids’ Party Games & Activities Kids’ Party Games & Activities