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ruby lecture english lesson

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Cấu trúc

  • Slide 1

  • Why Ruby?

  • Dynamic Programming Language

  • A Scripting language

  • Characteristics of Scripting Language

  • Principles of Ruby

  • The Principle of Least Surprise

  • Principle of Succinctness

  • Ruby is Truly Object-Oriented

  • Mixin

  • Slide 11

  • Module (self contained) and so can be class method.

  • mixin BigInteger

  • Using it…

  • Run time extend (add new or override existing methods)

  • Some Coding Conventions

  • Iterators

  • Dynamic Programming

  • Duck Typing

  • Duck Typing Example

  • Dynamic Language

  • The regular search path:

  • Dynamic Language Implementation

  • Dynamic Dispatch in C++

  • Dynamic Language

  • Reflection

  • Reflection

  • Looking at Objects

  • Slide 29

  • Looking Inside Objects

  • Looking at Classes

  • Slide 32

  • Scope

  • Scope

  • Tracing…

  • Scoping (again)

  • Getting the call stack

  • Call Stack

  • Marshalling

  • Marshalling

  • Problems with marshalling

  • Scope Reopening

  • Advantages

  • Scope reopening OO criticism

  • Closure

  • Closure – what can you do with them?

  • Compile Time? Runtime? Anytime!

  • Slide 48

  • Eval -

  • Criticisms of Ruby

Nội dung

            ! "   # $#   !  %&&     !  '  ! ( )  *    !&+&     ,!+   !  '&&     $! *+  $    -./  0      ,    0     0  !  12$  $! 3+) 4*+'    ()+1       !  (+ ( ' 5$$   2"0$ !2  %*67*6" ,08 %"  *"0$! 9.0::. 9.;:  9.<:  '()+ $  () 5=  8$   '>$    +"  )  3,! 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Ruby lets you perform this trick with ObjectSpace::each_object For example, to iterate over all objects of type Numeric, you'd write the following a = 102.7 b = 95 # Won't be returned c = 12345678987654321... examining all living objects in the system, these turn up as well To get ObjectSpace to work from Netbeans use option –X+O (O as in Oreo) Right click on Project name,  Select Properties  Click Run  Define Ruby Option  Looking Inside Objects  For instance, we can get a list of all the methods to which an object will respond r=1 10 num = 14 list = r.methods list.length # 60 list[0 3] # [exclude_end?, to_a,

Ngày đăng: 24/10/2014, 13:03


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